Abbildungen der Seite

VII. The prefent decree shall be printed, publifhed, and poited up in the ufual places, and enregistered in the different Offices through the whole extent of the States of Parma, Pia cenza, Guastalla, &c. in order that it may be known by every body, and that all may conform to it in every refpect, &c.

(Signed) MOREAU SAINT MERY. Parma, Oct. 23.

A private letter from Barcelona fpeaks in terms of admiration of the entry of their Catholic Majefties into that city. This journey excited the attention of all the kingdom, and at. tracted, a vast concourfe of people from every part; it was fplendid in the extreme, and perfectly character. iftic of Spanish grandezza. The King's fuite comprised about 4000 perfons, and was preceded by 500 light wag gons, drawn by mules, carrying their clothes, &c. The triumphal car, in which the Royal Pair entered the town, was covered with fheets of gold, futtaining at top a crown of diamonds of immenfe value. The car was drawn by Knights richly dressed, and followed by the guards fplendidly attired. The proceffion lafted upwards of two hours, and the enthufiafm of the people on the occafion was exceffive. On the day following their Majesties went to hear Mafs, when the crowd was fo great, that feveral perfons were crushed to death.-Eight thousand perfons dine daily at the King's tables, and the expences are difcharged in fpecie, a frigate having been fent round with feveral millions of piaftres for the purpofe.

A voyage of discovery to the South Seas, at the expence of the Spanish Government, by Don Murtis, is in agi


The Madrid Gazette mentions the intention of the Spanish Government to fend two fcientific gentlemen to London to act in concert with the African Society in exploring the interior of Africa.

The King of Great Britain, as Elector of Hanover, has iffued an Ordinance directing the occupation of the Bishopric of Ofnaburgh, which was allotted to his Majefty by the plan of Indemnities in perpetual Sovereignty.

The Grand Duke Conftantine, of Ruffia, arrived at Vienna on the 21ft ult. His entry into the capital was announced by feveral difcharges of

artillery. During his ftay at Vienna, he was prefented with the Order of the Golden Fleece, made proprietor of the Auftrian regiment of Veezay Huffars, and appointed a General of Artillery in the Auftrian army. The Grand Dutchefs is at Drefden; but his Royal Highnefs did not, as expected, vifit her previous to his return to Petersburgh.

A German mechanic has invented an inftrument called an Anemocorde, which wonderfully imitates the human voice.

A Decree has lately been paffed at Vienna, relative to all Public Libraries and Reading Inflitutions, by which any works of Voltaire, Rouffeau, Bayle, Helvetius, &c. are forbidden to be given, or lent to read.

Amongst other measures adopted by the Swifs Patriots, the Council of Education, provifionally established at Lucerne, has banished from the schools all the new elementary books: it has forbidden the philofophy of Kant to be taught in them, and ordered, for the re-establishment of good morals, that the scholars fhould resume their mantles.

The Archduke Charles quitted Prague on the 27th ult. where he has been received with every poffible mark of diftinction. His departure was announced by the discharge of 108 pieces of cannon.

An article in the Dutch papers, which have arrived lately, ftates, that Sir J. B.Warren had his first audience of the Emperor Alexander on the 3d ult.

Advices from Petersburgh, of the 15th ult. mention, that the Officer who invented the ftory of a confpiracy against the life of Alexander I. and wounded himself with a pistol, to give more fanction to his invention, has been tried by Special Commiffion, which not only found him guilty of the charges preferred against him, but fentenced him to be quartered alive by four horfes. This fentence, however, was changed by the Emperor into perpetual banishment to Siberia.

The Algerine Navy at present comprifes 15 cruizers, carrying from fix to 48 guns, and fifty gun-boats;there are likewife about 200 fail of coasters, of from 20 to 30 tons burthen. The Military consists of about 7000 Turks, 6000 Half-Turks, and 50,000 Militia. There are now in Algiers upwards of 1500 Chriftian Slaves. DOMESTIC



of distress were made, on which some boats came off from Brighton, but the Captain would not fuffer any of the perfons to come on board; he had juft before declared, that the veffel fhould go to the bottom. The fhip being afterwards weighed up and brought in, an order was iffued to apprehend the Captain; but the Proprietors, Easterby and M'Farlane, having arrived at Brighton be. fore the Officers of Juftice, pledged themfeives that the prifoner fhould be forthcoming when called on. They however connived at his escape to London, whence it was intended he should proceed to Hamburgh under a fictitious name. Invoices had been made out for goods, fome of which had never been put on board : others, which had been shipped, were afterwards relanded, and were found in the apartments of Codlin. The Counfel then proceeded to call his witnesses. T. Cooper, a failor belonging to the veffel, depofed as to her failing, &c. After the witnefs left Deal, the Captain told him they would not be in her 48 hours longer. He then depofed to the facts ftated in the opening, relative to the boring of holes, and the confequences. J. Morris, a cabin-boy, stated, that being fent to one of the cabin lockers by the Captain, he heard the water rufh in, and gave the alarm; but the Captain refufed to believe him, and the next morning he shut himself up with the mate in the cabin, and would not fuffer the witness to enter. Several other witnesses depofed, that the Captain would not fuffer them to affift when the veffel let in the water. Mr. Storrow stated, that he had a meeting with the Proprietors and Captain: they wished him to proceed from Yar mouth to Gibraltar, and, after felling part of the cargo there, to fink the veffel in the Mediterranean, that they might recover for a partial lofs. Captain Douglas, on the part of the Underwriters, defcribed the manner in which the holes were made, the apprehenfion of the pri foners, &c. An infurance-broker proved that he had effe&ted infurances on this veffel at different times between June and July, by the defe of Eafterby, to the amount of nearly 5000l. Another broker proved that he infured the fame veffel for 4000l. A Cuftom-house Officer who took an inventory of the property

OCTOBER 26. CODLIN and J. Reed were tried at the Admiralty Seffions in the Old Bailey, charged with finking the Adventure brig, off Suffex, in Auguft laft, after infuring her to the amount of 9000l. for the purpose of defrauding the Underwriters; and G. Easterby and W. M'Farlane, were charged on the fame indictment for procuring the other pri foners to commit the faid felony. The Counsel for the profecution, after enlarg. ing upon the nature of the crime, entered into a fort of history of the vefiel. The brig failed in the month of July from London to Yarmouth, without taking in her cargo, and at this time policies were effected on her. At Yarmouth she took in goods to an inconfiderable amount, and about ten tons of ballaft. At this time a Mr. Storrow was fupercargo, but it would appear that he never intended to purfue the voyage. The hip proceeded to the Downs, where Storrow left it, and was fucceeded by the prifoner Reed. While fhe lay at the Downs, a perfon of the name of Douglas, who was Mate, was taken ill and left her; and Codlin instead of appointing a man in his ftead, who was capable of performing the duties, made choice of a perfon of the name of Cooper, who was ignorant of navigation. The prifoner Codlin, confcious that the object of the voyage was not Gibraltar nor Leghorn, but that the Adventure fhould find her grave before the left the British coaft, told him his duty would not be very arduous. There were frequent opportunities for the fhip failing, but Codlin pretended that the wind did not fuit, and that he waited for letters. He spoke of her as a fhip that was unfit to cross the Bay of Bifcay, and that the fhould foon be destroyed. When the got to Brighton, Codlin went on deck, and obferved to Cooper, that he was a clumfy, fellow, and could not get into the locker of the cabin to bore the holes to deftroy her; he ordered Cooper to go, telling him he would find the inftruments in the cabin; and, in order to avoid creating an alarm, he took care to employ all hands in taking in the fails, and on fuch duties as precluded the poffibility of their hear ing what was going forward. After this larger holes were made by the fame perion. To keep up the farce, lignals

VOL. XLII. Nov. 1802.



on board when the fhip was weighed up, proved that he did not contain half the goods entered in the bills of parcels. A number of other witneffes were examined, whole teftimony was fimilar to what we have already given. The laft evidence produced was a paper which contained a notice from Eafterby and M'Farlane to the Underwriters, of their abandonment of the fhip and cargo. The defence for the prifoners was, that they had no intention of committing a fraud: the fact of finking the hip not being fufficient to prove fuch an intention; as no claim had been made for the fum infured. In behalf of the prifoner Reed, it was contended that he, being only a fupercargo, had nothing to do with the management of the veffel, a fupercargo not coming under the defcription of a perfon belonging to the fhip. M'Farlane in his defence, faid he had ferved his Majefty 28 years, 16 of which he had been abroad. Mr. Efkine, on the part of Easterby, made an eloquent fpeech to prove that the Admiralty Court was not authorised to take cognizance of any crime committed by a perfon who never went out to fea. Several witnefles were called, who fpoke in high terms of the prifoners. Lord Ellenborough then fummed up the evidence; after which the Jury found all the prifoners guilty, except Reed. Sentence of death was immediately paffed upon Codlin, and the others were ordered from the bar, to wait the opinion of the Judges on Mr. Eifkine's objection.

26. At night, as Captain Scott, of a merchant veffel, was going with his wife on board a fhip off the Tower, in attempting to step from a veffel alongfide across the intervening fpace, Mrs. Scott mifled her step, and fell into the River. The mate (a brother of Captain S.) precipitated himfelf into the flood, in hopes of faving her; the Captain alto plunged in, but, owing to the darkness of the night, and the tide fetting strong, the exertions of both proved abortive. The lady and her husband were drowned; and the Mate, almost exhauster, was refcued by the crew of an adjoining veffel. 28. Mr. Abraham Newland appeared on the Stock Exchange, to deliver the anfwer of the Bank Directors to a requifition of the Loan-holders to postpone the period of Redemption of the Loan to the month of June or July next. He announced the following as the refolution of the Bank, viz. that the redemption

* Set Page 317.

fhould be made, 40 per cent. on the 21ft of January, 30 per cent. on the 18th of February, and 30 per cent. on the 18th of March.

The remains of Mrs. Bridges, the chimney-fweeper, whofe cruelty we have had occafion to mention, were buried in Mary-le-bone Church-yard on Thursday, and attended with every mark of public ignominy. The end of this wretched woman was as infamous as her life. Having fold the leafe of her house and stock in trade to the widow of another fweep for 751: she, juft before her death, raifed 45. by felling the fame property to another perfon, without apprifing him of a prior engagement. Her impious conduct previous to her deceafe is too fhocking to defcribe.

30. At the Old Bailey, Briscoe, Denham, and Baker, were indicted for the murder of T. Pamphlin, on the 4th inft. in Compton-ftreet, Clerkenwell. Baker was acquitted, and the others found guilty of Manslaughter.

A new inftitution has been established in London under the title of The British School. Its purport is to afford an opportunity for Artifts to display fuch of their productions as they intend for fale, and to contribute towards the fupport of them felves and their families in cafe of fickness and death.

A letter from Neath, dated the 26th, ftates, that a fmart fhock of an earthquake was experienced at Carmarthen a few evenings ago. The phenomenon caused much alarm; many hundred people affembled in the streets, with a firm conviction that the ancient prophecy, which predicted the deftruction of Car. marthen by an earthquake, was about to be fulfilled. The fame letter adds, that Mr. Barret † disgusted with aërostation, has become a strolling player, and appeared aft week at Swanfea, in the character of Lord Ogleby.

Nov. 1. During the performance of Peroufe at the Preiton theatre, when the hero fired at the Indian, the wadding entered the thigh of the latter, and caufed a mortification, which on the Thursday following terminated his life. The deceafed was Mr. James Bannerman, of the Theatre Royal, Edinburgh.

2. At the Old Bailey, Francifco (a Tyrolete) was indicted for shooting at Mr. Maryan in Lombard-fireet. Mr. M. depofed, that on the 16th ult. the pritoner came into his fhop, and pre

† See Page 286.


fenting a pistol, demanded his money; the profecutor not immediately comply. ing with his request, and another perfon coming in, the prifoner fired, when the ball paffed through the wainscot, and penetrated the wall to the depth of half an inch. Mr. Minet, a merchant, deposed, that as he entered the fhop, he heard the prifoner fay 66 money," and conceiving him to be a robber, he attempted to feize him, when he prefented a piftol, but the witnefs ftooping down, he fired at the profecutor, and ran out of the fhop. The prifoner, in his defence, prefented a paper, in which he did not deny the outline of the evidence: he declared, that he had not the smallest intention of killing the profecutor: he faid, the pitol went off by accident; that his fufferings drove him to madnels, having for fome time had neither food nor a dwelling he had provided the pistols for putting an end to his own existence, and had proceeded to St. James's Park for that purpofe, but was prevented by there being a lady and child walking in the remote part which he had fixed upon. He concluded with afferting, that this was his first crime, and that he would bear his fate with refignation. The Jury, after half an hour's confultation, found the prifoner Guilty, Death.

10. Mr. Steele, proprietor of the lavender-water warehoufe in Catharineftreet, Strand, was found murdered on Hounslow Heath. He went on Friday laft to Bedfont, where he had a plantation of lavender, to give instructions to his men : but, not returning at the time appointed, his friends, after exploring different parts of Hounslow Heath, found hun buried under a bush: part of his forehead was entirely cut away, and his head wounded in many places, as was conjectured with a bayonet. On his return from Bedfont, he could not procure any kind of carriage, confequently was proceeding to town on foot. His boots and hat were taken away, and his pockets cut entirely. off.

20. On Tuesday Sir Richard Ford issued a warrant, and Revitt, at the head of a strong party of the London, Surry, and Kent Patroles, proceeded to the Oakley Arms, in Oakley-street, Lambeth, where they found Col. Defpard, and thirty-two labouring men and foldiers, English, Irish, and Scotch, the whole of whom they took into cuftody on fufpicion of a treasonable confpiracy. On the folLowing morning they were all taken before

the Sitting Magiftrates at Union Hall. The examination lafted nearly eight hours; the refult of which was, that the Colonel was committed to the County Goal: twelve of his affociates, fix of whom are soldiers, were fent to Tothill Fields, and twenty to the New Prifon, Clerkenwell.-Thursday afternoon, Colonel Defpard, heavily ironed, accompanied by his wife, and one of the fol diers, was brought to Lord Pelham's Office, where feveral of the Cabinet Minifters were affembled. He underwent an examination, and was committed to Newgate. On Friday morning the Privy Council again met, and Colonel Defpard underwent a fhort examination. He was fully committed to Newgate, for feducing fome of the Guards from their duty; the number, however, of those who have been feduced, does not amount to more than ten. No proof has yet appeared that this affembly entertained any defignagainst the life of the King, as was at firft reported; but their incetings have been held with great fecrecy, and their numbers are very confiderable. In the Borough there were feven divifions, and eight fub-divifions; the time and place of their meeting were kept fecret till within a few hours of their affembling. allurement held out to the foldiers was, that great fums of money were expected from France, and that, on their accom-. plishing their object, they would be allowed 3s. 6d. per day for life. Among the papers found in the poffeffion of the prifoners were feditious toalts and fongs, one declaratory of certain Rights, with a copy of the Oath taken on becoming 'a Member. It begins with-" Conftitution, Independence of Ireland and Great Britain, Equalization of all Civic Rights."


Then follows an affurance that the Members will unite to maintain the families of all thofe heroes who may fall in contending for their rights. The words of the Oath run nearly thus :-"I A. B. do hereby fwear to endeavour, to the utmost of my power, to obtain the objects above ftated, and that neither fears, rewards, nor punishments, fhall compel me to refign thofe rights and privileges which the Supreme Being, in his bountiful goodness, has given to all men; and that no force whatever fhall induce me to give information in the bufinefs So help me God!"

The following are the names of those who have been committed to the different Pri fons: Newgate, Edward Marcus Defpard.

Eee a


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The Rev. Thomas Cope Marsham, Vicar of Kew and Peterham, to Mifs Maitland, eldest daughter of the Hon. General Alexander Maitland.

John Burton, efq. of the Inner Temple, to Mifs Bowman, of Muffets.

Henry Williams Riven, efq. captain in the 18th regiment of foot, to Mifs Arabella Fitzpatrick, of Cork.

Dudley North, efq. to Mifs Pelham, eldest daughter of Lord Yarborough.

The Rev. William Philpot, of Kew, to Mrs. Lewis, of Richmond.

The Rev. William Pochin, of Emma. nuel College, Cambridge, to Miss M. C. Green, of Lawford Hall, Effex.

Lord Binning, fon to the Earl of Haddington, to Lady Maria Parker, daugh. ter of the Earl of Macclesfield.

John Cross, efq. of Lincoln's inn, barritter-at-law, to Mifs Margaret Hyde, of Ardwick, in Lancashire.

John Erskine, elq. to Mifs Mary Mordaunt.


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the relief minifters of Glasgow, aged 68.

17. Mr. John Grove, of Stanmore, in his 80th year.

18. At Peterhead, Major John Ramfay, late of the Scots brigade.

19. At Stamford Hill, Mr. Daniel Bell, in his 77th year.

At Waltham, in Leicestershire, aged 76, Anthony Forman, efq, of the ordnance department of the Tower of London.

Lately, at Kew, George D'Auber, efq. late captain of the 11th light dragoons. 21. At Southampton, Charles Wic-. fton, efq. of Dominica.

22. Dr. Samuel Arnold. (See p. 341.) Robert Thistlethwayte, esq. of Southwick place, Hampshire, and late member for that county.

26. At Taunton, Captain W. Corfield, late of the 47th regiment, aged 42. The Rev. John Fairfax Franckiin, rector of Attleborough, Norfolk.

John Scott, efq. one of the magiftrates belonging to the public-office, Marlborough-street.

27. At Bristol, the Rev. Dr. Henry Hunter, minifter of the Prefbyterian meeting, London Wall, tranflater of Lavater, &c. &c. (See page #328.)

At Edinburgh, the Rev. William Paul, minifter of St. Cuthbert's.

28. The

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