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Arbor, in the county of Washtenaw, was approved March 20th, 1837.

These several enactments form the basis of the proceedings of the board of regents, a summary of which is now given.

On the fifth day of June, 1837, in pursuance of a notice given by the Governor of the state, a quorum of the board of regents, who had been previously appointed by him by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, met at Ann Arbor, and organized under provisions of the twenty second section of the act approved March 18th, 1837. A secretary, treasurer and librarian were then appointed.

Under the second section of the act approved March 20th, 1837, the regents selected a site for the university buildings, and obtained a satisfactory title to forty acres of land, with right to thewater of springs adjacent, and the right of way for the conveyance of the same to the buildings of the university. At that meeting, the regents resolved that the following branches of the university be established as soon as can conveniently be done, with a due regard to the public interests, viz:

First, one in the first senatorial district.

Second, one in the second senatorial district.

Third, two in the third



Fourth, one in the fourth senatorial district.

Fifth, three in the fifth senatorial district; making eight branches in all, and appropriated $8,000, to aid in the payment of teachers to be employed in the branches when organized.

In pursuance of the foregoing resolution, five branches have been organized and are now in operation, viz :

At Pontiac, in the county of Oakland, to which a principal instructor was appointed September 15th, 1837; at Monroe, in the county of Monroe, to which a principal instructor was appointed February 19th, 1838, and a tutor May 10th, 1838; at Kalamazoo, in the county of Kalamazoo, to which a principal instructor was appointed May first, 1838; at Detroit, in the county of Wayne, to which a principal instructor was appointed May twentieth, 1838, and a tutor June 20th, 1838; at Niles, in the county of Berrien, to which a principal instructor was appointed September 15th, 1838,

The number of pupils at the several branches, per last report of the principal instructors, is as follows:

At Pontiac,

At Monroe,

At Kalamazoo,

At Detroit,





At Niles,

. Total number of students now reported,



Of the above number of students, ten will be qualified in 1839, as teachers for common schools, and six for the university. In 1840, say September first, thirty students will be ready to enter the freshman or, perhaps, sophomore classes in the university. In 1841, say September first, thirty-five students will be prepared in like manner. In 1842, say September first, forty students will be prepared. Total students, whose parents design for a liberal education, one hundred and one, with ten reported as destined for teachers. The balance of the students, now in the branches, are such as have not been reported by themselves or parents, as having definitely determined upon their future course of studies, amounting to fifty in number. The regents, however, feel assured, that great accessions will be made to those enumerated, of such as will be prepared to enter the university in 1841 and 1842, if not sooner. And they cannot forbear the remark, as matter of congratulation to the state at large, that wherever a branch has been established, it has not only received the decided approbation and support of the inhabitants in its immediate vicinity, but has continued regularly to increase in the number of students from term to A code of by-laws for the government of the branches has been adopted, a copy of which is herewith submitted.

A uniform system of studies for the branches, has thus been adopted, subject, however, to such alterations as experience may suggest.

The system of branches, their organization, board of visiters, support of instructors, in a word, every thing connected therewith, being a new and heretofore untried experiment in our country, the regents sensibly feel that they have much to learn, and that experience is the best, if not the only teacher. They, therefore, feel the necessity and importance of proceeding with caution and deliberation. They are not insensible to the importance of the trust confided to them, that of establishing a permanent foundation for the moral and intellectual culture of our rising state.

The branches thus far established, have been only for boys. No female branches have been organized.

Under the provisions of the act of the legislature, entitled " "An act to authorize the loan of a certain sum of money to the university of Michigan," approved April 6th, 1838, the loan of $100,000 has been negotiated.

A valuable cabinet of minerals, from European and other localities of the old world, has been purchased, and is now in possession of the regents. For this object $4,000 have been appropria

ted, $1,000 of which have been paid and the residue is to be paid in annual instalments.

A professor of Botany and Zoology, (the only professor yet chosen,) was appointed on the 17th day of July, 1838.

As Doctor Asa Gay, the professor above mentioned, was about to visit Europe, in part on his own private account, and partly in discharge of his professional duties to the university, the sum of $5,000 has been placed at his disposal, for the purchase of books, as the commencement of a university library. Arrangements have also been made, through this gentleman, for obtaining such information as may be desirable in procuring the most modern and approved apparatus for the departments of natural science.

The regents, with the approbation of the Governor aud Superintendent of Public Instruction, in pursuance of the act of the legislature, approved March 18th, 1837, section twenty-three, have adopted a plan for the university buildings, determined upon the materials to be used in their construction, and taken such other measures as were thought advisable for their construction. Preparatory to this object a superintendent of the buildings has been appointed, and some materials purchased.

The expenditures on branches, during the past year, amount to $7,800.

The estimate for the current year, as salaries to professors, principals and tutors of branches, is

For university buildings,

Total estimate of expenditures in 1839,

$10,000 00

35,000 00

$45,000 00

The Superintendent of Public Instruction reports the sum of $9,171 42-100, subject to the warrant of the Auditor General, in favor of the treasurer of the university, and that the further sum of $2,000 or $3,000 may yet be received, being interest on the university fund.

In conclusion, the regents would congratulate the legislature, and through them, the citizens of Michigan, whose representatives they are, upon the flattering auspices under which this great moral and intellectual institution has commenced. Recognizing the fact, that "righteousness exalteth a nation," and that "sin is a reproach to any people," the regents have been studiously careful, in all their appointments, not only to select instructors of high intellectual attainment, but also such as are of well established character for their reverence and confidence in the attributes of the Ruler of the universe, and disposer of all events, as he has revealed himself in his word, who recognize his law as always binding and forming the rule of our actions.

Under such instructors only, the board feel convinced they can

confidently look to the Giver of all good, for the usefulness and permanency of that institution, the care of which has been intrusted to them. And on him alone would they rely for that wisdom which shall enable them so to educate and "train up the youth of our state in the way they should go, that when they are old they may not depart from it."

Respectfully submitted.





Adopted by the board, January 5th, 1839.

Detroit, January 5th, 1839.

(No. 14.)

Bank Commissioners' Report.

To the Honorable the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Michigan.

The undersigned, Bank Commissioners of the state of Michigan, have the honor to transmit herewith, a report of the affairs and condition of the several banking institutions of the state of Michigan, together with an abstract of exhibits and other documents therein referred to.

Very respectfully,

January 18, 1839.



To the Honorable the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Michigan.

The undersigned, the Bank Commissioners of the state of Michigan, in obedience to the provisions of the nineteenth.section of the act to create a fund for the benefit of the creditors of certain moneyed corporations, by which it is made their duty, "in the month of January in each year, to report to the legislature, the manner in which they have discharged the duties imposed upon them-and to accompany such report, by such abstracts from the reports made to them, and by such other statements as they may deem needful," have the honor, conformably thereto, to present the following report:

The manner in which they have discharged the duties imposed upon them, being the first branch of their present duty, will claim a brief attention, before entering on the subject matter of their report.

The peculiar embarrassments which they have had to encounter, and the weighty responsibilities conscquent thereupon, clothes this duty with a new character. It becomes an act of justice to themselves, and to those who have honored them with so important a trust.

At the period the commissioners entered upon their labors, every portion of the state was flooded with a paper currency, issued by the institutions created under the general banking law. New organizations were daily occurring, and the public mind was eve

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