Abbildungen der Seite

1. RESOLUTIONS of the Citizens of Edinburgh, on the change of Ministry, when Lord North retired,

2. A debate on the loyal address proposed to be made on occafion of a change of men and measures,

3. Advertisement of An universal warehouse for all forts of goods,

4. Cato Cenfor's letters,

5. Cafualities during a week,

6. The Jezebel Club,

7. Resolutions occasioned by the proposal for killing the dogs, in the scarcity of provifion in 1783,

8. Verses by a penitent prostitute,

9. Letters containing a comparative view of Edinburgh in the years 1763 and 1783-respecting the modes of living-trade-manners, &c.

10. The letters of Horatius on the foregoing comparison, II. A comparison fimilar to that of Edinburgh, from a

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

country parish,


12. A comparison of the British nation in 1763 and 1783, 13. Men are in every respect like books,



14. On the character and tendency of Rouffeau's writings,

with a prophecy,


15. Two letters from Conftantia Phillips, at the age of

forty, to Lord Chesterfield, on female education,


16. On indelicacy, in conversation before Ladies,
17. A letter occafioned by a fentiment of Lord Kames, on
the obfervance of Sunday, by Pascal,



18. An answer to the above, containing an account of a

Sunday paffed in Westmoreland, by Eufebius,


19. A reply to the above, by Pascal,


20. Another letter on the same subject, by Philo-Sabbaticus, 21. A letter respecting the fituation of the schoolmasters


of Scotland,


22. A poetical epistle, on Mrs Siddons's first appearance on

the Edinburgh theatre,


23. On fingular fashions in dress,


24. Verses to Dr Beattie, the author of the Minstrel,


25. Verses to the author of the Man of Feeling,

26. A receipt for happiness,

27. Verfes written on a window,




28. Return

28. Return to a card, on the first of April,

29. Abridgement of a fermon on Man is born to trouble,

30. Genteel œconomy,

31. On a letter by a clergyman refpecting the American


32. On the tax on bachelors,

33. A letter from Afiaticus, defcribing himself and the woman he would wish to marry,







34. Reflections on the case of a young woman who took poifon in confequence of a disappointment in marriage,


35. Advertisement of masquerade dreffes,


36. The letters of Belzebub, on modern education,


37. A letter on female feduction,


38. A letter from Peter Peafcod, contrasting the manners of the town with those of the country,


39. Account of the extraordinary duel of Capt. Wildair and Mr Manly,


40. An account of phyfical phænomena in Scotland fince 1782,


1. A prologue on Stewart Nicolson's first appearance on the stage at Edinburgh,


42. Verfes on a Captain of Fencibles leaving his company
on their march, and going into a hackney coach,
43. Verfes to the author of the Effay on Nothing,
44. A Critique on Logan's Ode to Women,

45. On Mr Henderson in the character of Hamlet,
46. On the manner of finging the Scots fongs at the

[blocks in formation]

48. A letter from Gamaliel Pickle, on his wife's fondness for defultory reading,


49. Lines written by an Officer to a Lady whose name was



The Reader is requested to correct the following Errata

with his pen.

Page 47. paragraph 8. for The Academy for instructing Dumb, read, inftructing the dumb.

53. In the fifth line from the top-for January 1782, read, January 1783.

75. In the tenth line from the top-for 1782, read, 1781.

98. Letter II. line 9. for the of, read of the.

168. The paper beginning near the bottom of the page for the date, March 22. 1734, read, March 22. 1784.

N. B. In the Letters beginning page 63. and ending 93. ftating a comparative view of Edinburgh in 1763 and 1783, Several amendments, alterations, and additions have taken place fince they were printed for this Collection four years ago. The fubject, indeed, in the nature of things, must be perpetually changing, and the year 1793 may perhaps afford another curious contraft to the other two periods. The fame may be faid with respect to the Letter in page 107. ftating a comparative view of the British nation in 1763 and 1783.



IN the month of March 1782, the Ministry, who had long held the reins of Government, were forced to give up the direction of state affairs to a powerful Oppofition. Want of fuccefs, in fuch a conftitution as the British, will always occafion difcontents, and a change of men will be held as the best means of insuring more fortunate measures.

LORD NORTH, who was appointed Prime Minifter in February 1770, and had stood the ftorm of Oppofition for twelve years, was forced to retire from his ftation, thanking the Houfe of Commons for the honourable fupport they had given him during fo long a period, and in so many trying fituations. He expreffed his grateful fense of their partiality and forbearance on many occafions. A fucceffor (he faid) of greater abilities, of better judgment, and more qualified for his fituation, was eafy to be found;-a fucceffor more zealoufly attached to the interefts of his country, more anxious to promote


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