Abbildungen der Seite

the head, and the barricade being instantly mounted, with the aid of ladders brought by his men, on their shoulders, the battery, was deserted without discharging the other gun. The Captain of the guard, with the greater number of his men, fell into the hands of the Americans, and the others made their escape.

Morgan formed the troops, consisting of his own company, and a few bold individuals who had pressed forward from other parts of the division, in the street within the barrier, and took into cus tody several English and Canadian burghers; but his situation soon became extremely critical. He was not followed by the main body of the division; he had no guide; and was himself totally ignorant of the situation of the town. It was yet extremely dark, and he had not the slightest knowledge of the course to be pursued, or of the defences to be encountered. Thus circumstanced, it was thought unadvisable to advance further.

It had been found impossible to move on the field-piece which had been placed in front of the line, and the path was so narrow, that there was much difficulty in passing it. Only Morgan's company, and a few Pennsylvanians led by Lieute

* Charles Porterfield, then a serjeant, and afterwards a Lieutenant-Colonel in the state garrison regiment of Virginia, who was killed at the battle of Cambden, was the first person who crossed the barricade; Morgan himself was the second.

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nant Archibald Steel, and a few individuals of other companies, had made their way round it, and with the forlorn hope had entered the town. As the glow produced by immense exertion gave way to the cold, which was so intense that they were covered with icicles, and as the ardour excited by action subsided, when they were no longer engaged, even this daring party became less animated. While waiting in total ignorance of the fate of the residue of the division, the darkness of the night, the fury of the storm, the scattered fire still kept up by the enemy, principally in their rear, the paucity of their numbers, and the uncertainty concerning their future operations, visibly affected them. It was, after some deliberation, determined that they should maintain their ground, while Morgan returned to the barrier they had passed, for the purpose of bringing up the troops, who were supposed to be still on the other side of it.

They were soon joined by Lieutenant-Colonel Green, and Majors Biggelow and Meiggs, with several fragments of companies, so as to constitute altogether about two hundred men. Among the hazards which must for ever endanger the success of enterprises undertaken by undisciplined troops, especially in the night, it is one of the greatest and most certain, that no given portion of the force employed can be counted oa. The most daring will precipitate themselves into the midst of danger,

whilst the less intrepid, or less ardent, will not be in a situation to support them.


As the light of day began to appear, this small but gallant party was again formed, with Morgan's company in front; and with one voice they loudly called on him to lead them against the second barrier, which was now known to be less than forty paces from them, though concealed by an angle of the street from their immediate view. Seizing the few ladders brought with them, they again rushed to the charge, and on turning the angle, were hailed by Captain or Lieutenant Anderson, who was just issuing with a body of troops through the gate of the barricade, for the purpose of attacking the Americans, whom he had expected to find dispersed, and probably plundering the town. Morgan, who was in the front, answered his challenges by a ball through his head, and as he fell he was drawn within the barricade, and the gate closed upon the assailants, who received at the same instant a tremendous fire from the windows overlooking the barrier, and from the port-holes through it. Ladders were now placed against the barricade, and a fierce contest, and which on the part of the assailants was also a bloody one, was maintained for some time.

Only Morgan's company had brought ladders further than the first barrier.

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A few of the bolder among the front files ascended* the ladders under this deadly fire, and saw on the other side of the barricade double ranks of

soldiers, who, with their inuskets planted on the ground, presented hedges of bayonets to receive them, if they should attempt to leap to the earth. Exposed thus, in a narrow street, to a most galling fire, many of the assailants threw themselves into the stone houses on cach side, which afforded them a shelter both from the storm and from the enemy; and through the windows of which they kept up an irregular and not very effective fire. One circumstance which greatly contributed to the irresolution now displaying itself, was, that scarcely more than one in ten of their fire-arms could be used. Notwithstanding the precaution of wrapping handkerchiefs round the locks, the violence of the storm had totally unfitted them for service. Morgan soon found himself at the barrier with only a few officers and a very small number of soldiers: yet he could not prevail on himself to relinquish the enterprise. With a voice louder than the tempest, he called on those who were sheltered in the houses to come forth and scale the barrier; but he called in vain; neither exhortations nor reproaches

* Lieutenant Hoth, and the same Charles Porterfield, who had been before his Captain in forcing the first barrier, were of this number.


could draw them in sufficient numbers to the point of attack. Being at length compelled to relinquish all hope of success, he ordered the few brave men who still adhered to him to save themselves in the houses, while he, accompanied only by Lieutenant Heth, returned towards the first barrier, in order to concert with the field officers some plan for draw ing off the troops. He soon met Majors Biggelow and Meiggs, to whom he proposed an immediate retreat by the same route along which they had marched to the attack. This proposition was as sented to, and Lieutenant Heth was now dispatched to draw the troops from their present situation.

The barrier at which the Americans had been repulsed, crossed a street which continued in a straight direction for a very few paces, after which its course was changed. Whilst in view of the barrier the danger was very great, but on turning the corner it entirely ceased. Every person shewing himself in the street fronting the barrier was immediately fired at from the windows; and to draw the troops through this hazardous pass, was the duty now assigned to Lieutenant Heth. He undertook it with alacrity, and communicated his orders, with directions that the retreat should be made to the first barrier in small parties, and by single files, but was unable to prevail on the men generally to follow him. Their spirits had been

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