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MAY 2, 1834.]

Proceeds of Public Lands.


man examine the votes of those who voted in the nega- Mr. CLAY said, that, with respect to the vote alluded tive, and he (Mr. F.) thought he would find it exceed- to by the Senator from Georgia, he would observe that ingly difficult to discover one among them who was ca- there were several absentees on that occasion, some of pable of change. No; they were made of "sterner stuff." whom, he believed, would have voted had they been pres[Here Mr. F. read the names of those Senators who had ent; but he did not choose to go into all the particulars voted in the negative on that occasion.] He should have attending that vote, he rose for another purpose, which much liked to have seen the honorable member pick out was to make one single observation in reply to what the five, which number would be necessary to obtain a con- gentleman had said about the constitutional ten days. stitutional majority, and so pass the bill. The gentleman Now, let us, said he, take those ten days; the consequence had told them further, (though without evidence which then to be drawn from the argument of the gentleman he could produce in a court of justice, if called upon to was, if the ten days run on, notwithstanding the terminaprove the fact,) that the President had come here on the tion of the session, the bill had become a law; or if the 3d of March with a veto message in his pocket. Now successor of the President could approve a bill on the had that been the case, it would only have proved how fourth of March that was passed on the third, he might desirous he was to return the bill. Still the honorable do the same thing on the fifth, and so on to the end of Senator believed that such was the fact, and against such the ten days. He did not, however, concur with the evidence as this on the Journal. Now supposing the case gentleman, and therefore thought the conclusion into be as stated by the honorable member-what did it correct.

Mr. CLAY said this motion was not in order. If the gentleman would move to add 5,000 or 500,000 of the message acted on yesterday, he would give him his vote. Mr. SHEPLEY. What message?

prove? Why, merely that the President had taken pre- The gentleman tells us, said Mr. C., that if a majority of cisely the course which the gentleman had thought he two-thirds could have been got at the end of the last session, ought to have taken. The President was desirous to re- in consequence of the President's returning the bill, that turn the bill in the form in which it was presented to him: surely the same majority could be had now. He (Mr. C.) it was unsatisfactory, and he sent back the bill, accompa- wished the Senator could make that good. There had nied by a message, giving his reasons why he had vetoed been two or three changes in the Senate since the last it. He (Mr. F.) thought it was very obvious that the session, unfavorable to the measure. There was the SenPresident wished to do himself and the country justice. ator from Maine, [Mr. SHEPLEY,] whose predecessor voIt was well known that he had a great number of bills to ted for the bill of the last session, and he felt confident read as the session drew to a close, and it was impossible that that gentleman could not by any means be induced to that he could have had sufficient time to prepare a new vote for the bill of this. There was, also, the Senator message on the subject. The Senate ought to have sent from New York, [Mr. TALLMADGE,] and others perhaps, the bill to him sooner than they did, then he might have neither of whom, he feared, would vote for it. returned it with his message before the rising of Congress. Mr. SHEPLEY moved to amend the motion to print, Now, he (Mr. F.) would say a word or two in regard by adding a clause providing for the printing of 5,000 to the injustice which it had been said the Chief Magis- copies of the second report of the Secretary of the Treastrate had done the country, in the exercise of his power, ury on the subject of the removal of the deposites, of in withholding that bill. It was alleged to be an encroach- December 30, 1833. ment on the powers of Congress. But whose fault was it? It was their own; it was their duty to have sent it to him at an earlier day. What was the act of the President? Why he had postponed returning the bill for seven or eight months. Congress had still power over the subject, and if, as the gentleman from Kentucky had averred, the Senate could have passed the measure in 1833 by a majority of two-thirds, why then they could do it now. But how was it with the other House? There had been an Mr. CALHOUN said that he should vote for the printimportant change in that body, for the present Congress ing of the extra number as a matter of courtesy. But had been appointed under the new census, and it at pres- his opinions concerning the bill itself were expressed at ent represents a great majority of the people. He would the last session, and they remained without change. ask if gentlemen would have had Congress to pursue that The question on printing of 5,000 copies was then course which would have prevented a fair expression of taken, and decided in the affirmative: ayes 32, nays 9. the opinions of the people on this subject? Surely not. Supposing, by casualty, a constitutional majority could have been procured in both Houses, was there any man who looked to the great foundation upon which our Government stood, disposed to deny the right of the majority to govern according to their will? Was there any man On taking the question, it was decided in the negative: who would not have regretted the passing of this act un-ayes 17, noes 21. der any other circumstances? Now, if the bill had been Mr. WEBSTER then said it would be necessary to passed at the last session of Congress, what would it have adopt an order for the purpose of giving effect to what been? The act, although condemned by a large portion he presumed was the wish of the Senate, when the inof the people, could not have been repealed, without the consent of a majority of the Senate, constituted as it now And he would ask, if there was any honorable member who wished such had been the case?


Mr. PRESTON rose merely to state, that he was not willing to meet the issue proposed by the Senator from Georgia. The gentleman had called for the yeas and nays with regard to the printing of a report which he had not heard. He, Mr. P., declined expressing any opinion on the report; and he rose for the purpose of disclaiming any inference that might be drawn from his vote in favor of the printing of the report, with regard to his opinions as to the land bill.

Mr. CLAY. Had the gentleman forgotten the message re-nominating the rejected bank directors?

The CHAIR pronounced the amendment of Mr. SHEPLEY to be out of order.

Mr. CHAMBERS moved, that when the Senate adjourn, it adjourn to meet on Monday next.

Mr. POINDEXTER hoped not. The Senate, he said, was under protest, and the sooner they got out of it the better.

junction of secrecy was yesterday removed from the Executive proceeding. He thought this might as well be done in public session, and he had prepared a resolution relative to the publication of the proceedings in Executive session, which he had sent to the Secretary.

Mr. FORSYTH said there was other Executive business, which required the action of the Senate. On motion of Mr. WEBSTER,

The Senate then proceeded to the consideration of Executive business, and after remaining for some time in secret session,

The Senate adjourned.


New Bedford Memorial.



[MAY 3, 1834.

ford. The fishing business was almost the sole business of New Bedford and Nantucket, and the time was, when, with no other trade, they had from 70 to 80 ships enga

Mr. SILSBEE said he desired to present a memorial ged in it beyond the capes of Good Hope and Horn-they from that section of New England which was extensively must, therefore, deal on credit, and their cry was not engaged in the fishing business. They complained of false clamor. But we were told by honorable gentlemen great pecuniary distress, and pressure, and injury to their that when this question was settled, prosperity would recommerce, owing to the removal of the deposites. He vive. Well, a decision had been made a month ago, by moved the usual reference of the memorial; and, after a majority of half a hundred votes, that the bank should being read, not be re-chartered, and yet the country is not settled, but is farther from it than ever.

Mr. FORSYTH said he thought he understond that this memorial came from a district of country engaged in the Mr. FORSYTH replied, that he had not said that there business of fishing, complaining of the destruction of their was no cause of distress in the country, and that all the commerce. We had heard much of distress in the complaints sent here were false clamor. He admitted country, and we had memorials presented on the subject there was distress in some portions of the country, arising every day, and honorable gentlemen here proclaimed that from the abridgment of banking accommodations, and great distress, and reductions in the prices of various the derangement of the exchanges of the country. He products, were produced by the late measures of the Pres- believed that distress did exist among business-men whose ident. As to the other great objects of industry, the accommodations had stopped, and where runs had been prices current showed how correct they were. He would made upon banks having no metallic basis to support ask the gentleman who presented this memorial, what the them. What he said, was this, that there was no foundaprice of oil was? tion for the cry of distress, when we looked to the prices Mr. SILSBEE replied, that he had not taken much of the products of labor upon the forest, the ocean, or time to inform himself. He believed that oil was from the earth. And what were they? All the prices showed 70 to 75 cents a gallon; what the ordinary price was, he them to be as high now as they were at this time last could not say. It sold at from 90 to 100 cents by the year, or higher than they were at the time when, accordsmall quantity, and he would tell the gentleman that ing to the statements of honorable gentlemen, the country ships employed in the whale fishing had depreciated 25 was overflowing with prosperity. The prices current per cent. He also hoped the gentleman from Georgia were so over the whole United States. In Boston, on the did not mean to say that he (Mr. S.) had occupied much 28th April, in the article of coffee, the prices were rising. time in discussions upon presenting memorials. [Mr. F. here read from the newspaper report of prices Mr. FORSYTH did not intend charging the honorable current.] Now, as to the article of cotton, in Boston gentleman with having occupied the time of the Senate four thousand bales were sold on manufacturers' account. by speaking upon memorials. He would do him no such So that all the manufactories were not stopped yet. New injustice, but he alluded to all the gentlemen on that side Orleans cotton, 13 to 15; flour in demand and scarce, of the House. As regarded the distress of the people of and he hoped when this news of the flour market reachNew Bedford, he thought the memorial said that tened New Orleans, it would rise there. Fish and molasses, thousand seamen were affected by the act of the Execu-as high as last year; sugar, prices firm and supplies limtive, and the honorable member told us that the object ited. Now, gentlemen said that the great necessaries of for which the sailors were employed bore the ordinary life were high, because the people must eat; but here all price. Mr. F. said that, from his experience and obser- the prices were given. The lumber trade, too, stood in vation, 70 to 76 cents was a very living price for fish oil; the same condition as it did this time last year, when we and while it stood at that, the sailors would be engaged were enjoying the most unbounded prosperity. But the in the business. But it was said that the equipments of gentleman from Massachusetts said that he (Mr. F.) was vessels were much reduced in price, and that a deficiency mistaken in regard to the New Bedford people. What in the value of ships of 25 per cent. had taken place. he (Mr. F.) stated, was, that the persons engaged in the But, Mr. F. thought that, upon examination, it would be whale fishing, if it be admitted that the article of their seen that this was not founded in fact. The cries of dis-pursuit in business is as high as usual, cannot be suffering tress were got up, not in the sections from which these distress. But the gentleman from Massachusetts tells us memorials came, but elsewhere. The heaviest cry came of great rivalry existing in the New Bedford and Nanfrom Baltimore, and there the pressure was extreme. He tucket fisheries. And what were the elements of this ri held in his hand the prices current in Baltimore, and from valry? Let us examine the subject a little. The people that it would seem that the prices were good. Fish, shad of New Bedford and Nantucket are, beyond all doubt, were $6 50 and herring $3 50 per barrel-flour, sales of unrivalled by the world in nautical skill and enterprise. Howard street at $5 per barrel. The article of sugar, But the case is different in other parts of the world, he would advert to for the benefit of the gentleman from where the expenses of an outfit, &c. are very great. Louisiana, [Mr. PORTER,] was $7 to $8 50, and he had There they are much cheaper. But the gentleman from heard a very large crop was sold lately in Philadelphia Massachusetts said that their business was deranged be at 8 cents. Tobacco $3 50, cotton 12 to 13-holders cause they purchased on a credit. The materials were firm and expecting better prices. He hoped gentlemen all there; and the only difference was, that those who would look at the prices current from the various parts had not capital could not get it. Mr. F. said his remarks of the country from which these memorials come. He applied to the sailors in that service, as the memorial rebelieved that persons doing business on credit, might be ferred to ten thousand sailors who were injuriously af suffering embarrassments, but he denied that there was fected by the measures of the administration. He beany distress pressing on the great objects of the country. lieved that the sailors engaged in those voyages for a Mr. WEBSTER said, that the theory of the honorable share in the profits of the voyage. Well, how were they member from Georgia was factitious, and not real. But affected? The returns of the former voyages were here, he thought the slightest reference to the great interests of and the object of their enterprise was at the same price. the whale fisheries, would convince any man that it must Was there any difficulty in making investments, when the be most affected by causes disturbing the general credit materials were 25 per cent. less in price than formerly? of the country, owing to the long credits which the busi-But the honorable gentleman had referred to our predic ness required; and, therefore, the gentleman was mista- tions, that when this agitating question was settled, relief ken, in applying his remarks to the people of New Bed-and tranquillity would be restored to the country. And

MAY 3, 1834.]

New Bedford Memorial.


be shipped and brought to the East, there would be a glut in the market, in consequence of the want of money to purchase. This result was natural, and must take place. Mr. SILSBEE said, he had thought the Senator from Georgia would find it a bard task to prove that prices were as high as last year. He had set out with a prom. ise to show this. Had he done so? No! he had failed in every instance-in the products of agriculture, manufacture, and navigation. He had said that the price of oil had not fallen. He (Mr. S.) affirmed that it had. If the honorable Senator could prove the truth of what he had asserted, he (Mr. S.) would never again hazard an opinion on that floor.

he told us that it was settled by the other branch of Con- When the quantity of flour now ready in the West, should gress. Did that gentleman so consider it? Could he calculate that it was settled? What was the object of these memorials, and the speeches delivered upon them? Why, that it should be unsettled until it could be settled in a particular way. If honorable members had been satisfied with the judgment of the House of Representatives, and turned their attention to the adoption of measures for the general good, it would have been settled; but they have entered into the drama before the people with the House of Representatives, and none with more force and eloquence than the honorable gentleman from Massachusetts, that the country must and should be agitated. But as far as it could be settled under the circumstances, it had been produced. Had not a manifest change for the better, in the money market, taken place? Had not stocks risen? Had not exchange risen? Were there complaints in the city market? No. And this was owing, in part, to the fulfilment of the prophecy by us; and when the people saw that the wishes of the gentleman could not be accom plished, gentlemen would cease to agitate the public mind, which would not have been agitated by the measures of the Executive, but for the interposition of extra

neous causes.

[Some further remarks were made by Messrs. CHAMBERS, KNIGHT, and PORTER, which were not reported.]

Mr. SPRAGUE would be glad to hear the Senator from Georgia prove that the lumber trade was as good now as it was last lear. He (Mr. S.) would be most grateful for intelligence of this kind if it came from a correct source. He had received recent information of a different kind from two of the principal rivers of Maine on which this trade was followed; and a gentleman was now sitting behind him from the capital of the State, who had informed him, both before and since the honorable Senator from Georgia spoke, that a few days since there was no sale for the article of lumber. Those who had a stock of it could not sell a single cargo.

There was now a general voice from Maine, and parMr. EWING said, that the evidence brought forward ticularly the towns on the Kennebec; and he had it directby the Senator from Georgia, to show that there was no ly from a person well acquainted with the trade of that distress in the country, was of such a nature as would country, that there was no sale for the article. The lead all men of business to conclusions the very reverse stocks of lumber lie dead on the hands of the holders; it of those of the honorable Senator. He (Mr. E.) would had, indeed, become lumber on their hands. At Bangor show the gentleman the erroneous nature of his reason-there was no demand. Four vessels had sailed from that ing, by reference to one article-that of flour. It had port a few days ago with (as it was described by the party been said that articles of necessity could always command by whom he had been made acquainted with the fact) a price. This might be true in some cases, but was not nothing on board, but glory in the hold, and experiment on always so. Flour was an article of prime necessity, and deck. The honorable Senator from Georgia had said, that yet it had fallen in price. During the winter and spring, the fall of twenty-five per cent. in the value of shipping, the Eastern markets were supplied from their immediate was beneficial to the place. Many of his (Mr. S.'s) conneighborhood; the adjacent farmers brought in their stituents were ship-builders, and he could hardly imagine flour, which was generally consumed before the Western that they would look upon it as a benefit to them, that supply came in; there was, therefore, no decrease in the value of their labor had fallen in the market twentyprice under these circumstances, in the cities; the price five or thirty per cent. The ship-building and lumber there kept up, because the supply was only equal to the trade had stopped; and, if that would not produce disdemand; but when great quantities were brought in from tress, he would like to know how distress could be inthe West, the quantity of money in circulation regulated flicted on the community. the price. If there was plenty of money to buy up the Mr. FORSYTH had not looked into the price of lumflour and lay it up till wanted, the sale was good; if there ber; but he understood that lumber had suffered exceswas little or no money, the sale was bad. The honorable sively. This was not owing to the removal of the deposSenator from Georgia had shown them a price current ites; but, it was cut high up the river, with a view of from the Eastern cities, for the purpose of proving that being brought off the ground when the river was so high flour was fetching a good price; it might do so there, for as to float it. The river has not risen during the present the causes he (Mr. E.) had mentioned; but they had ad- season, and therefore the owners had not been able to get vices from the West of a very different character. The it to market. price was not there so good as in the Eastern cities. He He did not make the ridiculous assertion, that a fall in held in his hand a letter dated the 25th ultimo, which the price of shipping was beneficial to ship-builders; but, stated the price of flour at New Orleans to be $2 87, and that the cost being lower was beneficial to the sailors, this would induce corresponding depression in Cincinnati. under the supposition of their profits continuing as usual. The Senator from Georgia had said, that when the high price of flour in the Eastern cities reached the West, it would raise the price there. It would not do so. The people of the West knew as well as the honorable Senator what the price of flour was in the Eastern cities; but they knew, also, the effect which would be produced by sending their The gentleman had said that he (Mr. F.) had asserted flour to those markets. Were they to do so, the price what he had not proved. He did not say that all products would instantly fall. There were great quantities of flour bore the same price as last year, but that certain producin the West ready to be sent. A great portion of the tions were of the same price. The gentleman had acWestern supply was bought up by capitalists for ex-knowledged that the price of cotton, the great staple of portation, and another great portion was bought to the country, was good. Here Mr. F. stated, from the be laid up. Now, if there was not money to purchase price current, the prices of several commodities, which in this way, he (Mr. E.) would ask whether, when the prices, he observed, were good. The article of wheat, flour came in from the West, it would command as high for which formerly from ninety cents to a dollar was esa price in the Eastern cities as it now commanded?¦ teemed a good price, was now quoted at one dollar and

He was not conversant in the prices of oil; but he bought sperm oil in Georgia at about a dollar per gallon, by retail; and he took it for granted that the wholesale prices in Boston could not be above seventy or seventyfive cents.


eighty cents.

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The price of sugar was as great now as it SPRAGUE had not said so; he repeated what he had said was last year. But the Senator had said it was not so on the subject: that the vessels had gone out loaded, and high as it ought to be, when the crops are taken into con- found no market. sideration. The Senator was a sugar-grower, and thought Now, as to the sailors, with whom Mr. S. had some ache ought to have higher prices for a small crop than for quaintance, the Senator [Mr. FORSYTH] had said that the a large one. The price of sugar in Louisiana was regu- depreciated price of the ships would benefit the sailors. lated by that of Cuba. And what was the price in Cuba? Mr. S. would be glad if he would explain how such a Allowing all the expenses of shipping, transit, &c., Cuba result would follow. There were two classes of sailors, sugar would cost about seven cents and a half, and eight one of whom went out on shares. [Mr. FORSYTH said cents was the price of Louisiana sugar. And yet the gen- there was another part, to whom the profits were unditleman said, that the removal of the deposites caused a minished.] To be sure, Mr. SPRAGUE said, by putting depression in the price of this article; while it was a mat- things contrary to fact, and, together with his poetry, the ter which was regulated by foreign competition, and par- gentleman had introduced what was not matter of factticularly by Cuba. it was all mere poetry. Mr. S. could not understand

The honorable Senator from Louisiana and the honor-how the sailors could be benefited by the value of vesable Senator from Maryland had spoken of agitation. He sels being less. Mr. S. thought that, if the value of vesknew there was agitation; and he had no doubt that the sels was depressed twenty-five per cent., the value of labor agitation was increased by personal distress. The hopes must be necessarily depressed. The depression of the of many of acquiring fortunes by the bank had vanished, value of labor with one class, could not increase the value and the feeling created by the disappointment was intense. of labor in another class. There was a general sympa. But the Senator would not deny the right of concluding thy-and the wages of the sailor must diminish as the that it was not this alone that had produced the distress. price of the ship was diminished, as well as the wages Convictions no doubt existed that the President of the of the shipwright and all concerned in shipping. United States had done wrong, particularly amongst those And how could those sailors who went on shares, be who were disposed to find fault with every thing which benefited by a diminution of the value of the ship? The was done by the President: all their efforts had not been ship-owner, whatever was the value of the ship, received wanting to prove to the people, that their estimation was a certain proportion of profits-one-sixteenth, by the correct; that they saw through good spectacles, and not usual arrangement-and the rest was divided among the through glorification spectacles. That there should be sailors. How, then, could a decrease in the value of the agitation was expected and looked for. The result was ship increase the profits of the sailor?

in the womb of time; but he was convinced of the cor- But Mr. S. had received authentic information yesterrectness of his own judgment, and looked for a fair judg-day and to-day, that in fact the profits did not remain the ment on the part of the people of the United States. same to this class of sailors, in the voyages which had What could the agony of suffering produce, but convic-been recently settled. The settling price of the voyages tion on the public mind? Was violence of any kind to between the sailors and ship owners, had been such, that be used to overthrow the administration? Surely not. the sailors had not received enough to meet the demands We have seen, said Mr. F., an attempt made to convert on the charges of their outfits, and for their own personthis assembly into a sort of theatre. Senators have been al services they had received nothing. Was that a benecheered from the gallery, as if they were players, for the fit to the sailors? If a new enterprise was to be entered gratification of the public; and we have seen, from one upon, men who had money might now buy ships cheap; side of the House, plaudits and hisses in the Senate cham- but would this prove that those now concerned in this ber of the United States. kind of property had not suffered by the disastrous blow Associations, Mr. F. said, were now forming in of the Executive? Certainly not. Baltimore, whig associations-and for what purpose? Were their operations to be at home or abroad? While at the spirit of those associations no man could look but with abhorrence and detestation, the spirit itself, Mr. F. said, was harmless. They might agitate as they pleased; the mischief would be local, the crime would be local, and the punishment would be local. They could not Mr. POINDEXTER then offered the following resoluoperate on the Government without a change in its char-lution, which lies one day on the table. acter; that change could and would be made, when the Resolved, That, until the special order of the day on people chose to exert their power; but we were not like the protest of the President of the United States shall be the people of Europe; it was not here that a watch-word finally disposed of, the Chair shall announce the order on such as "religion" or "freedom," could raise men to each day immediately after the Journal shall have been fight; no cunning word could raise them; here the insti-read.

Mr. POINDEXTER made some remarks, which were not reported.

The memorial was then referred to the Committee on Finance, and ordered to be printed.

Mr. POINDEXTER moved to postpone the special order until Monday; which was agreed to.

tutions of the country were on a sound and firm basis, Mr. HENDRICKS moved the consideration of the resand gentlemen might agitate, they might drive the public olution offered by him last week, appropriating Friday sentiment so far, that man would be opposed to man, and and Saturday in each week to the consideration of bills. the indignation of the community would fall on that man The motion was negatived: Ayes 15, noes 18. who would thus agitate, and dreadful vengeance would The Senate then adjourned. fall upon them all; but the crime would be local, the mischief local, and the punishment would be local.


Mr. SPRAGUE, after a few remarks in reply to The resolution offered on Saturday, by Mr. POINDEXMr. FORSYTH's remarks, said that there was a great TER, to take up the protest immediately after the quantity of the products of the country on hand, which reading of the Journal, till it should be disposed of, was could not be disposed of at any rate; and the en- taken up.

hanced price which had been noticed, only showed that Mr. HENDRICKS moved to amend the resolution by the derangement of the currency in the community had been greater even there, (Maine,) than had been ima-excepting Fridays and Saturdays, to be devoted to the passage of bills. gined. Those who had articles on hand, could not dispose Mr. EWING did not think the amendment at all calcuof them there at any rate. [Mr. FORSYTH thought Mr.lated to hasten the business of the Senate.

S. had said that all the vessels had gone out empty.] Mr. The CHAIR expressed a doubt whether it was in order.

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Mr. HENDRICKS thought this difficulty did not exist; he designed his amendment to be indefinite; if not so considered, he would alter it so as to extend to the remainder of the session.


Mr. WEBSTER thought the amendment could not be sequences might ensue from it, but it might prove injuriimportant: if the debate on the protest should terminate ous in a public point of view. The design, too, which in two days, as had been suggested, the rule of the amend- had been drawn by these gentlemen, who followed the exment would terminate with it. ample of the mest aristocratic body in the world, (the Parliament of England,) was marred and broken. They had infringed upon their determination to perform no business until the protest was disposed of: they had recently passed a bill. As a matter of time he did not think the Mr. CLAY was opposed to the amendment, on the question of any importance; as much time would be ocground of a sentiment which had been expressed, and in cupied if the debate upon the protest proceeded irregu which he concurred, that till this question on the pro-larly, as if the Senate determined upon doing nothing test should be decided, the Senate should proceed to no until it was disposed of. But the dignity of the Senate legislative business. He thought, too, that the amend- was censured! In his whole life he had never heard so ment contradicted the original resolution; and for these two reasons he was opposed to it.

Mr. TIPTON was aware of the sentiment to which the honorable Senator had alluded; but after so long a time spent in debate on the subject of memorials, he thought that there should still be a small portion of the time devoted to ordinary business. He called for the yeas and nays, and the call was sustained.

Mr. KNIGHT would suggest a modification to the amendment, that the first hour on Fridays and Saturdays should still be open, as heretofore, to memorials and reports of committees.

Mr. HENDRICKS accepted this modification. Mr. CLAYTON made a few remarks against the amendment, part only of which were heard.

Mr. KING, of Alabama, thought the whole time ought not to be taken up with the protest, after, for so long a time, so little business had been done, except to debate on memorials.

much about "dignity" as he had during the last few days listened to on that floor. Senators had been, recently, bursting with indignation, and now they were literally broken down by the weight of their own dignity. He submitted whether it was becoming the real dignity of Senators to sacrifice the interest of their country to a feeling of false pride. The Senate was in no danger; it had never been so strong or so saucy as it was at the present moment: why, then, was it, like the Italian beggar, continually wounding itself, for the purpose of exciting the commiseration and benevolence of the public. He repeated, that this resolution of the honorable Senator from Mississippi, might produce inconvenience. What would they have done the other day under such a resolution if gentlemen had lately been losing from $15 to $20 a day upon a cargo, and might have been bankrupt, but for the passing of the bill to which he had before alluded? He was surprised, at the time, to see any opposition made to the consideration of the bill, under such circumstances, and on the ground that the Senate ought, first, to dispose of the protest. He hoped that Senators would not tie up their hands, and prevent themselves from acting in cases similar to that which he had just mentioned.

The question was then taken by yeas and nays, upon the amendment offered by the honorable Senator from Indiana, when there appeared:

Mr. CLAYTON said the gentleman from Alabama thought to convey to the public the idea that the Senate had not discharged its duty relative to bills, &c., and that it was behind the House in that respect. He (Mr. C.) denied that this was the case; the committees of the Senate had been as diligent as those of the House. The Senator from Alabama had said nothing to show the Senate that it would be better to occupy two days in the presentS.-Messrs. Brown, Forsyth, Frelinghuysen, ation of bills than, to proceed with and conclude the de- Grum Hendricks, Hill, Kane, King of Alabama, King bate upon the protest. He (Mr. C.) should vote against of G ia, Knight, Linn, McKean, Prentiss, Shepley, hoi the amendment, because he believed the Senate would Swift, allmadge, Tipton, White, Wilkins, Wright.-20. get through its business much earlier by adopting the res- NAYS.-Messrs. Bell, Benton, Black, Clay, Clayton, olution of the Senator from Mississippi than by pursuing Ewing, Leigh, Moore, Naudain, Poindexter, Porter, any other course. Preston, Robbins, Silsbee, Smith, Sprague, Tomlinson, Tyler, Webster.-19.




Mr. POINDEXTER moved to withdraw his resolution.
The CHAIR decided that the motion was out of order.
Mr. POINDEXTER then moved to lay the resolution

Mr. HENDRICKS said the Senator who had just resumed his seat had certainly committed an error in saying that the Senate was not behind the House in the performance of its duties. Mr. H. referred to the book of general orders, to prove that the Senate was not so far ad-upon the table. vanced as the House.

Mr. POINDEXTER bore testimony to the diligent manner in which the Senate committees executed their duties. He was understood to say that the committee to which he belonged had reported 12 or 15 bills. The Senate, Mr. P. said, had passed a great number of bills from the House, while of those sent from the Senate to the House only two or three had been acted upon. Two weeks would be sufficient to transact all the business of this kind which was before the Senate.

Mr. HENDRICKS said the list of general orders showed that 200 bills had come from the other House.

Mr. KING said he did hope that the amendment of the Senator from Indiana would prevail; or, at all events, that some modification of the resolution presented by the Senator from Mississippi would be effected.

The yeas and nays were taken upon the latter motion, and were as follows:

YEAS.-Messrs. Bell, Benton, Black, Clay, Clayton, Ewing, Frelinghuysen, King of Alabama, King of Georgia, Knight, Leigh, Moore, Naudain, Poindexter, Porter, Preston, Robbins, Silsbee, Smith, Sprague, Swift, Tomlinson, Tyler, Waggaman, Webster, White.-26.

NAYS. Messrs. Brown, Forsyth, Grundy, Hendricks,
Hill, Kane, Linn, McKean, Prentiss, Shepley, Tallmadge,
Tipton, Wilkins, Wright.-14.

The resolution was consequently laid on the table.

The following resolutions, submitted by Mr. SoUTHARD on Friday, were taken up:

Resolved, That the Secretary of the Treasury be directThis protest was no great favorite of his, (Mr. K.'s;) ed to communicate to the Senate the weekly and monthhe did not, however, feel the alarm respecting it which ly reports and statements of the Bank of the United seemed to disturb the peace and quiet of other gentle- States, and also those of the banks which have been semen. It did appear to him that the Senator from Missis-lected as places of deposite for the public moneys, which sippi had not sufficiently considered the possible effects have been received at the Treasury Department since of his resolution. It was true that no practical evil con- the first day of February last; and that he be further di

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