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tical law, but to the word of Christ, as the authority on which that law was founded, and by which it was to be directed and controlled. I need not speak of the arduous conflict that exercised the Church for some years before the Disruption, and that found its termination in that event.

God has, no doubt, called us now to an important and conspicuous position; and it is of the highest moment that we should be well instructed how to Occupy and improve it., We have seen manifest good effects of our recent change, in an awakened and revived power of religion in the souls of individuals, and, by their influence and example, throughout the land. Those who are on the Lord's side among us are now more separated to him and his cause than they were more alive to spiritual interests, active and strenuous in exertion-freer from worldly thoughts and anxieties-more generous and charity-living, we trust, more decidedly under the powers of the world to come, and fitter by that means to be soldiers of Jesus Christ and actors for him in every undertaking. We may, I think, appeal to the facts of the case, in the rapid rise of churches, in the provision made on the emergency for the support of the ministry, in the extended care for foreign stations, in the improved zeal of missionaries, and the general interest felt in all that concerns the Church and cause of Christ. I state these things, asI trust here I may, to the honour of God, in testimony, so far, of his acceptance of our work, and as fixing our obligation to push forward, striving with him for the furthering of these advantages. For if we should now stand still, how soon might it coine to be said that we had done nothing nothing as might appear, but mischief-unsettling the Church with divisions, raising what would be called a new sect, while leaving the work of Christ to find its own instruments, and to shift for itself in the base arena of human strife and party contention! But God has summoned us, I trust, to a higher and nobler vocation. Our care must be to work with him--to find out what he would have us to do, that we may fill up the wider sphere, the sacred opportunity, he has opened before us.

I enter on this subject at the request of your committee, not feeling qualified to enlighten you on topics with which you are all conversant, and to which we naturally give many serious thoughts, but to draw on discussion and bring out such suggestions as inay occur for the practical guidance of our proceed-catholic in their love-more open-hearted in their ings. The subject prescribed assumes that we have been engaged in earnest contendings, and have made some progress in upholding the cause of Christ and of his truth-facts which, to the honour of God, we cannot but humbly and thankfully own. If the impressions I received while attending college, and in the first years of my ministry, did not deceive me, our Church, at and after the close of the last century, was, to a great extent, lukewarm, unfaithful, and inefficient a secular, rather than a spiritual institute. Many of her ministers, it is true, were deservedly and highly esteemed; and their piety and zeal were the more conspicuous from contrast with surrounding deadness: men who, in respect of the govern ment of the Church, still upheld in argument those sound principles which had been departed from in practice, and who devoted themselves more entirely to their pulpit and pastoral duties, from feeling they could effect little in Church courts. The present century witnessed a gradual improvement, both in the number of faithful men and in their zeal and influence; a few chosen. instruments, reared by the special favour of God, leading the way, and attracting kindred spirits to the cause of truth and godliness. This salutary infusion, operating at first in particular parishes and localities, extended its influence by degrees, and began to show itself Now, in a position like ours, dangers arise, not only more and more openly in our presbyteries, synods, from the general instability and weakness of human and General Assemblies-where important principles nature, but from various circumstances, both prosaffecting the honour and authority of the great Head perous and adverse. It strikes me, first, that we are of the Church, and the privileges and duties of his in danger of overlooking and undervaluing the signal professing people, became the subject of frequent help giren us of God, the marked answers vouchsafed and earnest discussion; while the appeal for final to our united supplications, when in circumstances of decision was made, not only, as had been too exclu- perplexity, the events occurring so seasonably at critisively the mode in a preceding period, to ecclesias-cal moments for guiding our views and confirming No. LI.

MARCH, 1848.

our purposes. Some fresh inroad on the Church's |
rights aroused our jealousy; some perverse acquies-
cence on the part of subservient presbyters required
to be withstood; some successful assertion of prin-
ciple on our part encouraged the prosecution of our
claims. On many occasions we felt assured, I trust
not mistakenly, that God had heard our prayers and
marked out our path, so that, having put our hand
to the plough, we were not at liberty to look back.
But if so, must we not regard the work as his? And
is it not a solemn thing to have his cause intrusted to
us, and to be called to act as fellow-workers with
him? Nothing could more defeat our object and
neutralize our past attainments, than that we should,
like the unfaithful Israelites, lose sight of the arm
of the Lord so peculiarly held out for our defence
and guidance, and sink into the position of men acting
forth emselves, in their own cause, for their own ends.
Again; with respect to the great principles which
compelled our separation from the Establishment,
founded in the Word of God, and countenanced, as
we have experienced, by the divine approbation,
there may be danger on the one hand-now that
the contest is over, and the object, as far as we are
concerned in it, in great measure (attained-of
slighting their importance; or, on the other hand, of
too greatly magnifying it. The example of a Church
so entire and well constituted as ours, and drawing
its support wholly from the attachment of the peo-
ple, is an object of interest to the whole of Christen-
dom. Its honour, consistency, and preservation,
should be very precious to us. Our youth should
grow up instructed in its principles, and the ministry
be qualified at all times for their exposition and de-
fence. Yet subjects which we have been led closely
to study, from their requiring a practical decision at
our hands-points of conscience in regard to what we
have been called to contend and suffer for-may have
attained disproportionate magnitude in our eyes,
and become endeared to us beyond other points, not
less valuable, that have not been placed in jeopardy.
We may be apt to give them a higher or more ex-
clusive position in our creed than their general or re-
lative importance entitles them to; or to press their
acceptance on others not circumstanced as we have
been, with stronger urgency than their case requires;
or to under-rate those who do not see their import-
ance, and are still tolerant of the abuses which our
principles lead us to renounce and condemn. If we
have been led, by the teaching of God's providence,
as well as of his Word, to important conclusions, it
becomes us to regard with candour those who have
not had the same lessons pressed upon them, and,
while maintaining the truth against error on either
side, to avoid indiscriminate censure of those who
differ from us. If we think that others have some-
thing to learn of us, we should consider that we also
may have something to learn of them. We are the
movement party, the reformers, who should hold our-
selves in a state of progress. We are yet in the con-
flict, have thrown away the scabbard, and must not
think of self-satisfied repose when so much remains
to be done.

And with respect to those who were formerly united with us by a closer tie than their sitting on the same side with us in Church courts, it becomes us to be modest as well as tender in our conclusions. Men may err morally, or they may err intellectually. They might see our object to be very desirable, and yet recoil from the strong, almost self-destroying

wrench, as it might appear to them, which proved ultimately the only way by which it could be attained. They might even approve and admire in us, who saw our way clear, a step which their convictions did not impel them to take along with us. They let the opportunity slip-we know not with what misgivings and sorrow of heart in some instances. We are not judges in other men's matters; and are not to reject but receive those that are weak in the faith, who may be acting honestly according to their light, and who, we may have reason to believe, labour usefully and live holily. Where we have not met with dissimulation, double-mindedness, or persecuting animosity, we may discard all party feeling, and think how we may best promote in them, as in others, whatever is good, not denying to any who wish it communication and conference with us. We have seen most reforming and seceding movements come too soon to a close, confining themselves to a band of zealous adherents, whose numbers were seldom increased by accessions from without. We are not so peculiar and distinct from all other Protestant and Presbyterian bodies as to hold association only with those of our own name, or, like Papists and Protestants after the Reformation, to shun all contact with the opposite ranks. It is not by cold and alienated demeanour, but by cordiality and attraction, that strangers will be engaged to inquire into our principles, and to feel happy in uniting with us. Let it not be remarked of us, as of too many theological polemics, that the less the difference the stronger the antipathy and the stricter the separation.-It should be a point indubitably fixed with us, that we never again form a Church half Moderate and half Evangelical. The mixture of this kind that has subsisted in times past, fully accounts in my mind for the deterioration and decay of the Church under all its former revivals and restorations. Let us be, at all events, pure, singlehearted, and united, whether poor and depressed or prosperous and advancing; and as to the rest, guarding against bigotry and needless isolation, we may leave it to our almighty Guide to shape our course and direct our steps in matters of alliance and association.

Again; the hardships and sufferings of our own ministers, affecting them in different degrees, may be ranked among the occasions of danger. We all know that trials of any kind, if severe and protracted, prove temptations. When compelled to encounter lengthened toils, we grow weary and sigh for rest; when subjected to losses and disasters, we become dissatisfied and impatient; when treated unkindly and injuriously, we resent and perhaps retort the injury." If this is natural and almost unavoidable, it is the more necessary to guard well our spirits, that we be not foiled in the conflict; that we do not grow weary before the victory is won, nor cease, though faint, to continue pursuing; that when offended, we "be angry and sin not;" that when pressed with "be not overcome of evil, but many hardships, we overcome evil with good." Some of our brethren have been called to the arduous duties prescribed the first Christians, to suffer loss for Christ's sake with many anxieties and privations, and yet to return good for evil, benefits for injuries, blessings and prayers for contumely and reproach. But this is a task peculiarly requiring divine assistance, and fulfilled only by those who walk closely and humbly with God.-It ought to be an unceasing care with us to keep our congregations in a lively and exerting

position with respect to the interests of the Church, and the suitable support of her ministry: and as the talent and influence necessary for these ends are not found in every locality, it is the more important that all our districts be visited periodically by deputations -to inspect congregations as to their general progress and improvement, their arrangements with regard to elders, deacons, and collectors, and their practical attention to the duties imposed upon them by the peculiar circumstances of the Free Church. As in the case of Missionary and Bible Societies, the spirit of the cause is enlivened, and the returns become more liberal, through the appeals of strangers, concurring with the general recommendations of their regular pastors.

Again; our change of situation exposes us to the danger of contracting our views of ministerial obligation; of withdrawing our concern from the population at large, to fix it too exclusively on our congregations and those who range themselves among the adherents of the Free Church; and of foregoing the benefit of that territorial or parochial division which we have been used to deem of high account, as bringing all the inhabitants of every portion of the land under moral and religious superintendence. We should guard in this quarter against any loss to the general interests of religion, or to our own fruitfulness and increase. Our interests and obligations are by no means diminished toward those who acknowledge no ministry, and for whose souls no man careth. As far as means and ability admit, we are debtors to all men, and should have in view to prosecute every where the work of Christ. In the meantime, the undertaking is large; and I know not whether the result might not be more effective by strengthening and perfecting what we take in hand, rather than weakening our efforts by too widely extending them. I would not make a point, in the first instance, of having a Free Church everywhere; but with full consideration of the importance of the sphere, the urgency of the call, and the means of grace that may be otherwise in operation.

Furthermore; we had need of all our strength in exercise, if, having made some progress, we would not slide back again, and lose the things that we have wrought. Times of degeneracy have often trodden | fast on the heels of times of revival. The men who were instruments in restoring the work of God have seemed to carry their work away with them, not leaving a race of successors to support and bear it forward after they were removed. We know the rises and falls that have been experienced in our ●wn Church and land; and how unequal the returns, in a national point of view, to the apparent power put forth, the energy of the leaders, the examples exhibited, the instrumentality called into exercise! I speak of facts, not at present investigating their causes. In England, the decayed state of religion has, from time to time, made room for the rise of new forms of Christian profession, originating with those whose hearts impelled them to sock for more effective and vital godliness. From this necessity of conscience, as one may say, sprung forth, centuries ago, numerous classes of Nonconformists, composed extensively of serious and earnest Christians; and, in later times, the Methodists, followers of Whitefield and Wesley, who, in their different communities, have redeemed the land in many parts from absolute heathenism, have stirred up the latent energies of the Church, and by accomplishing great

| good, have entitled themselves to a lasting and honourable name among the servants and labourers in Christ's vineyard. Others of inferior note have started, not without a similar aim; but, being defective in sound principle, and betrayed by vanity into divisive paths, their little light has soon gone out, leaving no continuing effect. Of this class we might instance, in our own days, our friends the Rowites, and those called Plymouth Brethren, comprising good men, but molesting the Church with folly and needless peculiarities; whose course is likely to close with their existing race of adherents. Those, who have gone before, are for example and for warning: those who stand, whoever they be, must stand by faith and in faithfulness.

It will not answer our purpose to have had great leaders, a righteous cause, a good beginning, if we fall from our first works. God is not the partisan of any of our Christian denominations, as such. He may appear again where we are least disposed to expect him. The true temple was at Jerusalem; but Samaria was not left without her warning messages and her august prophets. The Lord is sometimes found of those who sought not after him, and renews his grace to the descendants of his ancient servants who seemed out of the way to find it. He may again provoke his slumbering hosts, as in the most eminent instance upon record, by calling in those who seem "not a people, and bringing in a foolish nation to anger them." The lesson I would deduce, my brethren, is, that we walk humbly and circumspectly, if we would walk surely: not looking behind, to boast or to be cast down: not troubling ourselves with others, whether they honour or despise us, whether they err or act wisely: but, with a loving and Christ-like spirit to all who love and are like him, that we fix our eyes on the Lord's work around us on the scattered multitudes who are not gathered, but left as outcasts from all Churches-on the devotion he claims of us-on the work that is yet to be done ere his word and will are accomplished in the world.

I would venture to say that I rejoice in the measure of progress we have made, greatly aided by our Disruption, towards a right state of feeling in regard to those religious professors who differ from us and adhere to other communions. It is not by an assumption of superiority, or by a struggle for a name, that we attain to honour, or convince others that the Lord is on our side. It is by our fruits in the world and in the Church at large, that we must be content to be known; and not by the fruits already matured and gathered in, but by the fresh harvest or each succeeding year, by untiring assiduity, and ever-wakeful perseverance. It does not signify to us whether the Free Church, in time to come, draw the other Churches into communion with herself; or whether, by the extension of pure and catholic principles everywhere, she come to be absorbed by any larger and more prevalent party. It will be well for her if she has done the Lord's work in its season-testified for and sustained important truths, and the honour and consistency of Scotland's National Church through times of pressure and trial. Her work cannot be thrown away. It rests with the Lord of all to determine how he will use and dis pose of her We see that other parties that have risen and attained to great eminence, have been brought, through their very popularity and the extent of their influence, to relax their purity; and,

embracing too much of the worldly element, have come, in the course of time, to be no better than others; so that the being one of them implies no higher character than the being one of any other denomination. Whether or not it may be so with us must depend entirely on the energy of divine grace imparted, and the wisdom, fervency, and moderation with which our work is pursued and our position maintained.

the cause to which we are pledged. O let us throw aside every weight-all that shuts us in and contracts our usefulness-all that might withhold other good men from cordially approving and joining with us--all that might in any wise limit our affections and straiten us in our bowels of kindness and brotherhood toward them.

Among the graces that distinguished the beloved Chalmers, none, we all feel, added so much to the result of the whole, as that cordial impulsive outgoing of the heart toward all good men-t -that instinct which led him, without mistake, to fix upon what was good in them--that hopefulness which tends to make men better by making the best of them. He knew full well wherein creeds differ; but the differences betwixt good men of different Churches seemed hardly known to him. His aspect was that of welcome and benevolent esteem of all right-hearted Christians, of joy in their usefulness, and hearty ap

in their plans. His wide British and European reputation was greatly enhanced by these Christian manifestations. Personal intercourse never failed to rivet and increase the attraction that had been awakened by his name.

Our prescribed subject further suggests for our consideration the Lord's more recent dealings with us, and the call they address to us. In surveying the late dispensations of Providence, we cannot but deeply deplore the removal of valued and eminent men from among us; yet can hardly, perhaps, regard these events as chastisements or tokens of evil import. For is there not cause, in the case of our revered fathers withdrawn, greatly to rejoice in their work accomplished, in the time they were continued with us, and even in the appropriate season of their depar-preciation of all that was applicable to good purposes ture, that seemed in a manner to banish tears, to fix our eyes on their reward, and to beckon us to come after? We may speak again of our beloved Chalmers, since he has gone from us. Did not his term seem extended, his pristine vigour again renewed, in application to our circumstances? To what eminent purpose has he since lived! How effectively has he thought, spoken, written, and acted! The fire and splendour of his earlier eloquence seemed to me in a degree outdone by the practical directness, the vigorous sense, the winning but inspiriting simplicity of his late productions-in what he wrote, for instance, in the "Monthly Communications," not less than in his more sacred meditations. And what a blessing and benefit must we esteem it, that, having seen his plans matured and put into successful operation, he had an opportunity of bearing his dying testimony, as it proved, in our favour before a Committee of the Legislature appointed to inquire into our wrongs.

If we would speak of others, honoured and beloved, who have disappeared from our circle, as Drs. Brown, Duncan, Muirhead, Brewster, we cannot say but that their years were crowned with increase, and that they fell ripe in good fruits, though not when the Church below was willing to part with them. As to those valued brethren, too soon withdrawn-the honoured Speirs, the amiable Hamilton; Stewart, on whom desiring eyes were set; Macdonald, not less lamented than any, though falling in a distant landand him, never to be forgotten, who, as moderator, stood in the van, and led the ranks of the secessionthe stroke seems more premature; and if the promise of any term of years were among the conditions of the new covenant, would appear to us more desolating and afflictive: but with respect to them we must say that, in his good time, the Lord took them, and they art not, for they are with him, and we would not keep them back from their reward. Yet it is right we should question ourselves if there be not a voice of judgment in these dispensations, when God recalls his best gifts, and impoverishes our vineyard by cutting down our choicest plants. What we want is, a race of successors; that, whether as a distinctive branch of the Church below, or embracing and amalgamating with others like-minded with ourselves, no blank may appear, no lack be sustained, but the work of the Lord be borne up and carried forward, with extended ranks and deepened files, corresponding with the compass and magnitude of


These numerous losses summon us to humiliation and prayer, and an earnest inquiry what the Lord would have us do; and they remind us of dangers that may rise out of them. Is there not danger of divided opinions, and perhaps conflicting parties, now that those are gone whose tried wisdom and legitimate influence used to unite us? Are we sure to yield to prudent counsel, on the ground of its own worth, the respect we could not withhold from it when commended by the acknowledged eminence of the counsellor? In such circumstances the apostle's warnings are especially applicable: "Let no man think of himself more highly than he ought to think."

"Let nothing be done through strife or vain-glory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than himself."--" Be of one mind and of one judgment."-"Let all your things be done in charity."

Another matter suggests itself as demanding circumspection. From the lowly condition of our Church in respect of the good things of this life, we may expect that the ministry will be re-inforced generally from the humbler walks of society; and such, for the most part, is the place occupied by Christ's followers in the world. From among these, through God's favour, have sprung up apostles and leaders whose honoured names transcend all distinctions of parentage and descent. But we should be watchful, for the honour of the ministry, not to introduce into it those who are unfit to sustain it, while we seek by all means to promote to it those whom God has endowed with gifts suitable for the office; and, above all, whom he has baptized with his Holy Spirit, to carry about with them the savour of the Gospel they teach. It would be well, with this view, that bursaries and exhibitions should be confined to their peculiar object of encouraging scholarship and superior attainments in connection with piety, and not bestowed as a bounty on poverty, or a lure to mistaken ambition. And if, as a true Church, we leaven and bend the hearts of the community to us, and engage some of the rich as well as the poor, in this land of aristocratic distinctions, it should be deemed an honour among these to contribute, not of their substance only, but of themselves, to the Lord; that there may not be wanting at any time means of

access, through social and family connection, to all orders in the community; that our statements may obtain attention from the Legislature when we have occasion to appeal to it; and that the higher classes be not unnecessarily alienated or excluded from our religious intercourse. I should regret to see among us what I have observed among the Dissenters in England that the ministry is left to recruit its ranks almost entirely from humble life, and by means of education obtained at eleemosynary institutions— scarcely any Dissenters who have advanced themselves in society wishing that destination for their sons, nor themselves honouring their Church with such liberality as might recommend it to those who have otherwise the means of doing well in the world. We would desire that our adherents were, through God's grace, more generously minded toward his cause, and the ministry held in the highest honour as a profession by all who desire its benefits.

While we ask from each other the word of advice and admonition, and desire to have deeply impressed on our hearts a sense of our duties and obligations, we should do ill to forget the high encouragements which our peculiar circumstances have called forth; for what manifestations of power and goodness have the last five years brought us acquainted with, which would have been lost but for the bereaved and desolate circumstances in which we were placed! How little could we tell, as the crisis drew near, what were to be its consequences! yet how little, as the event has proved, had we to fear! nay, what causes of joy and thankfulness beyond our expectation! None of us has had cause to tire of the Master we serve, or of the work he gives us to do; or would even wish to exchange our circumstances of trust and dependence for the things in which the world places its confidence. Mountains of difficulty have been moved out of the way--the rough places made smooth; and whatever work presented itself to be done, the means were as readily supplied for carrying it into effect. Should not this establish our faith, and lead us to walk on in simplicity wherever duty calls us? We see great things to be done, but the thought of the work need not oppress us; it falls not to us to distribute and arrange it. We have seen it adjust itself—the work to the day, and the day to the work. When much was to be accomplished, strength has been given in proportion; so that what were great things came to appear small, passing over without haste or perturbation, and giving place to what was next required; which, in its turn, though arduous, proved again, through strength received, equally easy of accomplishment. When the Lord himself directed the casting of the net, however great the multitude of the fishes, "yet was not the net broken." know, by experience, that it is blessed to live in his service, and have confidence that to die in it, whenever he calls, is great gain. Let our motto be, "Fear not; only believe: all things are possible to him that believeth."


THE THIRD FRENCH REVOLUTION. ANOTHER French Revolution has taken place. The throne of Louis Philippe, founded on the famous three days of July, 1830, has been overturned by three days, destined to be not less famous, in February, 1848. Most of our readers will, ere this, be in possession of the general fact thus stated; but though our limits do not permit us to attempt anything like

a detailed account, it may be well to give a brief out line of the memorable event.

For a considerable time past the policy of Louis Philippe has given great and increasing dissatisfaction to the popular party in France. He has been too evidently aiming at the aggrandizement of his family, as was peculiarly manifest in the base case of the young Queen of Spain and the Montpensier marriage; and he has been entering into intimate relations with the despotic governments of Europe. Certain recent events have also tended to cast discredit and suspicion upon the conduct of the court, the ministry, and the supporters of its retrogressive policy. Instances of gross corruption on a very large scale have been proved against the ministry, too glaring for even French morality to endure; and some of the late atrocious scenes of infamy and murder, perpetrated by the nobility, have tended greatly to increase the nation's dislike of such persons, and distrust of a government in which they could exercise influence. Many of the public measures of the administration were unpopular, both with regard to foreign diplomacy, and with regard to the mode in which the elections of the deputies, or members of parliament, were carried on. The mind of the community began to be directed towards measures of electoral reform; and for some time past it had become a favourite method of rousing the attention of the public to hold reform dinners, at which speeches were made of a highly exciting character, not only indicating the feeling which had become prevalent, but greatly increasing and confirming it. This might have been regarded as sufficiently alarming to demand some concessions. But the King of the French appears to have foreseen such a possibility some years since, and to have devised the means of suppressing it, should it arise. On the pretext of guarding Paris against the contingent danger of being again taken by invaders, as it had been in 1814, before Napoleon's first abdication, it was proposed to surround it with fortifications. The Parisians received this proposal with delight; and for several years past the utmost skill of military science has been employed in the construction of a complete ring of defensive works around that city. Some thoughtful persons regarded these military works as more likely to be used for the purpose of commanding Paris, than for its defence. It seemed tolerably evident, that if these works were held by an army devoted to the King, it would be very easy to suppress any revolutionary movement in Paris, not by attacking the people in the streets, but by locking them in within the girdle of circumvallation, and starving them to a surrender. These fortifications had been finished, and the King of the French appears to have thought that he might now bid defiance to any popular and insurrectionary move


The Chambers had met, and commenced their de liberative duties. The ministry had declared against the agitations for reform which had been going on throughout the kingdom. The opposition members had intimated the design of holding a great reform banquet in Paris itself. This the ministry resolved to prevent; and as there existed a law forbidding more than twenty persons to meet together and discuss public affairs, recourse was had to this law as authority for preventing the intended reform banquet from being held. On Monday, 21st February, the King determined to suppress the banquet by force if necessary; and placards were issued, one by the Government

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