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Loving she is, and tractable though wild."

In a day or two, Lady Rotherwood and her daughter called at the New Court. On this occasion, Lilias was employed in as rational and lady-like a manner as could be desired, in practising her music in the drawing-room; Emily was reading, and Ada threading beads.

Lady Rotherwood greeted her nieces very affectionately, gave a double caress to Adeline, stroked her pretty curls, admired her bead-work, talked to her about her doll, and then proceeded to invite the whole family to a Twelfth Day party, given for their especial benefit. The little Carringtons and the Weston girls were also to be asked. Emily and Lilias were eagerly expressing their delight, when suddenly, a trampling, like a charge of horse, was heard in the hall; the door was thrown back, and in rushed Reginald and Phyllis, shouting, "Such fun!" "The pigs are in the garden!"

At the sight of their aunt they stopped short, looking aghast, and certainly those who beheld them partook of their consternation. Reginald was hot and gloveless; his shoes far from clean; his brown curls hanging in great disorder from his Scotch cap, his handkerchief loose, his jacket dusty,-but this was no great matter, since, as Emily said, he was only a boy." His bright open smile, the rough, yet gentleman-like courtesy of his advance to the Marchioness, his comical roguish glance at Emily, to see if she was very angry, and to defy her if she were, and his speedy exit, all greatly amused Lady Florence, and made up for what there might have been of the wild school-boy in his entrance.


Poor Phyllis had neither the excuse of being a school-boy, nor the good-humoured fearlessness that freed her brother from embarrassment, and she stood stock still, awkward and dismayed, not daring to advance, longing to join in the pig-chase, yet afraid to run away, her eyes stretched wide open, her hair streaming into them, her bonnet awry, her tippet powdered with seeds of hay, her gloves torn and soiled, the colour of her brown holland apron scarcely discernible through its various stains, her frock tucked up, her stockings covered with mud, and without shoes, which she had taken off at the door.

"Phyllis," said Emily, "what are you thinking of? What makes you such a figure? Come and speak to aunt Rotherwood."

Phyllis drew off her left-hand glove, and held out her hand, making a few sidelong steps towards her

aunt, who gave her a rather reluctant kiss. Lily bent her bonnet into shape, and pulled down her frock, while Florence laughed, patted her cheek, and asked what she had been doing.

"Helping Redgie chop turnips," was the answer. Afraid of some further exposure, Emily hastily sent her away to be made fit to be seen, and Lady Rotherwood went on caressing Ada and talking of something else. Emily had no opportunity of explaining that this was not Phyllis's usual condition, and she was afraid that Lady Rotherwood would never believe that it was accidental. She was much annoyed, especially as the catastrophe only served to divert Mr. Mohun and Claude. Of all the family William and Adeline alone took her view of the case. Ada lectured Phyllis on her "naughtiness," and plumed herself on her aunt's evident preference, but William was not equally sympathetic. He was indeed as fastidious as Emily herself, and as much annoyed by such misadventures; but he maintained that she was to blame for them, saying that the state of things was not such as it should be, and that the exposure might be advantageous if it put her on her guard in future.

It appeared as if poor Phyllis was to be punished for the vexation which she had caused, for in the course of her adventures with Reginald, she caught a cold, which threatened to prevent her from being of the party on Twelfth-day. She had a cough which did not give her by any means as much inconvenience, as the noise it occasioned did to other people. Every morning and every evening she

anxiously asked her sisters whether they thought she would be allowed to go. Another of the party seemed likely to fail. On the 5th of January, Claude came down to breakfast later even than usual, but he had no occasion to make excuses, for his heavy eyes, the dark lines under them, his pale cheeks, and the very sit of his hair were sure signs that he had a violent headache. He soon betook himself to the sofa in the drawing-room, attended by Lily with pillows, cushions, ether and lavender. Late in the afternoon, the pain diminished a little, and he fell asleep, to the great joy of his sister, who sat watching him, scarcely daring to move.

Suddenly, a frightful scream and loud crash was heard in the room above them, Claude started up, and Lily exclaiming, "Those tiresome children !” hurried to the room whence the noise had come.

Reginald, Phyllis and Ada all stood there laughing. Reginald and Phyllis had been climbing to the top of a great wardrobe, by means of a ladder of chairs and tables. While Phyllis was descending

her brother had made some demonstration which startled her, and she fell with all the chairs over her, but without hurting herself.

"You naughty troublesome child," cried Lily, in no gentle tone. "How often have you been told to leave off such boyish tricks! And you choose the very place for disturbing poor Claude, with his bad headache, making it worse than ever."

Phyllis tried to speak, but only succeeded in giving a dismal howl. She went on screaming, sobbing

and roaring so loud that she could not hear Lily's

attempts to quiet her. The next minute Claude appeared, looking half distracted. Reginald ran off, and as he dashed out of the room, came full against William, who caught hold of him, calling out to know what was the matter. "Only Phyllis screaming," said Lily. "Oh, Claude, I am very sorry!" "Is that all?" said Claude. "I thought some one was half killed !"

He sank into a chair, pressing his hand on his temples, and looking very faint. William supported him, and Lily stood by repeating, "I am very sorry -it was all my fault-my scolding-"

"Hush," said William, "you have done mischief enough. Go away, children."

Phyllis had already gone, and the next moment thrust into Lily's hand, the first of the medicaments which she had found in the drawing-room. The faintness soon went off, but Claude thought he had better not struggle against the headache any longer, but go to bed, in hopes of being better the next day. William went with him to his room, and Lilias lingered on the stairs, very humble, and very wretched. William soon came forth again, and asked the meaning of the uproar.

"It was all my fault," said she, "I was vexed at Claude's being waked, and that made me speak sharply to Phyllis, and set her roaring."

"I do not know which is the most inconsiderate of you," said William.

"You cannot blame me more than I deserve," said Lily. "May I go to poor Claude?"

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