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Parliaments to their prefent length, hath, I fear, been productive of many political misfortunes, fubfequent to that aiteration. Yet, if ever the good people of South-Britain deferved a triennial holiday, it is for that steady loyalty they have fo lately fhewn, in oppofition to those of the Northern Parts of this Kingdom; who have also distinguished themselves, but not at all to their honour or credit. The Repealing of the Septennial Act would bring us a little nearer to that happy fituation of Independency, which Annual Parliaments would undoubtedly compleat.

Thus, fuch as now think it ill policy to be unattached, or unfashionable to be difengaged, may then come to have nobler views, than to prostitute their legislative truft, conferred upon them by their Conftituents; who, in all probability, could be no otherwise influenced in their choice, (for fo fhort a period) but merely from a perfonal regard. As I am one of those that fhall be ever proud of being fo unfashionably degagée, as to deteft nothing so much as an attachment to any fide, or set of men whatsoever; fo, according to that laudable practice of our ancestors, I fhall wait to fee fome of the many grievances we labour under first redreffed, before I can give my affent to the Addrefs moved for.

Major Selwyn, Nov. 18, 1746.

ABOUT the latter end of May, or the beginning of June, the Miniftry were acquainted with the fate of Falkland Island. At that time they learned, that the Governor of Buenos Ayres had fent a frigate or two, to warn our troops to quit the Ifland; that our Commanding Officer had threatened to fire upon them if they would not depart; that the Spaniards, in confequence, declared their refolution of employing force; and that there was no doubt they would put their threat in execution. Where their pride is concerned, the Spaniards are tenacious of their words: and it could not be fuppofed, that the Governor of Buenos Ayres would, in this cafe, belie

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the character of his nation. But who is this Governor, this mighty Potentate, against whom the King of Great-Britain is going to draw his fword? I will tell the Houfe. When at Gibraltar, in an inferior station I confefs, I happened in an excurfion to meet this Governor, this Don Francifco de Buccarelli, whom our Minifters confider as great and formidable. For a Spaniard, he was not a bad companion; but I do not believe he had, at that time, the moft diftant hope of ever entering into a competition with the King of Great-Britain. But our Minifters were made for rendering abfurdity fashionable. As they have, for these two years, degraded their Royal Mafter by a quarrel with a wretched Libeller, fo now they commit his dignity in a contest with a little Spanish Officer. The terrible foes that roufe his vengeance, are John Wilkes, and my old friend Buccarelli. How much more honourable

would it have been, to have at once confidered the King of Spain as the aggreffor, as the delinquent? It is evident, from the coolness and deliberation with which Buccarelli acted, that he acted under the authority, and by the exprefs command of the King of Spain. If he had not, he would have, ere now, forfeited his head. Why then did not our Minifters, upon the first intelligence, deem this act of hoftility the most explicit and effectual Declaration of War? Why did they not immediately arm the nation, and prepare for ftriking as decifive a blow, as that which fecured us the fuperiority of the late war? This ftep would have brought into our ports their ships and failors, and effectually ruined their Marine. Of this truth no person of common fenfe can entertain the leaft doubt. Inftead of adopting this vigorous meafure, they let the affair fleep for three or four months, as if time had no wings. And, when at last waked out of their lethargy, what have they done? What harbours have they improved? What forts have they repaired? What cities have they fortified? Have they strengthened the lines at Quebec? Have they secured that spot, which, if taken by the enemy, will ruin our fishery, if it is not already

ruined by their indolence, timidity, or ignorance? Have you taken any Measures for defending thofe Sugar Iflands, which, from their fituation, are exposed to the infults of the enemy? What precautions have you taken for the fafety of Minorca? I know, that when the troops from Ireland arrive, the garrifon I will confift of nine battalions. But whosoever told you this number would be fufficient, knows nothing of the fervice. I am confident, that every Officer of judgment and experience, will coincide with me in opinion. You fee then where you are vulnerable. More inftances might be pointed out; but that were impiety! I fhould hold myself inexcufable for what I have already faid, were I not fenfible that our enemies know them as well as we do. Such then is the fituation of this country, to which our Minifter, in the course of laft Seffion, promised a ten years peace. I ftood up in my place, and ventured to call his prophecy in queftion; I gave my reafons, but they were called the fuggeftions of faction. The Minifter, trufting to his own fagacity and forefight, paid no regard to the forebodings of the gallant Admiral, who now fits at the head of the Marine Department. The illuftrious feaman, than whom I know not a better Officer, nor a more excellent citizen, declared, that whoever occupied next year the place then held by him, would be forced to call for an augmentation of fix thoufand failors. These words fhew that I was not fingular in my opinion, and that other refpectable perfons felt the approach of war. I know not what the opinion of the Minister may be, but I ftill continue of the fame. I finell war; a calamity which might have been easily prevented, had our negociators acted with spirit and resolution in the affair of Corfica. I happened then to be at Paris; and can with the greatest truth affirm, that the French would have deemed your interpofition the part of a friend. Tired and exhausted with fuch an effufion of blood and treafure, they would have thanked you for any honourable pretence to withdraw from that scene of fo many difafters. But you acted then like poltroons, and pol

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troons always bring upon themselves a fucceffion of infults. And now, that like bullies, you hector and blufter, and run fwaggering about, what will you do? Where is there a man among you who can make the proper arrangements for war? Whom will you appoint Commander in Chief? He, alas! who could fill that office with dignity and ability, is no more; and no friend of Britain will refufe his memory a tear. For when fhall we fee his like again? Regardless of money, and studious only of true glory, he fought the applause and affection of his country, and he acquired them. His honour (the late Marquis of Granby) and integrity were unquestioned: his courage, which was of the most ardent and decifive kind, and covered him with laurel, fo much the more honourable, that he did not employ the weight and authority thence derived to his own private emolument, but for the public good. Such virtue, rare at any time, was to be doubly prized in fuch an age as this. Such talents might have given life and vigour to our military counfels. But, fnatched away when we moft needed his heart and his hand, he is, alas! no more.

It is, however, fome confolation under this diftrefs, that we have fuch an able Secretary at War. His fuperior talents will make us amends for the lofs cf fo great a character. That clearner's for which his dispatches are fo remarkable, is a fufficient earneft for his future atchievements. In the last war, fome of his letters to the Governor of Gibraltar were, if I remember right, unintelligible, fome were contradictory, and all confused and perplexed. Hence the lofs of Minorca. If his head produced fuch effects, when he acted only an under part, what may we expect from it, where he is the fupreme director? It is not that the Noble Lord cannot write with sufficient perspicuity, where the question is to destroy his Majesty's fubjects. There I confefs the power of his eloquence. There he is quite intelligible. There he can infpire the foldiers with alacrity. I wish the Ministry joy of fuch a fuperintendant of the military VOL. I. department;


department; but I am forry I cannot pay my country the fame compliment.

Colonel Barré, Nov. 13, 1770.

THE Noble Lord at the head of the Treasury (Lord North) is the greatest of all Contractors ;-he is a Contractor for men; -a Contractor for your flock, Mr. Speaker, (addreffing himfelf to the Chair); a Contractor for the Representatives of the people. The Noble Lord proposed to give a place of a thoufand a year, provided a Noble Duke would prevail on the most infignificant Member in that House to vacate his feat in Parliament.

The Noble Duke behaved like a man upon the occafion ; like a friend, like a brother: he rejected the villainous propofition that Noble Lord had the affurance to make.

I am not acquainted with the Noble Lord. I have never spoken to him; I have never had the honour of being introduced to him; but I fincerely with him to fave his country and his own life. I exhort him to call off his butchers and ravagers from the Colonies; to retire with the rest of his Majefty's evil advisers from the public government, and make way for honeft and wifer Counsellors; to turn from his wickednefs and live; it is not yet too late to repent.

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Lord George Gordon, April 13, 1778.

THERE is but one answer I have to give, as applicable to Administration in a body. Oppofition are well warranted to reply to them in the words of a celebrated author, (Swift's Gulliver) a little altered and enlarged; where, at the conclufion of his well-known Travels, he fays, he could bear them well enough in fome refpccts; he could make allowances for their incapacity, ignorance, folly, corruption, love of place, and emoJument; he could pity them for their blunders, their wants, weakneffes, and grofs ftupidity; he felt for their miferable fituation, knowing not whether to rufh headlong on certain ruin,

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