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and sayeth he sawe Mr. Grenwood when he was in wrytyng off that booke, who made this Examt acquaynted with sundry partes therof, as occasion fell out in the wrytyng therof, but who putt the same to pryntyng, or prynted it, he knoweth not.

F. He confesseth, also, he hath sene the booke intituled a Collectyon of certeyne slanderous Articles geven out by the Bysshopps against such faythfull Chrystyns as they now unjustly deteyne in their prisons, together with the aunswer of the sayd prisoners therunto, and for such parte therof as concernyth hym selfe he collected yt; and for that which concernyth Mr. Grenwood, he thynketh Mr. Grenwood collected [yt], for that he saw hym wrytyng about yt; but knoweth not who prynted that booke, or sett yt to prynt, but sayeth he sawe it after it was prynted, as he dyd the others.


Exd by us,



The Examination of John Grenwood, taken the xjth day of

Marche, 1592.

A. He confessyth that he knoweth the thre severall bookes showed hym upon his Exam., and that for suche parte of the severall bookes as concernyth thys Examt was collected by thys Examt, with which he made Henry Barrow acquaynted; and that which doth concerne Henry Barrow, the same Henry dyd collect and sett downe, which he, thys Examt, saw or saw parte therof, for that the same Barrow and thys Examt were there chamber fellowes together at that tyme.

B. He sayeth he remembreth not to whom they were delyvered after they were thus collected and sett downe, whether yt was this Examts wyffe or not, he doth not well remember.

C. He sayeth the cause why they so sett the same downe was, that the L. Chief Justices, and those in authoryte, myght se what they held concernyng the crymes wherewith they were charged.

D.-He sayeth that for hym selfe he had one of every sort after they were prynted, and doth not well remember whether yt was Cycely, there thys Exam's mayed servant, that brought them to thys Examt.

E. He sayeth he hath sene some of these bookes, but doth not remember in whose handes, or how many.

F.-He sayeth that he hath harde that one Robert Stookes had these bookes, as owner of them, but who otherwyse prynted them he knoweth not.

G. He sayeth he hath hard there shold be a thowsand off them prented, or therabouts; the pryce, as he harde, was viijd a pece.


Exd by us,



The Examination of Robert Bowle, taken the xixth of Marche,


A. He sayeth that the booke intituled a Collection of certeine Letters and Conferences lately passed betwene certen Preachers and two Prysoners in the Flete, this Examt caused to be prynted at Dort, in the Low Cuntryes, by the meanes of Robert Stookes.

B. The copy of that booke this Examt cownted for in London, but where there, or off whom, he remembreth not.

C.-He sayeth Arthure Byllett was the cownter for the prent of that booke, and they were prynted by one Hanse. They were above two or three hundred of them.

D. He confessyth he brought these bookes from the presse, which were putt into the sayd Stookes hys clockbag.

E. Thys Examt layd out the money for the pryntyng therof, whech thys Examt had by the means of the sayd Stookes.

F. He sayeth that he hath hadd thre of those bookes sythens he retorned into England, but sayeth he brought them over with hym into England, but whether he brought over any more with hym he remembreth not.

G.-He sayeth he hath one of those bookes leaft, but where yt ys, or where he leaft yt, he remembreth not, neyther can he dyrect where yt may be cum by, and yet he offereth to gett yt.

H.-He denyeth that he can tell to whom he hath delyvered eyther of the other two bookes, but he sayeth he hath delyvered them to somebody, but doth not remember to whom.

I. He denyeth he toke any other person any booke in any case; but wyll swere by the name of God, but not upon any


K.-He confessyth he was one of those that was taken in Seynjohns wood upon yesterday was fortynyght.

By me, ROBErt Boull.

Exd by us,




The Examination of Robert Stookes, taken the xixth of Marche,


A. He sayeth he hath ben seduced, and therby bene one alowyng of Henry Barowes opynyons, and hath ben perswaded from yt by the space of a yeare and a halff, and was perswaded partely by Sunper, and chefly by Mr. Atres, my L. of Canterburyes chaplyn.

B. He sayeth whyles he held that opynyon he was at the pryson with the sayd Henry Barrow and John Grenewood, and they moved thys Examynat fyrst to procure the booke intituled a Collection off certen slanderous Articles, &c., and one other booke intituled an aunswere to George Giffordes pretended defens of redd prayers, to be prynted, about thys tyme three yeares, which thys Examt dyd cause to be done accordyngly, at thys Examts owne charges; and there were prynted about fyve hundred of eche of those bookes at Dort, which thys Examt conveyed over into England after they were prynted; some of which bookes the sayd Henry Barrow and John Grenwood had the dysposysion off to the matter of about two or thre hundred.

C. For the booke intituled a Collection of certeyne Letters and Conferences lately passed, &c.

D. He confessyth that the sayd Barrow and Greneway dealt with this Examt. to gete that prynted also, and that was about mydsommer last was two yeares, at which tyme thys Examynat promysed to gett yt done, and the copy therof beyng sent to one Robert Bulle, now in the Counter of the Pultry, to whom thys Examt gave order that what so ever the sayd Barrow and Grenwood shold direct hym to do, the same Bull shold do yt at thys Examts charges. And so the same Barrow and Grenwood gave dyrections to the sayd Bull for the doyng therof.

E. And thys Examt cumyng into the Low Cuntryes, to Dort, where the same also were prynted, hadd about CC of those bookes putt into thys Examts clokebag by Robert Bull; and so thys Examt brought them into England, and delyvered sundry of these bookes to one Mychens, there to be sted. And of those also there were prynted about fyve hundred.

F. He sayth also that the booke intituled a Breiff Dyssection of the false Church, and the booke intituled a playne refutation of Mr. G. Giffords Book, &c., thys Examt procured, at hys charges, to be prynted at Dort about Christmas last was two yeares; which was lykewyse don by the perswasyon of the sayd


Mr. Barrow and Grenewood, all which were taken at Flushyng and Brill and there were of these thre thowsand prynted, as thys Examt understood, and Arthure Byllet was the examyner for that impressyon.


He sayeth that the severall impressyons stud thys Examt in about xlli.

H.-He sayeth, also, he caused a litle thyng of one shete of paper to be prynted by their procurement before all thys, called the Destructyon of the vysyble Church.


Exd by us,




The Examination of Danyell Studley, taken the xxth day of
Marche, 1592.

A. He confessyth that he hadd the orygynall of the booke intituled, A Breiff Dyssection off the false Church, which he receyved shete by shete at Mr. Henry Barrowes study in the Flette, when as he and one Andrew Smyth hadd Letters from the Archbusshopp of Canterbury to have accesse unto hym.

B. He sayeth that James Forester brought word to this Examt from the sayd Henry Barrow that he was to have that copy to copy out to be putt in prynt, which this Examt dyd delyver unto the said James Forester, who wrote out of the same copy an other copy of the whole therof, which copy was that by which yt was prynted.

C. He confessyth that he had the orygynall under the said Barrows hand of the same Forester backe agayne, and began to wryte out a copy therof; but he sayeth he knoweth not what ys become of that copy under the said Barrows hand.

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