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bought on the part of the French. He enters upon a detail of the different actions, and states, as the refult of the operations, that the Blacks were driven in on all fides to a plantation called Auglemont, where three hundred blew themselves up in the manfion-house, which feems to have been one of their depots, and the few that furvived the explofion were put to the fword. The French troops are stated to have loft on this occafion the advanced posts of two of their columns. The General, in concluding his difpatch, obferves, "This laft affair has deftroyed the infurrection in its fource; the chiefs are dead, and their followers, difarmed, have fubmitted and refumed their accustomed labours. The white foldiers, who were unable to quit the ifland, were, at the time of our arrival, collected in Fort St. Charles. The execution of the plan laid for blowing them up, and which was on the point of being carried into effect, failed, in confequence of the promptitude with which our troops purfued the enemy on the evacuation of the fort."

The Algerines have fent a fleet of twenty-two fail of fhips of war to fea, amongst which are feveral large frigates.

The Cine Portuguese frigate, of 40 guns, was captured on the 15th of May by an Algerine frigate, and carried into Algiers. She was taken by boarding; the crew having ran below, the Offcers, 21 in number, remaining on deck, were cut to pieces.

Recent accounts from Germany state, that the Stadtholder is to have the rich Bishopric of Fulda as his indemnity. The revenues of the Bishopric amount to 250,000 florins.

HAGUE, July 12.-Citizen Schimmelpenninck, who has been fo long Ambassador from our Republic to the French, is appointed in the fame capacity to the Court of London.-Before the Revolution, he was the moft celebrated advocate of Amfterdam.

FLUSHING, July 6.-The 4th inft. a fmall cutter arrived here from London, laden with piece-goods. This veffel, immediately on her arrival, was ftopped by the French Custom-houfe Officers, and taken poffeffion of, under pretence that it was laden with contraband goods. This feizure, however, which was likely to have produced the moft ferious confequences for our city, did


not occur without violent oppofition on the part of the people on board, who pofitively infifted that there was nothing contraband in the ship. In the mean time this circumftance had attracted a great number of perfons towards the quay where the lay.-The mob, with indignation at what had happened, manifefted their displeasure towards the Officers, by pelting them with ftones. The French guard having got intelligence of this, a corporal and four men were fent to keep the people off from the fhip. But the mob having by this time confiderably increafed, the choler of the people was fo greatly heated on feeing thefe French military, who were unable to cope with them, that they pufhed one into the water, and compelled the others to flight. The French Commander immediately caufed an alarm to beat, and ordered the whole garrifon under arms. This seemed as if it were the signal of a frightful carnage: the whole city collected; and the rage of the mob being wound up to its height, on beholding the French troops, a terrific cry for vengeance afcended from among them. A particular clafs, called Bylties, fingularly diftinguished themselves, exclaiming, "We have arms too!" and made a motion to go and fetch them. In this critical moment, our Bailiff ventured himself in the midst of the rabble, and fucceeded in quieting them by the force of argument: in confequence of which every thing ended without further misfortunes. There is ftill a French guard on board the velfel in queftion.

VIENNA, June 23.-We learn from Hungary, that a terrible fire has hap pened at Debretzein (between Tockai and Wardin), by which two thoufand houfes have been reduced to alhes, together with the College and the Reformed Church. A great number of cattle perished in the Hames. The damage is estimated at more than 2,000,000 of forins.

Within the space of two months forty-feven fuicides have been committed at Vienna, and it is faid to be in contemplation to order that the dead bo dies of those who fhall kill themfelves, thall be hung on the gallows by the public executioner, in order to deter others from the commitlion of this def perate act.

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SIR EDWARD HAMILTON, who was difmiffed the Naval fervice fome time ago, for ordering an inebriated feaman to the throuds, has been reinftated in his rank.

JUNE 21. Mr. M'Leod, who was remanded laft Term, was brought up to receive judgment for two libels inferted in The Albion. Mr. Justice Grofe paffed fentence upon him; to be imprifoned 18 months for each of the two libels; the beginning of one fentence to commence from the expiration of the other, and the first fentence to commence from the expiration of the time for which he now ftood committed under a former fentence; and at the end of that time to find fureties for his good behaviour for feven years, himfelf in 1oool, and two fureties in 200l. The defendant faid, the Court had paffed fentence of death upon him. 22. A Gentleman who came paffenger in the Anna, from Bengal, cut his throat with a razor, on board that veffel as foon as the arrived in fight of Brighton. It appeared, that the lofs of an amiable wife in India, had affected his intellects. He had four children with him, who were landed a few hours after he expired.

23. As Mr. G. Mingay, of Orford, was failing in a fmall boat, with his fifter and the two Miffes Burroughes, a fquall of wind (all fails being fet) en gulphed the little bark, with its unfufpecting freight. Mr. M. with much difficulty fwam afhore, but the ladies perithed. The Mifs Burroughes kept a very refpectable fchool, and were highly efteemed in their neighbourhood. Mils Mingay was their pupil.

Finlay, Cock, and Hartwright, convicted of forgery. were executed before Newgate. They all behaved with the most becoming decency.

The Board of Treafury has adopted a regulation admirably calculated to promote an emulation among the profeffors of fculpture, and at the fame time tending to fecure immortality to the memory of thofe great men who have fallen in the defence of their country, A Committee of Talte has been appointed, of which Mr. C. Long is the Prefident: it is compofed of five or fix Centlemen, who are authorized by the Treasury to examine the mo

dels of monuments, as voted by the Legislature to their countrymen who have fallen in battle, and to report their opinion to their Lordships.

Last week a ftatue of the Prince of Wales, feven feet high, was erected in front of the new Crefcent at Brighton.

26. AKing's Meflenger, of the name of Hertzlet, blew out his brains in Crown-court, Westminster.

27. T. Harrington, Esq. of Walthamhall, walking in the Green Park, fuddenly dropped down in a fit of apo. plexy, and in a few minutes after expired in the arms of a gentleman whofe humanity led him to his affift


In the parish church of Sheffield, the banns of marriage of 52 couple were published!

28. A genteel looking man fell down in a fit in the Court of King's Bench, and was removed into the open Hall. Mr. Juftice Lawrence fent his fmellingbottle from the Bench, which was ap plied with fome fuccefs; but when it fhould have been returned, it was dif covered that a perfon into whofe hands it had fallen had made off with it, together with the man's hat.

Specimens of a herring net wrought in a loom, were laid before the Royal Highland Society, the knots of which are more firm, and the meshes more equidiftant than thofe wrought with a needle. The machine is the invention of a Highlander, and did not coft more than 51. to complete it; and has this advantage, that a child ten years of age may work 36 fquare yards in a day, of 36 meshes in breadth.

JULY 4. A very melancholy and barbarous tranfaction took place at Corva, near St. Ives. A woman, whose name is Brey, while her husband was on his bufinefs at a tin-mine, took an infant of ten months old out of the cradle, undreffed it, and laid it on a red-hot baking iron, then throwing a fheave of reeds over the infant, set it in a blaze. The cries of the child brought perfons to the horrid fcene; but too late to fave it. The woman had been for fome time in fane, and had that morning broken loofe. The Jury returned a verdict of Infanity.

A boat, containing ten paffengers and five horses, going from Liverpool


for Chefter, was upfet, and four perfons, with all the horfes, perifhed.

Another Statue to Mr. PITT.-The inhabitants of Glafgow have refolved to raile a fubfcription to erect a itatue, without delay, in that City, to our late Prime Minitter.

5. At a meeting of the Lord Provoft, Magiftrates and Council of Edinburgh, it was unanimously refolved to erect by fubfcription a ftatue of the Right Hon. Henry Dundas.

The fubfcription for building a new Theatre at Glafgow, already amounts

to above 6000).

The four prizes given annually by the Reprefentatives in Parliament for the University of Cambridge, for the beft diflertation in Latin Profe, are this year adjudged to Mr. H. V. Bailey and Mr. C. Le Bas, fenior Bachelors of Trinity College; Mr. H. Martyn of St. John's, and Mr. C. Grant, of Magdalen College, Middle Bachelors.

The gold medals of the late Sir W. Browne are adjudged this year, at Cambridge, to Mr. G. Pryme, of Trinity College, for the Greek Ode; to Mr. J. Parke, of Trinity College, for the Latin Ode; and to Mr. C. Bayley, of Chrift's College, for Epigrams.

A fingular inftance of the caprice of fortune has occurred within thefe few days at Sunderland, where a fhoemaker, named Webiter, who, with a wife and family, had long lived in extreme poverty, has been left heir to property of the value of 20,000l.

Two bulls have lately been baited in the Isle of Wight: one of thefe poor creatures had his horns fawed to the quick in order to provoke ferocity. The other, when he lay down quite exhausted, and panting for breath, had gunpowder put under his eye, the explofion of which was judged to be a happy means of re-animating his fpirits and vigour.

A few days ago, the fides of a well, near Blackburn, in the neighbourhood of Manchester, thirteen yards deep, fell in while two men were at work. The accident happened at two o'clock in the afternoon, and after inceffant labouring till ten at night, R. Wilfon, a finker, was heard to speak; at twelve, the other perfon was found dead. At this period, from the preffure of a crowd, the earth again gave way, and the dead and living man were once more buried. About four in the morning the latter was releafed, not

only without broken limbs, but little bruifed.

The following fhocking circumftances occurred in Birmingham: a foldier who had been abfent nine years, returned, and found his wife cohabiting with another man he demanded her, and he went with him; but having left fome writings in the hands of her paramour, the went to fetch them, when the wretch first cut her throat, and then his own.

Laft weck the Rev Mr. Norton, Vicar of Polefworth, in Warwickshire, unfortunately fell from his horfe, and broke his neck.

A few days ago two boys, one seven years old, the other five, having wandered into the fields near Measham, and removed a plank over an old enginefhaft, the latter flipped in.-The shaft was 80 yards deep, fifty of which were water.-His cries being heard by a perfon at work in the field, he procured affiftance from a neighbouring village; and, after much time, the boy was fafely brought to the furface, not in the leaft bruited: he had kept his head above water, by means of a finall plank.

9. Mr. Smith, of Chelmsford, was killed by endeavouring to ftop an unruly horfe, which leaped over a pole, with a cart, and overturned it.

A fingular Medical Cafe has arifen in Chicheiter, in the perfon of a cradled infant, who, left in charge of a child, received into its mouth, from its juvenile nurfe, a fmall two-bladed penknife, which being miffing upon fearch, occafioned the obfervation of the infant's linen becoming daily and hourly iron-moulded. After a few days (true as ftrange!) the bandle was voided, and one blade came away at the mouth, the other has not yet paffed. The extraordinary point of the cafe is, that the child's ufual functions of feeding, digetting, &c. have not become impeded. The internal feparation of the intrument into parts is yet more unaccountable.-Sujex Chronicle.

Among the curiofities brought from Egypt by Colonel Hill, is a Turkish tent of a very fingular construction, and richly embroidered. It is pitched in the pleafure grounds at Hawkestone, with the following infcription over one of the doors!" This tent once belonged to the famous Murad Bey; it was taken at the battle of the Pyramids by the French, and retaken when

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Grand Cairo furrendered to the Englith, June 25, 1801."-It appears that it was in this tent that the celebrated treaty of El Arith was figned.-A remarkable large Ass, brought by the Colonel from Malta, is alfo exhibited in Hawkeftone-park.

20. The Prince of Wales reviewed, on Wimbledon Common, about 10,000 men, confifting of feveral battalions of Foot and Life Guards, and four fquadrons of Light Dragoons.

M. Garnerin exhibited a night balloon at Vauxhall Gardens, with great effect. It afcended with wonderful velocity; and after having remained for fome time in the air, the fire- works attached to it went off, and the balloon at last took fire, prefenting at once a fight novel and entertaining.

J. Fry, of Wherwell, was appre hended for ill treating his wife: the Officer not being able to read the warrant, requested the Rev. Mr. Ironmonger, Minister of the parish, to read it for him: on which Fry took up a bill hook and ftruck Mr. I. fo violently on the head that his life is defpaired of.

Mr. Wm. Brevitor, of Stokeferry, Norfolk, has been fined in the penalty of 50l. on the Tallow Chandler's Act, for having made candles from the kitchen ftuff of his houfe, for its ufe.

21. An interefting trial took place in the Court of King's Bench. The action was brought by a Mr. Blake, a jeweller, in Leicester Fields, against the Governor and Company of the Bank, to recover the value of a note of 1000l. It appeared, that a perfon came to the plaintiff's fhop in April laft, and ordered a number of articles, for which he ten ered the note in queftion; it was dated in 1793; but the plaintiff, having no doubt of its being a good one, gave other notes and goods in exchange, to its full amount. The following day he fent it to the Bank for payment, when he learned it had been ftopped, as it was fuppofed to have been secreted by one Noland, a bankrupt in 1793, with a view to defraud his creditors. The bankrupt had long ago afferted that he had been over turned in the Chefter coach, and loft his pocket book containing this and other notes, of the value of 3000l. The creditors, however, being inclined to difcredit this ftory, treated him very harthly (we have even heard that he has been imprifoned for feveral years,

in confequence of this lofs): and the principal object of the defendants in this trial was, to afcertain how the plaintiff came by the note in question; it being alledged by their Counsel, that he must have known it to have been unfairly obtained at the time he took it. The trial lafted the whole day; and the refult was, that the Jury found a verdict for the plaintiff, with damages to the full amount of the note.

A clothing factory, belonging to Mr. Nash, of Trowbridge, was fet on fire by fome incendiaries, and burned to the ground. It feems, the people concerned in the woollen manufactories are incenfed at the introduction of the new machinery, which deprives them of a part of their employ.

22. In the evening the coffer-dam, which ferved to bay out the Thames from the works carrying on at the New Docks, Blackwall, gave way; by which unhappy accident feveral of the workmen lost their lives, the rupture having been fo fudden that they could not all extricate themselves from their perilous fituation. A gentleman standing by faw it begin to burst, and called out to the men; by which means a number efcaped, who must otherwife have been drowned. Five have fince been taken out, and three more are milling.

23. The cloathing-mills and works at Clifford were entirely consumed; there is every reafon to fuppofe they were maliciously fet on fire.

Lord Nelfon and Sir W. Hamilton were prefented by the Corporation of Oxford with freedoms of that City, in gold boxes.

24. A Coroner's Inqueft was taken on the five men who were drowned by the bursting of the coffer dam, at the Weft India wet docks; when, after a full investigation of all the circumftances attending that melancholy affair, the Jury returned a verdict of Accidental Death.

In the Court of King's Bench. Sir John Eamer v.. -Merle, Efq.-This was an action for flander; the de. fendant having faid, that he had heard that a bill for 2000l. of the house of Eamer and Co. had been noted, or was on the point of being fo; which was denied to be the cafe. Lord Ellenborough was, however, about to nonfuit the plaintiff, on the grounds of variation between the evidence and the allegations on the record; when Mr. Er


fkine, the defendant's Counfel, after paying many compliments to the high character and credit of the profecutor, propofed, as a means of conciliating the fuit, that a Juror fhould be withdrawn; which was agreed to.

Fecundity.-The wife of B. Parting ton, of Park-treet, Stockport, was a few days ago delivered of three children, two boys and a girl; fhe has been fourteen years married, during which period he has had eighteen children, four times twins, and the reft at fingle births. At Weardalt, in Lancashire, the wives of J. Brown and J. Peat, both miners, were delivered each of three children, the former girls and the other boys: the latter women are coufins.

Mortality.-A fingular mortality has taken place in the family of Mr. G. Cooke, of Lilling, near York :-About a fortnight ago a fine girl, his daughter, was taken ill, and almost inftantly expired; a few days after, her brother and fifter were attacked with a fimilar complaint, died, and were buried in the fame grave; two other boys, brothers to the above, were taken ill, and died on Sunday; and another girl, their fifter, is fo ill, that her life is defpaired


Caution.-A number of counterfeit feven fhilling pieces have, within the latt week, been circulated with infinite fuccefs. They can only be difcovered by a comparison with a good one, when

it will be found they are confiderably thicker, that the found is much thriller, and the impreffion on the face fide fuller and bolder than those struck in the Mint die. This illegal coinage is fuppofed to be made of the metal called platina.

Emigrations to America.-Emigrations to the Western Continent, from the Northern parts of Ireland and from the Highlands of Scotland, are continued which, on principles of humanity as to an extent highly alarming; and well as policy, are entitled to the immediate confideration of the Government.

American Trade to India.-The commerce of the United States to India is increafing in a degree highly injurious to the interefts of this country. During the prefent feafon, upwards of two hundred fhips have failed from America to India and China. The little port of Salem alone has fent out twenty-fix. The Americans can build and victual their fhips at a third part of the expence to which we are fubject, and their trade is unincumbered by the enormous charges for civil and military establishments in Hindoftan, to which our traffic neceffarily contributes the confequence is, that they can and do underfell us in most of the

foreign markets; and that unless some new measures be adopted, the importations of our Company must shortly be confined to our internal confumption.


OHN NORTH BOYDELL, of Hamp- Villiers, daughter and fole heiress of the

Jitead, eiq, to Mils Ogilvie, of Argyle- Earl of Grandifon.


At Hamburgh, Sir Robert Barclay, bart. to Madame de Cronstadt.

Lord Henry Stuart, third fon to the Marquis of Bute, to Lady Gertrude

Charles Thomas Hudfon, eldest son of Sir Charles Grave Hudfon, bart. to Mifs Pepperell, daughter of Sir W. Pepperell.

Mr. Sylvanus Phillips, of Tower-street, to Mils Mary King, of Walworth.


JUNE 14.

AT Cobham, in Surrey, in his 86th year, Mr. John Harden.

15. At Fulbeck, in Lincolnshire, Charles Blair, efq. of Blandford St. Mary's, in the county of Dorfet.

19. Mrs. De Chair, wife of the

Rev. Dr. De Chair, and daughter of Sir

William Wentworth, bart.

Mr. Harry Clarke, of King's Bench Walks, Temple.

At Brighton, Thomas Morris, efq. 20. At


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