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In youth every prospect by pleasure was bounded,

And joy was the portion that destiny gave; 'Twas pure as the lake by the mountains surrounded,

And warm as the sun-beam that danc'd on its wave:

Thy visions were transient as mists of the morning;

They shone on my sightlight the rainbow of Eve:

And the first tear of sorrow proclaimed the sad warning,

Those visions were sent to betray and deceive:

Peace, mild as the dew-drop descending at


Protected my bosom from sorrow and care; But returned to her throne in the mansions of heav'n,

When each object was stamped by the hand of despair:

O'er the Bow'rs of happiness withered and blighted,

Fond Memory lingers, and mourns their decay;

For the blossoms thy warmth and thy splen-
dor delighted,

Expired in the hour that beheld thy last
M. A. R.




Y sick'ning doubt, by cold neglect op press'd,

Reluctant Sleep, I won thy magic pow'r, To calm the tumult in my lab'ring breast, And chase reflection from the silent hour. Oh! come, and 'round my throbbing temples bind

Thy cincture, steep'd in sweet oblivion's dew;

With calmer visions soothe my troubled mind,

And ope thy fairy prospects to my view.


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N artist famous in his line,

Auce undertook to paint a sign,

To please the landlord of an inn,
Who cared for merit not a pin!
A bear was fix'd on,-not indeed
A very flattering quadruped,

For that was thought of no concern,
Because the landlord's saving turn
Was found to mix with all his views,
From sheer sign-painting to the muse,
The fact was this,-his highest aim
Was for the shortest cut to fame.
"Paint it without a chain," said he,
"Twill do as well as with; for me,
All I regard about the sign,

Is, that you'll paint it cheap, and fine!"

To work the painter went with care,
And sketch'd almost a living bear,
In colour, shape, and look complete,
In all its parts, from head to feet.
But mark the issue,-Soon next day
It rain'd-the bear was wash'd away!
"Zounds!" cried the landlord, in a rage,
"Did not Sir Brush with me engage
To grace my sign-post with a bear,

now is gone, the Lord knows where!"

A wag, who heard this pithy strain,
Replied, It should have had a chain,
And then I'll warrant you, mine host,
The bear would still have kept his post,
And not, as now, have slipt his tether,
Because 'twas merely rainy weather!".
"Fellow!" cries Spiggot, anger'd still,
"Since you pretend to so much skill,
What is it that your chain implies,
Which should secure the painted prize?"-
"I'll tell you," says the joker-" Pray,
Your Painter may return this way;
Bid him to oil the Bear,-and then,-
Bruin will not escape again!"




THE Select Committee appointed to consider of the effects of the Laws which regulate or restrain the interest of money, and to report their opinion thereupon to this House; and who were empowered to report the Minutes of the Evi

J. C.

dence taken before them; have pursuant to the order of the House, examined the matters referred to them; and have agreed upon the following Resolutions:

1st. Resolved.--That it is the opinion of this Committee, that the laws regulating or restraining the rate of interest, have been extensively evaded, and have failed of the effect ofimposing a maximum on such rate; and that

of late years, from the constant excess of the market rate of interest above the rate limited by law, they have added to the expense incurred by borrowers on real security, and that such borrowers have been compelled to resort to the mode of granting annuities of lives; a mode which have been made a cover for obtaining higher interest than the rate limited by law, and has farther subjected the borrowers to enormous charges, or forced them to make very disadvantageous sales of their estates.

2nd. Resolved.-That it is the opinion of this Committee that the construction of such laws, as applicable to the transactions of Commerce, as at present carried on, have been attended with much uncertainty as to the legality of many transactions of frequent occurrence, and consequently been productive of much embarrassment and litigation. 3d. Resolved. That it is the opinion of this Committee, that the present period when the market rate of interest is below the legal rate, affords an opportunity peculiarly proper for the repeal of the said laws. May 30, 1818.

The Finance Committee, in their Eleventh Report, estimating with that caution which became them, the probable amount of public income in 1818, stated it as about equal to the Expenditure, and they calculated that the income of 1819 would exceed the expenditure by about 1,400,0001. Now we have before us the statement of the actual produce of the Revenue for the first half year of 1818, which, compared with that of 1817, is as follows:

First Quarter. Second Quarter, 1817...... 11,537,222..... £12,491,694 1818...... 11,564,163..... 13,397,989 Not only is this comparison satisfactory in itself, but from the growing improvement (the excess of the last quarter being above 900,000), we are fully warranted in expecting that the income of the year will exceed the Estimate of the Committee at least Two Millions! If we go more minutely into detail, we shall find that this improvement has been so general and progressive in the principal branches of the Revenue, as evidently to arise from greater ease of circumstatices and increasing consumption in the great body of the people. And here, by the

bye, we may appeal to the trading part of the community to say whether their transac tions are not now much safer than they were some time back, whether bad debts are not now much rarer, bankruptcies much fewer in number, and private as well as public credit strikingly improved. It is very satisfactory too to perceive, on consulting the financial returns for the two first quarters of the present year, that the increase of the Irish Revenue, though it commenced later and has been less considerable than that of the British, appears likely to exceed 500,000, in the course of the present year. From all these circumstances, it must be inferred that the income of 1819 will, in all probability, exceed that of 1818; but supposing them to be equal, still as the estimate of the Committee gave a probable surplus of Income to the amount of 1,413,0001, the additional 2,000,0001, as in 1818, will leave a clear surplus of Income above Expenditure for the year 1819 of about three Millions and a half.

The sum borrowed for the service of the present year amounted to 14 millions; but the arrangements made for the repayment of Unfunded Debt raised the whole amount of the sum funded to 30 millions. Of this sum we are assured, that one-half has actually been paid into the Exchequer, although only two instalments have become due. The whole sum to be raised in 1819 on the foregoing suppositions, will not exceed 10 or at the utmost, 11 millions, whilst the Sinking Fund will amount to Fifteen Millions.

By the account laid on the Table of the House of Commons, it appears that the following is the amount of corn and grain, meal and flour, imported into Great Britain in the years ended the 5th of January, 1817 and 1818:

Year ended 5th January,

1818. Corn and Grain 1,141,097 On. 2,158 731 Qu.: B. Meal and Fleur - - 141,098 Cwt. 1,166,912 Cwt.

From this statement will be seen that the new Act has not prevented the influx of corn and flour. From the enormons increase of importation in the second year, it will he seen, that we have paid between six and seven millions sterling at least for grain, since that law was enacted.

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gent has appointed Donald Mackintosh, Esq. Consul for New Hampshire, and the district of Maine. It also contains an offer of a reward of 2004; to any person discovering or apprehending the person or persons who murdered ELY Cox, the Game Keeper at Woodcot Park.


This Gazette notifies that the Prince Regent has appointed Mr. Peter Emanuel Schew, the Consul at Plymouth, for bis Majesty the King of Denmark.




HE Secretary to the SOCIETY of GUARDIANS for the PROTECTION of TRADE, has stated by a Circular to its Members thereof, the persons undernamed ; viz.

DANIEL HEWITT, mentioned in June 1815, now an Ale Merchant, at No. 12, Martin's Lane, Upper Thames-street;

PAPILLON, mentioned in March 1815, now occupying a vault in Cloak-lane, with ordering bottles and corks;

RICHARD PORTER, mentioned in March last, now assuming the name of COLLIER, and giving his address, No. 14, Middle-street, Brighton, where he is not known;"

THOMAS FARLEY, mention in March and May last, now in Ivy-bridge-lane, Strand; JOHN PAWSOn Entwistle;


SOLOMON LEWIN LEVIN, lately residing at 271, Strand; Newton Terrace, Kensington Green; Cumberland-place, Old Kent Road; and now at Battersea-Fields, are reported to that Society as improper to be proposed to be ballotted for as members thereof. Secretary also informs the Members that a person calling himself Josnta PITTS, Esq. Presbury, near Cheltenham, some time ago accepted a bill drawn upon him by a mem ber of the Society for goods supplied, making it payable at Messrs. Wood and Co. Bankers, Gloucester, where upon enquiry it is found, that he is not known.

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Fahrenheit in the shade; and at Trenton, on the 30th of the same month, a thermometer placed under the shade of a tree in the middle of the town, rose to the uncommon height of 99 degrees.

THE HARVEST.-The Herefordshire hop yards in many situations have assumed a loxuriant and promising appearance, almost unhoped for, and the produce, and also the quality, if the weather be propitious, will exceed all expectation.

Mr. Pedlar, of Liskeard, in Cornwal', reaped this month a field of wheat of abort two acres, the produce of which is estimated at the extraordinary quantity of 160 Winchester bushels.

In Norfolk the harvest men are proceeding rapidly with their work, which has now become general, and so early a commencement of reaping has not been remembered for twenty years. The barley, and especi ally that on the hills, has within the last month improved beyond description. The straw is indeed short, but the ear is long, and the grain large, plump, and heavy, and of a quality so superior for malting, that we shall not be surprised to hear the manufacturers of genuine beer boast of their brewing of 1918, as the wine merchants are wont to do of the produce of favourite vintages of particular dates.

The wheat harvest has commenced in the neighbourhood of Gloucester, and the crops are in general very fine; but the barley and oats are extremely light, and the beans and peas almost a total failure, from the want of early rain.

harvest in every quarter round our city has An article from Bristol says, "the wheat this week generally commenced. More abundant crops were never remembered; and the seasonable rains have so far recovered the potatoes, that the apprehensions which were entertained of their failure from the long continuance of dry weather have entrely vanished. Barley and oats, in this district must certainly produce but a very short crop.

Birmingham.-The earliest wheat harvest that has been known for many years, has commenced in this and the neighbouring counties; and the refreshing showers which fell during the last fortnight, bave had a highly beneficial effect upon vegetation; several samples of this year's wheat were

shown in our market on Thursday; they were of fine quality, and found ready purchasers. Generally speaking, there never was known a more promising season than the present, both for the growth and housing of the harvest.

CHELMSFORD.-A considerable breadth of wheat, and in many places barley and oats, have been cut in this county, and the harvest is now become general. The pease have in many instances been got in, but the crop is very uneven. The wheat may be said in general to die well; and where the lands are deep and staple and in good heart, each acre will be very productive; but, we are sorry to observe that the wheats are in general thin upon the ground, and in some instances, very defective. Oats and barley will, it is said, not average more than a fourth of a crop; indeed, in no inconsiderable part of this county, barley and oats are so short in the straw, that it will be with difficulty mown, and with greater difficulty collected. Beans, in a great many instances, are worth little more than for shank.

The corn harvest in the county of York has commenced, and the labours of the reaper may be considered generally as three weeks earlier than the usual time. Wheat for the most part is well headed, and though the stalks are not rank, the produce promises to equal a fair average crop. Oats and Barley are generally short and deficient, and cannot be stated at more than threefourths of the produce of an average year. We wish we could make a more favourable report of the state of the spring corn.

A letter from Maidstone, says "The hops in our neighbourhood still look very promis ing, and middle Kent growth generally speaking, was never known to blow finer; the young hops have in many places been injured for the want of rain, and several of the planters have been daily watering them, which is thought to have a good effect. In the Weald, and also in the eastern part of Sussex, the bine is very weak, and through the long drought they are turned completely yellow; in the western part they are getting very foul, and unless they have rain, Sussex will not grow even as many as last year. The duty is now down to 110.0007.

We are favoured with the following view of the state of the current crops, from an intelligent correspondent in Kent: Wheat harvest begun, very abundant and fine, and straw quite as long as it is usually. Oats, straw very short, ear full of seed, and as good as most years. Beans failed almost every where. Peas very bad and not many. Hops very fine, and show well: should the fine showers continue, will in most places be plenty. Barley, a very scanty crop every where. Apples abundant, The general state of the country is much greener than nearer London. The springs are all as high and running as ever. It is now beginning to rain, and we hope it will continue.

The harvest has now generally commenced throughout the Kingdom: and thanks to Providence, promises to be a golden one. The labours of the reaper may be considered as commencing three weeks earlier than the usual time.

At Ost, in the Netherlands, an ear of corn was found nine inches long, having six rows, and containing 80 grains. The vintage is very forward.

The harvest has commenced generally throughout France. It is remarkably abun dant, and the grain of a fine quality.

Letters have been this month received from Buenos Ayres, by way of Antwerp, dated the 13th of May, which state, that a commercial treaty had been concluded between the Americans and the Buenos Ayres Government, under which the trade of the United States is to have the prefer ence to every other nation.


Lord Strangford, the British Envoy in Sweden, has succeeded in obtaining from that Court, a decree, authorising the exportation of deals and timber, in British ships, on the payment of the same export duties as in Swedish vessels. Sever sand tons of shipping will consequently be sent from British ports during the present season, to receive cargoes in those of Sweden. This permission is to last until the end of this year; but it is almost certain that the advantages which Sweden will derive from the increased exportation of her produce, will induce his Swedish Majesty to prolong it.

His Royal Highness Prince Leopold of Saxe Coburg has left his residence at Claremont to proceed forthwith upon his Contimental tour.

The Lord Mayor has been unanimously elected President of St. Thomas's Hospital, in the room of the late Sir Charles Price, Bart, deceased.

Admiral Otway is appointed commanderin-chief of his Majesty's fleet at Leith. in the room of Sir W. J. Bope, whose period of service has expired. William Paine, Esq. is appointed his Secretary.

The following is an extract of a private Jetter from Mount Holly, in North Ame rica, addressed to a commercial house in this country:

"Manufactories are going on here, but in my opinion without a prospect of being carried on to any great effect. One in par ticular, that some years past was considerable, is now almost annihilated-I mean the iron-works; the produce of which was a good remittance, especially to England. These works are now in ruins; and on the ruins of many of them, mills for carding and spinning have been erected; which in the time of the late war were said to be very productive to the owners; but since the peace, I find many of them are adver tised to be let or sold, from which I con clude they are become unprofitable. In

reality, I am of opinion, that maunfactories of almost every description cannot flourish on this side of the water, so long as the price of labour continues to be from three to four times as much as with you, supposing the money of each country to be reduced to a common standard."

Papers of a late date have been received from New South Wales. They state the arrival at Port Jackson of a vessel from Otaheite, which brought interesting inteliigence of two English Missionaries having visited Otaheite, and converted all the Islanders to Christianity.

From an article from Christiana, it appears that the Norwegian Storthing have engaged in an attempt to overturn the heretable jurisdictions, together with the exceptions from tithes enjoyed by certain noblemen and landed proprietors in the kingdom; and even, if we understand the article correctly, to abolish hereditary nobility throughout Norway, after the decease of the present race of nobles and their immediate children. The King very naturally dissents from this latter proposal, but seems inclined to favour the extinction of private Courts of Justice, and to cut off the privilege of exemption from the payment of tithes.

An American has obtained from the French government, for ten years, commencing the 1st of January, 1820, the exclusive privilege of importing ice into Guadaloupe and Martinique, where the use of this article has been introduced into the hospitals as a specific for the disorders incident to hot climates.

The following extract of a letter from a mercantile gentleman, who has lately gone to Bourdeaux, will probably be read with some interest by our commercial readers:

ArG. 1. The first growths of wine consists of Lafitte and Latour, situated in the neighbourhood of Pauillac; the former about three miles beyond, and the latter about one mile on this side of it. Chateau Margaux, about half way between Bourdeaux and Pauillac, and Haut Brion, in the graves of Bourdeax, about a league to the southward of the city. The prices of these four growths are generally the same, and they are this year of very superior quality. The second growths are Rozan, Monthreson, Lascombe, Gorce, Kirivan, and Candalle, situated in the parishes of Margaux and Cantenai, La Rose and Leoville, in the parish of St. Julien, and Pechon Longueville, Monton and Callon, in Pauillac and St. Estephe; they are good table wines, and may be had one third cheaper than the first quality. The third and last growth are Bergeron Brassier, Pontet, Dulaque, Arbouet of St. Julien, La Colonie, Dubrynon, Mareuil of Margaux, Camiet, Darmaillac St. Gairon, and Lynch of Pauillac, which in general are about one-half the price of the first quality wines. The prin

cipal white wines are Barsac, Prignac, and Graves. Brandy, simple proof, varies according to the prices of wines; if it is worked to make the simple proof, London proof, 25 per cent. must be added to the first. The prune season begins about the middle of September; they will be very plentiful and very good this year in quality,

There are letters in town from Bourdeaux, which mention the falure of several houses there; some of them for so large a sum as 60,000l. sterling. This misfortune is owing to the firms in question having speculated appears, largely in brandies. The wines,

will not turn out nearly so plentiful as was expected, the great drought having very materially injured the grape. Some little rain bad lately fallen, which might do par tial good; but the greatest part of the evil was past remedy. The letters from other. parts of the south of France also complain of the great dryness of the season,

The merchant vessels sent out to South America with supplies of arms and ammunition for the Insurgents, are said to be placed in a difficult situation. They are unable to obtain either payment, or security for the. value of their cargoes; money is out of the question, and the only commodity offered is males, for which it is not easy to find a market. The supercargoes therefore remain with their vessels in different ports in the West Indies, waiting for better times.

The Bombay Gazette of the 1st of April asserts, on the authority of letters from General Smith's camp, dated March 24, that the war with the Peishwa bade fair to be speedily finished. Bagee Row was moving to Nagpore, with a force computed at 25,000 men, not knowing that General Doveton waited his approach. General Smith pursued him closely; a battle was looked for, and the issue of that battle was not a subject of anxiety. An epidemic disease raged among the British troops in India, and had proved fatal in many in


An official communication has been made by the Bank to the Stock Exchange, that the former will, as usual, give every facility to the negociators of the New Stock: that they will, what is technically called, "take in the Omniura," which is, to make payment of the remainder of the instalments on being paid interes: at the rate of five per cent. for the money advanced.

The following notice has been stuck up in the Stock Exchange:"Conversion of Exchequer Bills into 3 per cent Consolidated and Reduced Annuities.

"The certificates in which the instalment due on the 1st day of August has been paid, are now ready for delivery.

"The future instalments are to be made either in Exchequer Bills dated before the 1st of August, 1818, on which day the interest thereon will cease, or by a payment in money; in which case 1017, money must

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