Abbildungen der Seite

his knowledge of which he was ulti-
mately indebted for his success in life,
His first situation was that of Captain's
Clerk, in a ship of war, on the Jamaica
station, 1763, In this capacity he con-
ducted himself so well, as to be made a
Purser in the Navy, from which employ-
ment he was taken by the Earl of Sand-
wich, then at the head of the Admiralty,
and introduced to Lord North, who ap-
pointed him one of the Secretaries of
the Treasury. This office he resigned
on the formation of the coalition be-
tween Lord North and Mr. Fox.

On the subsequent elevation of Mr. Pitt, who had many opportunities of appreciating the talents of Mr. Rose, the latter was replaced in his office, and continued as senior to hold that important situation, with a seat in Parliament, for many years.

In 1801, he retired from office with Mr. Pitt, and afterwards returned to that illustrious Statesman to participate in the labours of office, as joint PayThe Master-General of the Forces. death of his patron in 1806, once more removed Mr. Rose, but on the retirement of his opponents, he was appointed to the office of Treasurer of the Navy, which he held till his decease. Latterly the important office of Presidency of the Board of Trade was chiefly executed by the Right Honourable Frederick Ro binson. The lucrative situation of Clerk of Parliament was several years since conferred on Mr. Rose as an ulterior provision, aud in consideration of his long faithful and important services. This situation was given him with the reversion to his eldest son Geo. Henry Rose, Esq. M.P. for Southamp ton, and now Minister at the Court of Munich-a gentleman of considerable talents and highly cultivated mind. He was brought up at Winchester, under the celebrated Dr. Joseph Warton, and went through the school with great reputation to himself and credit to the character of that celebrated seminary.

Of the other situations above-mentioned which Mr. Rose held, that of President to the Board of Trade was gratuitously executed by him; that of Verderer of the New Forest was little more than nominal, and the Keepership of the Records was but of slender emolument: while in the various offices which he filled, his active liberality was continually shewn in numerous instances of public good, by which he promoted the interests and comfort of those whose

condition in life came more immedi
ately within the compass of his official
He was a great
power to improve.
promoter of the Fisheries, which gave
employment and food to the poor and
wealth to the kingdom. He was the
patron of Friendly Societies, and as
such brought in several bills to protect
and render them permanent. On these
he grafted the institution of Saving
Banks,, and encouraged them by every
means in his power. As Treasurer of
the Navy, he introduced such whole,
some regulations as effectually protect-
ed our brave tars from the rapacity and
frauds of navy agents to which they had
been long subjected. In almost every
list of patriotic and charitable Institu-
tions his benevolence had enrolled his
name, and his unostentatious desire to
contribute to their support, proved the
In all
generous kindness of his nature.
his beneficent actions, his great object
was to render them permanently useful;
and as one instance of his readiness to
promote the good of others rather than
his own individual benefit, the follow-
ing fact may be recorded:-When the
vicarage of Christ Church, of which he
was patron, became vacant some years
ago, Mr. Rose, regardless of the appli-
cations which were made to him by some
of his friends in behalf of their relatives
or acquaintances, wrote to the Bishop
of Lincoln, desiring him to recommend
some clergyman of small income but ap
proved principles and conduct, emi-
nently qualified for such a charge. His
lordship with the same laudable view,
passed over those who sought his inter-
est, and without solicitation introduced
the present worthy incumbent to Mr.
Rose, who immediately gave him the

As a private friend, Mr. Rose's deportment was uniformly marked by the most steady and sincere principles of friendship; never making promises nor even holding out expectations which he did not know he could realize. He' possessed much complacency of mind and a benignant inclination to assist all to whom he could render service at any opportunity.

In his domestic character, he was affectionate, tender, and earnest in every relation. In short, in all the various paths of life in which he moved, he was active, laborious, useful, friendly, benevolent. and unaffectedly kind. The death of such a man, therefore, is painfully and justly regretted by all who had mind and

heart enough to estimate him as he deserved.

Mr. Rose possessed much literary talent, which was displayed to great advantage in 1777, when he superintended the publication of the Journals of the House of Lords, in 31 folio volumes.

In 1794, he became executor to the venerable Earl of Marchmont, who bequeathed to him his large collection of books, manuscripts, and coins. The dessertation, on Doomsday book in Nash's History of Worcestershire is from Mr. Rose's pen, and he was the author of the following tracts:

nada, comprehend, on the Caribbean Sea, all the coast which extends from the frontiers of Guatimala, as far as the Point of Gallinas, beyond the Bay of Handa; and in the South Sea, from the province of Veragues, as far as the val ley of Tumbes, in Peru; and from thence describing an arch from southwest to north-east, which, touching the river Apure, enters the lake of Maracaybo, occupying a space of 64,520 square leagues, of 25 to the equatorial de. gree.

The population, according to the last official report made to the Independent General Government at Santa Fe, in 1813, amounts to near three millions.

The Proposed System of Trade with Ireland explained, 8vo. 1785; A Brief Examination into the Increase of the Re- The coinage at the two mints of Santa venue, Commerce, and Manufactures of Fe di Bogota, the capital, a magnificent Great Britain, Svo. 1796; Considerations city of forty thousand inhabitants, and on the Debt of the Civil List, 8vo. 1802; of Popayan, amounted to an average of Observations on the Historical Work of 2,500,000 piastres; the total produce of the late Right Hon. C. J. Fox, 4to. 1809; the mines of gold and silver, amounts Letters to Lord Melville respecting a annually to about 3,500,000 piastres. Naval Arsenal at Northfleet, 8vo. 1810; Observations respecting the Public Expenditure and the Influence of the Crown, 8vo. 1810; Substance of bis Speech in the House of Commons, 8vo. 1811;-His speech on the Corn Laws in 1814, and on the Property Tax in 1815, were also printed, but this is supposed to have been done without his authority.

We shall here close our Memoir of this excellent man with a quotation of a passage from a Divine who wrote in the beginning of the last century, and which one of our cotemporaries has most appropriately attached to a biographical notice of Mr. Rose.—“ The more and greater places he went through the more and greater proofs he still gave of a capacity above them, and of a mind above all corruption-so that he was allowed to get a great estate in places at Court, without even having his integrity once called in question-a rare felicity with our great men, and scarce ever to be expected in a kingdom divided as this is, where in great part, if not half the nation, sets itself to believe and to speak ill of the other." Eyre's Funeral Sermon for Sir Stephen Fox, 8vo. 1716. H. G. W.

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The value of goods imported from Europe into New Grenada, was, before the Revolution, 5,7000,000 piastres annually; in the year 1810, the exports alone amounted to four millions, in which are included, to the value of 600,000 of platina and pearls.

The revenue of the Federate Provinces of New Grenada, even after the sup pression, by the Independent Government, of the tribute paid by the Indians, of the odious tax upon provisions, of the sale of public employments, and of PAPAL BULLS and DISPENSATIONS: and after, moreover, the general diminution of all the import duties, amounted in 1814, to 3.273,000 piastres.

The kingdom of New Grenada, from its geographical situation, the quality and species of its produce, its great number of ports, both in the Atlantic and South Sea, and its connection with all the interior provinces through innu. merable navigable rivers, promises a more frequent, convenient, and useful intercourse with foreign merchants, than any other part of Spanish America,

The Province of Choco is watered by the river San Juan, which enters the Pacific Ocean; an artificial branch of this river, called the Raspadura, at 5. 10. north latitude, and navigable for canoes, communicates with the river Atrato, which enters the Gulph of Da

Pacific and Atlantic are in positive navigable communication.

From the coast of New Grenada, to the mountains of Panama, Antioquia

Choco, and Popayan, and the provinces of Cundinamarca, Socorro, and Ocana, there exists a convenient navigation, through the rivers Charge, Atrato, Since, and Magdalina; and through the Cauca, Sanjorge, Cesar, Sogamoso, and Carare, tributaries to the Magdalina. The provine of Pamplona, the most eastern of the northern part of New Grenada, has a free intercourse through Venezuela to the sea, by the river Sul lia, which enters the Lake of Maraycaybo. The river of the Amazons forms the southern boundary, the Oronoco the south-east, and connecting by itself or by its tributaries, the Apure, Mita, and Guzabero; the provinces of Guy. ana, Cumana, Caraccas, Casanare, and Cundinamarca; moreover by the rivers Ytapa, Maho, and Maceroni, a direct communication may exist into the Essequibo, thus connecting Dutch Guyana with the most interior provinces of New Grenada, watered by the Rio Negro. All these rivers, except the Magdalina and Sullia, have the convenience of fresh breezes. The Oronoco and its tributaries have constant breezes and prevalent winds, according to the season of the year. None of them have a sensible tide. The Magdalina rises twice a year; the Oronoco is six months rising, and six months falling, but their currents are constantly soomth and gentle the velocity of the Magdalina in the narrows, is about two miles and a quar, ter per hour; that of the Oronoco is less; hence the advantage of steamboat navigation in these rivers may be conceived.

From Panama to Guayaquel, in the Pacific Ocean, through the Isthmus, is carried on almost the whole commerce of Peru and even Chili; and the communication with the provinces of New Spain, on the South Sea coast, and with the northern provinces of Rio de la Plata, is cheaper and more speedy through the Isthmus than by Veracruz and Buenos Ayres. I have already observed that the communication between the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean, which has so much occupied the attention of learned and mercantile men, exists really and effectually through the Raspadura, by which the Cocoa of Guayaquel is brought to Carthagena.

The gold nines alone of New Grenada yield annually the value of 2,500,000 piastres. The province of Choco might alone produce annually more than twenty thousand marks, or 12,000lb,

troy weight of gold, if in better peopling this region, which is one of the most fertile of the new Continent, the Government would turn its attention to the progress of agriculture.

Of silver there are very rich veins in the Vega de Supia. These mines, which supply both gold and silver, were only discovered within these 25 years. The operations have been interrupted, in consequence of a lawsuit between the proprietors taking place at the very time when the most abundant minerals were found. As to the old silver mines of Pamplona, and those of St. Anna, near Mariquita, they have been abandoned by order of the late Spanish Viceroy, on account of some misunderstanding in the mode of working them. No doubt, in better times, the Government will again endeavour to resume these works, as well as the works of Santo Christo de las Laxsas, and others near the river Guarino, which formerly furnished very considerable quantities of silver.

America, in its present state, is dependent on Europe with respect to mercury; but it is probable that this dependency will not be of long duration. The spirit of enterprise and research will increase with the freedom and population of the country. If small veins of cinnabar, merely uncovered at their surface, like the present works at Huancavelica, yield annually 3000 quintals of mercury, we cannot entertain a doubt that works of investigation, directed with intelligence, will one day produce more mercury than is requisite for all the amalgamation of South America. The works of the celebrated mine of Almaden, notwithstanding their being partly inundated, have received such improvements, since 1802, as to furnish 20,000 quintals annually. In the kingdom of New Grenada mercury is found in three different places; namely, in the Valle di Santa Rosa, in the province of Antioquia, in the mountain of Quindiu, near Carthago, and in the province of Quito, near Quenea. Very abundant mines of lead, iron, and copper, are worked in the province of Socorro: of the latter metal, the Independent General Mac Gregor cast cannon in the year 1813.

Mines of emeralds exist no where

but in New Grenada, in the province of Muso; the most exquissile pearls belong to Rio de Hacha and Panama; and platina is only to be met with ia

Choco and Popayan. The coffee of Muso is equal to that of Moka, and probably the epoch is not far distant when it will not be necessary to make a voyage to Asia for tea, cinnamon, and other spices, which abound in the Valley of Bogota, on the sublime sides of Quinidio, and on the banks of its majestic rivers.

To complete the view of the riches and advantages possessed by the United Provinces of New Grenada, it remains to mention coal and rock salt; of the former there are abundant strata in the Valley of Bogota, some of which are of the height of 8,200 feet above the level of the sea; and of the latter an inexhaustible store in the mines of Zipaquira, in the interior of the kingdom, where it is most wanted.

Thus the United Provinces of New Grenada, the centre betweeu Asia, Europe, and the United States, through which Asia is nearer to Europe several thousand miles, by the communication between the two great oceans; which is divided in every direction by the loftiest mountains and finest rivers, presenting such geographical and topographical advantages for war or commerce, and which has in its various provinces all the climates and all the productions of the world, must always hold the first place among the different parts of Spanish America.

Tothe Editor of the European Magazine.


IN looking over some old papers

New South Wales. By exploring this Strait, they found Captain Cook's con. jecture had been well founded; the Straits are about three leagues broad. and sufficiently navigable for ships of any size, and, from what we can learn, free from any shoals. The country is covered with abundance of large trees; one, in particular, much resembling the English oak. To these Straits Captain Hayes gave the name of Pruen's Straits, in compliment to Captain Pruen, of the Honourable Company's Marine. From thence the ships proceeded to New Zealand; of their transactions there we have no account, but find they afterwards steered for New Guinea, where finding abundance of nutmegs of the round species, which seemed only to require cultivation to render them equal to those of the Banda Islands, Captain Hayes landed some of his peo ple, formed a small settlement, and encouraged the natives to the cultiva tion of that spice, and also the col lection of a bark of a tree of a strong aromatic taste. We conceive this to be the same bark mentioned by Captain Thomas Forrest, in his Voyage to New Guinea in the Tartar Galley, and which he calls the Musol. Captain Hayes left the Duchess, Captain Court, and fifteen Europeans, hehind him, to take care of his young settlement, and proceeded himself to Timor, Batavia, and China."

[blocks in formation]

To the Editor of the European Magazine.
Ware, Aug. 20, 1818.


lately, I found the following memorandum, extracted from the Madras Couriers of the 21st and 28th January, H

1795; and being desirous of ascertaining whether the settlement, said in those papers to have been formed by Captain Hayes, on the North Coast of New Guinea, has succeeded, or has been subsequently withdrawn, I shall be much obliged to any of your Correspondents, conversant with Indian affairs, to give me the information sought, through the medium of your valuable and entertaining Miscellany.

"The Duke of Clarence, Captain Hayes, and the Duchess, Captain Court, sailed from Bengal on a secret expedition. They proceeded to that part of Van Diemen's Land, where Captain Cook imagined it was divided from

AVING heard it remarked theother day, that instances of the palsy are they were formerly, I could wish to very rare in the present age, to what learn, through the medium of your valuable Miscellany, whether such is the fact; and if so, what cause can be as signed for its almost total disappearance. No doubt some of your Cor respondents will think this question worthy of their attention.

I have the honour to be, Sir,
Your obedient bumble servant,

* These Straits are now denominated Bass's Straits; but if Captain Hayes was the first discoverer, they ought to retain the name he originally gave them.

EXTRACTS FROM A LAWYER'S state, with only one servant, a man as


(Concluded from page 13 )

T has pleased one of the merriest

merry and useful, but as oddly shaped and as much dreaded by the neighbourhood, as the lubber-fiend of Miltou's days. His master was known in

I writers of this age to call courts that little circle by the name of Old

of law the chimnies of society, through which all the smoke and black vapours find a vent; thence inferring, that the sweepers must have black hands. I am not qualified to decide whether these chimnies of the moral world could be cleansed by besoms, or other machines, as satisfactorily as by human sweepers, alias lawyers. Let future parliaments consider this, as our's have bountifully compassionated a fraternity of the same colour. I comfort myself by remembering, that my profession acquaints me particularly with the firesides of my fellow creatures, and that the stains on our hands may be washed away.

There was once in the North of England a half-forsaken bye-road, which led the traveller round the skirts of a wide woody garden, from whence a fight of stone steps ascended to a green ter race, where stood the remuant of an ancient building, called the Brother's House. It owed this name to the appropriation of the mansion in other times to a Moravian fraternity, long since dissolved. A few flat tablets scattered among the neglected flowers in the garden, distinguish the spots sanctified by their remains; and the last inhabitant of the Brother's House might have been mistaken for one of their society. But though his habits now appeared so simple and sequestered, he had acted a cele brated part on the great theatre of life. His genius and sensibility had been blunted in his youth by too early in heritance of rank and fortune, yet he did not become, like the prodigal of the seventeenth century, by turns "a fidler, statesman, and buffoon :"-he only changed iuto a chemist, and employed the energies left by dissipation, on gas, galvanism, merino fleeces, and human skulls. After amusing himself with more than the " Century of Inventions," dedicated by the Marquis of Worcester to King Charles, he suddenly sunk into an obscure and indolent solitude, adopting Paracelsus's maxim "Trees last longer than men, because they stand still." He ceased to write, ate little, talked still less, and never moved beyond the threshold of the Brother's House, in which he settled. himself without regarding its dilapidated Europ. Mag. Vol. LXXIV. Aug. 1815.


Quarles, but more commonly by that of Brother Christopher, in allusion to an old Moravian, whose reverend person he resembled. And he, with a kind of familiar humility, which seemed an acquiescence in the simple customs of the former residents, always styled his servant " Brother John."-This singular recluse had two nephews, to whom, as all his fortune was expected to centre in them, he was permitted to give the names he most delighted in, his own and his favourite domestic's: but these young men, though they grew up with the same prospects, education, and society, were as unlike as the persons whose appellations they bore. agreed only in their dependence on their uncle Quarles, and their anxiety to secure his favour. On his sixtieth birth-day, he summoned them to his lonely house, to make known their chosen paths in life, and receive some substantial proofs of his affection. Brother Christopher, as the eldest and his uncle's namesake, entertained very confident hopes of his bounty and preference; while the younger, conscious that bis macners and opinions were unlikely to conciliate a morose recluse, endeavoured to provide himself with a set of ancient dogmas and quotations, which might be useful occasionally. The visit was brielly paid, and received without any apparent distinction between the nephews; but a few hours after their departure, Quarles called his servant John into his bedchamber, and wrote this testamentary memorandum in his presence:"Whereas in the year 1659 the most noble Marquess of Worcester bequeathed to my ancestor, Sir Philip Quarles, Knt. a seal of his own special invention, as mentioned in the Harleian MSS. volume 2428, in which there is a copy of the Century of Inventious in his own handwriting. By this aforesaid seal, any letter, though written but in English, may (as therein specified) be read in eight different languages: and by its help the owner may privately note the day of the month, the month of the year, the year of our Lord, the names of the witnesses, the individual place, and the very uumber of lines contained in any

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