Abbildungen der Seite

upon the ground of expediency. A reformation there could be elected much sooner, and at a far less expence, than it possibly can in a distant country. If, after the condition of the Irish people has been ameliorated, and there are no other calls at home for the exercise of philanthropy, let the condition, the miserable, the abject condition, of the inhabitants of Spain and Portugal, engage the attention. The domination now exercised over them, is the worst of tyrannies, because it holds both body and mind in slavery. To rescue a whole people from such a state is an ob ject truly desirable. To me it appears of infinitely more importance than_liberating all the negroes in the world. In the one case you emancipate the body only. In the other, you not only release the person from arbitary power, but you deliver the mind from the influence of the most horrible darkness and superstition that ever overwhelmed any nation.



of the knavery of these villains, ought, long ago, to have opened their eyes to the gross deception which they constantly practise even in this matter, nothing seems calculated to undeceive them. The very children, and even females of the higher rank in these countries, "who shed tears for the execution of a murderer, eault at the canonical murder of an heretic or a Jew, burned for adhering to his conscience and his bible."-The Inquisitors, with them, are the best directors in religion, and the cruelties which they practise, the only acceptable way of worshipping God. Can a people thus situated; can a nation labouring under such horrid delusion, be otherwise than in a state of the most abject slavery? Is it possible to believe that greater ignorance prevails under the torrid zone, or in the most distant regions of the East, than what pervades Spain and Portugal, two of the most fertile and delightful countries of Furope? Yet, to hear our zealots incessantly bawling about sending missionaries to enlighten the natives of Indostan, and to convert the savages of Africa, one would-Scarcely had I concluded the above rethink that al our neighbours were alread; marks on the Inquisition, when my attenconverted; that they were all enlightened tion was arrested by a subject nearly as and that there was nothing believed or interesting; I may almost say, nearly as practised, among the nations by which we important to the happiness of man. are surrounded, contrary to genuine reli- Pope has restored the Society of Jesus, to gion, or true morality. One might be dis- the same plenitude of power which they posed to conclude, that that knowledge, nc- exercised in Europe before their intrigues cessary to the happiness and comfort of compelled Clement XIV. to decree their man, was universal in Europe; and that so final expulsion. This is another effect of complete a reformation had been wrought, the fall of Napoleon, for which, no doubt, by these means, on the people here, that no- the enemies of truth and liberty will find thing remained for the philanthropist to do many plausible excuses. The Bull issued but to search out objects, on which to be- from Rome on this occasion, which I have stow his regards, in distant quarters of inserted below, states, that it has been in the globe. Whatever I may think of the compliance with the unanimous voice of all motives of some of those who are active in Catholics, and "to relieve the spiritual promoting the abolition of the Slave Trade wants of the Catholic world, without any in other countries, and in sending mis- distinction of people and nations," that sionaries to convert the heathen, I feel no his Holiness has been induced to adopt this hesitation in saying that they would appear extraordinary measure. I should regret to to me better employed at home, where there find that the French people, who are all is sufficient work already cut out, to em- esteemed Catholics, should have had any ploy all their talents and all their capital. hand in this infernal affair. I shall not Let them look at unfortunate Ireland. Let indeed be rash in believing they had, until them recollect that the Irish people are I see better evidence of the fact than the their brethren; and then let them ask assertion even of the Pope, sanctioned as it themselves, whether they have not greater is by all the forms of an official Bull. But claims upon their benevolence than all the I am sorry to state, that I cannot entertain world besides? If they should be disposed the same doubts with respect to the conto dispute this position, on the ground that duct of the people of my own country, a they consider all men their brethren, and great portion of whom have given the tally entitled to their bounty, I would most unequivocal proofs of their implicit then .. e the preferable claim of the Irish reliance upon the Holy Father, and entire

confidence in every thing that he can do.-" asylum of canonised saints, and the last I shall not pretend to say, that we, the" strong hold of religion, lift henceforth the people of England, properly so called," head, which a sanguinary and ignoble have absolutely solicited the Roman Pon-" domination had weighed down.

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tiff, either to sanction the restoration of may now, with safety, recollect, that the Inquisition, or of the Society of Jesuits;" within her precinct the federal altar of but surely our having lately received, in "Christianity is established for everlasting ; so flattering a manner, a Nuncio of the" that Apostles sit there enthroned, to dePope, while, at the same moment, 'our ac- "liver judgment to the nations until the credited agent at Rome was enjoying the "world shall end. Let the ashes of her caresses, and all the honours which his" martyrs exult, and her Apostolic shrines Holiness could confer; are circumstances" give token of rejoicing. And you, the "partners in founding an imperishable not altogether calculated to remove suspicion; especially when these circum." Government under Christ's sway, O "Peter and Paul! shall not even your stances are coupled with this important fact, that both the Balls, establishing the" relics be agitated by this joy, for the retwo obnoxious Orders, were issued imme-" establishment of Pius the Seventh in the diately on the back of this mutual display "place of his home, and of your repose?"of fraternization. But whatever may be Whether there has been any commotion, in this, as far as it immediately respects any rattling, among the bones of the marourselves, there is no doubt that the de-tyrs at Rome; a miracle which commonly crees issued by the Sovereign Pontiff, were precedes, and is held indictive of a earnestly desired, and are now highly ap-sanction to all extraordinary measures; proved of, by the great body of the people report says not. If we are to judge from this parof Ireland. It is well known, that the the silence of the Bull before us on Roman Catholic College of Maynooth, ticular, we may conclude that the prayers speaks the sentiments of all the Irish Ca- of the Irish Catholics have not been effectual. The Pope, however, assigns tholics; and that, whatever letters or rescripts they publish, are regarded, by these reasons, besides those I have noticed, for bigotted and ignorant people, as of as great the re-establishment of the Society, which authority as any Bull issued by the Pope.-carry with them, in my opinion, as little We have all seen the "Congratulatory weight as the shaking of all the bones letter to Pope Pius VII," addressed by this of all the martyrs in the world would have body to his Holiness, on the 27th of June done, even had that occurrence been aulast, about six weeks prior to the date of thenticated, in Holy Conclave, by the Pope the Bull restoring the Jesuits. In that and all his Cardinals. His Holiness says, precious document the Catholics of Ireland that he was induced, as early as the 7th of declare, that Pius has equalled Jesus Christ, March 1801, to issue a brief for the re"by resignation not less than by chief storation of this order in the Russian do. tancy," and, to this old and evidently su- minions, at the special request of the Em perannuated Pontiff, they apply these peror Paul I. who, it is known to all the words, which have ever been held appli- world, was then considered a madman ; cable to the divinity :-" Thy right hand, and a similar brief was sent to Naples on O Lord, hath wrought for itself renown in the 30th of July, 1804, by desire of King mightiness. Thy right hand, O Lord, Ferdinand, who, although it is not said hath beaten in pieces thine enemy; and in that he is actually insane, has given suffithy multiplied grandeur, thou hast laid cient proofs of his total inability to conduct them low who warred against thee.the affairs of any State. We shall soon Thou breathedst the storm, and a casee, whether the magnanimous Alexander, covered them!"-Who, that reads this the Liberator of Nations, will permit the fulsome panegyric, can doubt the entire sub-existence, in his extensive dominions, mission of the Irish Catholics to the Sec (where the Greek Church, in opposition to of Rome? or, who that peruses the follow-the Roman, is now established) of an Order, ing passage, from the same document, can whose fundamental principles are the submake it a question, that the College of Maynooth is one of those Catholic bodies particularly referred to by the Pope, who demanded the re-establishment of the company of Jesus? "Let Rome, the

version of all other ecclesiastical establish
ments, and the bringing of the whole uni-
verse under the unrestricted sway of the
We shall soon learn
Roman Pontiff.
whether the Russian clergy, supposing the

On the Jesuits in South America.

The settlement made by the Jesuits, upon the river Paraguay in America, is extremely remarkable. These good fathers, every where indefatigable in improving their Apostolic talents, and turning souls into ecclesiastic traffic and power, began there by drawing together, into one fixed habitation, about fifty families of

Emperor to have agreed to the measure, | interesting quotation from the fourth seeare so tame as to submit to so manifest an tion of a Discourse on the Mutability of encroachment upon their dignity and rights. Government, which forms one of the poFor my part, notwithstanding the wide litical discourses upon Sallust, the Roman strides which the Romish clergy are now Historian:making to establish their former domination, I do not think they will make any impression upon Russia. The Inquisition and the Jesuits may be restored in Italy, because the people there are already devoted to the see of Rome. But in Russia, though the inhabitants are Catholic, they have a priesthood of their own, who have constantly been hostile to the Roman priesthood; and the same causes which al-wandering Indians, whom they had per ways existed for their being so, now exist suaded to take their word implicitly for in their greatest vigour. Neither does it whatever they told them: for this is what appear that the Inquisition, or the Society they call conversion; and is, indeed, the of Jesus, have any partizans in the Rus-true art of making Catholics, who have no sian dominions. I shall be told, however, other ground for their faith, but the asserthat the views and intentions of the Pope, tions of their priests.-From this beginin wishing to restore the Jesuits, are of ning, and such encouragement, the assithe most benevolent kind. I shall be duous fathers, ranging the country, and referred to the Bull itself, as afford- dazzling the stupid savages with their ing proofs of these philanthropic inten- shining beads, charming them with their tions of his Holiness. It is very true, pious tales and grimaces, their tuneful dethat repeated professions are there made of votions and high professions, made such a the Pope's wish, that the members of this harvest of converts as to form a commonSociety should be enabled " to apply them-wealth, or rather an empire of souls: for selves more easily, in conformity with their institution, to the instruction of youth ia religion and good morals, to devote themselves to preaching, to confession, and the administration of the other sacraments." But does the history of this Order shew, that they always conformed to the rules of their institution, and that no other objects were concealed under these regulations? On the contrary, does not that history present the most memorable examples of the ambition, the intrigue, the vice, and the cruelty of these men in almost every corner of the globe? No sect, no order, in fact, that ever existed, have done more mischief, or occasioned more bloodshed in the world, than the order of the Jesuits. It was from a perfect conviction of this truth, that Pope Clement the XIV. in the year 1773, sealed their expulsion, as he intended, from Europe, for ever. Their restoration by Pius VII., in the year 1814, can only be regarded as the effect of a designing and crafty priesthood, operating upon the mind of an aged feeble man, who has been intoxicated by the good fortune which has so unexpectedly overtaken him.-To give the reader some idea as to how far the Jesuits were in use to conform to the original laws of their Order, I shall here subjoin an

His word is

every convert is a subject most blindly
obedient. The holy fathers, not fifty in
number, are thus sovereigns of a noble
country, larger than some kingdoms, and
better peopled. It is divided into several
large districts, each of them governed by a
single Jesuit, who is, as it were, a provincial
prince; but more powerful and revered,
and better obeyed, than any European, or
even any Eastern monarch.
not only a law, but an oracle; his nod in-
fers supreme command: he is absolute
Lord of life and death, and property; may
inflict capital punishment for the lightest
offence; and is more dreaded, therefore
more obeyed, than the Deity. His first
ministers and officers, civil and military,
are doomed by him to the meanest punish-
ments, and whipped not only like common
slaves, but like common felons: nor is this
all their punishment, at least all their
abasement, which to a man of spirit is the
worst punishment. Whilst they are yet
marked and mangled with the lash, they
run (colonels and captains run) and
kneel before their holy Sovereign, condemn
themselves for having incurred his pious
displeasure, and humbly, kissing his reve
rend sleeve, thank him for the fatherly ho-
nour he has done them, in correcting them

God like beasts. All these stores and warehouses, so much grain, so many manufactures, so much gold and silver, so many commodities, from so fine, so large, and so plentiful a country abounding in mines, in

like dogs. So much tameness and vassalage is part, and an important article, of their conversion. They are even pleased with their servitude, and care not what they do and suffer here, for the mighty treasures of joy and liberty which are insu-rivers and meadows full of horses and sheep red to them hereafter by the good father, and black cattle, of timber and fruit-trees, who gives them all that he has to give in of flax and indigo, hemp and cotton, sugar, the next world, and, by way of barter and drugs, and medicinal herbs, must enable amends, takes all that they have in the these good fathers, who have renounced all Indians cultivate the wealth, and the world itself, to carry on an present. The poor ground, dig and plough, and reap and sow; infinite and most lucrative trade, in which, they make stuffs, and other manufactures; though they have vowed poverty, they are they rear fowls, they breed cattle, they extremely active, and consequently must carry burdens, and labour hard above make that Jesuitical Government a most ground, as well as under it, where, in powerful one. It hath advantages which sweat and darkness, and in peril of no other Government ever had; an absoperishing, they drudge in the mines: yet, lute independency upon its people, or their with all this industry, they earn nothing, purses; the whole wealth of the country in nothing for themselves: all their earnings, its present possession; the people absolutely all the profit and advantages, appertain not submissive, and resigned to its good pleas to them, but solely to the good father, sure, and all its calls; no factions; not a their spiritual sovereign, who rewards them malcontent; an army of sixty thousand to the full with what costs him nothing; men, all tame and tractable, devoted to blessings, and masses, and distant pros-blind obedience, commanded in chief by a pects. Their grain and manufactures are all carried into his warehouses, their cattle and fowls into his yards, their gold and silver into his treasury: they dare not wear a rag of their own spinning, nor taste a grain of their own sowing, nor a bit of meat of their own feeding, nor touch the metal of their own producing; nor 30 much as an egg from the hens they rear: they themselves are fed and subsisted from day to day, by a limited allowance, furnished them by the appointment, and at the mercy, of their great lord, a small priest. Yet, under all these discouragements (which are none to them, who seem to have sacrificed their feeling, as well as their reason, to the sorcery of superstition) they are diligent and laborious to the last degree, and vie with one another for the high price and distinction bestowed by the father upon such as excel most in their work and industry, even the bewitching honour of kissing his sleeve. The second commandment in their table of duties is, to fear the Jesuit, and obey him; as the two next are much akin to it, and of the like tendency, even, to study humility, and to contemn all worldly goods. The precept of fearing God, seems to be prefixed for form, and in policy only, since it is impossible there should be any knowledge of God where the exercise of reason is not known, nor permitted; nor can God be said to be regarded by those who use the images of

Jesuit, and obstinately averse to be commanded by any other General; a vast revenue of many millions; no trouble in taxing, no time lost in collecting taxes. Such a Government, whilst it proceeds upon the same principles, is unchangeable. No wonder these Jesuits are extremely jealous and tender, not only in keeping the poor Indians slaves to ignorance and bigotry, in order to keep them slaves to themselves; but in concealing so much empire and wealth from all the world, especially from Spain, from whence they were sent, at the expence of that Crown, to convert the Indians, and make them subjects to the Spanish monarchy. The good fathers are so far from meaning any such thing, that they not only carefully avoid teaching them the Spanish tongue, but press it upon them as a point of conscionce, not to converse with the Spaniards. If any Spaniard happens to come amongst them (a thing which the Jesuits are so far from encouraging, that they care not to see it) he is indeed civilly used, but carefully confined within the walls of their holy citadel, the presbytery; or if, by earnest entreaty, be obtain leave to walk through the town, he is closely guarded by the Jesuit at his side, and sces not an Indian in the streets; for the Indians are ordered to shut themselves up, and fasten their doors, upon any such occasion.-Besides, these vigilant fathers keep five or six thousand men, employed in several detach

lowness of our deserts and abilities, makes it our duty to employ all the aids in our power, and which are furnished to us by the mercy of Divine Providence, in order that we may be able, as far as the changes of times and places

ments (Apostolic troops!) to watch and scour the frontiers, in order to cut off all intercourse with the neighbouring countries, not yet subjected to the good fathers. Towards one of their frontiers particularly, lest the rich mines in it might invite a set-will allow, to relieve the spiritual wants of the tlement from abroad, they have destroyed Catholic world, without any distinction of people all the houses, in order to discourage any and nations. such settlement. For these self-denying Wishing to fulfil this duty of our Apostolic Friars, who are sworn to poverty, have an Ministry, as soon as Francis Kareu (then living) Ardent zeal to secure all these wealthy and other secular Priests resident for many mines to themselves for religious uses.years in the vast empire of Russia, and who had These poor, rich, humble, sovereign mis-been members of the Company of Jesus, sup-' sionaries, as they are masters of such im- pressed by Clement XIV. of happy memory, mense wealth, all consecrated to their own had supplicated our permission to unite in a use, that is, to the use of religion, make a body, for the purpose of being able to apply proper display of it. The churches are themselves more easily, in conformity with their spacious, magnificent in their structure, Institution, to the instruction of youth in reliand set off with all pomp and decorations, gion and good morals, to devote themselves to grand portices and colonnades, rich preaching, to confession, and the administration altars, adorned with bas reliefs, pictures in of the other sacraments, we felt it our duty the frames of massy gold, and saints of solid more willingly to comply with their prayer, silver, the foot and sides covered with cloth inasmuch as the then reigning Emperor Pau! I, of gold, and the pedestals with plates of had recommended the said Priests in his gracious gold; the tabernacle made of gold; the pyx or box for the sacrament, of gold, set dispatch, dated the 11th of August, 1800, in round with emeralds and other jewels; the which, after setting forth his special regard for vessels and candlesticks made of gold; the them, he declared to us that it would be agreewhole, when illuminated, making a shewable to him, to see the Company of Jesus estabalmost beyond belief. A proper bait for


eyes of deluded Indians, who, by such fine sights, and the pious mountebankery attending them, are retained in due awe and wonder. The princely person of the poor Jesuit is suitably lodged in a spacious palace, containing grand apartments, fur nished with many pictures and images, with proper lodgings for his train of officers and domestics; the quadrangles and gardens all in proportion; the whole court making a square of some miles. Observe, that all the many opulent warehouses belonging to the holy disinterested man, are contained in it. Such is the situation, such the state and inimitable authority, of every Jesuit in Paraguay. There are but forty odd of these Monks in all that great track of country, and in it they have above a million of souls, not only to obey them, but to worship them; nor do these, their sightless and abject slaves, know any other God: for where the true God is ever so little known, no man will worship Friars, who always paint him as like themselves, as they themselves are, in reality, unlike him. PIUS, BISHOP, SERVANT OF THE SERVANTS OF GOD.

(Ad perpetuam rei memoriam.) The care of all the churches confided to our humility by the Divine will, notwithstanding the

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lished in his empire, under our authority: and we, on our side, considering attentively the great advamages which these vast regions might thence derive; considering how useful those ecclesiastics, whose morals and doctrine were equally tried, would be to the Catholic religion, thought fit to second the wish of so great and beneficent a Prince.

In consequence, by our Brief, dated the 7th of March, 1801, we granted to the said Francis Kareu, and his Colleagues residing in Russia, or who should repair thither from other couns tries, power to form themselves into a body or congregation of the Company of Jesus; they are at liberty to unite in one or more houses to be pointed out by their Superior, provided these houses are situated within the Russian empire. We named the said Francis Karcu general of the said congregation; we authorised them to resume and follow the rule of St. Ignacius of Loyola, approved and confirmed by the constitutions of Paul III. our predecessor, of happy memory, in order that the companions, in a religious union, might freely engage in the instruction of youth in religion and good letters, direct seminaries and colleges, and with the consent of the Ordinary, confess, preach the word of God, and administer the sacraments.— By the same Brief we received the congregation of the Company of Jesus under our immediate

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