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put an end to its influence: and the first information was laid against it, by Dr. William Barton, bishop of St. Davids, who at that time professed the principles of protestantism, but who a few years afterwards recanted and again became a catholic. The following is a copy of his curious letter, and of the consequent examinations respecting the tapers of the prior and vicar. In Barlow's letter he earnestly requests to have the see of his bishopric removed to Caermarthen. The year in which the letter was written is not inserted, but there is reason to suppose it was 1537. "After my right humble "commendations, the benevolent goodness of "your lordship toward me appeareth, both by "your lordships letters, and by relacion of M. Dort, Barnes concernynge soch somes of


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moneye as I am yndebted to the kynges high"nes favourably to be respited, though I cannot "in this, nor in other your manyfold benefits, "condignly make recompensation, yet, the little "that I maye to the utmost of my pore possi"bilitye, my unfayned endeavours shail not

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fayle faythefully to performe. Concernynge

your lordships letres addressed for the taper "of Haverford West, ere the receyte of them, I "had done reformacion, and openly detested "the abuse thereof; all parties which before

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tyme repugned, penitently reconcyled. But sythen I chaunced upon another taper of "most great credyte, and of more shameful "detestacion, called our ladies taper, of Cardi"gan, which I have sente here to your lordships, "with convenient instructyons of that develish "delusyon. For when I admonished the canons "of St. Davyds, accordynge to the kynges in"structyons, in no wise to set forth feyned "reliques for to allure people to supersticyon, "neither to advance the vayne observacyons of "unnecessary holy days, abrogated by the "kynges supreme authoritye, at St. Davyds "daye the people wilfully solemnised the feaste: "then reliques were set forth, which I caused to "be sequestered and taken away, detayning "them in my custody until I may be advertised "of your lordship's pleasure. The parcels of the "reliques are these: two heades of sylver plate "enclosynge two rotten skulls, stuffed with pu"trified clowtes. Item, two arme bones, and a "worm eaten boke covered with sylver plate. "Of the canons showinge negligence towarde "the prefermente of Gods worde, and what un


godly disguised sermons was preached in the "cathedral church, in the feast of Innocents, "last past, they being present with an auditory "of iii or iiij hundred persons, this bearer, a

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mynister of the same church, shall forder de"clare havinge parte of the said sermone in "writinge apparente to be showed, Further"more. though I myght seeme more presump"tuous than needeth, to move any date for the "translacyon of the see from St. Davyds, to "Kermeddyn, yet my good lord, the juste equi"tye thereof, and expediente utilytie enforceth "me so to presume, consideringe that a better "deade for the commonwealth, and dew refor"macyon of this mysordered diocesse, cannot be "purposed, as well for the prefuremente of Gods "worde, as for the abolyshyngs of all anti-chris"tian suspicion, aud therein the kynges supreme "majestye to be ampyfied with the universull


commodytie of his graces subjects there rese"dunte, annoyenge non with discomoditye ex"cept perchaunce four or fyve persons will sur"mise their private pleasor to be anoyed in profytinge the commonwealth. And the cause



partlye that moveth me thus with importunitye "to be urgente in my suite, ys the over sump"tuous expences that the canons have incurred "in re-edifyenge the body of their cathedral "church, which, ere it be finished, will utterly "consume the small residue of the church trea"sure remayninge in their custodye, without


any profitable effect, savinge to nourish clat

"tering conventycles of barbarous rural persons; "the deformed habitacyons of the pore colle"gyons in such beggarly ruyne, and so wretch"edlye decayed that honestye will abhoore to "beholde them, which to remedy, pleaseth the "kynges highnes of his gracious bountye, tó "grante the grey freres place at Kermeddyn, "where his most noble progenitor and grand"father lieth honorably entured, lycènsynge "the see thydder to be translated, which (his "graces pleasor condescendynge) may be për"formed without any chargeable difficultye. "And not only the pore collegyans, but also "the canons resydentyaries might be there


pleasantly enhabited with habundant provision "of all necessary commoditye, continually "havinge opportune occasion to profite the

kynges subjects, whereas, at St. David's, lurk"ing in a desolate corner, they that be but “munped can do veraye little good, in case they "wolde, savinge to themselves. And concern


ynge the frears that they neither should be "agreeved with any prejudice, I dowie not but "under the kyngés hyghnes favor of such pre"ferrements as I have of his grace, sufficiently "to provyde for every one of them that shall be "founde an able mynister of Christ's church, in "competente lernynge and honest conversacyon.

"Moreover the sayd towne of Kermeddyn being "the most frequented place, and indifferently "situate in the middle of the dyocesse, I myght "there (and God willinge so I wolde) settle my "continuall consistorie, assisted by lerned per66 sons, mayntayninge a free gramar schole with " a dayly lecture of holy scripture whereby Gods "honour principally preferred, the Welch rude"ness decreosynge, christian cyvilytie may be "intodnced to the famous renoune of the kynges

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supremasseye, whose princely majestye Al"mightie Jesu preserve with your lordship. "From Kermyddyn, the last day of March.your lordships to command-W. Meneven."


Among the munificent patrons to whom the literature of this country is indebted, few have rivalled, and still fewer, if any, have surpassed Willam of Wykeham. This eminent man, whose name is derived from the place of his birth, in Hampshire, was born in 1324. Like most of the great personages of his time, those at least who attained any elevation in the church, he was raised by his own superior talents from the humble station to which his family belonged, to the very highest dignities of the realm. For his education he was indebted to the liberality of a

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