Riemannian GeometrySpringer Science & Business Media, 30 de jul. de 2004 - 322 páginas Many years have passed since the ?rst edition. However, the encouragements of various readers and friends have persuaded us to write this third edition. During these years, Riemannian Geometry has undergone many dramatic - velopments. Here is not the place to relate them. The reader can consult for instance the recent book [Br5]. of our “mentor” Marcel Berger. However,R- mannian Geometry is not only a fascinating ?eld in itself. It has proved to be a precious tool in other parts of mathematics. In this respect, we can quote the major breakthroughs in four-dimensional topology which occurred in the eighties and the nineties of the last century (see for instance [L2]). These have been followed, quite recently, by a possibly successful approach to the Poincar ́ e conjecture. In another direction, Geometric Group Theory, a very active ?eld nowadays (cf. [Gr6]), borrows many ideas from Riemannian or metric geometry. Butletusstophoggingthelimelight.Thisisjustatextbook.Wehopethatour point of view of working intrinsically with manifolds as early as possible, and testingeverynewnotiononaseriesofrecurrentexamples(seetheintroduction to the ?rst edition for a detailed description), can be useful both to beginners and to mathematicians from other ?elds, wanting to acquire some feeling for the subject. |
I | xv |
II | 4 |
III | 8 |
IV | 10 |
VI | 12 |
VII | 14 |
VIII | 15 |
IX | 17 |
LXXIII | 144 |
LXXIV | 146 |
LXXVI | 147 |
LXXVII | 149 |
LXXVIII | 150 |
LXXIX | 152 |
LXXXI | 153 |
LXXXII | 157 |
X | 20 |
XI | 22 |
XII | 24 |
XIV | 26 |
XV | 27 |
XVII | 29 |
XVIII | 30 |
XIX | 33 |
XX | 34 |
XXI | 35 |
XXII | 36 |
XXIII | 37 |
XXIV | 38 |
XXV | 39 |
XXVI | 40 |
XXVII | 43 |
XXVIII | 44 |
XXIX | 45 |
XXXI | 49 |
XXXII | 52 |
XXXIV | 56 |
XXXV | 57 |
XXXVI | 61 |
XXXVII | 63 |
XXXVIII | 68 |
XXXIX | 70 |
XL | 71 |
XLI | 73 |
XLII | 76 |
XLIII | 77 |
XLIV | 78 |
XLVII | 83 |
XLVIII | 87 |
XLIX | 92 |
L | 94 |
LI | 98 |
LII | 101 |
LIII | 107 |
LIV | 113 |
LV | 114 |
LVI | 115 |
LVII | 118 |
LVIII | 119 |
LIX | 124 |
LX | 126 |
LXI | 127 |
LXII | 129 |
LXIII | 131 |
LXIV | 133 |
LXV | 134 |
LXVI | 135 |
LXVII | 136 |
LXVIII | 137 |
LXIX | 139 |
LXXI | 140 |
LXXII | 143 |
LXXXIII | 158 |
LXXXIV | 160 |
LXXXV | 161 |
LXXXVI | 162 |
LXXXVIII | 163 |
LXXXIX | 165 |
XC | 166 |
XCI | 167 |
XCII | 171 |
XCIII | 172 |
XCIV | 174 |
XCVI | 175 |
XCVII | 176 |
XCVIII | 177 |
XCIX | 178 |
CI | 181 |
CII | 182 |
CIII | 183 |
CV | 188 |
CVI | 191 |
CVII | 192 |
CVIII | 196 |
CIX | 198 |
CX | 199 |
CXII | 202 |
CXIII | 205 |
CXVI | 207 |
CXVII | 210 |
CXVIII | 211 |
CXIX | 212 |
CXX | 214 |
CXXI | 215 |
CXXII | 216 |
CXXIII | 218 |
CXXIV | 219 |
CXXV | 221 |
CXXVII | 223 |
CXXVIII | 225 |
CXXXI | 226 |
CXXXII | 229 |
CXXXIII | 233 |
CXXXIV | 236 |
CXXXV | 238 |
CXXXVI | 239 |
CXXXVII | 243 |
CXXXIX | 246 |
CXL | 248 |
CXLI | 251 |
CXLII | 255 |
CXLIV | 259 |
CXLV | 261 |
CXLVI | 263 |
CXLVII | 303 |
313 | |
319 | |
Outras edições - Ver todos
Termos e frases comuns
algebra bi-invariant bundle canonical chart compact complete Riemannian manifold computation connected constant coordinates covariant derivative covering map curvature tensor curve cut-locus defined Definition denote diffeomorphism differential dimension eigenvalues equation equipped example Exercise exists expm Əxi finite flat formula geometry given hence homogeneous space horizontal hyperbolic hypersurface inequality isometry group isomorphism isotropy Jacobi field left invariant lemma length Lie group linear local isometry Math metric g minimal geodesic n-dimensional neighborhood open set orientable orthogonal orthonormal basis parallel transport parametrized Poincaré projection Proof Proposition prove pseudo-Riemannian quadratic form quotient Remark resp Ricci curvature Riemannian manifold Riemannian metric Riemannian submersion sectional curvature Show smooth function smooth manifold sphere subgroup submanifold surface Take tangent space tangent vector theorem topology torus unique vector field vector space zero
Passagens mais conhecidas
Página 313 - H. WENTE, Counterexample to a conjecture of H. Hopf, Pacific J. of Math. 121 (1986), 193-243 [Wl] H.