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Extract from a Despatch from the Hon. Mountstuart Elphinstone to the GovernorGeneral and Commander in Chief, dated Camp, at Yeer, 7th March, 1818.

On the 13th February, Brigadier-General Smith proceeded in pursuit of the Peishwab, Bajee Row was then at Solapoor, more than one hundred miles to the east of the General; a large body of his horse was at Khuttow, in the bills between Sattara and the River Maun, and his infantry and guns were in the neighbourhood of Kerrar, on the Kistna. It appeared to be the Peishwab's intention to draw all these troops together, and probably to move to the northward, where, after being joined by Ram Deen and Barra Buye, he probably meant to stand an action. He had been diverted from this plan by the wish to sieze on the treasures of the late Sedashed Maunkaisur at Solapoor and Tamboornee, and he was returning from the former place when Brigadier,General Smith obtained intelligence of his approach. The manner in which General Smith availed himself of this opportunity has already been reported to your Excellency. The result has been, the precipitate retreat of the Peishwab, the rescue of the Rajah of Sattara, and the death of Gokla. The Peishwah passed Hurra on the 27th, where the Native Officer commanding the Party very gallantly made a sally on one of the divisions, killing and taking several men and horses. Another division attempted without success, to take Newassa from Captain Gibbon's sebundies: at length he reached Copergaum, where he was on the 1st instant; but as his Excellency Sir Thomas Hislop was to be at Casserbury, within thirty miles, on the same day, it is probable that the Peishwah has before this been again attacked, or compelled to return to the southward as rapidly as he left it. In the event of such a movement, he will have great difficulty in escaping General Smith, and must soon loose a great part of his army by desertions.

During these operations of General Smith, General Pritzler moved towards Singbur, which, from the nature of the roads, he could not reach till the 20th. The fort is of great strength, and was obstinately defended but surrendered, as your Excellency is already informed, on the 2d inst.

At the same time that Singhur was invested, Colonel Deacon marched against Chakun.+ Colonel Deacon, on crossing the Godavery, drove the enemy's garrison out of Newassa,‡ a place of considerable

Brigadier-General Smith's account of the battle with the Peishwah, on the 20th February, was published in the Gazette of the 16th July, 1818.

+ A hill fort (supposed to the northward) in the vicinity of Poona.

Near to Toka, a little to the right of the road between that place and AhmedDuggor.

strengh, and one from which the Nizam's country and our communications had suffered annoyance and interruption. He then marched against Kurra, a place which greatly annoyed the villages that had submitted to the Collector of Ahmednaggur: it was capable of a long defence, but being vigorously attacked by Colonel Draenu it was soon intimidated into a surrender, Colonel Deacon then proceeded to Chakun, where he was joined, on the 21st by erdnance and artillerymen from Poonah. On the 22d his breaching battery was completed, after some casualties, when the garrison surrendered themselves prisoners. The artillerymen, furnished from Poonah to act against Chakun, have now proceeded to Loghur, where the 2d battalion 6th native infantry and a detail of the 24 battalion of the 1st had already been detached, for the purpose of joining a detachment under Lieutenant-Colonel Prother. The detachment, consisting of about 350 Europeans and 800 natives, with a battering train, bad been ordered from the Concan by the Right Hon. the Governor of Bombay, for the purpose of undertaking the siege of Logher. It was to reach Carlee by the 2d instant; and, nothwithstanding the strength of the place, I hope soon to hear of its reduction. These detachments, with another, which co-operated in the siege of Singhur, and a battalion which marched with a convoy to General Smith, have left Poonah very weak, but I ventured on them without hesitation, as there is no reason to distrust the inhabitants, and all attack from without is rendered difficult by the neighbourhood of the force under Gen, Pritzler, and of Colonel Deacon's detachment.

Notwithstanding the inadequacy of the force under General Munro to any great operation, that officer has advanced towards the Kistna, and has taken Badamy and Bangalcote. The first of these places is one of the strongest hill-forts in India, and made a famous defence against the whole Mahratta army, under Nana Furnavese, although attacked with a spirit unusual to the people. The storm of this place, with such a force, must impress the natives with a surprise and admiration that must raise our character, and facilitate our conquests in all parts of the country.

Your Excellency will have heard from the

* Near Seroor, and about halfway be tween Ahmednuggar and Poona,

+ Upon the eastern side of the range of ghauts between Bombay and Poona, and nearly in a direct line between those places.

The surrender of this place was announced in a letter from Mr. Elphinstone, dated 20th March, 1818, published in the Gazette of the 28th August.

& About 50 miles north east of Darwar. About 20 miles north of Badamy, on the banks of the Gulpurba River.

the Governor of Bombay the rapid progress of the detachments under the immediate orders of that Government, in reducing the The same strong forts of the Concan.

activity and enterprize was also shewn in the reduction of the fort of Narrapoora, on the borders of Bangbana, by a detachment which had been ordered from Surat.

Extract from a Despatch from the Governor in Council at Bombay, to the Secret Committee, dated 22d April, 1818.

We have the honour of transmitting to your Honourable Committee the

Copy of a Despatch from his Excellency Lieut-General Sir Thomas Hislop, dated the 31st of last month, giving cover to his despatch to the Address of the Most Noble the Governor-General.

Extract from a Despatch from Lieut.-General Sir Thomas Hislop, to the GovernorGeneral and Commander-in-Chief, dated Camp at Aurungabad, 31st March, 1818. I have the honour to transmit a transcript

of a General Order which has been this day published to the troops under my command.

I have apprised the Supreme Government, and the governments of Fort St. George and Bombay, as also the Residents at the several Native Courts of the Deccan, that I have from this day relinquished the powers, political and military, which were conferred upon me by the resolution of your Lordship, dated the 10th May, 1817.

General Order by the Commander-in-Chief. Head-Quarters, Army of the Deccan, Camp at Aurungabad, 31st March, 1818.

Lieutenant-General Sir Thomas Hislop having, in pursuance of the authority vested in him for that purpose by the Most Noble the Governor-General and Commander inChief, made such arrangements as necessary towards the breaking up of the army of the Deccan; his Excellency proceeds to issue his final orders as Commanderin-Chief of that army.


From and after the present date, therefore, the designation of the Army of the Deccan is discontinued, and the corps commanded by Brigadier-Generals Smith and Doveton, will revert to the footing on which they stood previously to the LieutenantGeneral's assumption of the chief command.

As the divisions, of which BrigadierGenerals Doveton and Smith are to retain the command, will still for some time exceed the ordinary amount of the subsidiary forces, which constituted their original commands, and will continue to be employed in operations intimately connected with those in which they have been engaged since they have received that rank, Lieut.-General Sir Thomas Hislop notifies to the army that it is

not at present the intention of his Excellency the Most Noble the Governor-General to recall the commissions issued to the above Officers; that on similar grounds Brigadier Generals Munro, Pritzler, Sir J. Malcolm, and Sir Augustus Floyer will also retain for the present, the rank of Brigadier-General, and that Brigadier-Generals Munro, Smith, and Pritzler, will continue to act in the same relations to each other as they now fulfil.

Lieut.-General Sir Thomas Hislop authorises the general and personal staff at headquarters to continue to maintain their field establishments until the arrival of his Excellency at Fort St. George.

Sir Thomas Hislop would have deemed it quite superfluous after the high and flattering encomiums bestowed on the army of the Deccan by his Excellency the Most Noble the Governor-General and Commander-in-Chief, to express those which the gallant army he has had the honour to command throughout so eventful a campaign, is in so pre-eminent a degree entitled to personally from him. Impelled, however, by

a sense of what is due to them from their undeviating observance of the most exact discipline, thereby throwing a lustre on their acknowledged achievements, he cannot resist the opportunity which the present moment affords of bearing the most public testimony to their further just deserts.

Each and every division of the army having entitled itself to and received the Lieutenant-General's thanks and applause, it becomes unnecessary now to revert to the particular occasions which called forth these acknowledgments; nothing is therefore left to his Excellency to repeat, but that they have all most nobly done their duty, thereby leaving on his mind an indelible impression of admiration. To have been placed at the head of the army of the Deccan must, to the latest period of his life, prove the source of his greatest pride, as the conferring on him, by the Most Noble the GovernorGeneral-in-Council, of so distinguished a command, must ever claim the acknowledg ments of his utmost gratitude.

To Major General Sir William Grant Keir, to Brigadier-Generals Munro, Doveton, Sir John Malcolm, Smith, and Pritzler, and to Lieutenant-Colonel Adams, who commanded the several divisions of the army in the field. Sir Thomas Hislop once more tenders to their acceptance the offer of his most sincere and grateful thanks for the eminent services they have performed, while serving under his command; and his Excellency requests they will each do him the favour of conveying the same to the corps which have composed their division during the campaign.

The Lieutenant-General avails himself with pleasure of the present occasion, to record the high sense he entertains of the able and energetic assistance he has received

during the whole of the campaign, from his General and Personal Staff, in conducting their respective departments and duties, which justly entitles them to his unqualified thanks and approbation. His Excellency at the same time deems it proper to remark, that if the Commissariat arrangements, during the short period when the army was in the field in 1815, was such as to demand his particular applause on that occasion, the more arduous and complicated duties required of the Department during the late service, which were most satisfactorily fulfilled under circumstances of the greatest difficulty and embarrassment, give Lieut.Colonel Morrison, aided as he has been by the indefatigable exertions of Lieut.-Colonel Mackintosh, and the Officers of his department, the strongest claim to his Excellency's acknowledgments and high commendation.

All returns, reports, and communications from the Army of the Deccan, are to be forwarded through the prescribed channels to Sir Thomas Hislop's head-quarters up to this date inclusive; and his Excellency will reserve to himself the right of giving such further orders and instructions as may he necessary on all points at present under reference, or requiring submission for approval to superior authority, up to the same period.

T. H. S. CONWAY, Adj.-Gen, of the
Army of the Deccan.

Extract from a Despatch from the Governor in Council at Bombay, to the Secret Committee, dated 25th April, 1818.

We have the honour of transmitting to your Honourable Committee the following documents; viz.

Letter from his Excellency the Commander-in-Chief, with accompaniments, reporting the latest operations of the force in the Concan, under the command of Colonel Prother,

Despatch from the Officer commanding at Malwan, announcing the occupation of the forts at Ramgbur* and Caunta.

P.S. Accounts have been received of the reduction of the forts of Thulat and Ghosala, by the detachment under the command of Lieut,-Colonel Prother, and of Dewghur, by the force under Lieut.Colonel Imlack, C. B. who has occupied the last of the enemy's forts in the province of Salsee.

Extract from a Report from Lieut.-Colonel Prother to the Adjutant-General, dated Camp, at Indapore, April 17, 1818. This morning, on arriving at the present ground, I heard that, about a mile and a * Ramghur, about twenty miles northeast of Malwan,

+ Thula, about twenty miles north-east of Bancoote or Fort Victoria.

Ghosala, a few miles north of Thula. Dewghur, an island upon the coast of the Concan, between Goa and Bancoote.

half distant, there were 500 men under one of the Tella Subahdars, posted in a stockade. I detached immediately the light company of the 89th regiment, also the flank companies of the 1st battalion, 5th regiment, under Captain Rose, of his Majesty's 89.h regiment, and the whole of the auxiliary horse, under Brigade Major Moore, who handsomely offered his services on the occasion.

The result of the service was very distinguished; the plan of attack on the three different stockades admirable; and I have the honour to send, for the information of his Excellency, the Commander-in-Chief, and perusal, a copy of my order, which particularizes the affair.

The Poona auxiliary horse were happy in overtaking a party of the enemy under the Dewan; they dispersed so fast and so many different ways amongst the jungle, that it was impossible to prevent the slaughter or take prisoners; and had it not been for the Officer who commanded, in directing his attention to the Dewan, who had the advantage of being mounted, it was not improbable he might have escaped; it is therefore with great satisfaction, I bring Brigade. Major Moore's conduct to your Excellency's notice.

It is also with a considerable degree of satisfaction I bring forward Captain Rose, of his Majesty's 89th regiment, as having done every thing for the success of the enterprise that could possibly be effected.

Indeed the conduct of every Officer and man deserves I should bestow the only meed in my power, yet at the same time a most honourable reward, that of bringing them forward to his Excellency the Commanderin Chief's consideration,

From the information I have extorted from the Dewan, I find Tella to be bot slightly garrisoned, and considering it would be most inconvenient to take on the guns. I propose leaving them on the present ground, and try if it will be possible to escalade. I march to morrow morning to Tella, and hope to give his Excellency further particnlars by the next post.

Ryghur is only pine coss distant; I should be most happy to find that my letter of yesterday met with the Commander-inChief's approbation.

Copy from a Despatch from Lieut.-Colonel Imlack, C.B. to Mr. Hale, Resident at Malwan, dated Camp at Cumpta, 5k April, 1818.


I have the honour to acquaint you, for the information of the Honourable the Governor in Council, that I have this moment received an official communication, dated the 4th, from Captain Pearson (whom I detached on the 1st instant, for the purpose of reducing the strong fort of Ramghur, in the province of Salsee), and I am happy to state, that be

has taken the fort, and bas given orders to the different patells to proceed to Malwan.

I have taken possession of the small fort at this place, and have given directions for the principal people to proceed to you. I move to-morrow on Dewghur.

I have the honour to be, &c.
WM. IMLACK, Lieut. Col.-Coin.

Extract from a Despatch from the Governor in Council at Bombay to the Secret Committee, dated 11th May, 1818.

The following despatches have been received; viz.

From Brigadier-General Sir John Malcolm, dated the 8th April.

From Colonel Adains to Brigadier-General Doveton, dated the 17th April, reporting the defeat of the Peishwab's troops on the 17th of last month in a valley near Sewny, on which event we beg leave to offer our cordial congratulations, and we bave the further satisfaction of adding, that by a letter subsequently received from Mr. Elphinstone, we have been informed, that "all the villages in the Peishwa's country are filled with his fugitives, followers, &c. and that the dispersion of his adherents appears to be complete. No certain intelligence has been received where Bajee Row himself is, nor what troops are still with him."

A letter from the Provisional Collector of Ahmednuggar to the Honourable Mr. Elphinstone, describes the distressed state of the enemy's troops who have made their appearance in that district; and Mr. Elphinstone has addded, that similar accounts have been received from all parts of the country.

A letter from Mr. Elphinstone, dated the 7th of this month, to Mr. Secretary Adam, reports the military operations in the northern quarter of the Deccan, which have led to our occupation of the fertile valley of Jooneer, and the whole of the important district dependant on that place. Extract from a Despatch from BrigadierGeneral Sir John Malcolm, to the Governor-General and Commnnder in chief, dated Camp, at Bauglee, 8th April, 1818. Your Lordship has been informed by my reports in the political and military departments, of the proceedings I have recently taken against the Pindaree chiefs, Chetoo and Ranjun, who, after their flight to Bhoopaal, continued to lurk, with a few followers, in their old haunts, amid the forests and mountains of this country. The consequence of my operations has been the

Probably the Seonny marked upon Arrowsmith's large map, about twenty-five miles south west of Hoossingabad.

+ Jooncer, about fifty miles north of Poona, and nearly the same distance west of Ahmednuggar,

surrender of Ranjun, and though Cheetoo has filed for the moment with about twenty followers, I must hope that the arrangements I have made, and the correspondence I have established with the different chiefs of this country, will ultimately succeed in securing the person of this freebooter; he is in great distress, and at present totally without means of giving us any annoyance.

Copy from a Despatch from Lieutenant-Col. J. W. Adams, C. B., to Brigadier-General Doveton, dated 17th April, 1818.


I have the honour to inform you, that in consequence of intelligence I had received of Bajee Row being in full force at Peepulhote, I marched last night from Alumdeo at nine o'clock, in hopes of surprising him by day-light. On reaching

Peepulbote, I found the enemy had moved on to Sewny, and resolved to follow him up without delay: a little after sun-rise I encountered his advanced party, in full march, driven back to the northward, I am induced to believe, by the intelligence of your movements on Pandurcourab, and perfectly ignorant of our approach. 1 pursued them over the most difficult country that can be imagined, and came upon the Peishwab's united force in an extensive valley near Sewny.

I am happy to state, that I have been more successful than could have been expected, considering the rocks and jungles through which the cavalry and horse artillery were obliged to act.

The number killed, on the part of the enemy, may be from three to four hundred. Four fine brass guns, about six pounder calibre, and one considerably larger, with their proportion of tumbrils and stores, have fallen into my hands: three elephants, nearly two hundred camels, and some treasure, besides a variety of valuable property, the amount of which I have not as yet been able to ascertain. The measured distance of the road from Alumdeo to this place is rations, as marched by the troops, consider31 miles, the distance in the course of opeably greater; I have consequently deemed it necessary to halt to-morrow, as well to refresh the troops as afford time for the baggage and supplies to join; after this I shall have the sincerest pleasure in co-ope rating with you and receiving your instructions as to the best method of further harassing the enemy, on whose troops the surprise of this morning may, I trust, have a happy effect; dissension and discontent being already, as I am informed, prevalent among them, and the desertion of large bodies from Bajee Row's cause not unfrequent.

I have, &c.
J. W. ADAMS, Lieutenant-Colonel,
Commanding N. S. F.

Extract from a Despatch from the Governor in Council at Bombay to the Secret Committee, dated 16th May, 1818.

The following despatches have been received subsequently to our letter of the 11th of this month; viz:

From the Provisional Collector of Ah

mednugger to the Hon. M. Elphinstone, dated 30th April, reporting the dispersion of the enemy's troops in that neighbourbood.

Letter from Brigadier-General Smith and its accompaniments, communicating the important intelligence of His Highness Chinnajee Appa,* and the Dessyet of Nepanee, having tendered their submission.

A report from Brigadier-General Munro, of his progress in occupying the southern part of the Peishwa's territory.

We have also the satisfaction of forwarding a copy of a letter from his Excellency the Commander in chief, and of one from Lieutenant-Colonel Prother, announcing the reduction of the important fortress of Ryghur, on the morning of the 29th of this month.

We beg to offer to your Honourable Committee, our most cordial congratulations on the submission of Chinnajee Appa and of Appa Dessye, which, it is hoped, will be followed by that of Bajee Row, since he has thus been deserted by his principal


Extract from a Letter from Lieutenant Pottinger, Provisional Collector of Ahmednugger, to the Hon. Mountstuart Elphinstone, dated 30th April, 1818.

I have much pleasure in informing you, that almost the whole of the body of horse that entered the Newassa Pergunnah, on the 27th instant, and by whom a considerable degree of alarm was excited in this part of the country, have dispersed and returned to their respective villages, under the terms of your second proclamation.

Ram Deen is still abroad, with about one thousand five hundred men, but the inhabitants of walled villages seem to speak of him with contempt; and I have no doubt but that a very small body of auxiliary horse would cut him up, as his horses


Chinnajee Appa, brother to the Peish

+ Dessye of Napanee, or Appa Dessye Nepaunker, one of the Peishwan's southern Jaghiredars.

Ryghur upon the Ghauts, which bound the eastern frontier of the Concan, and in a line between Poona and Bancoote. This is another of the fortresses, which the Peishwah surrendered on the 8th of May, 1817, as a pledge of his sincerity.

The Newassa Pergunnah is to the northeastward of Ahmednuggur.

Ram Deen, one of the Chiefs in rebellion against Holkar's Government, who had joined the Peishwah,

and men are stated to be exhausted to the last degree.

Extract from a Despatch from BrigadierGeneral Lionel Smith, C. B. to the Hon. Mountstuart Elphinstone, dated Camp, Chickpour, 9th May, 1818.

In my last report to you of the 2d instant, acquainting you with my having pursued a body of the enemy from the Godavery through the Danoor Ghaut, after which they had totally dispersed; I informed you also that I had detached the reformed horse, under Captain Davies, to cut up plunderers, bands, and straggling parties of the enemy, in a line through the Bheer district upon Ahmednuggar; while Lieut.-Colonel Cun ningham, with the auxiliary horse, four gallopers, and a detachment of infantry, was sent to the westward to pass for the same purpose through the country between the Neera and Kurrah rivers, and then north upon the capital; I moved northwest myself centrically between those detachments to assist either or take up any pursuit they might be engaged in.

I have now very great satisfaction in transmitting to you a report from Captain Davies, announcing his pursuit of, and the subsequent submission of Appa Dessye Nepaunker, with Chinnajee Appa Saheb, the brother of Bajee Row, together with their troops, amounting to between two and

three thousand horse.

I am particularly well pleased with Captain Davies's conduct, it has been every thing requisite to the spirits of our army, to moderation and prudence.

P.S. I beg to draw your notice to the accompanying order I have issued on this occasion.

Copy of a Report from Captain E. Davies to Captain Halifax, Acting Deputy Adjutant-General to Brigadier-General Smith's Division, dated Camp Yelium, 7th May, 1818.


I did myself the bonor to forward last night, for the information of BrigadierGeneral Smith, a letter which I received yesterday from Appa Dessye Nepaunker, stating that he was encamped at Goondy, having quitted Bajee Row, with the intertion of making his submission to the Honorable Mr. Elphinstone.

I marched from Bheer at one o'clock this morning, with a view of intercepting the enemy. On the march I was informed that he was moving on the Comerry Ghast; i accordingly changed my direction cuasiderably to the southward, in the hope of crossing his route. After moving about five miles in the new direction, and altogether about thirty, I came in sight of his line of march. He formed upon a rising ground as if to await our attack. A river lay between us, after crossing which I formed a line and advanced with the istention of charging when we had approached within four hundred yards, a flag of trece

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