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carriage through the persistent operation of any extreme views on the hitherto dividing elements; yet, inasmuch as they have full confidence in the Committee entrusted by the Synod with power to represent this Church at the Union Board, they do not deem it expedient under existing circumstances to offer any suggestions for their guidance. A letter was read from the Rev. T. Robinson, of Newbiggin, craving leave of absence for six months on account of his health, and accompanied by a medical certificate to the effect that exemption from ministerial work was absolutely necessary to encourage the prospect of his recovery. The Presbytery, deeply sympathizing with

cart), Dr. Anderson, Messrs. Huie, Edwards, Barrie, Forsyth, Benvie, Douglas, Craig, Davidson, and Blyth (clerk), ministers. Reasons of absence from Messrs. Hoy, Robinson, and Brown, were given in and sustained. Elders' commissions in favour of Mr. James Chambers, from the session of Glanton, Mr. Samuel Smith, from the session of Crookham, and Mr. George Flint, from the session of Morpeth, were given in, read, and sustained. Minutes of last quarterly meeting and subsequent meeting were read and sustained. The Rev. Messrs. Brown (of Newcastle), Fettis (of the Isle of Man), McLelland (of South Shields), Terras (of Belford), Reid (of Blyth), and Fraser (of Lowick), deputies their brother under the circumstances from the Home Mission Committee, being which compelled this application, agreed present, were associated. Owing to the to grant him leave of absence for the period pressure of business, the Presbyterial exer- craved, upon his being able, along with the cise was postponed till next quarterly Moderator and Assessors of the Newbiggin meeting. By request of the Moderator, sesssion, to procure competent supply for devotional exercises, with special reference the pulpit there during his absence; and to the revival of religion, were conducted the Presbytery entrust to the Moderator by Messrs. Brown (of Newcastle) and the charge of seeing to and being satisfied Fettis (of the Isle of Man). The Presby- that the dispensation of religious orditery having been favoured with the presence nances is duly provided for in that congreof most of the deputies from the Home gation. Presbytery appointed the next Mission Committee, and having requested quarterly meeting to be held at Alnwick, them to address the meeting, which they in St. James's Church, on the second Tuesseverally did, unanimously agreed to record day in January, 1867, at eleven o'clock. the high satisfaction with which they had Closed with prayer. listened to their interesting statements and seasonable suggestions, which they trust will be productive of practical issues. At the request of the Presbytery, the Moderator conveyed to the members of the deputation present their hearty thanks for the kind, considerate, and brotherly way in which they have fulfilled their mission on this occasion. In connection with this subject, the Presbytery agreed at next quarterly meeting during the course of the sederunt to resolve itself into a conference on the support of the ministry in Northumberland, with a view to the adoption of an overture to the Synod in relation to the same, and in the mean time to take such action in reference to said matter as may be deemed expedient. The consideration of the College question, and of the subject of a Bursary Fund, was postponed till next quarterly meeting. The Presbytery, sympathizing most cordially with the desirability of union among the several Presbyterian churches now negotiating for the attainment of that object, agreed to record their unqualified satisfaction with which they have watched the progresa of the movement, and marked the degree of approximation already reached towards its consummation, through the protracted and painstaking labours of the Joint Committee, and the pain and disappointment with which they would witness its mis

ISLINGTON PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH.A novel and interesting meeting was held in the lecture-hall of this church on Saturday evening, Nov. 30, when a large number of young men assembled to spend an evening of mutual intercourse together, in response to an invitation issued by the minister. After tea, to which 130 sat down, the Rev. J. T. Davidson and Mr. John Lamont, as President and Vice-President of the Young Men's Association, addressed those present on the dangers to which young men are exposed in the metropolis, and on the importance of their securing Christian companions and enlisting themselves in some work of usefulness. Thereafter the tables were removed, and the remainder of the evening spent in free and easy conversation, all moving to and fro and making new acquaintanceships or renewing old ones. The din of lively voices evinced there was no lack of social and friendly feeling; and not a few friendships were formed which promise to be lasting and beneficial. An occasional song or recitation, with one or two brief addresses, gave variety to the evening, and all seemed to feel, as they separated at ten o'clock, that an occasional meeting of this kind is fitted to be useful. The object of the meeting was chiefly to give an opportunity to young men arriving as strangers in London to form safe and Christian acquaintanceships,

and also to give a fresh impetus to the Mutual Improvement Association, whose winter session commenced on Oct. 1st.

We may inform our readers that Mr. Carruthers, a probationer of the Free Church, has been appointed resident tutor for one year, in the room of the Rev. Robert Hunter. Mr. Carruthers has entered upon his duties with every prospect of comfort and success.

YOUNG MEN'S SOCIETIES' UNION.-The quarterly meeting of the London Presbyterian Young Men's Societies' Union was held in the lecture-hall of the Regent Square Presbyterian Church on the even- THE PRESBYTERY OF of Monday, the 15th of October. The quarterly meeting of this Presbytery Among other matters of business, the was held at Carlisle, on the 2nd Oct., the Society in connection with Mr. Saphir's Rev. P. Taylor, Moderator. In the absence congregation at Greenwich was formally of Mr. Anderson, it was agreed to postpone admitted to the Union. The hall was well his notice anent college regulations. It filled with ladies and gentlemen, and an ex- was also agreed to take up the remit of cellent paper on "The Miraculous in its Synod anent union with other Presbyterian Metaphysical Aspect," by A. H. Whytt, Churches at next meeting of Presbytery. Esq., of Caledonian Road Society, was re- The Rev. R. H. Lundie, of Liverpool, apceived with great interest by the audience. peared as a deputy from the Home Mission This was followed by a discussion which Committee, and was cordially welcomed turned principally on metaphysics and the and invited to address the court. He stated Christian evidences. It may not be out of that he had, during the past week, visited place here to remind our readers of the all the congregations within the bounds of cordial invitation given by the Union Se- the Presbytery, except Cleator, where he cretaries to all young men coming to Lon-expected to hold a meeting in the evening. don from Presbyterian congregations else- His report regarding his visits was, on the where, to apply to them for assistance in the securing of respectable lodgings and companions. The Secretaries are, Mr. Henry R. Duncan, 9, Holford Square, Pentonville, W.C., and Mr. Robert Whyte, 84, St. Paul's Road, Canonbury, N. Young men should obtain introductions from their ministers.

whole, cheering and encouraging, and he hoped that an impulse had been given to the several congregations which would tell favourably on the schemes of the Church and ministerial support. On the motion of Mr. Harvey, seconded by Mr. Macleod, the thanks of the Presbytery were given to Mr. Lundie for his timely visit and seasonOPENING OF THE COLLEGE.-The intro-able addresses, and the judicious and deliductory lecture this year was delivered by cate manner in which he had transacted Professor Lorimer, who chose for his sub- most important matters in the several conject, "The Teaching of Christ on the Evi- gregations, and a hope was expressed that dences of Christianity." We give else- much good would result from his visit, parwhere a summary of the lecture, which was ticularly as to the main object he had in an able and eloquent one, acquiring addi- view. The several members of Presbytery tional interest from the notice of "Ecce supported the motion, expressing their Homo," with which it closed. Among the appreciation of the public services which audience were the Revds. Dr. Hamilton, Mr. Lundie had rendered to their Church T. Alexander, W. Ballantyne, W. Chal- in England. The Moderator then addressed mers, W. Dinwiddie, M. Danson, J. T. Mr. Lundie in suitable terms. Mr. Mackay, Dandson, and D. Fotheringham, of the the missionary elect for Whitehaven, apLondon Presbytery; the Rev. T. W. peared, and having produced his licence Brown, of Newcastle, the Rev. James and Presbyterial certificate, was acknowPaterson, of Liverpool, the Rev. Mr. Cath-ledged by the Presbytery as preacher of the cart, of Northumberland, and the Rev. J. Gospel within the bounds. The call havAnderson, of Haltwhistle; the Revds. Dr. ing been placed in his hands, he briefly Edmond, Mr. Redpath, Mr. Alison, and signified his acceptance of the same. ThereMr. Russell, of the United Presbyterian after the Presbytery proceeded to hear the Church; the Rev. Professor Newth, of trial exercises previously prescribed. These New College, London; the Rev. John were performed to the satisfaction of the Mills, of the Welsh Calvinistic Church; court, and upon a conjunct view of the and the Rev. Mr. Munby, of the Church whole, were sustained with high approbaMissionary College, London; Dr. Leone tion. The Presbytery agreed to meet at Levi, Dr. Gladstone, Mr. George Duncan, Whitehaven to ordain Mr. Mackay on &c. The lecture was listened to with deep Tuesday, October 23rd, at two o'clock in interest, and elicited frequent applause. the afternoon; Mr. Anderson to preach; It is gratifying to learn that a considerable Mr. Taylor to preside and offer the ordinanumber of new students have joined the tion prayer; Mr. Harvey to address the College, making the attendance this session minister, and Mr. Macleod the congregalarger than it has been for many years past. tion. The Presbytery then adjourned.

In the

LEWES, SUSSEX, ENGLISH PRESBYTE- | doctor's already popular works. RIAN CHURCH ANNIVERSARY.-In connec- evening a public soirée was held, when a tion with the above, services were held in large company was present, the several teathe church, on Sabbath, Sept. 30, when tables being presided over by Mrs. Prenthe Rev. John Prentice preached morning tice, Mrs. Smyth, Mrs. Rolfe, Mrs. Morris, and evening, from Isaiah xxii. 24, and Mrs. Towner, Mrs. Bristowe, and Mrs. interspersed his discourses with many Morrison, and Misses Haywood, Cheale, practical remarks, specially adapted to in- Towner, Thorpe, Colvin, and Jones. The spire gratitude and confidence at the close room was tastefully decorated and preof another year's labours. On the follow-sented a lively appearance. After the soirée, ing day (Monday) continuation services a public meeting was held, under the presiwere held in the County Hall, when the dency of the Rev. John Prentice, when inRev. Dr. James Hamilton, of London, teresting addresses were delivered by the preached a thrilling sermon to a numerous Revs. George Isaacs (Brighton), Edwin and deeply interested audience. The vital Paxton Hood (Brighton), S. Oughten (late truths enunciated in the discourse, the of Jamaica), G. Pilgrim (Swindon), masterly eloquence by which it was charac- Brocklehurst (Steyning), Peter Maclaren terized, the beauty and force of the illustra- (Brighton), J. Webb and J. Bate (Lewes). tions, together with the earnestness and The chairman apologised for the Rev. M. geniality of the preacher, served to rivet Welland and Rev. A. Levie, who were unthe attention of the hearers in a very avoidably absent. The whole of the services marked manner. We understand that the were of the most agreeable and interesting sermon is part of a new work soon to be character, and produced unusually good published, entitled "The Prodigal Son," collections.-East Sussex News. and will be a valuable addition to the




To the Editor of the English Presbyterian Messenger. DEAR SIR, I have read a communication by Professor Leone Levi in this month's Messenger, admitting the propriety of dividing the work of the Home Mission Committee into two sections, and of having two committees the one charged with the planting of new churches, and the other with the increase of ministerial stipend. It is gratifying to me, and I am sure must be gratifying to the other members of the Home Mission Committee, to see Dr. Levi taking such a lively interest in the work in which we are engaged. With all deference, however, to his sense of propriety, I do think it would not be seemly to discuss in the pages of the Messenger the question he has just raised, especially at the present time. The Synod has instructed the Home Mission Committee to consider that question and to report. The committee has fixed its next meeting for that consideration. And in these circumstances, the matter being officially in the committee's hands, and being on the eve of an official and thorough consideration, I do think it would be unseemly and inconvenient to discuss the question here. The time and place for that will come

- hereafter.

There is one passage, however, in Dr.

Levi's communication on which I crave the
liberty of making one or two observations.
He says, "It might indeed be suggested
that the committee have fallen much short
of their design even in this (that is, in pro-
viding ordinances wherever there is an op-
portunity for so doing), by the conditions
which they require ere they enter into a new
place, namely, first, that there be a nucleus
of Scotch Presbyterian residents; and,
second, that there be grounds to warrant the
conclusion that the congregation shall, within
a reasonable time, be able, without assist-
ance, to maintain divine ordinances. To
withdraw our hands from a place simply
because we do not find a certain number of
Scotch on the spot seems certainly a very
questionable practice; and may we not fur-
ther add that we seem scarcely to realize
the maxim, 'To the poor the Gospel is
.""Now, sir, I am not aware that
the first of these supposed conditions has
any existence. Neither in any of the re-
ports, nor in any of the regulations of the
committee, has such a condition ever been
even suggested. In point of fact, it is a
pure imagination on the part of Dr. Levi.
I remember indeed stating at last Synod
that, as a matter of experience, we have
found that it is a difficult thing to succeed
in planting a church in a new locality, un-
less there be a nucleus of Presbyterian resi-
dents there, who know and love our system,

feel an interest in our cause, and will devote such principle in our Church-Extension themselves heartily to secure its success. work. It is to be remembered that our reThat has been our experience. It is just what sources are very limited. It is to be remembeforehand one would anticipate. But our bered that there are many large towns in committee have never dreamt of making it England where there is a good prospect of a condition "that there be a nucleus of our being able to raise self-sustaining Scotch Presbyterian residents" before we churches, on which we have not yet been enter on a place. Wherever we have reason able to enter. And, surely, if two competto think that there is a propitious opening, ing places present themselves to us, one in there we are delighted to enter, without which there is a prospect of success, and the asking any question as to the nationality other in which there is none, surely there of the friends to whom we look for support. can be no question that it is our duty to As to the second of Dr. Levi's supposed prefer the former. And, surely, by taking conditions, namely, "That there be grounds up in the meantime only such places as may to warrant the conclusion that its congrega- hold out the likelihood of self-sustaining tion shall, within a reasonable time, be able, congregations, we shall be doing far more without assistance, to maintain divine ordi- in the end toward "preaching the Gospel to nances," you will allow me to state that, the poor" than if we were to squander the although we have nowhere laid down such resources of the Church on small towns and a condition formally, yet I believe the unpromising localities, whence no return Christian wisdom and common sense of any could be looked for. man who thinks on the subject will show him that, in the present circumstances of our church, we should be guided by some

Believe me, yours truly,


Manchester, Oct. 22, 1866.


THE following letter has been addressed to the Bishop of London, it is understood, by Miss Marsh :

"TO THE BISHOP OF LONDON. "My Lord, I know not whether you are aware of the precise extent to which the ritualistic element of the Church of England is being developed in the Church of St. Alban's, Brook Street, Holborn. As, however, this church is within your diocese, and the doctrines preached and the ceremonies practised in it come of necessity within the compass of your jurisdiction, I have presumed on the liberty of detailing with as much succinctness as possible the things which I saw and heard last Sunday morning, October 7. A very general rumour is abroad that ritualism in its highest form and in its nearest approximation to that of the Church of Rome may be found at St. Alban's. Indeed, I had heard accounts of doings there that seemed wanton and passionate exaggerations, and, in company with other friends, I went for the purpose of ascertaining the extent to which such accounts are worthy of trust. And the result was a conviction that nothing short of a visit to the church, and an ocular and auricular and olfactory witness of its sights, sounds, and odours, will avail to convey a competent notion of the all but absolute identity that exists between the service of St. Alban's and that of any Popish church in the land. It is

true that the prayers were not read in Latin, but the greater portion of them were gabbled over with such rapidity and indistinctness that a foreign or dead language could scarcely have rendered them more unintelligible. The sermon was preached, I was informed, by Mr. Maconochie, his subject being, 'Quench not the Spirit.' Many of his remarks were wise, pointed, earnest, and searching, especially when he was urging the necessity of respecting the admonitions of conscience, and of not stifling them by misinterpretation, or neglect, or wilful sin. Occasionally he seemed embarrassed and bewildered, as if depending too largely on the casual suggestions of the moment, and left to flounder in consequence of inadequate preparation. His abundant repetitions seemed traceable to the same source, or else to a mind which has concerned itself too much with ecclesiastical millinery, and too little with mental discipline and the accumulation of those stores of knowledge which are indispensable to a wise master-builder. His observations on holy things, holy places, and holy persons, were infantile in the last degree, worthy, indeed, of a Jew under the ancient dispensation, but utterly unworthy of a Christian who has read and who believes the words of the Saviour, 'The hour cometh when ye shall neither in this mountain nor in Jerusalem worship the Father,' or who has read the Epistle to the Galatians, and learned that all things

and all times are consecrated by a devout and faithful heart. In the course of his serinon he preached the doctrine of transubstantiation in terms the most unmistakable. With an emphasis which showed the strength of his conviction, and his determination not to be misunderstood, pointing to the altar in a manner not uncommon with the priests of the Romish Church, he exclaimed, 'In a few moments you will be brought into the presence of the Lord in the Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist. You will see him in his own flesh and blood; I repeat it, you will see him in his own flesh and blood.' And that this was with him no mere tropical language, but a calm uncoloured utterance, expressing his faith in the real local presence of the body of Christ, is put beyond question by the hymns which are sung in the church, in which the doctrine of transubstantiation is taught with as much of philosophical precision as is compatible with rhythm and rhyme. Let your lordship ponder the following verses, and see in what manner they can be reconciled with the reformed doctrine of the Church of England :

"Taste, and touch, and vision in thee are deceived,

But the hearing only well may be believed;
I believe whate'er the Son of God hath told,
What the Truth hath spoken that for truth I


"His own act at supper seated

Christ ordained to be repeated
In his memory divine;
Wherefore now with adoration
We the victim of salvation

Consecrate from bread and wine.

"This the truth each Christian learneth, Bread into his flesh he turneth,

[ocr errors]

Wine to his most holy blood; Doth it pass thy comprehending ? Faith the law of sight transcending, Leaps to things not understood." 'Anything more explicit or more unambiguously declarative of the doctrine of transubstantiation will be sought for in vain in the whole hymnology of the Romish Church, and yet the verses cited are but a sample of much more of the same kind which may be seen in the 'Hymnal noted,' this being the book used in the Church of St. Alban's, for whose services your lordship is responsible up to the extent of compelling its celebrants to conform to the ritual of the Church whose bread they eat, and whose fair fame they are now smearing with their Popish dogmas and practices. The administration of the Communion was in keeping with the doctrine of transubstantiation as propounded in the sermon. The priests who took the most prominent part in the Mass wore green robes, one of them having a black cross inwrought in the back. The genuflexions and movements to and fro, and the foldings of the hands, seem to have been most exactly copied from

the Romish Church. The censer was lustily and incessantly swung. The altar was incensed, the priests were incensed, the book was incensed, the people were incensed, until the whole church was filled with the rolling clouds. Then came in due time the elevation of the host, at which many of the accustomed worshippers prostrated themselves. There was a considerable number of communicants, and I noticed that the priest who administered the bread made with it the sign of the cross before putting into the mouth of the receiver, and his example was followed by the priest who had charge of the chalice. As the service proceeded, and its Romish character became more and more apparent, many rose and left the church in indignation and disgust; some of whom told me afterwards that it was a matter of sore lamentation to them that the Church in which they were baptized should be so rapidly drifting back to the errors from which it had escaped. I have no conception of the exact number of regular worshippers at St. Alban's, but from the volume of sound which came forth during some portions of the service, in which the musical cadences were both, unusual and difficult, it is but a moderate estimate to suppose that not less than 300 form a permanent element in the congregation.

"I have given to your lordship a faithful and unvarnished account of what I saw and heard, and of what in substance may be seen and heard in your diocese from week to week. The priests who minister in St. Alban's loathe the names of Protestantism and Reformation, and this because they hate the things which they represent, and alike by explicit teaching and symbol they are assiduously endeavouring to lead our country back to Rome. I know not whether your lordship will attach much value to the elaborate and complex ritualism to which we have referred, and for which, if not in express violation of Church law, no provision is made in the Rubric. You may regard it as external and secondary, if not unimportant. You may suppose that there are subjective tendencies in some which may seem to demand a more florid and elaborate symbolism in the worship of God, though it is a question not unworthy of your lordship's attention whether the strongly-developed aestheticism of our times has in it much that is akin to the religious nature, or even to the moral sense, and whether it is not fatally substituting for real devoutness a deceitful and lulling counterfeit. A sense of solemnity and even of ecstasy may be easily generated by forms and sounds, and yet no deeper region of the man be reached than the senses, or those sensibilities of which the highest pos-sible culture is perfectly compatible with

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