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FEB. 24, 1834.]

Bangor Memorial.

[H. OF R.

Mr. Speaker, the course pursued by the gentleman from Maine, in commenting as he has done upon the memorial presented, is (with the exception of a few cases, occurring at the present session, on the same great subject) novel and unprecedented, and, as it appears to me, most extraordinary. But I leave this matter for the gentleman to settle with his own constituents-to them it more appropriately belongs.


few months. I know not, sir, to what this remarkable in the memorial were unfounded and untrue, and present alteration can be attributed but to the equally remarkable the memorialists themselves in such a light as to show they union that has evidently taken place in this House be- are wholly undeserving the notice of this House. tween the ultras of the North and those of the South, heretofore antipodes in principle; and that these my worthy constituents are willing to consummate the alliance by a total abandonment of all their own principles, and the adoption of those of nullification-as remarkable a countermarch of opinion, within three short months, as can be found in the annals of history! What advantage is to be gained by all this, beyond a more united opposition to the present administration, is beyond my power to perceive. But, sir, the gentleman has not confined himself to his Their creed to this moment has always been, that the constituents, but has made other remarks, of a more geneGeneral Government cannot have too much power, nor ral character; some of which I have risen to notice. the States too little. This resolution, sir, is from the very stated that the memorial he presented called for action, men who opposed my election to a seat in this House, and yet said "the friends of the memorialists here have upon the alleged ground of my being a nullifier and an voted against action of every kind." I will not affect to opponent of the bank. Sir, there was no subject upon misunderstand this remark. We all know that by the which the opinions of the people of the district I have the friends of the memorialists here he intended to designate honor to represent upon this floor were more decidedly those gentlemen in this House who are opposed to the formed than upon that of the Bank of the United States; course of the Executive in removing the deposites, and as to nullification, they knew there was none of it in Maine. the general warfare against the Bank of the United StatesThe result, sir, was my return to this House by a majority who believe those measures the principal cause of the of nearly seventeen hundred votes. I allude to this, sir, present distress of the country. simply as showing the opinions of the people of my dis- Among others, sir, I have presented a memorial. It trict upon the subject of the bank. I am not vain enough, came from a beautiful town, three months ago highly disnor foolish enough, to suppose that that result was owing tinguished, not only for industry and enterprise, but prosto any personal popularity; let my opinions on the subject perity and wealth. As far as I have been able to learn, of the bank have been but favorable to it, and I should in New Bedford there has been but one opinion upon the have been defeated by a large majority, and very possi- subject. Her distress and suffering are so deep and manibly larger than that by which I was elected. Sir, there fest, that they are seen and felt, and known to all. And are from fifteen to eighteen hundred voters in the town no man among them could be found so perverse and reof Bangor; a majority of them were opposed to the ad- creant as to question the fact. ministration; an active committee was appointed to obtain signatures to this memorial; they have presented here the names of only two hundred and eighty-eight persons. What must be the inference? I, sir, need not state it.

Sir, when I had the honor the other day to present the resolutions of the Legislature of the State of Maine, I avowed myself an advocate of State rights, and of the Virginia construction of the constitution. My colleague, [Mr. EVANS,] in replying to my observations, asked, in a very significant manner, what are the doctrines of Virginia now? Sir, it is not for me to answer for Virginia; but if, as he intimated, Virginia has forgotten or repudiated the doctrines of her Jeffersons and her Madisons, I thank God, sir, there are some States which have not for gotten them, but which still remember them, and believe them the only construction of the constitution which can preserve the rights and liberties of a free and happy people. In conclusion, Mr. Speaker, I shall merely move to refer these papers to the Committee of Ways and Means. I shall not move for their printing; they are, in my opinion, inconsistent and contradictory, and do no honor to the hand that penned them, the committee that reported them, the meeting that adopted them, or to the citizens who signed the memorial. If, however, my colleague, or any other, shall choose to move the printing, I shall make no objection, but, in that case, request that the names to the memorial be likewise printed.

Mr. REED, of Massachusetts, said he felt called upon to notice some of the remarks of the gentleman from Maine, [Mr. PARKS,] who had just sat down. That gentleman, in presenting a memorial of the inhabitants of the town of Bangor, had thought fit to deny that they suffer; to say the resolutions are not creditable to the memorialists; and, in his speech throughout, to treat the memorialists with derision and contempt.

I have but a word to say upon this part of his speech. I am among the oldest members of this House, and never, as far as I can recollect, have at any time, until within a few days, known any member of Congress to present a memorial, and then proceed to state that the facts alleged

A most sudden, unexpected, and unexampled reverse of fortune has fallen upon them. They have in three short months experienced a distressing change from prosperity to adversity. The fact is so. I know it; and, however painful it may be to me, I feel bound to state it to this House for their information. If gentlemen present memorials to this House, stating the distress of the people, and beseeching us to afford relief, and at the same time allow themselves to treat such memorials with derision, as the base and mean attempts of party men to gain power and ascendency, such a course tends to destroy the influence of all memorials; it tendency is to bring them all into contempt, and it becomes our duty to canvass and examine them with more than ordinary care. under the most solemn obligation to seek diligently to understand the real situation of the people in every part of our common country.

We are

The portion of the country I have the honor to represent are severe sufferers at this time. I most conscientiously believe their distress has been caused by the removal of the deposites, and the indiscriminate and vindictive warfare with the Bank of the United States. And such is their conviction. Situated as I am, representing as I do a distressed and suffering people, whom I love and respect; and firmly believing, as I do, the cause of their suffering to be such as I have stated, I will not sit here quietly, and hear it represented that I vote against action of every kind. Sir, if I vote against action, it is such action as, in my judgment, is in no way calculated to afford relief. I have hoped, and still hope and believe, that information, debate, and deliberation will ultimately result in useful action. The action here has not contemplated the restoration of the deposites, or any change in the mistaken policy of the Executive, which has brought ruin to our doors. Such action is not even yet to be expected from this House.

Mr. Speaker, I shall not sit quiet and hear it represented that I am opposed to any action upon this subjectany legislation-any course of measures which I deem calculated to relieve the distresses of the people. Do I op

H. OF R.]

Bangor Memorial.

[FEB. 24, 1834.

pose measures which would afford them relief? God put to the test. The inference which my honorable colforbid! I am most anxious, and would labor here day and league seems disposed to draw from these circumstances, night, as long as man could labor, to relieve the distress of the country.

past and anticipated, is, that the people of his district approve the course of policy which the Executive has I trust, sir, this all-important subject will be considered pursued towards the Bank of the United States generally, more gravely, and, I will add, more candidly. The dis- and the removal of the public deposites particularly. If tress in the money market, as it is termed, naturally and this be so, it is no good reason, in my humble apprehenalmost necessarily commences in cities and on the seaboard; sion, why the memorialists who now approach us should but it will not end where it begins. It will spread and be treated with indignity. It has been said by others, on extend far and wide, until it covers the whole face of the other occasions, here and elsewhere, that the elections country. If there be some exceptions, the suffering will of the last year, which occurred about the period of the be general. I do believe, when the true situation of removal of the deposites, fully sustained this act of the the people we represent is made known to us, and the President. Now, sir, I have only to say, that the effect of evil so much complained of as the cause is understood, this act-its disastrous consequences upon the business and that this House will afford relief. currency of the country-had not then been experienced. But the gentleman says that no Jackson men have The evil was hardly anticipated by any body, certainly signed the memorial (as I understood him.) And has it not generally anticipated, to the great extent it has since come to this? Is the President of the United States the reached. It was an experiment but then just commenced. President of the Jackson party only? Is this House In our own State the elections took place prior to the reunder the control of such principles? I confess I have moval of the deposites. How, then, it can justly be said felt somewhat mortified at hearing memorials begin by that the election of my colleague, or any elections made stating "at a Jackson meeting, "or "a meeting without dis- at or near the time of the removal of the deposites, gives tinction of parties;" as if such a meeting and such a memorial any sanction to this act of the President, or shows the dewould receive more favor in the eyes of Congress. Has termination of the people, or any portion of the people, it come to this, that the free, independent citizens of the to sustain him in it, notwithstanding the distress and ruin United States must declare that they are Jackson men to it may produce, I do not readily perceive. My own congain a favorable hearing in this House, and that, too, when viction is, that the effects of that act of the President have they are pouring out their complaints, describing their been so disastrous and unexpected that many-very many— distress, and praying their rulers to grant relief? I trust not. No, Mr. Speaker, party spirit has not yet sunk us to that state of miserable degradation that it has become necessary for American citizens to belong to any party to entitle them to the consideration and regard of their representatives on this floor.

who were at first disposed to approve it as a party measure, have been taught, by bitter experience, and the gloomy prospect of the future, to regard it in its true light. When this great experiment shall have been fully tried, and all its results shall have been known and felt, it will be seen whether the people are prepared to susThe gentleman has informed us that the inhabitants of tain the Executive in his persevering adherence to it, Bangor have not suffered, but are only alarmed; that and whether even the constituents of my colleague will they purchase their goods at Boston and other places on a credit, and that that credit will last until spring. Thus the gentleman has explained the reason that they have not suffered, or have suffered so little. But the spring is at hand-the pay day is near. Will the gentleman remember, and be so kind as to inform me sixty days hence whether or not the citizens of Bangor have escaped the general calamity? Does the gentleman flatter himself that he and his friends shall escape the evil? If so, he is mistaken, entirely mistaken.

be quite satisfied. However that may eventually be, the argument is in perfect keeping with the prevailing sentiments of the times. The President may do any thing and every thing, for he can do no wrong; and the justification uniformly is, the people will sustain him; the late elections show the popular will. The argument is, that whatever the President may do, the party are bound to sustain him, and they will sustain him. And whenever the people come here by petition for relief, the answer is ready, and my colleague has now given it to the present I repeat that the sufferings of the people of the United petitioners: "You are not the friends of the President— States, now, in some measure, limited and confined to you want to embarrass his administration-you are the cities and the seaboard, will increase and spread far and agents of the bank-your complaints are of no consewide to the remotest corner of the country; that the dis-quence." And this answer, sir, is to satisfy the free peotress will increase as it extends, and continue so long as ple of a free country, when they present themselves bethe cause remains; that I have full confidence that this fore the Government under which they live, and set forth House will afford relief when these facts are believed and their grievances and supplicate redress. the subject is understood.

Why is it, sir, that the people of this country are to be Mr. EVANS said he felt called upon to submit a few thus scorned and taunted whenever they presume to apremarks, and but a few, upon what had fallen from his proach our august presence? Have the people really behonorable colleague [Mr. PARKS] on the present occa- come nothing? Where are we, sir, and in what age do sion. His colleague had said that the report and resolu- we live, that the people of this country can thus be treated tions which had been adopted at a public meeting of the by their representatives? citizens of Bangor, and which he has now presented to But, sir, my honorable colleague has denied that any the House, would do no credit to the committee which pressure or distress, at present, exists in Bangor. It is all reported, the meeting which adopted them, or the city prospective: and, if it be so, is not the anticipation of from which they proceeded; and for this reason he has evil a fit subject for our consideration? Does it not furabstained from the usual motion to have them printed. nish a proper occasion for the people to state their fears, Wholly dissenting from the opinion expressed by my col- and to pray that the evil may be averted? The nature of league, I rise, sir, (said Mr. E.,) to make this motion. My the business in that place, as stated in the memorial, is honorable colleague has gone into an historical detail of such, that the pressure would not be likely to be much the circumstances of his own election, and apprizes the felt at this period. My colleague has explained it, and I House that he was returned here by a majority of 1,700; agree that the winter season does not ordinarily require and he adds, if the election were now to occur, he doubts a very large circulation of money. With the opening of not that this majority would be considerably increased. the rivers in the spring, the active business usually comHow that would be, sir, I have no means of knowledge. mences; money will then be wanted, and largely wantWhen the proper period arrives, that prediction will be ed; and where is it to be procured? Sir, these memorialists

FEB. 24, 1834.]

Bangor Memorial.

[H. OF R.

perceive, what must be evident to every mind, that, if league. But, says he, "they are devoted partisans;" there be a stagnation of business, a scarcity of money in they listened to the first intimations made in Congress, the great markets to which their lumber is usually sent, and, finding some of their leaders calling for "immediate the demand for that article will be greatly curtailed. The action," they have echoed back the sound, and call also pressure for money to meet engagements now made will for "immediate action." He says, if we had intimated be inevitably felt, and seriously felt. I have received in- an intention to prolong the debate, they would have called telligence-not directly from Bangor, indeed, but from the out for prolonged debate. Now, sir, I am for immediate vicinity, and from persons acquainted with the course of action as much as my colleague is; but what action do business there-that the prospects for the ensuing season gentlemen propose? Do they not tell us that the experiare very unpromising. Contracts and orders for furnish-ment is to be fully tried?-that nothing is to be done ing lumber have not been made or given to the same ex-until it has been tried? Do the Committee of Ways and tent as usual, and, in some instances, have been counter-Means propose "action?" No, sir. We know full well manded. This may not be present distress; it is, how.what their report will be. I venture to predict that it will ever, a sad omen of future but near approaching embar- be nothing more than a labored vindication of the reasons of rassment, which these memorialists are exceedingly anx- the Secretary for the removal of the deposites-a studied ious to avert: they see the approaching tempest, and they justification of that act. That is all, sir: it will propose no "action." We shall be called on to do nothing but

ask for shelter.

But, sir, as to the matter of these resolutions and this me- to approve the reasons. Is that "action?" Is that to morial, which my honorable colleague thinks so discredit-be a remedy for the ills which now afflict the country? able to the persons who have had an agency in framing The necessity for the debate which has been for some and adopting them—as my colleague has not stated where-time carried on is to convince the committee and the House in the sentiments are so unworthy or unsound, as he has of the necessity of doing something—of making an effort to not pointed out their absurdity or their fallacy, I have change the present condition of our affairs--of acting, and no means of knowing in what point to defend them, if I acting effectively. Now, sir, while we are urging upon deem them in that particular worthy of defence. I have you to do this, what is the answer? Why, we are told but this moment run my eye hastily over them, and over things are not to be changed-the present measures are the names attached to the memorial; and I confess, sir, I to be continued--nothing is to be done to reverse the have not been able to discover any thing that the citizens Executive decree--but, if you want action, stop the deof Bangor need be ashamed to avow; I see nothing which bate. And for what, I ask? Only to enable the committee I deem indefensible on this floor. On the contrary, I to bring in a report justifying the act and the reasons of the think, from a basty examination, that the sentiments which Secretary; and that is the action, and the only action, we they convey are sound and honorable. I have not the pleas- have any reason to expect the House will be called upon ure of a very extensive acquaintance in the city of Bangor, to make. Sir, that is not the "action" these memorialists and to most of the signers of the memorial I am, personally, call for; and our debate has been conducted, and must yet a stranger. But I think I run no hazard of contradiction be carried on, to convince you that some other "action" when I assert that the petitioners comprise by far the is absolutely necessary to rescue the country from its preslargest portion of the active business men of the place-ent embarrassments. Passive acquiescence will not do. of the men of intelligence and respectability. They are As to the allegation that these memorialists are "devonot men ignorant of the course of business upon which ted partisans"-following their leaders--I think I am quite they undertake to speak; nor incapable of making known safe in saying that, in this particular, they need not fear a in suitable terms, and maintaining by suitable arguments, comparison with those of the same city, who, my colleague the opinions which they put forth. The citizens of Ban- says, refused to participate in these proceedings; nor with gor generally, and those who composed the meeting the 1,700 majority which elected him to a seat on this floor. which adopted these resolutions particularly, are as re- I believe them as independent, and as capable of forming spectable, as intelligent, as public-spirited, as much enti-their own opinions, as any portion of the citizens of this tled to the respect and consideration of this House, as the country whatever. They have put on no man's collar. same number of individuals taken from any section of the What inference my colleague intended should be drawn Union whatever. That city, it has already been remarked, from the language of one of the resolutions, to which he has increased in population with astonishing rapidity; emi-adverted, declaring that the meeting would not consider gration to it has been active from other sections of Maine, the question whether the bank had violated its charter or and from Massachusetts, and from New England gener-not, I was so unfortunate as not to understand. If the ally. I believe, sir, these States are not very far behind particular purpose was to convey an idea that the meeting in general intelligence and education, and the knowledge inclined to the opinion that the charter had been violated, of what pertains to the interests of the country. And I and that even those who were friendly to the bank could believe, also, that those who have emigrated to Bangor not justify its proceedings, the inference is unwarranted. have carried with them a fair proportion of the general I perceive, by reference to the resolution itself, that this intelligence of the community. I confess, sir, that I am question was very justly regarded as pertaining to a tribuastonished, that I am mortified-deeply mortified-that my nal equally remote from popular or executive influence. colleague has accompanied the presentation of these pa- It is wholly a question for the judicial tribunals; and the pers with remarks calculated to do these memorialists so meeting, in giving their opinion that it ought to be decided great injustice in the eyes of the House. I wish to res-there, have, in my judgment, very properly shown a discue them, if I may, from the condition to which I am sensible his remarks would subject them, if permitted to go unanswered. Of the political sentiments of a very large majority of these memorialists I am entirely ignorant, and shall therefore say nothing; and I regret that my personal acquaintance is too limited to enable me to do each one of them that full justice which I am confident they deserve. Those with whom I have the honor to be personally acquainted, I can assure the House, are gentlemen of high and honorable character, of intelligence, of public and private worth; and I know they do not deserve the notice they have received at the hands of my colVOL. X.-174

position to submit to the laws of the country, and to protest against executive or legislative assumption of judicial powers. They wish not to discuss the question: they leave it where the law leaves it. I wish this example was more frequent in popular assemblies. We have been favored with not a few resolutions declaring that the bank had violated its charter-had transcended its powers-that it is unconstitutional; and, indeed, deciding all the great legal questions growing out of its charter, and its conduct under the charter.

Sir, many of these questions have been considered and decided by the various departments of this Government,

H. of R.]

Memorials from Banks in Connecticut.

[FEB. 24, 1834.

upon full and careful consideration, and after deep research convenience of the Government and of the merchants, and and argument. They have occupied the attention of the useful to the interests of all, in the preservation of a sound greatest minds which this country has produced. The money currency, and of a salutary restraint on the local constitution and the laws of the country have provided banks of our country. tribunals for the ultimate decision of them. But all this Emanating, as these opinions did, from men who know will not do. The judicial tribunals cannot be trusted. and feel the value of a sound currency in every transaction Every popular assembly, large or small, which can be of business, and every employment of labor; who witness made to respond to the executive opinion, has gravely sent the blighting effects of a stagnation of business, and the us its learned decision upon these great topics; and we deranged state of the circulating medium, the embarrasshave been sagely instructed, by resolution upon resolution, ments of trade, and the limited demand for labor; and that the bank has forfeited its charter--has exceeded its coming from men of high and honorable standing in the powers; and, in a word, that all the charges brought against community, of practical knowledge and experience, and it by the Executive, and, perhaps, I may add which may having no other interests to subserve than such as were be brought against it, are undeniably true. Sir, I com- common to their fellow-citizens throughout the whole mend the caution and propriety of the resolution which my colleague has referred to. I commend it, because it shows a disposition to submit to the laws--a disposition which 1 wish was more prevalent here and elsewhere.

With these observations, and in order to enable the House and the nation to judge whether these memorialists deserve the reproach which has been cast upon them, I move that the report, resolutions, and memorial be printed.

After some further observations by Mr. PARKS, the motion was agreed to.

MEMORIALS FROM BANKS IN CONNECTICUT. Mr. HUNTINGTON, of Connecticut, presented a resolution adopted by the board of directors of the Bank of Hartford, in the State of Connecticut, in favor of a recharter of the Bank of the United States, and of a restoration of the deposite of the public money to said bank. Mr. H. presented a similar resolution of the board of the Phoenix Bank of Hartford, Connecticut.

country, they were entitled to the most respectful consideration. Mr. H. said they did not appear to belong to that class of political economists who desire a State bank note currency to the exclusion of every other, nor to that other class who believe it is wise and practicable to try the experiment of a metallic medium. They seemed desirous that the old path, which had led to individual and national prosperity, should be regained and pursued; and were anxious that Congress should retrieve the injurious consequences which had resulted from a departure from it. In these views, Mr. H. said, he entirely concurred, and that it afforded him no inconsiderable gratification to be enabled to present to the House the opinions of practical honorable men, for whose intelligence and respecta bility he could so fully vouch; and he trusted they would not fail to have their due weight with those to whom they were now expressed.

Mr. H. said he also presented to the House the memorial of all the banks in the city of Norwich, Connecticut, (four in number,) signed by their respective presidents, Mr. H. also presented a memorial of the several banks which states that they are deeply impressed with the pres in the city of Norwich, in the State of Connecticut, in favor ent deranged circumstances of the commercial and bankof rechartering the Bank of the United States, and of re-ing interests of the country, as connected with the enterstoring to that bank the deposites of the public funds. prise and industry of all classes of society; more especially In offering these resolutions, Mr. H. said he held in his when contrasted with the general prosperity heretofore hand resolutions of the respective boards of directors of existing. That they have inquired with solicitude into the the Phoenix and Hartford Banks in Connecticut, on the existing causes, and are convinced that the embarrassments subject of the present unexampled distress and embarrass- have arisen from the altered relations of our Government ment existing in the country, and which he asked leave to to the Bank of the United States, which have deranged present to the House. These banks had large and solid the currency and impaired the confidence of the commucapitals, (each, he believed, exceeding a million of dol-nity; the result of which has been, and is now daily opJars,) in which the State was interested as a proprietor, erating in the suspension and failure of many individuals, where moneys of the State, of the school fund, and of many and commercial and manufacturing establishments. The religious societies were invested; they were located in the memorialists state that they approach this House and the city of Hartford, where there has been for many years a Senate with confidence, as the guardians of the rights and branch of the Bank of the United States, and were under privileges of all classes and portions of our beloved counthe direction of intelligent business men, whose informa-try, and with a respectful but earnest request that Contion and practical knowledge enabled them to form a cor-gress would interpose its power to meet the wide-spreadrect judgment of the causes of the existing distress, and ing evil.

the remedy for it. He could assure the House that these Mr. H. said he was acquainted with, he believed, all gentlemen were of the highest respectability, and their the gentlemen who compose the direction of those differopinions entitled to great consideration. In the resolu-ent banks, and could say of them, as he had already said tions of one of these banks, it is represented that, in the of the directors of the other institutions, to whose resoluopinion of the directors, the restoration of the public de- tions he had referred, that they were highly respectable, posites to the Bank of the United States would be the oc- intelligent, practical business men, and sincere, disintercasion of most essential relief from the pecuniary scarcity ested, and honest in the expression of the opinions conand distress now existing in the country, and that the re- tained in their memorial. The corporations of which they chartering of the same bank, with suitable modifications were the officers were located in a flourishing and growof its powers, would be found the most effectual means of ing city, situated at the head of navigation on one of the re-establishing commercial credit and confidence. In the principal rivers in the State, with a population commerresolutions of the other, the board express the opinion cial, mechanical, and extensively manufacturing; who had that it would contribute to the relief of the mercantile and begun to feel deeply the distress which commenced in our manufacturing interests of the community to restore the large cities, and which threatened to involve many in deposite of the public moneys to the Bank of the United bankruptcy and ruin. The gentlemen connected with States, from which it has been taken by the Secretary of these institutions witnessed the difficulties and embarrassthe Treasury; and that the renewal of the charter of that ments attending the successful pursuit of honest industry bank, with suitable restrictions of the powers now vested and enterprise, the failure of merchants and manufacturers, in it, or, if that may not be, the establishment of a new na- the derangement of the currency, and the loss of public tional bank on similar principles, is indispensable to the confidence; and they use language dictated by a convic

FEB. 24, 1834.]

New Haven Proceedings-Berks County Memorial.


[H. OF R.


tion of its truth when they state that the distress now so towards the Bank of the United States, and that no adeprevalent should be met, by continuing to the people the quate relief can be given but by a speedy restoration of great and necessary advantages and facilities appertaining the deposites, and a recharter of the bank." He moved to the existence of a national bank, either by the renewal their reference to the Committee of Ways and Means, and of the charter of the present institution, or in some similar that they be printed. arrangement that shall forthwith restore those wonted accommodations, so vitally important to a healthy condition of our financial and social interests and concerns. H. said that the rules of the House precluded him from enlarging upon the topics presented in this memorial and these resolutions. He had stated what they contained, and the high and honorable standing of those on whose behalf they were presented, and the respectful consideration which was due to their representations; and, having discharged this (to him) grateful duty, he would move that they be printed, and referred to the Committee of Ways and Means, where other memorials of a similar character had been sent.


Mr. FOOT presented the proceedings of a meeting of a large number of the citizens of New Haven, in the State of Connecticut, held on the 13th of February instant, in favor of rechartering the Bank of the United States, and of restoring to that bank the deposite of the public funds.

Mr. MUHLENBERG presented a memorial of farmers, mechanics, manufacturers, and others, citizens of the county of Berks, in the State of Pennsylvania, praying that the deposites of the public money may be restored to the Bank of the United States.

Mr. M. said, in presenting this paper, he wished to be indulged with some remarks, and he promised those who had petitions to present that they should be very brief. He represented a district composed of the single county of Berks, with a population of 60,000 souls. The 1,850 signers to the memorial were a part of that population, and but a small part of his constituents. He deemed it proper for a representative to present any petition from any part of his constituents, whether he concurred with their views or not. In the present instance, he differed toto cœlo from the memorialists, and he believed that a large part of the citizens of the county coincided with him in his views. He believed that the restitution of the deposites would lead to the recharter of the Bank of the United States, to which result he would undertake to say that two-thirds of his constituents were opposed. What change of opinion would be produced by the continuance of the present pressure and derangement of currency, he was not prepared to say, for he was neither a prophet nor the son of a prophet. Time and experience would This paper (said Mr. F.) contains the names of about show. These men were a minority of his constituents; seven hundred of the active business men of that beautiful but they were a respectable minority. He observed among and flourishing city, with their several occupations. The the names many of the highest respectability, whose resolutions were passed at a public meeting by only three opinions were entitled to great respect. But the great dissenting votes; they have been signed on full delibera-mass of the signers had always been opposed to the prestion, and, I believe, express the views and feelings ent administration; with how much effect, the result of of at least two-thirds of the qualified voters. These men the election had shown. Another portion of the signers reside in my vicinity, and many of them were my associ- were friendly to the President and his administration until ates in commercial pursuits for many years, and their intelligence cannot be questioned. As the fact of the existence of great distress in the country is no longer denied, after being proved by some forty thousand witnesses on this floor, he should say nothing on that subject.

In offering these proceedings, Mr. F. said the chairman of this meeting was one of the oldest and most respectable merchants in that place. He was the son of a tried patriot of the Revolution, who signed the declaration of independence-a distinguished member of the old Congress-his name was Roger Sherman!

the President signed the bank veto message. Another portion were still warmly attached to the President, but differed with him in relation to the policy of a bank. His duty compelled him to add, that by some persons he had been requested to say that many were induced to add Mr. F. said his colleagues and himself had already their names to this memorial by statements and coloring presented petitions from their constituents, praying relief! which were unfounded in truth. Without expressing an they have now sent us, not petitions, but resolutions! in opinion as to the expediency of removing the deposites, language not to be misunderstood and not to be disre- he must say that he was opposed to their restoration at garded. In the preamble to the resolutions, they refer the present time, because it must have the effect to proto the time and circumstances of the country when duce the recharter of the present bank. The one measthis bank was chartered; the causes which induced the ure would necessarily lead to the other. If he thought passage of the act for chartering the bank; its severe that the opinions of his constituents differed from his own, losses in the attempt to restore a sound and healthy cur- he would not say that he would conform his views to their rency, equal to gold and silver; its ultimate success, and opinions; no-an opinion deliberately formed, with ref its beneficial effects upon the interests of the country.erence to the interests of the whole people, he would These men do not consider this bank as a "monster," not compromise. But, sir, (said Mr. M.,) I would instantly whose power is so dangerous; for they have only felt its resign my seat, and give my constituents an opportunity benefits. They are not terrified at this cry of "mono- to elect an individual who would represent their sentipoly," or "moneyed aristocracy!" They recollect how ments. But he believed that a large majority of his condifficult it was to obtain subscription to its stock; they stituents coincided with him in opinion on this subject. know that, without the subscription of Stephen Girard of He was sustained in this belief by two large meetings Philadelphia, and some individuals in New York, who as- held in the same county, one of them consisting of 800 sumed the balance of the stock, this charter, which was citizens, with the proceedings of which he had not thought voluntarily offered by Congress-not on the application proper to trouble the House. As a mark of respect to from moneyed men, or the capitalists of the country, but the memorialists, and to show for what purpose the meemanating from the wants of the Government-came very morial was circulated, and what object it was covertly and near, and would have been, a total failure. They are will-insidiously made to subserve, he would ask that the meing to trust the use of this power of doing good, as they morial be read. use the power of the elements or of steam, for the benefit After the memorial was read, of man-as an agent or servant, not as a master! They Mr. McKENNAN said he wished to ask of his coldeclare that the present embarrassment and distress are league [Mr. MUHLENBERG] whether he had understood to be attributed to the hostile attitude of the Executive him correctly, when he supposed him to say that the per

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