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that the surveior of our landes do his office truly for kepinge together our rentes and farmes, preserve our woods, and the good estate of our castles, houses, and of every thinge to them belonginge. And that our said Deputy and councell as afforesaid geve order to the said Barons and officers of the said court that the said customers, serchers, and controllers put in to the said court good suerties for the true administration of their offices in their owne persons as nighe as maye be, and not otherwise but by sufficient deputy and yet not so but where great necessitie so requireth, every thinge customed to be vouched and warranted by the comptroller of the same office, or ells that entry not to be allowed, nor taken for good, reforminge euery offender in his office that doth not refourme himself upon a reasonable warninge, by such punishment as our said Deputy, with thadvise of the councell, or with thadvise of the more parte of them as is afforesaid, shall thinke beste and mete, ether by order of our lawes or otherwise as they by their discretions and wisdomes shall think reasonable; the allowance for reparations of our castles and mannours to be alwaye made no more large than our said Deputy, Chancellor, Chief Justice and Chief Baron, or fower of them, wherof the Deputy to be one, shall by their warrant appoynte, which warrant shalbe sufficient to the Surveior for doinge of the same reparations, and to the Auditor to geve him due allowance therof accordingly, and to the Thresorer for makinge of payment of the same.

Our said Deputy, with the advise afforesaid, shall charge the surveior and other head officers of the moynes, to see our officers appointed to worke in the same moynes, and all artificers and laborers workinge with them in the same, to do their service duly and truly in gatheringe togethere ower, clensinge, perfectinge, and also in transportinge the same ower so clensed and perfected to the mynt, makinge declaration ones in vj weekes to our said Deputy and Chancellor with others before named, for like purposes as their doinges and charges may appeare: wherby yt maye further playnly appeare what proffitts shalbe therof cominge

from tyme to tyme above all charges. And if there shalbe great proffitt founde, and that the same worke maye take many moe workmen and worke them well to the proffitt, then our said Deputy and councell, as afore, to appointe more workmen to the doinge therof, that the beste and moste profitt maye be made of the same, foreseinge alwaye that if any leade or other mettall rise amongest the same ower, the same to be duly ordered and put in salf kepinge to our use, in suche place as our said Deputy and Councell shall thinke beste for us. And that there be a declaration made therof as before is appointed for the silver.

Our said Deputy, with the advise afforesaid, shall call the Mr. of our Ordnaunce at all tymes to declare the state of his office, and the waste made in the same yearely, wherof a perfect accompte requireth to be had yearely; and a farther order geven by our said Deputy, with thadvise afforesaid, yearely to be made by the Mr. of the Ordnaunce, in bowes, arrowes, pikes, javelins, spades, shovells, helves for billes and mattocks, spades, elme for mountinge of ordnaunce, powdre, shott, hakes, harquebushiers, and suche like needfull and necessary thinges for the warre. And so from yeare to yeare as the same maye be contynued and provided in the countrey self, if so yt maye be without further trouble for the same. And because we are enformed that there is wood enoughe there for bowes and pykes, they shall serche what furniture they are able to make there, and to certifye yt; certifinge also yearely what the remayninge of their store is, and in case of neede, what that need shalbe, to be supplied from hence.

Our said Deputy shall geve suche order with all the menne of warre, as they maye bothe be able men and fitt for the warres, and also well furnished with armor and all sortes of weapons: the horsemen well horsed and well experte in ridinge, governed with good and discreete captaynes; the men of warre not to be of the nation of Irelande, above the number of tenne in every bande of a hundreth, but others of the countrey may remayne stronge of CAMD. SOC. 12.


themselves, eschuyng black rents, and coyne, and liveries, as muche as may be, charginge us with no more than shalbe necessary. For as muche as our said Deputye maye take of our frendes and servaunts, and also galleglasses and kerne as need shall require, employinge the [m] amongest the rest contynually in our service, where yt maye tende to beste purpose for increase of our strength and contrey, allwaye treatinge noble men as they maye be glad for our service when need shalbe to call for the same, and so there maye be conquest made of the men aswell as of the lande with some proffitt and greate strengthe withowt charge. And in case any captayne or souldior disobey our said Deputy, and will not, upon warninge, reforme himself, yt shalbe lawefull for our said Deputye to discharge all suche offenders, and to place other in their places.

Our said Deputy, with the advise afforesaid, shall applye all that he maye to have the havens and ports into our handes, that the customes and proffitts cominge of them maye come to our handes, and that no man lande there but suche as shall appeare to be our frendes and subjects, which shall asmuche reduce the people to obedience and civill order as any one thinge that canne be donne. And for the better doinge therof, we, with thadvise of our Councell, are pleased not only to graunte two of our pynnasses furnished with ordnaunce and all kindes of munition and well equipped for the purpose, but also that such charges as our said Deputy and Councell, as before, shall employe upon the same, shalbe allowed at all tymes. And amongest other portes, our pleasure is, that our said Deputy shall, with the advise afforesaid, have speciall consideration of the portes of Valentmore, Knockfergus, and Strangeforde, forseeinge aswell how they and every of them maye be best reduced to good obedience, and howe they maye be after beste garded, victualled, and to what purposes the same and every of them maye beste serve, wherof they shall also advertise hither from tyme to tyme as occasion shall require.

Our said Deputy with the advise afforesaid shall geve strait order for the punishment of offenders, and favour all those which be and shalbe found obedient, which shall encrease our honour and strength. And our said Deputy, with the said advise, shall geve order to redresse all forces and wronges doune against the lawe, contynually devising the encrease of the state of the realme and the common wealth of the people, wherein one parte consisteth in kepinge within the realme all woolle and other comodities of the realme, as all thinges may be good and cheape for the common wealth, and that provision be made before hande to withstand all skarcitie, and for the contynuance and encrease of all good races and breeds of horses, any licence heretofore graunted for cariage of woolls to the contrary notwithstandinge.

Our said Deputy shall also, with the advise afforesaid, make serche for the moyne of allame, and cause the same to be tried to perfection: and beinge founde good, then to staye the same as yt maye be wroughte for us, and employed to the best purpose and moste proffitt.

Our said Deputy, with thadvise afforesaid, callinge to them the Surveior of our lande, and suche others as be appointed by our Speciall Commission for that purpose, shall let and set our farmes for xxi yeares, when they shalbe voyd by expiration of the former graunts, by escheate, or otherwise by the order of the lawe, reserving to us and our heires the auncient rentes, the great woods and underwoods, fines, wardes, marriages, and other casualties growinge upon the same, the tymber to be used for our buildinges, the underwoods to be soulde amongest the tenaunts and their neighbours, the cleere money comminge therof to be accompted and payd with the rentes of the manour to our use. And where there is decayed of our rentes no small yearely somme, our said Deputy and Councell shall by all wayes and meanes travayle to recover yt, and serchinge thoccasion howe those thinges have bene decayd, not only to redresse the decaye, but also to see that from hence furth no suche occasion be

suffred, neither throughe their owne graunts there, nor yet throwghe any graunt from hence, thoughe yt come from us: and in these cases where any rent is decayed, to advertise hither the cause therof, to be aunswered from hence of our further pleasure therein.

Our said Deputy, with thadvise afforesaid, shall call into our order and tuition all our wardes, and ther landes descended, and as they shall descend, and shall geve order for the well bringinge up of the gentlemen, and for the order of their landes and good repayre of the same, and preservation of their woods and comodities, foreseinge ther be no tymber solde nor waste made, and us truly aunswered of the rentes and proffitt of the wood sales to be made of underwood yearely, and also of their lyveries when they come to full age, and of our widdowes fines for their licence to mary, or for their contempte if they mary withowt our licence; and shall have power also to make sale of our wardes, beinge under the degree of a baron or barones.

Our said Deputy, with the advise afforesaide, shall cause the Surveior of our landes to serche where most plenty of tymber is nighe the good havens, for makinge of shipps, and therof to certifie us and our Councell, and what good shipwrightes and mariners be in the lande, and to what nomber.

Our said Deputy, with thadvise afforesaid, shall also practise, by suche good wayes and meanes as they may thinke moste expedient, with the port townes, and suche other cities and townes as do stande neare any havens or creeks, that they, by some good order, maye beginne to fortifie their said townes nowe in tyme of peace, wherby they may be allwaies the more assured to live quietly in the tyme of warres; and suche townes or citties as our said Deputy and Councell shall finde conformable herein, they shall ayde with there best advise for settinge owt of bullworks, or doinge suche other thinges as by their discretions maye be thoughte moste requisite for the suertie and strength of the said townes.

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