Abbildungen der Seite

accompaniment, and both German and Italian heathen, and makes it pleasant to pass on to Mr,
words accompany the English.
Whittier's poem, which is next in order, a “Hymn
of the Dunkers," as sung by "Sister Maria Chris-
tina," 1738:

(3) O, Lovely Naples. By F. Campana. English version by Dr. W. J. Wetmore. pp. 8. 50 cents. [S. T. Gordon & Son.]

This is rather a shallow melody, but it has a tripping movement which at once catches the ear, and sets the feet beating with the strongly marked accent. The words celebrate the gaieties of Naples, and a sunny gleam runs through the music. The key is that of two sharps, with a digression into one. A baritone voice would sing this with good effect.

(4) Her Image. (Ihr Bildniss.) By Karl Collan. Ar

rangement and words by Selma Borg and Marie A. Brown.

pp. 4. 35 cents. [Louis Meyer.]

[blocks in formation]

playing croquet, or its more recent fashionable rival, lawn tennis.”

There is a fine old castle here, well overgrown with ivy. Newport would seem to be a pleasant city to stroll around in. Near it is the seat of Lord Tredegar:

"A great plain house, old-fashioned, and rather commonplace of aspect in this land of picturesque structures, but magnificent in dimensions, solid, unornamented, but roomy enough for a regiment of infantry. One apartment is forty-two feet long by twenty-seven wide, and is floored and wainscoted from the wood of a single oak tree felled in the park. It is called the Oak Room. The house is crowded with pictures and marbles, many of them by the first masters, and including family portraits reaching back through many centuries. The family is, indeed, one of the oldest in Britain, tracing its pedigree in an unbroken line to Welsh kings, who were a power on this island before the oldest Anglo-Saxon monarchies had a name in history."

Two glimpses are given us in this number of the "good old Colony times." The British officer who obligingly kept a diary in Boston in 1775 furnishes further entertaining extracts from the same for the edification of particular historians of that period; and Hon. Charles Francis Adams, Jr., recounts the setting up of the May-pole at Merrymount. This last is a sort of anniversary paper, the event which it chronicles having taken Passing on to the "Gateway of the Catskills," place-"old style" thrown out-just a quarter we can barely touch upon the striking, and strikof a thousand years ago the first day of May, ingly illustrated, poem of “Israfil" in which the 1877; when "the names of Hampden and Crom-old story of Eden is rehearsed with new touches. well and Milton were as unknown to history as One of the pictures is fitted to these lines: those of Franklin, Washington, and Jefferson." The story of Capt. Wollaston's settlement on the south shore of Boston's bay is told in an interestreper-Morton, who was the leading spirit in it. Further ing way; though not much to the credit of Thomas on Mr. Geo. E. Waring, Jr., writes instructively (5) Lullaby. Song for Mezzo Soprano. By Adam Geibel. and encouragingly of the "life and work of the pp. 4. 40 cents. [Louis Meyer.]

This is one of a long series of "Lays of Sweden and Finland," and has a weird and plaintive tone which gives it a certain impressiveness. The key is D sharp, and the score is within the easy management of an alto voice of fair range. These songs of other lands afford a refreshing relief from the hackneyed themes to which sheet music is so largely confined; and should be made liberal use of to enrich the amateur's


Eastern farmer," meaning thereby the New EngThis song is dedicated to Mrs. Charles land farmer and his nearer neighbors as contrasted Eliot Furness, a name which ought to be with their fellows at the West, popularly supposed recognized in certain circles of Cambridge to be of a more fortunate lot in life. Cannot Dr. and Philadelphia. The words are taken from Loring, or some of our agricultural societies, obDr. Holland's "Mistress of the Manse," and tain the printing of this intelligent essay in tract the music to which they are set is very sweet form and its wide circulation - by way of sowing and simple, the whole making a really charm-good seed broadcast — among the class for whom ing little cradle song. One can easily fancy a mother crooning over her baby in the strains of its gentle and soothing melody.

(6) Song of the Exile. (Der Verbannte.) By Adam Geibel. pp 4. 35 cents. [Louis Meyer.]

it is intended? Mr. Longfellow enriches the
number with a poem on "Castles in Spain," of
which this is the last and brightest touch:

"How like a ruin overgrown

With flowers that hide the rents of time
Stands now the Past that I have known;
Castles in Spain, not built of stone,
But of white summer cloud, and blown
Into this little mist of rhyme!"

'She sleeps she dreams;

For now a smile hovers with tender grace
About her lips. The beauty of her face
A breathing wonder to the angel seems.
Her dark eyelashes rest

Motionless on the warm flush of her cheek;
Her lips part softly, as if she would speak,

But had in dream-land lost the word she fain would seek;
One hand is lightly clasped about a rose
Which fully open blows,

Too blest to share its sister flowers' repose;
And, veiling her white breast,

Falls wave on wave of lustrous golden hair.
Like one enchanted, in the moonlight glow
The angel lingers still, and murmurs low,
'Daughter of earth-how fair!""

The articles on the Catskills and its accompanying engravings are full of a rare sylvan charm. It is hard to realize that such wild and simple scenes as these are so comparatively near the great metropolis. Bears, too, and bear traps, and women who go a-hunting! The paper on Florence is superbly illustrated, and may almost take the place and do the work of an actual visit to that enchanted city. Interesting use is made of the diaries of Mr. Samuel Breck, an old Philadelphian, of Boston birth, lately deceased, who remembered all about both cities in the days

This is a well conceived composition, for soprano or tenor, embodying no great diffiFrom this point only a critical essay on Wag-closely following the Revolution; while for readculties, and reminding one a little of Abt's ner's Bayreuth Festival bars the way to the Con-ing of a more substantial sort there is a "Popular manner, though not instinct with the pecu-tributors' Club, which is full of bright things; Exposition of Some Scientific Experiments," and

liar vitality which breathes in his delightful



"Is Saul also among the prophets?" We cannot answer this conundrum, for the Literary World is not a theological journal; but we must, this month at least, notice the Atlantic Monthly as among the illustrated magazines. Its opening paper, by Mr. Edward H. Knight, begins a delineation with both pen and pencil of certain "crude and curious inventions" exhibited at Philadelphia last summer; chiefly, now and here, of instruments of "music" from benighted regions of the earth-clappers from China, rattles from Mexico, harmonicons from Africa, and so on. The very thought of the distracting sounds to be evolved from these uncivilized looking appliances is enough to excite anew one's compassion for the

and to the review of Recent Literature, which is
distinguished with what we guess to be Mr. How-
ells's own not very complimentary opinion of
Harriet Martineau and her autobiography.

-As is not unusual with Harper's, the most
inviting outlooks are in the direction of various
in. The Usk, which obtains attention for one
quarters, near and remote, of the world we live
subject, our well-read reader will remember to be
a fair river of England which falls into Bristol
Channel at Newport, the most important of the
Welsh seaports next to Cardiff. A village of
Usk lies back a few miles from the sea; where
once flourished the proud Roman city of Burrium.
you enter it to-day?

"You pass down a pleasant walled and shaded
street, where the trees on either side grow so
luxuriantly that they seem almost to shut out the
over rustic bridges, of well-kept country villas
sky overhead, catching glimpses down leafy lanes,
upon whose lawns blooming British girls are

a capital homily on equestrianism.

- Lippincott's two illustrated papers this month are on the Valleys of Peru, and the Banks of the Rhine, the latter being the first of a series by Lady Blanche Murphy, which promises to be very good. The strength of the number is contributed ing, Chauncey Hickox, Walter Mitchell and J. by "a quartette of male voices," C. H. HardBrander Matthews, who write respectively of "Parisian Club Life," of "Schliemann and his Discoveries," of "Burials and Burial-Places," and of "Damned Plays." This last rather startling title covers a curious chapter of anecdote and reminiscence, which might have been wrought in Mr. Francis Jacox's literary museum, relating to the fortunes and misfortunes, and especially the misfortunes, of stage plays. Play writing is very profitable when it is successful, and success, if reaped at all, is generally instantaneous.

"A run of one hundred nights at a New York

theater is not unusual, nor is a fee of twenty-five dollars a night at all out of the way; and these represent a profit to the author of twenty-five hundred dollars for one play in one city for one season-barely a quarter of the sum the piece will ultimately net him."

Very trivial matters often ensure a triumph or the opposite. Long "waits" between the acts, or one act too many, often set the seal of failure: "Many a time has a weak dénouement removed the good impression left by the first four acts."

Here is a hint, we should say, for preachers, and, indeed, for newspaper writers as well. It is set down as a superstition of the stage that a piece which pleases the actors rarely pleases the public:

"Some authors tremble when the cast are delighted with their characters, and are not at all disturbed in mind when they but ill conceal their poor opinion."

of being a bone of contention in London society periodical. The present number contains a vari-
second only in magnitude to the rights of the ety of historical information, some of it rare and
Turks and the wrongs of the Bulgarians. I am
told that London is divided, on the subject of his curious. Liberal use is made of hitherto unpub-
merits, into two fiercely hostile camps; that he lished documents, and there is a department of
has sown dissension in families, and made old Notes and Queries. The form is a quarto of
friends cease to 'speak.' His appearance in a about sixty pages, and the matériel, if we may
new part is a great event; and if one has the
courage of one's opinion, at dinner tables and adapt that word to our purpose, is exceptionally
elsewhere, a conversational godsend."

The secret of Mr. Irving's success Mr. James has not succeeded in mastering:

"His defects seem to me in excess of his qualities, and the lessons he has not learned more striking than the lessons he has learned."

fine. To historical scholars, and all persons interested in the early periods of the national life, we should think this magazine would be very acceptable.

-The American Library Journal is what no librarian can do without, and we trust the day is not far distant when its fame will have introduced "English Women" come under Mr. Richard it to the attention, and its merits have secured for Grant White's microscope a little further on, and the beauties which he discovers in them, we are in the country, but of every owner of a private it the patronage, not only of every public library happy to say, are more than the blemishes, though collection of books of considerable size. The he is by no means blind to the latter. He does whole science of handling books to the end of not think they dress well, nor has he found their their best popular use is expounded in its pages There was a time- that of the old London pit, complexions "exceptionally beautiful," but for with the knowledge which comes by experience. for instance - when poor plays were "damned" intelligence and social qualities he gives them in a very downright fashion: and when face-to-the highest mark. Nevertheless, being again at The wonder is that the library world has done face, hand-to-hand fights were fought between home among his own country-women, he is gal-ternals the magazine bears a general resemblance without such an admirable organ so long. In exthe actors and the audience over the question of lant enough to say of the latter: merit. Is it in one of these antiquated schools that a would-be actress of the present hour has been taking lessons? The first performance of Congreve's "Way of the World" was greeted with signs of severe disapprobation:

"In the midst of the hisses the author of the brilliant play came forward calmly, and coolly asked, 'Is it your intention to damn this play?' 'Yes, yes! Off! off!' 'Then I can tell you,' he answered, 'that this play of mine will be a living play when you are all dead and damned.' And he then walked slowly off."

Another phase of this same general subject is taken up by Mr. Henry James, Jr., in the Galaxy, his article in a previous number on the Theatre Français in Paris, being now followed by one on "The London Theaters." When you go to the theater in London, says Mr. James, you buy your eleven-shillings "stall" at an agency in Piccadilly, receiving it "from the hands of a smooth, sleek, bottle-nosed clerk, who seems for all the world as if he had stepped straight out of a volume of Dickens or of Thackeray." The price is high, and play-going is correspondingly not popular. The institution is "a social luxury and not an artistic necessity."

less self-asserting, a little less determined, and a
"If they would be a little more gentle, a little
little more persuasive in their utterance as well
as in their manner, I am sure that, with all their
other advantages, they need fear no rivalry in
womanly charm, even with the truly feminine,
sensible, soft-mannered, sweet-voiced women of

to the one last named, and is edited in Boston,
New York. Price $5.00 a year.
but its publisher is F. Leypoldt, 37 Park Row,

We are indebted to August Brentano, of New York, for a copy of the April number of the new English review, The Nineteenth Century. We do not wonder at the instantaneous popularity which has attended this experiment. The contents of this number are exceptionally fresh and strong. Cardinal Manning furnishes a second chapter of his "True Story of the Vatican Council," and a very interesting and impressive story he is making out of it. A Mr. E. D. J. Wilson, who must be an American, reviews the late "Political Crisis in the United States,” and does it intelligently and fairly. There is a tender and appreciative paper on George Sand, by F. W. H. Myers. Dr. Carpenter explains "the Radiometer and its Lessons." Sir John Lubbock makes an appeal for "The Preservation of Our Ancient National Monuments." Sir James Stephen discusses "Mr. Gladstone and Sir George Lewis on Authority in Matters of Opinion." Mr. Grant Duff concludes his instructive interior study of Russia. The Rt. Hon. Lyon Playfair writes "On Patents and the New Patent Bill." And Mr. Henry Irving, the lion of London above mentioned, supplies a "Shakspearian Note" on "The Third Murderer in Macbeth." The most novel and striking feature of the number is "A Modern 'Symposium.'” This is a discussion of "The Influence upon Morality of a Decline in Religious Belief," participated in successively by Sir James Stephen, Lord Selborne, Rev. Dr. Martineau, Mr. Frederick Har

-The illustrations in Scribner's are, as usual, numerous and well-engraved, but there are one or two singular things about the drawing. On p. I is presented "A Jacobean Chair." What now adjoins the casement of the French window in the background? What possible truth can underlie the construction of the table in its designated relations to the book-case on p. 4? Why so destroy symmetry in the hanging of the mirror on p. 6? The drawings which accompany the article on Smith College are much better in the main, and are beautifully engraved; but it seems to us there are glaring faults in the "Interior of Study Room" on p. 12. We venture to say no chimney piece in any of the buildings of Smith College appears as is here represented; and can anybody explain how the bureau stands? Is it in the corner, or across the corner? The article "An English audience is as different as possi"Sea Trout Fishing" in Canada waters is ble from a French, though the difference is alto- an exceedingly inviting one, and, unless we are gether by no means to its disadvantage. It greatly mistaken, will turn many a summer tourist is well dressed, tranquil, motionless; it suggests in that direction. The attention of our country domestic virtue and comfortable homes; it looks as if it had come to the play in its own carriage, after a dinner of beef and pudding. The ladies are mild, fresh colored English mothers; they all wear caps; they are wrapped in knitted shawls. Societies." There are many rosy young girls, with dull eyes and quiet cheeks -an element wholly absent from Parisian audiences. The men are hand-place and mention among the monthly magazines.rison, the Dean of St. Paul's, the Duke of Argyle some and honorable looking; they are in evening Its literary character is very high, and its pictodress; they come with the ladies-usually with several ladies-and remain with them; they sit rial resources are being steadily enlarged. still in their places, and don't go herding out between the acts with their hats askew."

Mr. James gives an interesting account of Mr. Henry Irving, who just now is occupying the place of honor on the London stage:

"This gentleman enjoys an esteem and consideration, which, I believe, has been the lot of no English actor since Macready left the stage, and he may at the present moment claim the dignity


readers we earnestly entreat in behalf of Mr.
George E. Waring, Jr.'s exposition of the func-
tion and methods of "Village Improvement

— Appleton's Journal is now fairly entitled to a

and Professor Clifford. Of the first number of The Nineteenth Century 9,000 copies were printed as a first edition, and five subsequent editions, of perhaps 1,000 each, were called for. One American dealer took 500 copies. For aught we know the fortune of this second number has been a repetition of this brilliant success.

- We are glad to learn of the assured success of The Magazine of American History, whose May number is the fifth in its first volume. It is published by A. S. Barnes & Co., at $5.00 a year, and its editor is Mr. John Austin Stevens, the librarian of the New York Historical Society. -The history of the Philadelphia Exhibition The resources at his command easily give him a is certain to be well told in the series of papers great advantage in the management of such a by Prof. Francis A. Walker in the International

Review, the first of which is given in the number for May and June. This is devoted to what is termed the "Mechanism and Administration," or the external history of the event. The article is statistical and critical, minute, and of course accurate. Politics furnish the themes for two accompanying articles, one on "The American Foreign Service," by Hon. John Jay, the other on "The New Federal Administration," unsigned, but perhaps by the author of the caustic review of President Grant's administration in a previous issue. Mr. Charlton T. Lewis comes to the rescue of "The Life Insurance Question," a Mr.

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your paper, which I have no doubt you desire in
this direction, would involve necessarily the call-
ing in of helpers who would be willing to do good
work in special lines of reviewing; and this,
until the paper has a larger income, much as a
"labor of love."


.. I FULLY understand and approve your views as to freedom from theological bias in the columns of the Literary World. I would jeal ously maintain it myself were I in control of such a journal.

. I ENCLOSE my subscription for this year.

standing on my part for just such a review of the
writers and writing of the day. I shall take great
pleasure in receiving and reading it, and in bring-
ing it under the notice of my friends.

[blocks in formation]

4. Roget's Thesaurus of English Words.

5. Bartlett's Dictionary of Familiar Quotations. Mr. Perkins's Best Reading would make a sixth

according to individual wants, and might be greatly extended in many directions.

James H. Rigg writes interestingly of the "Dis- The Literary World answers a demand of long volume, and from this point the list would vary establishment of the Church of England," and there is a valuable critique of Tennyson, by Bayard Taylor. The review of "Recent American and European Books" is unworthy of the name, the division of "Recent American Books pying precisely one page and fourteen lines, and covering only two books, both of which are old. The last title in the Table of Contents as printed on the cover is "Contemporary Events." The "department" so dignified will be found to consist of a single paragraph of twelve lines on the approaching extra session of Congress.



WHAT seems to me to be the great desid

eratum of such a periodical as the Literary World is to make the several articles, as it were, complete in themselves, so as to be reasonably satisfactory to readers who are without any means or opportunity for seeing the books which are the subjects of them. . . . We can conceive of an article founded upon the contents of a book which would be very interesting and valuable, which


"I AM not a believer in sex in literature; but there are, I hold, certain general qualities which seldom fail to distinguish the writing of men from that of women. Internal evidence in the case of the notice of "Friend Fritz," in the —“J. L. S.,” of Jewett City, Ct., asks for the April World, forces me to the conclusion that it correct spelling of Shakespeare's name, and, to was written by a woman's pen. The late Presibe particular, "how the old gentleman himself dent Walker used to tell us that a good guess wrote it." There seems to be but little doubt was equal to half-knowledge. In this case I am that Shakespeare, following a very frequent cus- quite sure that my guess is equivalent to full tom of his age, spelt his name differently at dif-knowledge. Am I not right? T." No. ferent times. In one of his autographs, preserved in the British Museum, he has written very evidently Shakspere. In others, though the writing is so illegible as to make it difficult to decipher, the name is written Shakspeare. On the title page of the quarto editions of his plays, also of the editions of his poems published by himself, in the first two folios, on the family tomb, and in some legal documents, the name is spelt Shakespeare. The probability is that out of the fiftyfive different recorded ways of spelling the name at that time, Shakspere was the most common

... ONE of my Latin pupils who is an attentive reader of the Literary World, has called my attention to the following paragraph in the article in the April number on "Landor's Imaginary

Conversations :"

"The two following lines from his seventh Son

net, Landor says he never read without the heartache, seeing in them the first indication of love

and blindness:

"Ut mihi adhuc refugam quærabant lumina noctem Nec matutinum sustinuere jubar.'" Here Landor's memory failed him slightly. in English, and there is nothing in the seventh Sonnet corresponding with the fact here referred

would not seem to be a review of the book at all. provincial form, but that Shakespeare was the Milton's Sonnets were not written in Latin but

and scarcely show at all from what source the information which it contained was drawn; and a periodical consisting of such articles might be very attractive and very valuable to the reader. But this would be very unfair to the author and publisher.

form adopted by scholars and the literary world.
This latter form has been and still is in most gen-
eral use, notwithstanding a society has recently
been formed in England called the "New Shak-
spere Society."

to, the weakness of his eyes. It is in the seventh Elegy of the poet we findthe lines; the Elegies were all written in Latin, but have been elegantly -Referring to the answer in your April number translated into English verse. As it is difficult (p. 178), to query whether “truest" etc., are cor- to see the force of such quotations without the ... I TRUST you will not be afraid to form rect, in which answer you say that the expressions connection, I will mention that the seventh Elegy your own opinions of books and their authors in question are from "a thoughtless usage," describes an imaginary scene where Cupid first and state them fairly and squarely-without ask- query: Does not good English usage permit overpowered Milton with his influence, and he ing yourself how this man- this setthis pub-comparatives and superlatives of some terms felt the first emotion of love. It was on a bright lisher or that—likes them. Satisfy yourself and whose meaning is logically incapable of the mod- May day in his nineteenth year. There were, as you will satisfy the public. The Literary World ification? For instance: "full," "straight," Landor says, even then indications of his blindshould be cosmopolitan and not provincial. To honest." Note, however, that this query refers | ness. His eyes were too weak to endure the this end pray give a wide berth to the Boston only to "true" and not to "perfect" in the place morning light, and reluctantly parted with the reM.. t.. al Admiration Society, which deserves quoted. That word and "dead," "square," tiring night. The first word of the quotation to be the laughing stock of all outsiders. "round," etc., "eternal," "almighty," etc., are should be at not "ut." both logically and by usage not comparable. It is a question partly of usage and partly of logic,

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

I HAVE thought that had Mr. Crocker been able to continue his work he would have, in time, raised it to something more nearly like the English critical journals, so far as they are liter- -"In The Literary World for April, you say ary and not political or scientific. Such a change of Perkins's Best Reading: This is one of a would be justified by the increase in numbers of dozen works of reference which are indispensable reading people here who appreciate broad and to every workman whose bench is a library table able criticism, not too "genial," nor on the other and whose tools are books.' Please give the hand "slashing." Publishers and readers alike names of those dozen works." "T." (Knoxville, would respect and favor such a paper taking an Tenn.) We said "a dozen" at a venture, perindependent position, and mainly regarding the haps, not meaning necessarily to indicate that interests of sound criticism and the wise guidance precise number; nor would the same identical of uncritical readers. Such work on many books set answer the purpose of every “workman.” no one man can do well. The improvement of | The lawyer's indispensable reference-books would


R. L. P.

- We have been much interested in looking over the advance sheets of the volume of revival sermons by ministers of Boston and vicinity which Lockwood, Brooks & Co. have in press for immediate publication. Those who like sermons will find among these not a few of more than common freshness and interest; while several are discourses of remarkable power. The titles and names of contributors are as follows:

I. "The Christian Believer's Burden." Rev.
Dr. E. K. Alden, of South Boston.

2. "The Old Faith and the New." Rev. Dr. Lorimer, of the Tremont Temple.

3. "Learn of Me." Dean Gray, of the Episcopal Theological School at Cambridge.

4. "The Soul's Separation from God." Rev. Dr. Mallalieu, of Boston.

of Boston.

5. "The Decay of Will." Rev. S. E. Herrick, 6. "Coming to One's Self." Rev. Dr. Peabody, of Cambridge.

7. "The Cry for a Cleansed Heart." Rev. A. E. Dunning, of Boston Highlands.

lowing touching preface: "The complément of barely passed the age of fifty, and his death was the Legend of the Ages will be published shortly, sudden.-The widely-known author of "Bioat least if the end of the author does not come graphical Sketches of the Loyalists of the Ameribefore the end of the book." In that volume he can Revolution," Lorenzo Sabine, died in Boston, also promised, for the present month of May, a | April 14, at the age of seventy-four. Mr. Sabine, poetical work entitled "L'art d'être grandpere;" though what is called a self-educated man, had in October a history of the "Crime du 2 décem-led an industrious and useful life in politics and bre;" and in February, 1878, another volume of literature, and his published works, which are poetry called “Toute la Lyre." Too much faith, several in number, are of recognized value in hishowever, will not be put in these promises by torical and antiquarian circles.- Robert M. De8. "God's Controversy with His People." Rev. those who remember that, since 1867, he has an- witt, one of the oldest of New York publishers, Dr. Vinton, of Boston. "God a Consuming Fire." Rev. A. J. Gor-nounced the speedy publication of no less than is also dead. He was one of the incorporators of don, of Boston. nine books, none of which have as yet appeared. | the New York News Company. All these works there is reason to believe are completed, but are withheld for some personal reason. It has been said that Hugo has works in manuscript equal in number to those which he has already published. If this be true, he is not only one of the greatest, but also one of the most prolific, writers of the day. The manuscripts of all his works already published he still pos

10. "God Dismissed." Prof. Caldwell, of the
Baptist Theological Institution at Newton.
II. "Jesus of Nazareth Passeth By."


[ocr errors]

exander McKenzie, of Cambridge. Nothing to do with Christ." Rev. W. W. Newton, of Boston.

13. "The Door Opened and Christ Within." Rev. H. M. Grout, of Concord (the editor

of the volume).

14. "Faith the Source of Faithfulness." Joseph



"Our Two Harvests." Rev. Dr. Rufus Ellis, of Boston.

-On entering to our editorial desk the other

morning we found upon it a mysterious package hand which of itself would anywhere arrest attenenveloped in brown paper, and directed in a bold tion. Opening it, the contents proved to be the fair proof sheets of a new book nearly complete; without title-page, however, and with no hint of publisher's or author's name. A rigorous compliance with our rule toward anonymous commuHoussaye says. One Paris admirer of the vener-nications would have promptly consigned this to the waste-basket, but something in the very first

sesses-"a fortune" in themselves as Arséne

16. "The Gospel Invitation." President Warren, able poet paid 1,200 francs for a single copy of
of Boston University.
the Legend of the Ages printed on vellum. Who
17. "The Permanence of Moral Character," a says there is no such mania as bibliomania ?
"Monday Lecture," by Joseph Cook.
18. "The Prominence of the Atonement." Prof.
Park, of the Theological Seminary at

sentence stayed our hand. It was this:

"Cephas's mother and my mother traded cradles in our infancy, so that we were both rolled on the same rockers."

Reading on we came to this:

china platter which cost eight dollars; and it has "My mother,” said Cephas, “has an heirloom been in her family so long, that, if the money had been put at compound interest, it would now it is not very old either. And I am a firm beamount to more than sixty-five thousand dollars; liever in working miracles by compound interest.”

—J. R. Osgood & Co. will publish early in the season two volumes of Joseph Cook's "Monday Lectures," entitled respectively "Biology" and "Transcendentalism;" and later, possibly, a -R. Worthington, of New York, announces third, comprising a selection from the "preludes" "From Ocean to Ocean," the description of an to the lectures. These "preludes," in the minds expedition across Canada in 1872, and a book of some of Mr. Cook's hearers, have been the which will take readers into a new region of the best part of the intellectual entertainment he has continent of North America. T. Whittaker will regularly spread at Tremont Temple Monday put immediately to press a second volume of mis-noons. Among other spring announcements of cellaneous papers by the late Rev. Dr. Muhlen- Eastern publishers are the following: GoodOther striking thoughts and ways of putting burg, edited by Sister Anne, the superintendent holme's "Domestic Cyclopedia of Practical In- them, with bold picturings of nature and out-door of St. Luke's Hospital and of St. Johnland. formation," a work intended to cover the whole life, held the interest thus awakened, and before Henry Holt & Co. have nearly ready a curious range of household science, industry and art (H. we knew it we had read the sheets all through. and interesting work on "Ancient Society," by Holt & Co.); a "Manual of Practical Directions With no name by which to call the work, and no Lewis H. Morgan, of Rochester, N. Y.; "Idols for Economical Every-Day Cookery," by Miss author's name to mention in connection with it, and Ideals," with an essay on Christianity, by M. Corson of the New York Cooking School (Dodd, we can only now further distinguish it by its D. Conway; and new editions of Richter's "Hes- Mead & Co.); a new volume of Rev. E. Foster's chapter titles, some of which are these: "The perus" and "Titan." "Cyclopedia of Prose Illustrations" Phantom of Tragabigzanda," "The Fishing Vil(T. Y. lage," "The English Helen," "The Essex Crowell); a discussion of the rights and wrongs of the North and South, under the title of "Is Woods," and "Old Harbor;" and by saying that Our Republic a Failure?" by E. H. Watson, of it is a piece of religious fiction of great originality Boston (Authors' Publishing Company); "Rev- and freshness, and of some singular merits. We erend Green Willingwood," a sketch of life have good reason to believe that it is a volume among the clergy by Rev. Robert Fisher (do. of which we have been hearing off and on for do.); a new collection of Sunday School songs several years, as being in hand by a former Mas- The Nineteenth Century is not the only new entitled "Heavenward," containing the best work sachusetts minister of rare intellectual gifts; and, periodical venture in England. Two others have of P. P. Bliss and James R. Murray (S. Brainard's we are right in this conjecture, and are not misappeared in London, one the Marlborough, a re- Sons); and "Adirondack Tales," a series of hu- taken in our estimate, its publication will be an view of politics and society, and London, a week-morous sketches by Rev. W. H. H. Murray event in thoughtful and cultivated circles. By ly journal of politics, art, literature, music and (Golden Rule Publishing Co.). Messrs. Put-next month we shall hope to be able to speak of the drama. Nor is Cardinal Manning, in the nam's Sons also have in preparation a volume of pages of the Nineteenth Century, the only histo- twelve sermons by leading ministers of different rian of the Vatican Council; Prof. Friedrich has denominations, on "The Nature and Work of been engaged for some time on a comprehensive Christ." Thompson, Brown & Co. announce a work upon that subject, the first part of which is new edition of "Cushing's Manual," revised by now in press, and will appear the present sum- Hon. E. L. Cushing of New Hampshire, a mer. It will contain many documents of the first brother of the author. importance, which have never been published. The Pope, too, is to have his life written, Mr. T. Adolphus Trollope being engaged upon it. The work will be as strictly personal in its character as the peculiarities of the subject will allow.

- Rev. Phillips Brooks's Lectures on Preaching, delivered to the students of the Theological Seminary in New Haven, last winter, on the Lyman Beecher Foundation, are now in press by E. P. Dutton & Co. of New York, and will be published early in the autumn.

The death of Mr. Walter Bagehot, which occurred early in April, removes one of the ablest writers on political science at a time when his services were sorely needed. Mr. Bagehot was the editor of the London Economist, and the -Victor Hugo sent his last work into the author of a number of works which have had a world on his seventy-sixth birthday with the fol-wide circulation in the United States. He had


the volume more in detail.

Mrs. Burnett, the author of That Lass o' Lowrie's, was a Miss Hodgson, and was born in England, but came to this country at an early age. Her home is in Knoxville, Tenn., where her husband pursues his profession as a physician and oculist. She is said to be one of the youngest of the contributors to Scribner's Monthly.

— Henri Van Laun, whose History of French Literature is reviewed elsewhere, was born in Belgium, of half-English parentage; and was educated partly in England and partly on the Continent. He is the translator of Taine's History of English Literature, and of Molière's works

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and the author of a series of French grammars;
and has also filled the chair of French in the Uni-
versity of Edinburgh.

- Mr. A. H. Cassell, of Harleysville, Mont-
gomery Co., Pennsylvania, must certainly be
awarded an honorable place among bibliophiles.
Though a self-educated man, he has been all his
life a great reader, and now, at the age of a little
under sixty, he has a library of upwards of 10,000
volumes. It contains a great many old works, as
choice as they are scarce, and a good variety of
manuscripts on vellum, belonging to the sixteenth
and seventeenth centuries. Of elephant folios he
has several hundred, of "Poor Richard's Alma-
nac" a full set, and of Bibles a large and interesting
collection. One of his curiosities is said to be a
file containing one copy of every newspaper pub-
lished in the United States and British America,
though we suppose this statement is to be taken
with some qualifications.

-Mr. Charles Wyllys Elliott, whose recent
writings on art topics as applied to home life
have revived the fame of his earlier authorship,
is diligently pursuing his studies along a line of
antiquarian research, in a way which seems cer-
tain to yield some results of great interest a year
or two hence. The history of the development
of the household is, so far as we know, an un-
worked subject, and who is he that can better
uncover its riches than Mr. Elliott? Is he not
the Schliemann for this Mycena? A course of
lectures and one or two volumes would be none
too much attention to give to it.

- Mr. Tupper has come and gone. We do
not know that any more appropriate tribute has
been paid to him than the New York Tribune's,
of which we cut off for present use the head and
tail :

"Now he leaves, but ere he leaves us, One
more gentle song he weaves us, Says, 'Farewell!'
in stanzas three, And on Wednesday goes to sea.

. . We wish him a voyage home undisturbed
by nautical nausea; and we shall look with in-
terest for the little poem which he will write upon
his return to dear Mother England: Mother
mighty, mother mild, Welcome back your wan-
dering child, From the Yankees safe returning,
All his old affection burning! Hear a song he
puts his heart in, And say, how are you, dearest

- Less is known than might be, to the general
interest, of Mr. William Black, whose "Princess
of Thule," to say nothing of other of his works,
has advanced him to the front rank of living nov-
elists. His own account of himself, as recently
published in the Portrait, is thus reduced to
its lowest terms by the London correspondent of
the Boston Advertiser:

and severely condemned the miserable tactics of
a particular general; I forget whom.' He left
Glasgow for London in 1864; acted as special
correspondent of the Morning Star during the
Prusso-Austrian war, and, after being connected
News, he left journalism in 1875. His account
with the London Review, Examiner and Daily
of his novels is far too meagre, and leaves too
much untold. His chief statement is that he likes
his last the best: 'It undoubtedly contains the
best work of which I am capable.""


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"The substance of it is that he was born in
Glasgow on the 13th or 15th of November-he
is not sure which-1841; that he had a desultory
education; that he set himself to translate Livy,
form a collection of British plants, and construct
a machine which should demonstrate perpetual
motion, at the same time. His early ambition
was to be a landscape painter. He studied art
for a year or two. 'As an artist I was a complete
failure, and so qualified myself for becoming in
after life, for a time, an art critic.' He began his
literary career by writing literary criticisms for a
Bessie Lang. By Alice Corkran. 16m0. pp. 298. $1.25.
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