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Ontario County (N. Y.) Memorial.

[APRIL 25, 1834.

On motion of Mr. WILKINS, the Senate then proceed- this, too, done under pretence of an experiment, but ed to the consideration of Executive business, and remained for some time with closed doors.

At half past 4, the doors were re-opened, when Mr. HENDRICKS offered the following resolution; which lies one day on the table:

really and truly out of hostility to a banking corporation; out of hostility to an institution which has existed with great usefulness to the country, which is now approaching a time when it might be modified, altered, and accommodated to any new state of things, or so as to accord Resolved, That, for the remainder of the present ses-with the lights of past experience, and be continued sion, the Fridays and Saturdays of each and every week shall be devoted to the consideration of bills.

Mr. SILSBEE moved to take up a bill to authorize the issuing a register to the brig American, of Savannah. Mr. CHAMBERS moved that the Senate now adjourn; which was negatived.

The bill was then taken up, acted on as in Committee of the Whole, reported without amendment, ordered to a third reading, and was then read a third time and passed. The Senate then adjourned.


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with every prospect of advantage to the country. How can conscientious men feel themselves justified in pushing, with such ruinous effects on the people, a quarrel of this kind, to this extent? How do they find within their own bosoms a monitor to tell them that all this is right? If the bank was not to be renewed, why not let it quietly expire and why not leave the public mons it till it should expire? A measure, so causeless, s called-for, so destitute of all reasonable object, and just purpose, and so disastrous in its effects on the v body of the people, is, so far as I know, no where el be heard of. This changing the custody of the fou money, without authority of Congress, is, as a measite. ONTARIO COUNTY (N. Y.) MEMORIAL. policy, wholly without justification, and, as a blow othe Mr. WEBSTER presented a memorial signed by three prosperity of the country, wholly without example. thousand citizens of the county of Ontario, in the State people ought not to submit to it. Their respect, of New York. These memorialists, said Mr. W., are attachment for any individual, however strong that refarmers, mechanics, merchants, and other citizens. They spect and attachment may be, ought not to make them represent that they inhabit a portion of western New willing to submit to such an extension of executive power, York, essentially agricultural, and second to none in fer- and to the consequences which flow from it. And I am tility of soil and other natural advantages. This will be sure they will not submit. The country is effectually readily admitted by all acquainted with the county. It roused. The people feel a spirit stirring within them is in the beautiful lake country, is large, constituting a which they know is the spirit which has come down to Congressional district by itself, and is doubtless in the them with the blood which fills their veins. It is the very first class of agricultural counties. Its great prod-spirit of their fathers, who did not wait till unjust power ucts are wheat and cattle, and its principal manufacture had crushed them, but who saw its approach in the lowerthat of flour; although there are, in the county, manufacing storm, snuffed it in the tainted gale, and met it, and tories both of wool and cotton. Ontario, in its leading resisted it, and repelled it. It is the most alarming circharacter, is a county of intelligent farmers. It belongs cumstance in our whole condition, that in order to justify to that interest which is at once the most general in the the removal of the deposites, principles are advanced by United States, and is also the basis of other pursuits. Its the Executive which threaten a change in the substantial rich lands and other local advantages, have invited into it, character of our Government. The argument which is as the memorialists state, considerable capital, and stimu- to justify the Executive in this instance, seems to me to lated strongly the industry of the people. The growth leave little or no power to Congress over the public treas of the county is good proof of this. This growth resem-ure. We thus see a constant advance in the claims of bles the vigor with which population has spread forth, power. Those who defended the letter read to the cabi and penetrated the wildernesses, in regions beyond the net, probably never expected to be called on to support Alleghany. I am old enough to remember when he who such reasons as were afterwards given by the Secretary; had seen the Seneca lake, had performed a journey from and those who made up their minds to stand by the Secthe Atlantic coast fit to be spoken of; and I see it stated, retary's report, could not have foreseen that, ere long, indeed, in some interesting recent account of the settle- they must prepare themselves for the doctrine of the proment of this part of New York, that, when the county test. And what is next to be put forth, time only can show. of Ontario was established, it contained only a thou- Sir, a month or two ago, an honorable member, of New sand inhabitants, though it extended from the Seneca York, spoke with pleasure of the unanimity of feeling lake to Lake Erie, carrying the whole breadth of the which prevailed in New York, and of the quieting, in State, between Canada and Pennsylvania; an extent of some measure, of what he thought an unhappy controcountry now embracing thirteen or fourteen counties, versy, which had existed, heretofore, in the western parts with a population of near four hundred thousand. A of that State particularly. I think, too, sir, there are country so rapidly growing, with so much necessity of signs of union, and much stronger signs than there were sale, purchase, and exchange, of course requires credit when the gentleman alluded to the subject. Sir, the letand confidence, and a stable currency, to conduct its bu- ter addressed to the honorable member from Kentucky siness beneficially. The memorialists declare that the and myself, committing this memorial to our care, is signeffect of recent measures of Government has been most ed by names, many of them not unknown here. They disastrous, on all their great interests. The farmer, the are, Nathaniel W. Howell, John C. Spencer, Mark H. merchant, the mechanic, all feel alike the pressure of the Sibley, James D. Bemis, Z. Barton Stout, John Dixson, times. Produce has fallen in price from twenty-five to Phindres Prouty, H. R. Schermerhorn, Robert Carey thirty-three per cent. since the interference of the Execu- Nicholas, Abraham C. Post, Samuel Rawson, Stephen tive with the public revenue; and land, land itself, the Bates, and Moses Fairchild. great capital of the county, the form in which the vast Those who know these gentlemen will recognise among proportion of its property consists, has fallen, within the them persons whose political opinions have not been the same time, to the same extent. I receive this informa- same, on all subjects, nor their political objects always tion from the best sources, and to which I give entire identical. Yet they are united. They are united, as in credit. Here, then, is a reduction of the whole property of a common cause, and seeking to remove a common evil. the people, twenty-five or thirty-three per cent., a strik- They come with one voice to Congress, they speak with ing off, at a blow, one-quarter or one-third of the whole one voice to the people; and I trust they will act with value of what they possess! Sir, is this tolerable' All one heart and one mind, in the present exigency of public

APRIL 25, 1834.]

Ontario County (N. Y.) Memorial.


affairs. It is to this union, to these united counsels and actual danger, if he should go to Baltimore. Now, he united efforts, to this sense of common danger, and this rose on this occasion to say, that his former remarks apcommon sacrifice of minor differences to high patriotic plied to the people of Baltimore who assembled on Sunduties, that I look, and look confidently, for the salvation day last, in the afternoon, and no others. of the country. Every day accumulates new proofs of M. WEBSTER said, he should be sorry, on any occathis growing harmony of public sentiment. Far and near sion, to do the slightest injustice to the gentleman from there is a rallying for the constitution and the laws. Three Georgia. But, he would have the honorable member to days ago we heard of the clamorous and factious shouts recollect, that if, in consequence of what had been said of the citizens of Baltimore. Another peal now reaches on the subject, any thing unpleasant had arisen, he [Mr. us from the multitudes assembled in those same streets, FORSYTH] was a volunteer in the matter entirely; having and in this peal mingle many new voices, of powerful made allusion to Baltimore without any provocation whattone. Sir, the American people are so well schooled in ever. Whilst the Senate were engaged in a discussion or the great doctrines of free government, that they are the memorials from New Jersey, the honorable Senator competent to teach first principles, even to their rulers, had taken occasion to depart from it, and to introduce if unhappily such teaching should become necessary. some observations in relation to the proceedings of SunThey will teach them that public complaint, for mal-ad- day last, in which he knew an individual of this body to ministration of government, is not clamor; that indigna- have participated. Now, he (Mr. W.) would leave it to tion for unnecessary and severe national suffering, is not the honorable member and others to say, whether, on treason, either legal or moral; that to resist the encroach- that account, notice of them was rendered desirable. ments of power, is not to cabal against government; and The gentleman was altogether a volunteer in it. He that the people themselves are not a faction. (Mr. W.) wished to repeat, that he had no intention to do

Mr. FORSYTH then said, he had not seen the Balti-injustice to the honorable Senator, and had not ascribed more papers, and therefore he could not say whether the any term to him, which he had not used and applied to same thing of which he (Mr. F.) spoke, had occurred. the citizens of Baltimore. He had said, that he intended He thought, however, it could not well be. A Sabbath it only to apply to those who had chosen to assemble in day had not intervened since, so as to afford them the the streets of that city, for the purpose of making a disoccasion. He was not in his seat yesterday at the time turbance. That, however, did not help the gentleman's the gentleman from Massachusetts made some remarks case. He (Mr. W.) could assure the gentleman, that upon the presentation of a memorial from Union county, among the crowd were many individuals whom he [Mr. Pennsylvania, but he would take this occasion to allude F.] did respect, must respect, and would not say he did to them. [Here Mr. F. read Mr. W.'s remarks as report- not respect; and that they were not only in dozens, but ed in the Intelligencer.] Now, Mr. F. took it for granted by hundreds and thousands. He would not succeed in the report was correct, and if so, the gentleman had done drawing any line of respectability and of character behim very great injustice. He had never found fault with tween the citizens of Baltimore generally, and those who any of the citizens of the United States for memorializing had assembled on Sunday. The honorable Senator had Congress; nor had he ever said that meetings for such thought proper to make a warm speech against tumultupurpose were offensive in their character. His remarks ous assemblages-against proceedings which he thought referred to a meeting in Baltimore, and was confined sim-"factious." There was, perhaps, no occasion for readply to those who were celebrating the Sabbath day in that ing a lecture to any portion of the people of Baltimore. If city, in a particular way. He thought that meeting was any injustice had been done the honorable member, he noisy and clamorous, and prompted by a spirit of faction, had done it to himself. Far be it from me (said Mr. W.) and that nothing but political feeling could have caused to say any thing which would have the slightest tendency it. He believed it had been stated that one of the speak to place the honorable member in a disrespectful light or ers, on that occasion, had endeavored to avoid that vio-character, before the people of Baltimore. Far be it lation of decorum, but was called out by the people to from me-but the gentleman must consider to whom he address them. Now, this was noise and clamor, and his applies language of that sort; and he must consider, too, remarks applied only to those who were assembled on the occasion to which it was applied. And I think he is that day. Another remark of the honorable gentleman bound to consider, also, that it was without cause-withwas complimentary to Gov. Snyder, of Pennsylvania. out provocation. And when, he would ask, bad Gov. Snyder become a favorite with the honorable gentleman? It was not long since the party the gentleman was connected with had considered him a stupid Dutchman-that he was chosen by a community of stupid Dutch. Mr. F. spoke only of treasonable threats, and he did say that exertions were Mr. FORSYTH said, that whether he was a volunteer, making to urge the people to the commission of treason or not, was of no importance. He had found the subject against, not the President, but the Congress of the United in his way, and had used it because it was, in his opinStates. The good newspapers of this city of Washington ion, appropriate. But the gentleman from Massachusetts did not always tell the truth of what was done in this Hall. was not aware of the injustice he had done to him. What Some omitted to state what fell from gentlemen here- he (Mr. F.) had said, referred exclusively to the proothers suppressed it-while others put sentiments into our ceedings of Sunday. The terms in which he had exmouths which we never entertained, and never express-pressed himself were not stated with precise correctness. ed. But it would not do to complain of it, because it [Here Mr. F. read a portion of the remarks of Mr. WEBwould seem like interfering with the liberty of the press. STER.] "Clear gone in moral treason!" Now, it was imBut ought we not ourselves to be a little more regardful possible for any one, not present at the debate, to come of what we say of each other? Now, these remarks of to any other conclusion, than that this expression had refthe honorable gentleman were calculated to do him a great erence to those of the people of Baltimore, who assemdeal of injury. Some time since, he was abused in the bled in the ordinary manner, to exercise their legitimate public papers for the expression of sentiments which he right of expressing their opinions, and not, as was the never uttered or dreamed of. And a petition had been fact, that it referred exclusively to the Sunday prosent to the other House, containing threats against him ceedings. The gentleman from Massachusetts had emfor saying what he never did say; and these remarks of braced every thing that had happened in Baltimore, and the honorable gentleman were calculated to place him in did not confine his remarks, as he (Mr. F.) had done, to

Although I do not speak in a spirit of fault-finding, I must say, it would have been quite as well not to have alluded, without necessity, to an occurrence in which a member of the Senate took part, without his fore-knowledge or procurement.

SENATE.] Ontario County (N. Y.) Memorial.—Hanover (York County, Pa.) Proceedings.

the proceedings of Sunday. He had no doubt that there were, among the assemblage, men of the highest respectability. But, admitting this, he must also say, that he could not doubt that these gentlemen had suffered the excitement of the moment to render them forgetful of their duty to their country.

[APRIL 25, 1834.

The memorial was then referred to the Committee on Finance, and ordered to be printed.


Mr. CLAY presented the proceedings and resolutions of a public meeting in the district of Hanover, in York county, Pennsylvania, against the removal of the deposites.

On presenting these proceedings—

Mr. WEBSTER said he had understood the honorable gentleman from Georgia as confining his remarks to the meeting which took place on Sunday last; and if he (Mr. W.) had not expressed himself so explicitly as he might Mr. CLAY rose and said: I am made, Mr. President, have done, he certainly did not wish to misrepresent the the organ of communicating to the Senate the resolutions honorable member. He would, however, tell him that and proceedings of a respectable meeting of the citizens he would do well to refrain from indulging in such re- of Hanover district, a part of the highly important counmarks as he had used, in reference to the Baltimore ty of York, in the State of Pennsylvania. Hanover is a meeting, and with which he had found so much fault. beautiful valley on the east side and near to the first range With respect to what the honorable Senator had said of mountains as you proceed westwardly, distant from about Governor Snyder, he (Mr. W.) would merely say Baltimore about forty-five miles. These resolutions emathat he had never the pleasure of knowing Governor Sny-nate from an orderly, moral, industrious, and estimable der. He had, however, always understood him to be a community, embracing farmers, mechanics, and persons stern and inflexible friend of liberty, a man of strong engaged in most of the busy vocations incident to our ensense, honest purpose, and warm patriotism. I have never terprising people. They express themselves in the man(said Mr. W.) heard those qualities denied to him; and I ly language of freemen, firmly and fearlessly, but decohave no doubt his worthy descendants inherit these char-rously. acteristics; and, for this reason, I cherish for them re- The meeting express their conviction that the removal spect and regard. of the deposites, on the responsibility of the President, Mr. LEIGH felt no desire to take part in this conver- was an assumption of power which ought to be resisted sation, but he could not forbear remarking, as one of the by every American citizen, under any circumstances; and prominent "signs of the times," the introduction of re- that they will, to the utmost of their power, resist Execuligion into the political affairs of the Union. The other tive encroachments and usurpations. They declare that day, he had heard a gentleman in another place drawing the restoration of the deposites would not only be an act a parallel between the present times in this country and of justice to the bank, but would contribute to the revithose of Charles I and Oliver Cromwell in England. He val of the public prosperity of a country almost ruined by could not but wish that the gentleman from Georgia had the Executive. They express their opinion that the charbeen present. That gentleman had alluded to the meet-ter of the bank ought to be renewed; and they condemn ing which took place at Baltimore on the Sabbath. The the conduct of the Governor of Pennsylvania as vacillahonorable Senator, with his genius, he was sure, could ting and time-serving. I concur entirely in all these sennot fail to discover one point of resemblance in that timents of the good people of Hanover. parallel. Mr. President, Pennsylvania has been ever distinguish

He (Mr. L.) did not mean to defend any irregularities ed by her ardent attachment to democracy. I, too, was on the Sabbath, or to vindicate the people of Baltimore educated, and have always followed, in the same school. for having assembled on the Sabbath. The President was All my principles have been drawn from it. But my dea very religious man-so was the gentleman from Geor-mocracy has taught me that civil liberty was its prime obgia! He had no doubt of it-not the least. And, as he ject, and free institutions and great measures of national (Mr. L.) should not interfere between the consciences of policy were its means. It has inculcated on me a steady those individuals and their God, so should the gentleman and firm adherence to first principles, without regard to not interfere between the consciences of the people of men, or any individual man. It has enjoined me never to Baltimore and their God. He (Mr. L.) could not resist renounce my principles for the sake of any mortal being. telling a story. A clergyman, remarkable for his piety, It has instilled into my mind jealousy of executive powwas speaking in the presence of a stranger, who did not er, executive patronage, and executive influence. In a know him, in terms of charity, of some irregularity, fol- conflict between power and prerogative, on the one hand, ly, or vice, which that stranger thought very enormous, and freedom and liberal principles on the other, it does He then asked the clergyman this question: "Sir, have not allow me to doubt the course which I ought to take. you any religion in your heart?" The clergyman replied, It requires me to regard men in power as mere instru"None to talk of." ments to accomplish the salutary purposes for which GovMr. FORSYTH said, that of the religion of the Presi-vernment was instituted-the safety, welfare, and liberty dent he did not think it proper to speak. He knew lit- of the people. And it enforces on me to abandon them tle or nothing about the matter, and therefore should not when they are false or faithless to their high trust. interfere with it. But of his own, as the honorable Sen- The meeting in Hanover district denounce the conduct ator from Virginia had referred to it, he might say some of their Governor as vacillating and time-serving. Sir, thing. He regretted to inform the gentleman, that, with there was a moment, during the present session of Conrespect to his religion, as well as many other topics con-gress, when all eyes, and all hopes, and all hearts, were cerning which he had heard him express himself, he was turned towards Harrisburg. Governor Wolf almost held greatly mistaken. He (Mr. F.) was very, very sorry, he in his hands the fate of the constitution, and of the counwas not a religious man. Now, with regard to the gen- try. He had repeatedly expressed himself in favor of a tleman's story: he really did not understand his point, sound currency, and in favor of the Bank of the United and could not make any reply to it; nor did he understand States. If he had been a man of consistency, of firmness, his allusion to the days of Charles I, and of Cromwell. He and of patriotism, there remained for him but one clear had certainly done nothing to imply a suspicion that he line of conduct. But how, at this critical juncture, did had attempted to address himself to the false feelings of he fulfil the general expectations? He shrunk from his a certain class of the community. He had seen such duty, and, lending himself to executive usurpation, joined things done here several times, at which he had felt much in denouncing the conduct of that bank which had been mortified; but, nevertheless, he treated such efforts with the object of his previous commendation. As the organ the most profound contempt. of Pennsylvania, he should have boldly stood up for

APRIL 25, 1834.]

Hanover (York County, Pa.) Proceedings.


Pennsylvania rights, Pennsylvania policy, Pennsylvania | Magistrate, sustained him by vast majorities. The elecprinciples. Three important points have characterized tion for her Representative came on a few days ago. On Pennsylvania, prior to the administration of Governor the side of the administration was the old member, a Wolf: Internal improvements, the American system, and gentleman whom I well know, whom I personally esteem, a sound general currency, supplied through the agency of excellent character and high reputation, of great perof a bank of the United States. sonal and hereditary popularity. He was the grandson The Governor has stood by and seen, with silent acqui-of Patrick Henry himself, and the only surviving son of escence, or at least without manly resistance, the first one of the most eminent judges and jurists of his day-paralyzed by an unintelligible jargon about national and the lamented Spencer Roane. On the other side was a local objects; the second insidiously assailed, sought to gentleman who had never served in public life; never be secretly undermined, and only saved from complete been, I believe, a candidate for office. He was, it is true, destruction by the compromise; and he has joined in the of pure and unsullied character and fame, and of high personal and party war which has been so unnecessarily moral and intellectual attainments.

waged against the third.

Well, sir, we heard yesterday from Cold Harbor and

His Excellency reminds me of an anecdote. Some the Court-house, and there the administration was beaten, years ago a most worthy gentleman, but of blustering horse, foot, and dragoons. Cold Harbor and the Courtmanner, with bold and brave words in his mouth, and no house could stand a great deal from the modern Roman, courage in his heart, was at a Virginia watering-place. but they could not stomach the protest. It remained for He lodged in one of the out-houses erected for the ac- us to hear from Negro-foot, which included two other commodation of visiters. One night, whilst he was in bed, districts, Long-and-Hungry, and Hell-town. There was wide awake, a thief broke in, and deliberately rifled his some congeniality between these names and the protest, purse of its contents, without any resistance. The next which induced me to fear that old Hanover might not susmorning, at the place of general rendezvous, the Spring, tain her ancient whig principles. But, sir, we have got he was relating the incident; and some of the company the tidings to-day, and glorious tidings they are. Hanoasked him if he did not see the thief. See him-why ver is herself again. The protest stood no chance at yes, I thought he would have taken the shirt off my back. Negro-foot, Long-and-Hungry, or even in Hell-town. His Excellency has seen Pennsylvania stript, one after And the descendant of Patrick Henry, and the son of another, of all her leading principles but one, and he has Spencer Roane, after proudly walking over the undispuquietly laid by, wide awake, until he sees, not only with- ted turf for years, has been distanced by a new and unout opposition but with approbation, this last garment tried steed.

about to be torn from her.

The fate of this protest reminds me of another anecMr. President, in ordinary times, and under usual cir-dote. Several years ago an inhabitant from Buncombe, in cumstances, I should not have felt myself at liberty to North Carolina, going to Kentucky, met a Kentuckian, animadvert upon the official conduct of a chief magistrate leaving his State, on the mountains which separate it from of any State. But as Governor Wolf chose, at an eventful the parent State. The Buncombe man asked the Kentucperiod, to throw his official weight into the scale against kian what was the news in Kentucky. He said, Nothing, what I believe to be the constitution and liberties and but that there had been a great revival and stir in reliprosperity of my country; as his intervention was at the gion; almost every body was converted; and they had drivmoment perhaps decisive in another part of this Capitol; en the devil out of the State. Ah! says the Buncombe and as the people of Hanover district have expressly al-man; and pray, sir, can you tell me where he is gone to? luded to his conduct, I have felt myself justified in the re- We are not certain, replied the Kentuckian, but according marks which I have made. to our latest accounts, he had taken refuge in Buncombe, Mr. President, will nothing open the eyes of this mad in North Carolina. I am sure, Mr. President, he did administration, and its infatuated supporters in Congress? not long remain in that peaceful and orderly community, Will gentlemen heedlessly rush on to their own destruc- and I rather think that, at this time, he has taken up his tion, and the ruin of their country? Will they not pause abode in the kitchen cabinet. in their frightful career? Will they conceal from them- I assure gentlemen that, in adverting to the late most selves the light and the hope which are every where gratifying demonstrations of the popular will and judg bursting forth around us? Are they ignorant of the grat-ment, it is in no spirit of vain boasting or exultation over ifying results of numerous elections, to the North and to their fall. The mass of all parties I believe to be sound, the South, of which we daily receive intelligence? Have well-intentioned, and patriotic; and that of the Jackson they heard of the recent issue of the election in Hanover party as much so as most others. What other interests county, Virginia, of revolutionary memory, that genuine Whig county? As my native county, I shall be pardoned, I hope, for adverting to an event which fills me with heart-felt satisfaction.

than those of the character, fame, and prosperity, of our
common country, can the mass have? No, sir, it is in no
party feeling or party spirit, that I rejoice, sincerely re-
joice, in the signs of the times. It is from motives far, far
above any party feelings or party spirit. It is because I
hail the approach of the day when reason and truth, vir-
tue and justice, the constitution and civil liberty will tri-
umph over error and delusion, folly and wickedness.
I move the printing and the reference to the Commit-
tee on Finance of the resolutions of the meeting in Han-
over district.

Hanover county was the first in Virginia to raise its arms against British oppression. Lord Dunmore, the Governor of the colony, was about to transfer, and had actually transferred, a part of the public deposites, in the arsenal at Williamsburg, from their lawful position, to a British vessel in the river. Patrick Henry, a native of Hanover, put himself at the head of a company of Hanover volunteers, and marched towards Williamsburg, Mr. FORSYTH thought it hardly regular to call in to compel a restoration of the munitions of war. And question here the official conduct of the Governors of the Governor Dunmore found it expedient to compromise States. No doubt the gentleman from Kentucky disapthe matter with the gallant and patriotic commander of proved of what the Governor of Pennsylvania had done, the volunteers. Hanover was the early theatre of many because it was a damper. The Senators from New Jerof those eloquent and thrilling orations of Henry that sub- sey had attempted to vindicate their course of conduct sequently aroused his countrymen, and stimulated them on this floor, for having acted contrary to the instructions to the exertion of all their energies in the establishment of their Legislature, by pointing to the indications, on the of their independence and their liberty. part of the people of the State, as being against the opin

Hanover, in both the elections of the present Chief ion of the Legislature. That the people of the States


Hanover (York County, Pa.) Proceedings.

[APRIL 25, 1834.

might say what they liked of their officers, and could retrace his steps; and, as he (Mr. F.) had before observsend denunciations to Congress, was perfectly true. He ed, had appealed to individuals here to use their influhad nothing to say against the exercise of their right. ence to induce the President to do that which every man But he would insist on it, that, to take up the official con- knew would not be done-to retrace his steps. Every duct of a Governor of a State, and make it the subject of one knew that it was impossible for mortal man to prevail censure, was not decorous. The Governor of Pennsyl- on him to undo that which he believed it was his duty to vania had, however, proved, by the practical operation do. Why, then, these personal appeals? He would tell of his message, that he understood the true interest of his gentlemen, it was for the purpose of causing public exState, under the pressure which was produced, not only citement against the President, who had indisputably the there, but in all portions of the Union, by causes which power to do what he had done. it was not then necessary to refer to. All the great and Mr. CLAY said, the venerable Senator from Georgia magnificent works that were going on in Pennsylvania, [Mr. FORSYTH] inquires in which of the sections of Hanunder her own laws, had been stopped, and might have over described by me was I born. I apply to him that remained so for ever; but the stand taken by the Govern- epithet, because he recently told us that he had witnessor produced the funds necessary to carry on the improve-ed the salutations and the shaking of hands between ments, in despite of an institution which he had had the General Washington and his fellow-citizens, on his Southhardihood to denounce. ern tour, during the first term of his Presidency. If I The honorable Senator from Kentucky seemed to think am not mistaken, that was about forty-two years ago; and the conduct of the Governor highly censurable, because as the Senator appears to recollect, with great particuhe had united with the President in regard to the Bank, larity, even a shake of the hand, he must have enjoyed at he having believed, twelve or eighteen months ago, that that time faculties very nearly mature. I was very young the institution ought to be re-chartered. Now he (Mr. at that period, and must suppose the Senator my senior. F.) would ask, what were the reasons which had pro- As to the exact spot of my nativity, it has been a good duced this change in the mind of the Governor? If honor- while ago, and it will be readily conceived that I was very able Senators imagined it was man-worship, they did young at my birth. The place where that event hap-that officer great injustice. Could gentlemen blind them- pened, which enables me to stand before you, was beselves to what had taken place in Pennsylvania, to the cir- tween Black Tom's Slash and Hanover Court-house, or, cumstances that had wrought so great a change there? to fix the spot more precisely, between the Merry Oaks Let Senators ask themselves what had produced the rev- and the Court-house, about half-way between them, and olution which had taken place in the Legislature of that not very far from St. Paul's church, at the vestry-house great State? If they believed it was a mere disposition of which I went to school several years. for man-worship, then they were unjust to the State, the The honorable Senator thinks it not proper or decorGovernor, and the Legislature. The gentleman from ous to refer to the official and public conduct of the GovKentucky seemed to derive great gratification from what ernor of Pennsylvania, whose course, he says, was sushe had heard in regard to the elections in Hanover coun- tained by the majority of the Legislature; and that it is ty, Virginia. It had been said that the glorious spirit of not treating the State of Pennsylvania with due respect. Hanover had been aroused, and it was true that the peo- As to what is decorous towards the Governor, I cannot ple there were turning to Clay. Well, if that circum- consent to be governed by the sense of the honorable stance could give the honorable Senator so much gratifi- Senator, or by any other than my own. The Governor cation, then all he (Mr. F.) would say was, that the gen- is a public man, whose official acts have exerted an imtleman had derived consolation from a very small source. portant influence, at a highly critical moment, upon the The Senator had amused them by alluding to some dis- deliberations of Congress. They were probably_put tricts, the names of which were most singular; but he forth to produce effect, and they produced great effect. (Mr. F.) need not repeat them. Now, he should like to The Senator himself acknowledged that they operated as know what district had the honor of giving birth to the damper. Have I not a right to examine them, and to Senator from Kentucky. compare the Governor with himself? Have I not the The gentleman had appealed to certain Senators, for privilege, as a public man, of scrutinizing the conduct of the purpose of inducing them to use their influence with another public man, and showing that it ought not to the President, to prevail on him to retrace his steps, and have the weight which has been unfortunately attached to restore the constitution and laws of the country. What to it? Have I not as much right to comment upon the can we do, said Mr. F., who are in a minority? The hon- course of the Governor as the Senator has to criticise the orable gentleman, and those who acted with him, had violation of the Sabbath by citizens of Baltimore, and to the power; why, then, did they not do something to re- upbraid them for a disregard of the duties of a religion store the constitution and laws? At the commencement which he admits he does not profess? No one respects of the session, it had been said that action was unneces- more highly the great, powerful, and patriotic State of sary, as every thing was going to ruin; and now gentle- Pennsylvania than I do. But neither the Governor nor men asked for a measure of relief. How many months the majority of the late Legislature are the State monhad they been sitting there, and what had they done? archs. The late Emperor of France, a former French The only measure of redress which had been proposed, King, may claim to be the State; the President may was the bill of the honorable Senator from Massachusetts, imagine that he is the Government-but I am not preparand which now lies dead asleep on their table. He would ed to subscribe to these doctrines. If the people of Pennrepeat, What consistency was there in making those ap-sylvania shall sanction the course of their Governor, and peals which they had so frequently heard from some hon-of the majority of their Legislature, no one will be more orable members? Why did not gentlemen exercise the ready than I shall be to bow with all deference to the depower which they knew, and the people knew, they pos-cision of the people; but that remains to be pronounced. sessed here? Let them produce their measure of relief; The Senator asks, Why don't the majority of the Senate let Senators do their duty; and let the consequences, if do something to reinstate the laws and restore public prosthe measure proved a failure, fall upon the heads of those perity? We have been before taunted in the same manner. who are responsible for it. He hoped honorable Sena- What can the majority of the Senate, without co-operators would spare their appeals, and content themselves tion, do' If it expresses its opinion, in the form of a with the exercise of that power which the constitution resolution, instead of conciliating co-operation, it progave them, for it was amply sufficient. The gentleman vokes a protest. Why will not the Executive, instead of from Kentucky had complained that the President did not transmitting to us an unauthorized protest, send us a con


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