Universal Human Rights in Theory and PracticeCornell University Press, 2003 - 290 páginas Praise for the first edition: "Every once in a while a book appears that treats the leading issues of a subject in such a clear and challenging manner that it becomes central to understanding that subject. Universal Human Rights in Theory and Practice is just such a book.... Donnelly's interpretations are clear and argued with zest."--American Political Science Review "This wide-ranging book looks at all aspects of human rights, drawing upon political theory, sociology, and international relations as well as international law.... [Jack Donnelly] deals successfully with two of the principal challenges to the notion of the universality of human rights: the argument that some non-Western societies are not subject to Western norms, and the claim that economic development may require the sacrifice of some human rights."--Foreign Affairs In a thoroughly revised edition of Universal Human Rights in Theory and Practice (more than half of the material is new), Jack Donnelly elaborates a theory of human rights, addresses arguments of cultural relativism, and explores the efficacy of bilateral and multilateral international action. Entirely new chapters address prominent post-Cold War issues including humanitarian intervention, democracy and human rights, "Asian values," group rights, and discrimination against sexual minorities. |
III | 7 |
V | 10 |
VI | 13 |
VII | 18 |
VIII | 22 |
IX | 23 |
XI | 27 |
XII | 33 |
LX | 151 |
LXI | 155 |
LXIII | 159 |
LXIV | 162 |
LXV | 164 |
LXVI | 166 |
LXVII | 168 |
LXVIII | 171 |
XIII | 38 |
XV | 40 |
XVI | 41 |
XVII | 43 |
XVIII | 46 |
XIX | 51 |
XX | 57 |
XXII | 58 |
XXIII | 60 |
XXIV | 61 |
XXV | 64 |
XXVII | 65 |
XXVIII | 67 |
XXIX | 69 |
XXX | 71 |
XXXI | 72 |
XXXII | 76 |
XXXIII | 78 |
XXXIV | 79 |
XXXV | 81 |
XXXVI | 84 |
XXXVII | 86 |
XXXVIII | 89 |
XL | 90 |
XLI | 92 |
XLII | 93 |
XLIII | 99 |
XLIV | 100 |
XLV | 103 |
XLVI | 107 |
XLVII | 108 |
XLVIII | 109 |
XLIX | 110 |
L | 112 |
LI | 114 |
LII | 115 |
LIII | 119 |
LIV | 127 |
LVI | 129 |
LVII | 135 |
LVIII | 138 |
LIX | 145 |
LXIX | 173 |
LXXI | 177 |
LXXII | 179 |
LXXIII | 185 |
LXXIV | 186 |
LXXV | 188 |
LXXVI | 191 |
LXXVII | 194 |
LXXVIII | 196 |
LXXIX | 199 |
LXXX | 200 |
LXXXI | 202 |
LXXXII | 204 |
LXXXIV | 205 |
LXXXV | 208 |
LXXXVI | 211 |
LXXXVII | 212 |
LXXXVIII | 214 |
LXXXIX | 215 |
XC | 217 |
XCI | 218 |
XCII | 220 |
XCIII | 221 |
XCIV | 225 |
XCV | 227 |
XCVI | 229 |
XCVII | 233 |
XCVIII | 237 |
XCIX | 242 |
CI | 243 |
CII | 244 |
CIII | 247 |
CIV | 249 |
CV | 251 |
CVI | 252 |
CVII | 254 |
CVIII | 255 |
CIX | 257 |
CX | 258 |
261 | |
287 | |