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besides two or three dozen of the passersby, looking in and listening for a longer or shorter time. These casual hearers are now quite well-behaved, and what is remarkable, they are never more quiet than at the time of prayer, which used to be the most troublesome time when the chapel on the main street was first opened.

The leavening influence of this constant preaching to large numbers at the Anhai chapel has quite plainly prepared the way of the Gospel in Chin-chew, and in due time it will doubtless be found that it has been preparing openings in the villages and market-towns of the surrounding country, as soon, I believe, as we shall have labourers ready to enter in; but it is with great difficulty that we can spare native agents from the Chang-poo side of our field to work the two stations of Anhai and Chinchew. However, now that we are beginning again to get some students together to be trained as evangelists, there seems more hope of occupying the outlying field.

on "the doctrine." wished to converse For some weeks to come we shall probably follow the same course till the people of the neighbourhood are accustomed to the idea of having a chapel in their midst.

The little chapel is very well situated, not far from the centre of the city, on the great west street, which runs straight from the west gate to the east gate. The premises are small (rented at 24 dollars a year), but divided into six rooms; two of these open on the street, and will make a very tolerable place for preaching to men and women respectively. Above one of the inner rooms there is a small upper story, too low, indeed, and now having only one window, but capable of being made tolerably cool by small windows on two of the other sides; but we are at present making as little change as possible.


After securing a quiet room at the little inn near the east gate, I walked along to

ARRIVAL AT CHIN-CHEW, AND DESCRIP- the chapel, but did not wait long, as the


On Monday morning I started for the city. It is a great convenience to us that one of the Anhai members lets out sedan chairs. It saves a great deal of trouble in hiring chairs; and though none of the bearers whom he employs have become Christians, yet his influence on them is such that they are somewhat better in appearance and behaviour than those chairbearers who have no point of connection with the Gospel. Our baggage was carried by an inquirer, a brother of one of the members (they live about five miles from Chin-chew); poor fellow, he was robbed and stripped stark naked on the Saturday evening, just a mile or two from Anhai, as he was coming to be ready for the Monday's work.

About two o'clock we reached the city, and I went to one of the inns as formerly in order to avoid as much as possible any occasion of disturbance; for the same reason the two helpers in charge of the new chapel had, with commendable prudence, delayed opening the rooms on the main street for public preaching, and only received in an inner room such persons as

boys outside were somewhat noisy on the occasion of the first visit of the foreigner to the chapel. I found that a number of the literati in the neighbourhood having become indignant at the establishment of a chapel there, had waited on the Tepo of the ward (a functionary somewhat like an alderman or justice of the peace, who is responsible for the good order of the ward), asking him to get us to leave. The Tepo had called with that view. I found that the landlord, having rented the place with the full knowledge that it was for a chapel, and himself living in a different ward, was not at all desirous to lose our custom, and was not afraid. So I sent our helper to the Tepo to inform him of our full treaty right, and to say that having taken possession, we did not mean to leave. I also sent him for his inspection an official copy of the proclamation issued by the Tautai (who governs the whole region from Hinghwa to Amoy) after the Anhai troubles two or three years ago, stating the perfect legality of our procedure in setting up chapels in the "inner land," and warning all parties not to cause trouble to the chapel or the Christians. With these explanations the Tepo professed to be quite satisfied.


the chapel for morning worship, I found a number of anonymous placards conspicuously posted up in the street, saying that a "barbarian demon," with some "interpreters," had come to teach depraved

people to beat any of the sad interpreters, or the "demon" himself, anywhere they might be met with; saying also that any

In the evening I went again to the chapel for evening worship, and met with no annoyance, either on the way or while conducting the meeting; the same may be said of all our meetings and street preach-doctrines in the city, and advising the ing during the three days I was in the city, except the calling of bad names occasionally on passing along the streets, from which annoyance we are not exempt in Amoy it-persons who would thus bell the cat would self. Besides the helpers, there is one man be protected from any contingent injury or who now comes regularly to morning and danger to them selves. As I had previously evening worship, and also on Sabbath, but fixed to leave that day, I instructed the he does not seem to have any deep convic-helpers to complain to the Tepo, that the tions; let us pray that if his eyes have been once touched they may be touched again, so that he may see all things plainly. Another regular attendant is a member of the Church at Amoy under the care of the London Missionary Society; his father lives in the city, and the young man being at Amoy for some months on business, received the Gospel, and was baptized, by Mr. Stronach ; but shortly afterwards returning to Ching-chew, he began to suffe from the want of Christian society and siritual instruction. Having met with our agents he begun again to enjoy regular social worship. He and we have become helpers of each other's joy, and he has been enabled to bear patiently violent persecution on the part of his father.


On Sabbaths, also, the little company increased by one of our Anhai members and two of the inquirers, who live within five or six miles of the city, while they are about

double that distance from their mother

offensive placards might be removed, and to warn him that unless he took action he would be held responsible for any trouble that might occur. Doubtless the placards are issued by the same persons who tried to get the Tepo to drive us away, but whether or no any harm may come of them it is bard to conjecture; one thing is certain, that He to whom all power belongs will use these enemies and their attempts as he uses all other things-for his own glory, and the true good of his people..


On the road back to Anhai, we met a large detachment of the victorious Imperial army returning from the final suppression of the Taipings: a very considerable prowho had made submission. Many of the portion of the troops consisted of Taipings troops behaved in a very disorderly manner; several struck my chair in passing, church, and quite often others of the mem-der through the window; one spat at me. some managed to give a slap to my shoulbers or inquirer, who visit the city on business, add their quota to the nucleus. There are also several persons who come over and over to inquire about the doctrine; indeed, almost the whole day, and often till far on in the night, groups of listeners hear the truth of God in that unpretending inner room, perhaps with more good effect than if among a larger number. And when we or the he'pers go out to preach in the streets or gates or suburbs, the hearers are invited to come to the chapel for books

or conversation.


A good many not over-polite epithets were used, and it would seem that a good deal of but, on the other hand, whenever I came to anti-foreign spirit prevails in the army: a body of troops resting at the haltingthem in their own dialect (of which I can places, and began to talk a few words to speak a little), they always were quite the road was too narrow for me to sit in the friendly; indeed, even on the march, when chair, and thus being on foot I was brought closer to them, they were better behaved

than when I was in the chair. Just as I was leaving the city, and the first companies of the troops arriving, the boys and

On Wednesday morning, when I went to rabb'e collected to see them were rather

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unmannerly to me, but nothing beyond words.

that this season was one of great joy to ourselves and to the Church at Baypay. The increased interest in the Gospel that

Having spent half of Wednesday night at Anhai, I took passage in a passage-boat has sprung up in all this region is not (the first time I have done so either to or from Anhai), and reached Amoy on Thursday afternoon.


I had expected a rest of a few days at Amoy, but have been suddenly called to meet Mr. Swanson at Khi-boey, and write the greater part of this in the Gospel-boat on Saturday, on my way towards Pechuia. There has been to all appearance some violent persecution of some of the new members n ar Bay-pas, two having been sent in chains to Chang-poo city.

How I long to have enough of fellow labourers here to leave me free from the Pechuia side to give myself to Anhai and Chin-chew; but what is one missionary with his whole time for Chin-chew city! Yours, as ever,



Amoy, April, 1866.


Again we have had the privilege of admitting a considerable number of persons to the fellowship of the Church at Baypay. Three weeks ago Mr. Douglas and I let Amoy and proceeded to Baypay. On the following day we had a meeting of candidates for baptism. About forty persons were present, and after a very careful and protracted examination of those known to us and the Elders to be proper subjects for reception, we decided to baptize ten adult males.

There still remains a large body of inquirers at Baypay, as well as at Liongbun-see and Yu-boe-kio, of whom we entertain great hopes. On the Sabbath after the examination I baptized nine of the ten persons, one being detained by the weather from coming forward. He was baptized by Mr. Cowie on the following Sabbath. All received have manifested in no equivocal way their firm adherence to Christ, and some of them have suffered specially in his cause. I need hardly add

only maintained, but goes on spreading, and our hearts are cheered more than I can tell you by all we see there.

NEW DISTRICT OPEN FOR MISSION WORK. On the next day after these admissions Mr. Douglas and I went on to Liong-bunsee. We spent one night there, and resolved to start on the following morning for Khi-boey by an entirely new route. Our visits to Khi-boey have hitherto been invariably by way of Pechuia to Kwa-jim, and thence by land a distance of sixteen miles. Our hearts had long been bent on opening up this route, and Mr. Douglas and I resolved that as soon as we could

find it convenient we should make the attempt. We started early on Tuesday morning, and got to Khi-boey at four o'clock in the afternoon, having traversed a distance of twenty-three or twenty-four miles of road hitherto untrod by the foreign missionary. I cannot attempt to describe to you the magnificent tract of country through which we passed. Liongbun-see is situated on the side of a hill, and the first part of our road led us higher up this hill, and over a table-land that lay between it and a higher range to the S.W. After getting to the top of this range, we saw stretching out before us a magnificent plain called the Au-sai Plain, richly cultivated and densely populated. We went down into this plain and crossed it, making for another ridge of hills away still further to the S.W. The diagonal of the plain over which we crossed is about five or six miles. After travelling this distance we began to ascend the range of hills which closes up the plain. When we got to the top a most magnificent view again met us. The road over the hill led us down on the other side by a long descent to the head of the strath where Khi-boey lies. It is vain for me to make any attempt at describing the scenery.

But allow me to say a word about what struck us even more than the scenery. This whole tract of country lying between two of our principal stations is now open

to us, but we have not the ability to work had as a schoolmaster there. To provide it. It was sad for us as we walked over accommodation for the students, some the country to feel how crippled we were building will be necessary, but as, with and how much every day, as the work some additions and alterations, the small grows, we are painfully feeling this. Can chapel, or worship-room, already forming a we do more than we are doing? We can part of the mission buildings, can be hardly overtake the work as it now stands. utilized for that purpose, the expense will But perhaps you may ask me, "What is not be great. to be the limit of your de nands ? " We cinnot answer this. It has to be measured by one thing only-the amount of labour and effort the Church is willing to expend upon it. May God stir up the Church to some sense of the work that is committet to her.


Amoy, March and April, 1866. HOPEFUL CASE OF A BUDDHIST PRIEST.


Mr. McGregor adds at the close of the above letter "that when M. Douglas last visited Chin-chew, he baotized two person at Anhai, and re-admitted one that had been under suspension."

Takao, Formosa, April 2nd, 1866.


At Baypay, Communion Services were I had the happiness of welcoming held on the first Sunday in April, on which back my chief assistant from Amoy a few occasion, among those present as days ago. He went over there two months spectators, was a Buddhist priest, who ago, and has now returned, bringing with seems now fully resolved to turn from idols him his wife and family, so that I may to serve the living and true God. He had look upon him as a permanent resident in charge of a temple near Yu-boe-kio, from Formosa. The presence of his wife here which he must have derived a considerable is a decided a vantage, as drawing other income, but now he has quite abandoned his temple, cast off his priest's dress, and gone to reside in a neighbouring village. He displays a great thirst for Gospel truth, and is, I trust, being taught of God.



"We have just been making arrangements for forming a class of students to add to the number of our native helpers. Several young men have been thought of, who seem to have the gifts and grace needed for the work, and we hope soon to form them into a class to receive from us a short course of theological training, while a qualified teacher gives them further in struction in the Chinese character. As teacher for them, we have in our eye one of the candidates for baptism at Baypay. whom we hope to receive immediately,* and who has, in consequence of becoming a worshipper of God, lost the situation le

This teacher is one of the ten baptized by Mr. Swanson, as stated in his letter.

women to come near and hear. My unb ptized helper, who resides chiefly at Sa-te-choo, is becoming a vigorous speaker. With a simple but clear grasp of the saving truths of the Gospel, and a most willing heart to be useful in the Lord's work, he is giving every promise of becoming a man of great usefulness in missionary operations in Formosa."



There are three ot er men of whom I

have some hope that their hearts are touched, walk in the way of life; but they are more and that they are sincerely striving to decided evidences of their conversion it or less ignorant, as yet, and without more would be unwi-e to speak of them as more than hopeful.

The keeping of the Sabbath is the great test of men emerging from Chinese heathenism. It is often imes a very hard te-t to poor working men, but, as missionaries, we can only be glad that there is a test of such value. I am ashamed to


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Swatow, March 9th, 1866.

the stree's are thronged with a busy, noi-y
company of men intent on buying and sell-
ing; and along the streets and in open
places, as well as in the shops, great quan-
tities of all manner of goods, edible and
non-edible, are exposed for sale. From
among these busy crowds many have en-
tered the chapel, and heard the Gospel, and
r ceived books and tracts containing the
word of life. Are we not boud to hope
that good fruit may yet be reaped from the
precious seed thus sown

Already, by the blessing of God, we are privileged to see some signs of life, proofs that the seed of the Word has been accompanied by the life-giving b'essing from on high. A young lad, a Hakka, who first

heard the truth when Mr. Smith was in Kway T'ham last summer, still manifests a sincere interest in it, and is a very hopeful candidate for baptism.


Another Hakke, by name Un A·Long, was baptized under special circumstances, on the 21st of February, the very day of My dear Dr. HAMILTON,-I returned my setting out on my return to Swatow. lately from Kway T'ham, the most recently He had been a hearer of the truth for four opened of our stations in Tie Chew. As or five months, having been apparently inyou are aware, it is about sixty miles to terested on the very first occasion of hearing the south-west of Swatow, a distence which it during a visit to Kway T’ham on a marrequires in China (at least in this part of it) ket day. He soon gave up idolatry, and between two and three days' journey. In was the means of leading his wife and son going I went along the coast in the Gospel- to do so also. and to unite with him in the boat to the mouth of the river on which worship of the living and true God. For Kway T'ham, some twenty-four or twenty-two months previous to his baptism he had, five miles inland, is situated; and starting so far as I could learn, regularly kept the thence in a native boat, comple'ed the Sabbath; frequently coming from his viljourney on the afternoon of the third day lage (six or seven miles distant) to Kway after leaving Swatow. During my stay I T'ham to unite in public worship; and on enjoyed many good opportunities of preach- other occasions uniting with the young lad ing both in Kway T’ham and in the above alluded to in their own homes. surrounding villages.

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The people seem to be, on the whole, well disposed; at least I seldom saw among them the signs of dislike and hostility not uncommon in places much nearer Swatow. On this my first visit to Kway T'ham I was much impressed with a sense of its importance as a mission station. The population of the town itself is about 10,000; and thrice in every ten days great numbers of people come to it from the towns and villages far and near. On these market-days the town is quite crowded;

Previous to his knowing the Gospel, A-Long had, with his brother and other Hakkas, been thinking of emigrating to the province of Kwang-si, to the west of Canton.

On meeting with him I urged him on varius accounts to reconsider his plans, being sorry that one so young in faith and in knowledge should go to a distant place where there are no means of instruction, and none to unite with and help him in his profession of Christ; and being desirous also that, if it were the Lord's will, he should remain in his native village to be there a

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