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1773. from the country are cut off, will reduce the inhabitants to an extreme difficulty.



P. S. Admiral Shuldham is just arrived from Great Britain in the Chatham man of war of 50 guns, to fu perfede admiral Greaves,

[blocks in formation]

Roxbury, April 22, 1776.

OU have been informed of the measures which


the promoters of independency of independency adopted for the ripening of that event; in the advice which congrefs were prevailed upon to give to the New Hampshire, the South Carolina, and the Virginia conventions.

1776. The New Hampshire provincial convention proceedJan. ed in their defign, and voted "that this congress take


up civil government in form following-We being authorized in particular to establish some form of government, provided that meafure be recommended by the continental congrefs, and a recommendation being transmitted the fudden departure of his excellency John Wentworth and feveral of the council, leaving us deftitute of legiflation, and no executive courts being open to punish criminal offenders-therefore protefting that we never meant to throw off our dependence upon Great Britain, and that we shall rejoice if fuch a reconciliation, between us and our parent ftate, can be effected, as fhall be approved by the continental congrefs-do rẹ

folve, that the congrefs do affume the name and power 1776, of a house of representatives; that they proceed to choose twelve perfons, to be a diftinct branch of the legislature, by the name of a council for this colony; and that no act shall be valid unless paffed by both branches." But this procedure was not univerfally approved. A memorial and remonftrance of the freeholders and inhabi- 10. tants of Portsmouth was prefented to the convention fitting at Exeter. It fets forth, that "the memorialists are greatly alarmed, by the information, that they are about to diffolve their existence as a convention, and afsume that of a house of representatives, and to proceed to the election of twelve counsellors, who are to act as another branch of legislation for the future government of this colony." They remonftrate against the procedure from an opinion that the inhabitants will not generally approve it; and wish therefore that the minds of the people may be fully taken on fuch a momentous concernment, for that it is their inherent right to know the plan, before adopted and carried into execution. They fay alfo," it amounts to an open declaration of independency, which we can by no means countenance.' A diffent and proteft was brought into convention, by 12. feveral of the reprefentatives; the purport of it was, "We diffent and proteft against the prefent plan of taking up government for the following reasons-the vote of the continental congrefs, countenancing the fame, was obtained by the unwearied importunity of our delegates there, as appears by their letter;-the faid vote does not appear to have been unanimous, but we have reason to think very otherwife ;-New York and Virginia (which are in fimilar circumstances with us, and


1776. are much larger and more opulent, and we prefume much wiser, and to which we would pay all due deference) have not attempted any thing of the kind, nor as we can learn ever defired it ;-it appears affuming for fo fmall a colony to take the lead in a matter of fo great importance; our conftituents never expected us to make a new form of government, but only to fet the judicial and executive wheels in motion;-it appears to us, too much like setting up an independency on the mother country." The convention however proceeded in their plan; but when it was executed, and the body had affumed the form of two houfes, they had the confiftency Jan. to receive petitions from the towns of Portsmouth, Dover, Newington, Rochester, Stratham, North Hampton, Rye, New Market, Kenfington, Greenland, and part of Brentwood, against taking up government in the new established form. Both houfes met in the town-house, the petitions were read, confidered, and fully argued by the council for the petitioners. It was voted, that the committee write to the continental congrefs, and lay the plan of government taken up by the colony before them, and let them know that a number of members of this house diffented from and protested against the same, becaufe of its being fuppofed to breathe too much of the spirit of independency; and request to know the judg ment of the congrefs thereon. Whatever letter the committee might write was probably forwarded under cover to one of their own delegates; and by the advice of certain members was not brought before congrefs as a body, till the day after they had given their fanction to the plan, by admitting upon their journals, on the 29th of February, the credentials of the delegates chofen by the house of reprefentatives on January the 23d.


When Mr. S. Adams faw the inftructions given by 1776. the capital of New Hampshire, he was diffatisfied, and fearful left, if that colony took a wrong ftep, it should wholly defeat the defign, he owned, he had much at heart. He had been alarmed before in the beginning of the month, when a motion was made in congrefs to this purpose." Whereas we have been charged with aiming at independency, a committee shall be appointed to explain to the people at large the principles and grounds of our oppofition, &c." It would not do for Mr. S. Adams evidently to interest himself in opposing the motion, though he was apprehensive that they should get themselves on dangerous ground; but fome other delegates prevailed fo far as to have the matter postponed; and yet they could not prevent the affigning of a day to confider it. Some little time before, he had converfed with another gentleman, probably a Virginia delegate, about a confederation; when they agreed it must foon be brought on, and that if all the colonies would not come into it, it had better be done by those that inclined to it. Mr. Adams promifed, he would endeavour to unite the New England colonies in confederation, if none of the reft would join in it: the other approved of it, and faid, that, if Mr. S. Adams fucceeded, he would caft in his lot among them. Many of the principal gentlemen in the Maffachusetts have been long urging their delegates at congrefs to bring forward independency: the more fo, from a persuasion that, resistance unto blood having been once made against the governmental measures, the British spirit will never be quieted, with any thing fhort of thofe conceffions and fatisfactions, which Americans can never make.


1776, are much larger and more opulent, and we presume much wifer, and to which we would pay all due deference) have not attempted any thing of the kind, nor as we can learn ever defired it ;-it appears affuming for fo fmall a colony to take the lead in a matter of so great importance; our constituents never expected us to make a new form of government, but only to fet the judicial and executive wheels in motion;-it appears to us, too much like setting up an independency on the mother country." The convention however proceeded in their plan; but when it was executed, and the body had affumed the form of two houses, they had the confiftency Jan. to receive petitions from the towns of Portsmouth, Dover, Newington, Rochester, Stratham, North Hampton, Rye, New Market, Kensington, Greenland, and part of Brentwood, against taking up government in the new eftablished form. Both houfes met in the town-house, the petitions were read, confidered, and fully argued by the council for the petitioners. It was voted, that the committee write to the continental congrefs, and lay the plan of government taken up by the colony before them, and let them know that a number of members of this house diffented from and protested against the fame, becaufe of its being fuppofed to breathe too much of the fpirit of independency; and request to know the judg ment of the congrefs thereon. Whatever letter the committee might write was probably forwarded under cover to one of their own delegates; and by the advice of certain members was not brought before congrefs as a body, till the day after they had given their fanction to the plan, by admitting upon their journals, on the 29th of February, the credentials of the delegates chofen by the house of representatives on January the 23d.


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