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after dragged with a chain round their necks to the district city of Changpoo, which is about thirty miles from their native village, and about eight miles from Khi-boey. When this harrowing news came to our ears, I at once set out for Khi-boey, and thence to the city of Changpoo, and saw the mandarin. I demanded the release of the men; he said that I should not so disturb myself about a matter of such little moment, but keep my mind easy, and in two days he would release them. His excuse for delay was that the accusers had been called, and when they appeared it would all be put right. The men were not set free, and by this time being joined by Mr. Douglas, we again went to the mandarin. He would not let them off. He had nothing to say for himself nor against them, but he would not deliver them.


to urge against these men except their Christianity, and it was well-known by them that if justice was done they themselves should suffer. They did not enter any defence before the magistrate of the district, but called to their assistance a petty military official from a distance, who chained one of the brothers and otherwise ill-treated him. He tried to make him swear an idolatrous or superstitious oath, but could not succeed. We did not know what to do in the case, for everything that lay within our reach had been tried and had failed. We saw most evidently that it was not merely with the offenders themrelves we had to contend, for they never would have dared to carry matters to such an extremity. The literati and some of the gentry of the district were resolved to stamp out Christianity, and seemed determined, by such constantlyrepeated persecution, to drive the Christians away. The Church was becoming visible in the region (for Baypay belongs to the same official district), the very worst part of the prison, among and they seemed to be feeling that a number of coarse criminal, and the matters had already gone far enough, and other in an outer room, with a heavy chain now they must go no further. The round his neck, and securely fa-tened there. mandarins and the petty officials hated us, The sight was sickening, and tried us both and became willing tools in the hands of very much indeed. Many who may read such men, and no redress could be hoped this have read of Christians being in for from them. We felt that the case was chains for the'r faithful adherence to their one of the utmost importance, and one that Master, few have seen it; and I am sure that affected the prosperity, or rather the very if once seen few would like to see it again. existence of the Church in this region; and We spoke to them and prayed with them, we feared that soon the bad example might and exhorted them to patience and firmbe taken by others, and so cur troubles ness, and we left, returning to Amoy with increase on all sides. Already about eight heavy hearts. We saw the Consul, and months had elapsed since the outbreak of with his consent we set out at once to see these troubles, and notwi hstanding all the superior magistrates at Chang-chew. efforts, the complexion of affairs was growing worse and worse. We resolved to bring the matter before the British Consul, and petition him to try to procure for the Christians the rights guaranteed by the treaty.

We saw our brethren-one of them in

One of these, the military mandarin, received us most kindly, and said he had already punished the military official who had seized the Christians. The civil mandarin alone could set them at liberty. This official (the Prefect) refused to see us, and we returned to Amoy and reported our proceedings to the Consul. After preparing a statement of the two cases for him, he prepared a despatch to the highest We had not time to do this when the civil official (the Taoutai) in Chang-chew, sad news came to us that at Baypay two of and we carried it up. He saw us, and after our members had been seized on a false some arguing about the matter, he promised ccusation, chained, stripped and beaten to issue orders for the speedy and just y a potty military mandarin, and there- settlement of the two cases.




The Changpoo mandarin getting alarmed at the energetic measures we were taking, set the two men at liberty. The news of this came to us while we were at Chang-chew, and you may well imagine how thankful we were. If the offenders are brought to punishment, I trust we shall again have peace. In the meantime we feel very thankful that our brethren are free.

We attached the highest importance to these cases, because we found that the enemies of the Gospel, emboldened by the fact that no punishment was inflicted on those who attacked the Christians, were rising over the whole region and giving indications of future trouble. It was evident that Christians would not even get a hearing; while any false accu-ation trumped up against them, no matter how absurd it might be, was immediately entertained and acted upon. Matters for some time had been coming to a crisis, and we were put to struggle for existence. I have no fears of the result of the struggle no matter how sharp it may be while it lasts; they cannot stamp out the Church

of Christ here, and that they shall learn yet.

I cannot close this hastily-written letter without recording our deep obligation to Mr. Swinhoe, our Consul here. He has done everything in his power to see justice done to the Christians, and if we fail, it will not be for want of exertion on his part.

One other matter, and then I close. These troubles have been a trial to the whole Church, but they have stood well and nobly together, and have been stirred up to more earnest prayer. I believe the sharp trial has done them good. Will the news of it stir up our friends at home to more earnest prayer, and more enlarged effort?

While these troubles have lasted, there has been no falling away in our work, but, what is most remarkable, notwithstanding the imprisonment and beating of these two brethren, there has been another remarkable increase to the number of inquirers at Baypay; and at all our other stations, especially at Anhai, there seems to be a quickening going on.

Trusting that the result of these things at home will be increased prayer, I am, &c.,

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IT may tend to provoke unto love and to good works, if we give some account of a mission lately commenced for operating in the inland provinces of China. We question if any Missionary Society in existence has commenced operations with such a marked blessing from the Lord as this, the work not of a society, but of one devoted man of God, the Rev. J. Hudson Taylor. As Mr. Taylor at one time laboured in China in company with the Rev. W. C. Burns, and, notwithstanding his multifarious duties, was generous enough to advocate the cause of our own China Mission not long ago in Lancashire and in Ireland, it should increase the friendly and prayerful interest taken in this young sister mission.

Mr. Taylor's plan has been to select godly laymen from the humbler class of society, who are well taught in the Shorter Catechism, or other Scriptural compendium of doctrine, and who have besides the necessary qualifications in regard to health, prudence, an exercised conscience, and missionary zeal. These he proposes to train for a short time in this country, and, when well assured of their suitablility, to send them to China.

In China he takes some practical hints from the Roman Catholics. He proposes having an institution a little way inland, so as to be free from the distractions of a foreign seaport. This institution will receive those arriving from home, and here they will get their Chinese preparation for the work. They will adopt the Chinese costume, and as far as possible the simple habits

of the natives. They will learn the language, and, having acquired a knowledge of the simpler drugs in medicine, and the mode of treating the commonest complaints, they will minister to the poor in the neighbourhood, gain their confidence, and instruct them in the truth. When fully prepared they will be sent, two and two, into the interior.


Mr. Taylor has already met with some, particularly in Scotland and the north of Ireland, peculiarly suited for the work; and he has remarked with great truth, Why should there be so much piety and zeal hemmed up in this little island, when there are so many millions perishing for lack of knowledge in heathen countries ?"

A noble beginning has been made. Mr. Hudson Taylor sailed for China on the 26th of May, with his wife and four children, and thirteen male and female missionaries, and there are already at Ningpo eight who have lately gone out. We find that the contributions which he has received for the support of these labourers amount to £4,000 since the beginning of this year, although he has adopted the principle so wonderfully exemplified in George Müller, of Bristol, of making no special appeal for funds, but waiting on the Lord in prayer, believing that the silver and gold will be thus forthcoming.

Mr. Taylor has left behind him, as his agent in this country to manage the affairs of the mission, W. T. Berger, Esq., Saint Hill, East Grinstead.

This China Inland Mission is a great experiment worthy of the support and the prayers of God's people, and we cannot doubt that its prosperous beginning is an earnest of a large blessing in store for China through its instrumentality.


The latter was the earliest in the field. Our brother will find not only a hearty THE ordination of a missionary to China and warm reception from the representatook place on Tuesday evening, July 5, at tives of the society, but likewise from all Crouch End, Hornsey. The Rev. John the missionary brethren labouring at this Corbin commenced the service by reading station. Besides this they are kind-hearted and prayer; after which the Rev. Dr. and devoted Christian friends, who will Mullens delivered an address to the follow- afford him all the encouragement and ing effect: We have met this evening to sympathy they can. There is a handsome engage in the ordination service of Mr. chapel for English service, where the misJames Sadler as a missionary to Amoy, sionaries and their families and English China, who is deputed to this work by the residents assemble for worship on the London Missionary Society. Amoy is one morning of the Sabbath. Here our brother of the seven ports on the coast of China will have an opportunity of occasionally ceded to the English. When the staff of preaching his best sermons. There is also missionaries is completed by the Society to a very large native chapel. Here services these stations, the number will be from are conducted for the benefit of the Chinese. twenty-four to twenty-seven. China is a There are also three other flourishing beautiful country, and especially these sea- Chinese stations. Our brother will enjoy coast provinces. Amongst the most inter- many advantages from the books collected, esting is Amoy. The people are remark- the experience of his predecessors, and ably enterprising, and, as the result, they opportunities for usefulness. It is a great manifest a disposition to consider the claims thing to be preserved from all evil; for the of Christianity, and hence a larger number fall of a missionary amongst the heathen is of them have become Christians than in an awful thing. The zeal, activity, and other parts of China. There are mission- earnestness of a young heart is a great aries from three societies-the American thing in this work. May our brother have Board of Missions, the English Presby- health! The Rev. C. McCordy Davis, of terians, and the London Missionary Society. Wallingford, then asked Mr. Sadler the

questions usual on such occasions, to which | Gospel has been most effectually preached

the most satisfactory replies were given. The Rev. Charles Gilbert then offered the ordination prayer; after which the Rev. W. S. Wardlaw, A.M., Principal of Highgate College, delivered a very able discourse on the subject of Paul's ministry, and the manner in which he discharged its duties. The service, which was one of great interest and solemnity, was then closed by singing and prayer.

DR. DUFF ON MISSIONS. THE speech of Dr. Duff before the Assembly of the Free Church contained some passages of impassioned eloquence and power. We give a few extracts. May the perusal of his fervid and affecting appeals, and the remembrance of his own self-sacrificing labours, stir us all up to a warmer interest in the progress of the Redeemer's kingdom throughout the world.


by our European and native missionaries and catechists, not to thousands only, but I think I am fully within the mark when I say to tens and tens and tens of thousands of the native population of India. And now, happily, our rural missions have been taken charge of by trained native agents permanently.


"I am now here, this night, to ask this question-Are the followers of Igatius Loyola to show more zeal, more energy, and devotedness than the true followers of

the Lord Jesus? It is not to our credit that it should be so. Tell it not in Gath, publish it not in the streets of Askelon, infidels and heathens of all the world, shout lest the daughters of the Philistines, the over us in derision. Another thing has struck me, that there is more willingness-let me say since my return to this country, it to their credit-on the part of the educated ladies of Scotland to go forth to the mission field than on the part of educated young gentlemen. I have in my hand a list of at least a dozen who have formally "Allow me, Moderator, upon one point applied to know whether it is possible for to make a statement, if possible, to dissi- them to go to India or Africa and serve pate a delusion. Though from the first, in their Lord and Master. (Cheers.) I have one form or other, our mission has to the not had from any young man who has world assumed what was ca led a funda- completed his education one single applicamentally educational character, we wrought tion up to this hour. Is it to go forth, fully as much in the way of direct effort to even on the score of ordinary chivalry, that bring the me sage of the Gospel to bear on the ladies of Scotland are to be found the minds of the people as any other mis- braver and stouter of heart than the young sion in India. There is a horrible mis- m n? (Cheers.) You have all heard of the conception on this subject in many quar- Ladies of the Reformation, and the La ies ters. I have long ago given up paying of the Covenant, and we have had our blood any attention to what is said of this; but stirred within us when we red of the innow let me for once express myself, and terview between that remarkable woman, deliver my soul in the matter. Very little the wife of John Welsh, and daughter of comparatively has been said or published John Knox, and of the heroic conduct and on the subject hitherto. One r ason of it bearing of the wife of that John Brown, is this, that what we have to do when we shot down so cruelly by that man who, in go out preaching is to deliver our messige spite of the white-washing of the Lays at one place; and when we go there again of the Cavaliers,' I insist upon calling-(a why it is ditto, and ditto as you go to an-hies and loud and prolonged cheers, which other place, and that day by day; you tell drowned the conclusion of the sentence.) them the same thing over and over again, These young ladies to whom I refer are and if there be no conversions and rothing ready to go forth, in some cases in spite of to report in the shape of conversions, the father and mother, proving to me that they people at home get wearied of these ever- are inheriting the blood of the ladies of the lasting statements of mere lab ur done; Reformation and the Covenant. (Cheers.) and therefore the missionaries give up Why is it again that there is no lack of writing about them. But meantime these men for ordinary secular enterprise? Where movements are not without their impres- dots science find her men? Where does sion; they are tearing up the falow commerce find her men? Men are to b ground; they are preparing the soil; the crop will be reaped by others, the harvest gathered in when those who have torn up the fallow ground lie buried under the sod. (Applause.) I believe in this way the

found to go even into the wilderness of Africa in the interests of science. There is something strangely anomalous in this. Talk to a mother, a father, a brother, a sister, of one going out as a missionary, and a

cry is at once a sed against it. But talk to a father or a mother of a son going abroad in the military or noval service, a d instead of placing obstacles in the way, they would move every power on earth, if they could, to get him the situation. If there is a situation to be got in the medical or civil service of India, do they not use all the means they can to secure the qualification? No word of climate then, of disea ed livers, bad stomachs, but off with them at once, and the quicker the better. (Laughter.) I say sol mnly that this is a state of things that ought not to be tolerated within the bounds of a Christian Church. The late Mr. James, of Birmingham, speaking once in Exeter Hall, stated that he knew of one widowed mother of eight children dependent mainly on the labours of her oldest son. This young man was converted, and resolved to become a missionary to the heathen, and when he told his mother, she at once said, 'Go, my son; the God of Providence, who has put this into your heart, is able and will be willing to support me.' (Cheers.) The second son was also converted, and desired to follow his brother. She said to him also, Go, my son, and if ever you wish to bring the head of your mother with sorrow to the grave, behave unworthy of a Christian mi-sionary.' There are mothers and fathers here this night, and I pray that the spirit of this mother may be given to them. Upon this point, there are some perhaps who might turn round on me and say, Why don't you set the example, and go yourself?' Excuse me, this is an ecclesiastical assembly, but still it is an assembly of human being. Excuse me when I speak as a man, for I believe this is a vital subject to the Church at home. The older members, the fathers and brethren, know


and surrounding friends; and when I
came home a second time, he enabled me
to tear myself away, not only from these,
but from my own children. I have no such
ties in this country now. There are
children whom God Almighty has made
his own and provided for. I have still
friends in this country, God be prai ed;
but the distance across continents and
oceans would not dissolve their bonds. I
have properly no home in this country
now. I feel as an expatriated exile in my
own native land; I never can feel myself
at home on the banks of the Forth as I did
on the banks of the Ganges. I have no
home, properly speaking. I have a re-
sidence, but it is a cold and desolate
lodging-house, not a real home.
I have no
ties to detain me a day in this land; no
ties beyond the dust of my fathers, and the
precious dust of one, my friend, my coun-
sellor, and in quiet, noiseless, and unob-
trusive ways the light of my eyes and the
strength of my right arm. I have no ties
to detain me here now; and if this Assem-
bly will not help in getting the men who
shall go forth to work-if the men are ex-
hausted-if they are not to be found, and
if the Church is obliged to confe s to the
Foreign Mission Committee that they are
not to be had, and that therefore one or
other of our mission stations must be aban-
doned-if this is to be the case, and the
proclamation is to go forth that as we can
no longer get men to go forth to work, but
must be satisfied to get men to go forth as
witnesses and martyrs, ready to die, and in
dying to bear testimony to the grandeur of
the missionary enterprise-if you are to
issue this a nouncement this night—if I
know my own heart, I will be the first to
offer my services, ready to go forth and
without delay, ready as a celebrated coun-
tryman of our own, who, when asked when
he would be ready to go off to India in the
service of his Queen, answered, 'To-
morrow,' and to-morrow he was off, So,
let it be announced to-night that workers
are not to be found, and that martyrs
henceforth will suffice, and then, God
helping me, I am ready to make the same
reply, and to say, 'I will be off to-morrow.'
I pray God this matter may sink deep into
the hearts of many parents, that ministers
may lay it to heart, that students of theo-
logy may know what the world is thinking
of them, that professors of theology may
know what the world is expecting of them.

I would not need to make such a remark to them, for they know me better. But others who do not know me may wonder that I am speaking here and not on the banks of the Gang s. Let me say this in one word. Restore me, if you can, such a reasonable portion of health and strength as would lead me warrantably to expect to work there again; do that, and I tell you solemnly there is not an amount of moral suasion in the Free Church, or wealth within the bounds of the British empire, that would detain me in Scot and. (Great cheering.) I have had ties in Scotland, and I know the poignancy and heartbreaking feeling of tearing one's self away from these ties; but when my mind was made up, thirty-seven years ago, that it was my duty to go, God, who put that into "On resuming, he proceeded to advocate my mind, put it also into my heart to tear the movement on behalf of a missionary myself away from the sobs and sighs of professorship, and after narrating what had weeping parents, and brothers and sisters, | been attempted in this direction in past


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