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place of thy holiness and abide under the shadow of thy glory. Have compassion upon him and inspect him with thy benevolent goodness. Return unto him with the multitude of thy mercy for the sake of the just who performed thy will. Be gracious to him, guard him with thy endless kindness, and grant him immortality.

Congregation. Blessed art thou, O Lord, our God! King of the Universe, who art a judge.

Blessed art thou, O Lord, our God! King of the Universe, who createst in justice, maintainest in jus tice, slayest in justice, and bringest again into life in justice. Blessed art thou, O Lord, who revivest the dead.

Mourner. Thou art righteous to slay and to revive, thou in whose hand is the custody of all spirits; blessed be then the righteous Judge who slayeth and reviveth.

Congregation. We know, O Lord, that thy judgment is righteous; thou art righteous when thou speakest, justified when thou judgest, and no one can find fault with thy manner of judging; for thou art righteous and thy judgment is just. The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken; blessed be the name of the Lord.


At the First Baptist Church, Rev. Dr. George C. Baldwin, the pastor, spoke in eulogistic terms of the deceased President, and took occasion to draw the

parallel between the lessons taught by this event and the lessons taught by somewhat similar events in the scriptures.

The Rev. Dr. E. Wentworth, in his discourse, at the State Street Methodist Episcopal Church, reminded his hearers that no cup of the Divine providence is unmixed, that good and evil travel hand in hand. "The death of Abraham Lincoln" said he, "resulted from the death struggle, the expiring desperation of rebellion, slavery and secession. We rejoice at the destruction of these heresies, as much as we mourn for the loss of our revered head. But slavery dies even if it throttles the Chief Magistrate with its last convulsive clutch." An address was also made on this occasion by the Rev. S. Parks.

In his sermon at the First Presbyterian Church, the pastor, Rev. Marvin R. Vincent reminded his congregation that neither men nor communities must fix their faith upon any one man, but remember that it is God who preserves nations. He expressed the hope, that coming as this death came, at an hour when the President was winning almost universal favor, the event might serve as a lessson to recall us to our sole source of dependence-our dependence on God.

In the Roman Catholic Churches the occasion was solemnly observed.

At St. Mary's Church, the services conducted by Rev. Peter Havermans were similar to those on Holy Saturday, and the prayers pro quacunque tribulatione,

prescribed by the rubrics for public calamities were read in addition to the usual collects of the day. These prayers are as follows:

"Despise not Almighty God, thy people crying to thee in affliction: but for the glory of thy name come to their succour."

"Receive mercifully O Lord the sacrifices by which it hath pleased thee to be reconciled, and by thy powerful goodness, to have restored safety to us."

"Look down mercifully, we beseech thee O Lord, upon our tribulation, and turn away the anger of thy indignation which we have so justly deserved, through our Lord Jesus Christ, thy Son, who liveth and reigneth with thee, for ever and ever. Amen."

At the end of the high mass, the psalm Miserere was chanted, supplicating God's mercy upon the congregation and upon all people.

The service at St. Peter's Church consisted of solemn and plaintive chants by the choir, and public prayers and litanies by the pastor, the Rev. James Keveny, for the safety and triumph of our beloved country and the defeat and confusion of its enemies. Appropriate remarks were also made by the pastor, sympathizing with our nation in this the hour of her trial and sad bereavement, but expressing sentiments of encouragement also, at the prospect of a bright and glorious future.

The services at St. Joseph's Church were as follows: "The altars were draped in black. A catafalque was

placed opposite the main altar in the centre aisle. Everything in the church bespoke mourning and sorrow, as befitted the solemn occasion. The bell tolled, and the people assembled in the church to assist at a service which the fell stroke of the assassin's hand made imperative. The pastor, the Rev. Aug. J. Thebaud, delivered a lengthy discourse to his sorrowing flock. He spoke of the enormity of the crime of murder, which was much aggravated when committed against a man invested with the highest authority in the land. He said the crime had been such, as to make it incumbent on all to endeavor to appease the wrath of God, and to supplicate Him to spare the people. Catholics especially should mourn on this occasion, because in losing Mr. Lincoln, they had lost a sincere friend and a true lover of civil and religious liberty: they should mourn, because murder is a crime crying to heaven for vengeance. Gratitude likewise called upon the Catholics to give expression to their sorrow, for, through the magnanimity of the people, and through the wisdom and enlightenment of their chief magistrates, the Catholic church has been always free in her action in America.

"When the pastor had ended his discourse, the church choir chanted in solemn and mournful notes, the psalm Miserere. At its conclusion, the Rev. Father Thebaud read aloud, prayers for the President, for congress, for the state legislature, and lastly for the peace, happiness and prosperity of the country.

When service had been concluded, the people left the church, deeply impressed with what they had heard, and more fully persuaded of the loss they and the country at large had sustained in the death of the lamented President."

No service was held at St. John's Episcopal Church, the rector being absent at the bedside of a wounded brother, and at another church the service was postponed to the day following. With these excep tions, it is believed that impressive exercises were held in every place of worship in the city. These exercises were similar in their main features, consisting of prayer, hymns, solemn music, scripture lessons and addresses or sermons suited to the occasion. The black draperies which covered the pulpit and the desk and the altar, which swung festooned about the galleries, or hung in volumnious masses from the ceiling, or twined in spiral bands around the columns, or flowed over the facade of the organ, added to the impressiveness of the scene and the solemnity of the worship.

The observance of the day was quiet, but heartfelt and earnest. The solemn tolling of the numerous bells of the city broke out upon the stillness in saddest harmony with human feeling and human thought. Emblems of mourning, flags bordered with black, crape from the small fragment placed by the hand of love on the poor man's cottage to the heavy folds draping in dark masses the dwelling of his richer neighbor, gave an appearance to the city never before

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