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rapid zigzags, carried in a broken track along the precipitous face of a slaty grey rock, which would otherwise have been absolutely inaccessible. On the top of this rock, only to be approached by a road so broken, so narrow, and so precarious, the corporal declared he had seen the bonnets and long-barrelled guns of several mountaineers, apparently couched among the long heath and brush-wood which crested the eminence. Captain Thornton ordered him to move forward with three files, to dislodge the supposed ambuscade, while at a more slow but steady pace he advanced to his support with the rest of his party.

"The attack which he meditated was prevented by the unexpected apparition of a female upon the summit of the rock. "Stand!' she said, with a commanding tone. ' and tell me what ye seek in MacGregor's country?'

"I have seldom seen a finer or more commanding form than this woman. She might be between the term of forty and fifty years, and had a countenance which must once have been of a mascu. line cast of beauty; though now, imprinted with deep lines by exposure to rough weather, and perhaps by the wasting influence of grief and passion, its features were only strong, harsh, and expressive. She wore her plaid, not drawn around her head and shoulders, as is the fashion of the women in ScotJand, but disposed around her body as the Highland soldiers wear their's. She had a man's bonnet, with a feather in it, an unsheathed sword in her hand, and a pair of pistols at her girdle,

"It's Helen Campbell, Rob's wife,' said the Baillie, in a whisper of considerable alarm; and there will be broken beads amang us or it's lang.'

"What seek ye here?' she asked again of Captain Thornton, who had himself advanced to reconnoitre.

"We seek the outlaw, Rob Roy MacGregor Campbell,' answered the officer, and make no war on women; therefore offer no vain opposition to the king's troops, and assure yourself of civil treatment.'

“Ay,' retorted the Amazon, ‘I am no stranger to your tender mercies. Ye have left me neither name nor famemy mother's bones will shrink aside in their grave when mine are laid beside them-Ye have left me and mine nei ther house nor hold, blanket nor bedding, cattle to feed us, or flocks to clothe us-Ye have taken from us all

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"Forward-march,' said the Noncommissioned officer. Huzza, my boys, for Rob Roy's head or a purse of gold!'


He quickened his pace into a run, followed by the six soldiers; but as they attained the first traverse of the ascent, the flash of a dozen of firelocks from various parts of the pass parted in quick succession and deliberate aim. The serjeant, shot through the body, still struggled to gain the ascent, raised himself by his hands to clamber up the face of the rock, but relaxed his grasp, after a desperate effort, and falling, rolled from the face of the cliff into the deep lake, where he perished Of the soldiers three fell, slain or disabled; the others retreated on their main body, all more or less wounded.


• Grenadiers, to the front,' said Captain Thornton-You are to recollect, that in these days this description of soldiers actually carried that destructive species of firework from which they derive their name. The four grenadiers moved to the front accordingly. The officer commanded the rest of the party to be ready to support them; and only saying to us, Look to your safety, gentlemen,' gave, in rapid succession, the word to the grenadiers; Open your pouches-handle your grenadesblow your matches-fall on."

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"The whole advanced with a shout, headed by Captain Thornton, the gre nadiers preparing to throw their gre nades among the bushes where the ambuscade lay, and the musketeers to support them by an instant and close assault. Dougal, forgotten in the scuffle, wisely crept into the thicket that overhung that part of the road where we had first halted, which he ascended with the activity of a wild cat. I followed his example instinctively, recollecting that the fire of the Highlanders would sweep the open track. 1 clambered until out of breath; for a continued spattering fire, in which every shot was multiplied by a thousand echoes, the hissing of the kindled fusees

of the grenades, and the successive explosion of those missiles, mingled with the huzzas of the soldiers, and the yells and cries of their Highland antagonists, formed a contrast which added- do not shame to own itwings to my desire to reach a place of safety The difficulties of the ascent soon increased so much that I despaired of reaching Dougal, who seemed to wing himself from rock to rock, and dump to stump, with the facility of squirrel, and I turned down my eyes to see what had become of my other companions. Both were brought to avery awkward still-stand.

"The Baillie, to whom I suppose fear had given a temporary share of agility, had ascended about twenty feet from the path, when his foot slipping, as be straddled from one huge fragment of rock to another, he would have dlambered with his father the deacon, whose acts and words he was so fond of quoting, but for a projecting branch of a ragged thorn, which, catching hold of the skirts of his riding coat, supported him in mid air, where he dangled et unlike to the sign of the Golden Fleece over the door of a mercer in Ledgate-hill

"As for Andrew Fairservice, he had advanced with better success, until he had attained the top of a bare cliff, which, rising above the wood, exposed him, at least in his own opinion, to all the dangers of the neighbouring skirmish, while, at the same time, it was of such a precipitous and impracticable nature, that he dared neither to advance nor retreat. Footing it up and down upon the narrow space.which the top of the cliff afforded (very like a fellow at a country-fair dancing upon a treacher), he roared for mercy in Gaelic and English alternately, according to the side on which the scale of victory seemed to predominate, while his exclamuations were only answered by the groans of the Baillie, who suffered much, not only from apprehension. but from the pendulous posture in which he hung suspended by the loins."

Observations. Moral, Literary, and Antiquarian, made during a Tour through the Pyrennees, South of France, Switzerland, the Whole of Italy, and the Netherlands, in the Years 1814 and 1815. By John Milford, Jun. late of St. John's College, Cambridge,

ON quitting France, as well as Italy and witzerland, this author makes extensive and very appropriate observations on the manners, society, and character of the inhabitants of each country; he also describes the present state of religion, and of the arts and sciences, giving an interesting account of the antiquities of Italy, the paintings and statues, mentioning, with just discrimination, in particular, the chef d'œuvres contained in the collections of Rome, Naples, and Florence. At Naples he devotes many pages to the subject of mendicity and poverty through the different countries of Europe which he had visited during his three years tour. Mr. Milford appears also to be a great admirer of rural charms, and dwells with rapture on the sublime scenery of the Italian and Swiss lakes, at the same time conveying to his readers a correct idea of the picturesque beauties, and wonders of nature, concentrated in the delightful environs of Naples. His particular description of Pompeii, as well as the account he gives of a night scene at Vesuvius, will afford every reader both amusement and information.

We now will select a few extracts from these volumes, to give an idea of the author's style, and will begin by copying his reflections on leaving Rome; of which city, with all its wonderful productions of the arts, both ancient and modern, he has given a very copious account.

I could not quit imperial Rome, where I had enjoyed so much intellectual gratification of the sublimest nature, without "Casting one longing, lingering look behind." On taking leave of this city of ancient heroes, probably for ever, I inevitably fell into a contem plative mood, and could not help recollecting how often, during my stay there, surrounded by the ruins of ages, I had moralized "de fuga seculi et de vanitale munde;" how frequently I had thought to myself, "Here's room for meditation een to madness, till the mind burst with thinking." It was indeed impossible, when contemplating these scenes, not to be perpetually reminded of the transient nature of all things human, even those which appear the most powerfully calculated to defy the impressions of time itself, the irresistible destroyer, and to descend to the latest posterity.


The most classical, and consequently

the most interesting, scene upon the continent, is that, of all others, which is, perhaps, the most neglected; I mean the greatest part of the journey between Rome and Naples, which is generally hurried through with the utmost precipitation, on account of its being through a flat marsh, offering no food but to the contemplative mind: let us, however, recollect, that this Pontine Marsh, this region of stagnant water and disease, was once an immense plain of rich cultivation. Every where there is something to interest our curiosity, excite our surprise, or melt us with compassion. The Campania of Rome (the modern name of this country), although disfigured with ruins, and marked by the sterility of its land and the unhealthiness and misery of its people, cannot fail to awaken ideas of its former power and inhabitants, and to inspire us with reflections of a melancholy cast, when we compare its present situation with what it once was.-What a lesson to human pride, and of the mutability of human possessions, when we trace a country of near forty miles, now an uninhabitable mass of desolated swamp, breathing only pestiferous exhalations to the destruction of human life, which once was the seat of pleasure and riches, wafting the breath of health and luxury to its innumerable population. Where shall we look round for even a vestige of the palaces, villas, gardens, nay of more than twenty populous towns, which are recorded to have been situated here, and which the invasion and plunder of successive conquerors, and, above all, that more destroying conqueror Time, have sunk into obli vion?"-Vol II. p. 1 to 4.

Speaking of Pompeii (which was overwhelmed about 1800 years since by an eruption of Vesuvius, and has been excavated within these last few years), he says,

"We now walked down one of the principal streets, which is about ten feet in breadth. By the side is a raised pavement for foot passengers.

That in the centre was for carriages (which are supposed to have been about four feet broad), so that there was sufficient room for two to pass each other. Here you will plainly perceive the ruts made by the wheels nearly 2000 years ago! On one side of this street are the remains of the magnificent temple of Isis, in a good state of preservation."

And again :


Every person must experience the greatest interest in visiting the amphi theatre of Pompeii. Curiosity has ne ver gone so far as to clear the whole of the arena; but I was glad to find workmen now employed for that purpose. On its sides are represented a variety of animals, which used to be introduced in the exhibitions, and near one of them is a wounded gladiator. It was here the ancients took delight in seeing their fellow-creatures torn in pieces by wild beasts, and where even women exposed themselves, and drenched the ground with their blood;

"Sed fœminarum illustrium, senatorumque Filiorum plures per arenam fœdati sunt." TACITUS.

At each moment the workmen were discovering large pieces of fresco painting, which not being yet faded by the sun, offered to the sight a variety of colours, more exquisitely beautiful than words can express. In this amphitheatre there are forty two rows of seats for the spectators, all of marble, which alone serve to give one an idea of the original splendor of the edifice," &c. &c.-Vol. II. p. 54, &c.

He ascended a hill, and took a

view of Pompeii. "The ashes were twenty-five feet deep, and the walls of the houses now standing are about twelve feet high; but not more than one quarter of the city (which is said to have been four miles in circumference) is yet uncovered. The remainder is still overwhelmed with cinders, and the surface above planted with fruit-trees. These are the principal objects which struck my attention during my frequent visits to Pompeii; but there were a thousand others, which perhaps it would be tiresome to enumerate. I had been walking through a city built nearly 2000 years ago, which during the greater part of that time has continued buried under ground: I had entered the rooms of the houses, and remarked in the shops many implements used for different professions: I had seen the villa near the town, where Cicero is said to have resided; in fact, I cannot describe half what I saw or felt on this occasion; suffice it to say, that during the whole of my tour, I never experienced such sensations of pleasure in exploring the remains of antiquity.”. Vol. II. p. 59.

In his description of Vesuvius, he says,

"One of the guides who was in front was bollowing to us to hasten our steps. We soon arrived at the crater, or mouth of the volcano, being an oval, the shortest diameter of which is about 100 fathoms. How can I describe my senstions at that moment? We were no sooner there before volumes of smoke issued forth from the bosom of the mountain; innumerable red-hot stones were barled into the air with wonderful force; and the whole was accompanied by a dreadful crash resembling thunder. The shock was so great that the earth trembled: the fragments of red-hot lava fell on every part around me, and one struck my friend, who was close by my de. He was fortunate in not receiving any material injury, as some of these fragments were more than a hundred pounds in weight."-Vol. II. pp. 64

and 65.

A shower of cinders followed; I agan beheld innumerable fragments of burning lava in the air. What a sight! How terrific was the roar, how dangerous our situation, how uncertain whether some of us might not be strack by these fiery substances! My mind was filled with religious awe and adrairation at the scene before me," de &c.—Vol II. page 65.

The roaring commenced as soon as we arrived, and the thundering shocks were repeated every five minutes for the space of an hour, each one appearing more souorous than the former. The doads of smoke were gathered thick around us; and between the bellowings of the mountain there seemed a deadly pause. The eye looked with anxiety for the flash, the ear listened attentively to catch the roar; and the heat, while the internal storm was thus brewing, and the face of the mountain darkened, was violent; presently the crater was irradiated by the bursting torreat, the air was reat by terrific lightnings, and the very foundations of the mountain appeared shaken by the deafening and incessant peals, which broke like tremendous artillery around. I never found myself so deficient in language to express what I felt, saw, and heard.". Vol. II. page 67.

"I must not omit to mention, that I ascended Vesuvius a second time, and made this excursion by night. We dined at the Hermitage, on the cold provisions we had brought with us; and afterwards reposed for a few hours on the miserable beds which this habitation affords. At

twelve o'clock we were on foot, and again reached the crater of Vesuvius about half past one. The moon at this moment happened to be concealed behind the mountain; and the darkness of night being spread on every side around us, peculiarly favoured the appearance of the burning volcano. The convulsive shocks continued for an hour, with very little intermission. This was the reality of awful grandeur. The stones and lava vomited from the bosom of the mountain again rose to an enormous height, and formed entire showers of fire.

"The coup d'œil was still more terrific than that which I had witnessed here on a former occasion. Daylight prevents your seeing the extent of the flame; but in the gloom of night, when the crash commences, the whole mass projected from below is brightly illamined. Man is struck dumb with won-> der and surprise!! I was quietly seated on a large fragment of lava during the silence between the different bursts, when I experienced the shock of an earthquake; the earth very sensibly trembled beneath me, We returned to Naples the next morning, still more delighted than we had been with our former excursion. I could never look at Vesuvius, rising on the opposite side of the bay, about eight miles to the east of Naples, without picturing to my ima gination the horrors of the eruption, which, on some future day, might bury this gay city, and all the immediate beauties, under its burning ashes, as it did Pompeii and several other towns. Thus you see, notwithstanding the many charms of this delightful city, it has likewise its disadvantages; and occasional alarms from earthquakes cannot fail to excite anxiety in a reflecting mind."— Vol II. pp. 71 and 72.

And when describing the Italian Lakes, he says,

"We had now explored the whole of the lake of Como, which is by far the finest in Lombardy. Even the most idle observer must be enchanted with the variety of the scenery on its borders, the hanging woods, the frequent cascades, the innumerable country-houses and villages, which we find scattered on every side in most delightful situations; all these, and many other objects, naturally crowd upon the mind, and call forth its admiration, as you pass over the clear surface of the water. The shores are broken by a succession of

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bays, which interrupt the regular expanse of the lake, in the bosom of which the trees and woods are seen reflected through the pellucid element. A various assemblage of foliage and broken rocks, that throw their shades into the polished mirror, present a scene of uncommon effect, and local charms. It is difficult for the amateur of the beauties of the country to find any one objection to these romantic points of view, although greater breadth is required to give the Como Lake the grand effect of that of Geneva: and again, the eye of the lover of the true picturesque might sometimes be offended by the multiplicity of towns and villas situated on its borders. Near this lake the present Princess of Wales has lately resided for a considerable time."-Vol. II. P. 197.

Again, when describing the environs of the Lake of Lugano, he says,

"In the declivity of a hill, that is darkly shaded by rocks on one side, and by massy foliage on the other, is drilled the bed of some torrent, whose waters are observed to tumble in successive falls, and rushing through the bordering ornaments of underwood and shrubs, are sometimes seen, and sometimes lost. Through the dark foliage which shades these lanes, the traveller gains now and then a peep at the scenery below and around him, where his eye is lost in the multiplicity of images, in the splendor of the objects, and in the interminable sketch of distance which insensibly recedes from the view, and is at last undistinguished in the horizon.


arriving at the summit of one of the bills, you get a delightful bird's-eye view of several small lakes, as also of that of Lugano," &c. &c - Vol. II. p. 198.

We shall conclude with Mr. Milford's description of the romantic scenery on the borders of the "Lugo Maggiore."

"The day had been most delightful, and in the evening I strolled along by the side of the lake. The sun had not yet set, and its beams reflecting on the tranquil waters, gave the whole the appearance of one immense mirror, whose surface was not troubled by a single ripple;

"Mildly and soft the western breeze

Just kiss'd the lake, just stirr'd the trees, And the pleas'd lake, like maiden coy, Trembled, but dimpled not for joy.' The several islands, which at a distance are most striking objects; the steeples

of the village-churches, surrounded with foliage; and again, the boldness of the scenery in the back-ground; all these, and many other things combined, formed a more charming picture than I can possibly convey any idea of. The pleasing silence around was only interrupted by the harmonious song of the nightingale, continuing without ceasing (for these birds are very numerous here) during the whole of my walk; with which solitary excursion I was more delighted, than I recollect having been with any other, since I quitted my native country, "Levan di terra al ciel nostr' intelletto: E'l rosignuol che dolcemente a l'ombra Tutti le notte si lamente e piagne."



In such a spot, so peculiarly adapted for the day dreams of fancy, imagination may take its flight, reflecting in prismatic colours of beauty every surrounding object. The mild and delicious temperature of the climate, the clear sky, and the enchanting scenery, combine to free the mind from all the dark and violent passions which agitate the world; they lead to the indulgence of the most pleasing reveries. In such a moment, honours, riches, and all the ambition of life, fade before us, and the contemplative wanderer may at last say, shall be my residence, here will I pass the remainder of my days." Such romantic delusions of enthusiasm for a moment took possession of my mind, during my walk on the borders of this lake; yet soon I found my heart inclin ing (like the needle to the north, from its natural tendency) to those scenes of domestic endearments, of filial affection, of friendship, of religion, and, above all, of society, such as we relish and approve, and to the many indescribable comforts, which in foreign countries are always wanting, and which sooner or later never fail to be experienced at a distance from one's native home.". Vol. 11. pp. 207, 208, and 209.

This work is embellished with twentyone well-executed vignettes of views in France and Italy.

Hardenbrass and Haverill; or, The Secret of the Castle. A Novel. Four volumes, 12mo.

THE Marquis of Hardenbrass, who is the gros diable of this tale of mystery, is represented as having seduced Lady Letitia Barbertown, and as having

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