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[Let] the soldiers' music and the rites of war

Speak loudly for him.-Hamlet, v. 2.

Answer my life [let my life answer for '] my judgment.—Lear, i. 1.

[Let] what will hap more to-night, safe 'scape the king [may the king escape safely '].-Ibid., iii. 6.

Oh, my dear father! [may] Restoration hang thy medicine on my lips.-Ibid., iv. 7.

But [may] all the charms of love, salt Cleopatra, soften thy wan'd lip!Ant. & C., ii. I.

To make you brothers, and to knit your hearts

With an unslipping knot, take Antony [let Antony take '] Octavia to his wife.— Ibid., ii. 2.

And never fly off our loves again [' never let our loves fly off again ']!—Ibid., ii. 2. Haste we for it ['let us haste for ']: yet, ere we put ourselves in arms, despatch we ['let us despatch '] the business we have talk'd of.—Ibid., ii. 2.

Lie they [let them lie'] upon thy hand, and be undone by 'em !—Ibid., ii. 5.

[Would] that he and Cæsar might determine this great war in single fight!— Ibid., iv. 4.

This mortal house I'll ruin, do Cæsar what he can ['let Cæsar do what he can'].Ibid., v. 2.

[May] no exorciser harm thee !-Cym., iv. 2 (Song).

[Let] to write and read be henceforth treacherous !-Ibid., iv. 2.

[Let] the hazard therefore due fall on me.-Ibid., iv. 4.

[Let] every villain be call'd Posthumus Leonatus.-Ibid., v. 5.

Quiet and gentle [be] thy conditions! . . . Happy what follows ['may what follows be happy']! . . . Now [may] the good gods throw their best eyes upon it !—Per., iii. 1 .

And witness the following passages where he employs the subjunctive mood:

Prove it so if it should prove so '], let fortune pay the due for it, not I.— Mer. of V., iii. 2.

Live thou ['if thou live '], I live.—Ibid., iii. 2.

Oh, if it prove [true], tempests are kind.-Tw. N., iii. 4.

[Though] his youth [be] in flood, I'll prove this truth with my three drops of blood.-Tr. & Cr., i. 3.

[If I] live a thousand years, I shall not find myself so apt to die.-Jul. C., iii. 1.

Prove this [if this should prove '] a prosperous day.-Ant. & C., iv. 6.

Live Roderigo [if Roderigo live'], he calls me to a restitution.-Oth., v. I.

In the following passage, Shakespeare uses the imperative mood somewhat peculiarly:

Let your highness command upon me.-Macb., iii. 1.

And, in the following, transposedly :

Now, mild may be thy life ['may thy life be mild '] !—Per., iii. 1.


Several of these are to be found in Shakespeare's plays; like a true dramatist, accompanying and illustrating, by denotements of action. and appearance, certain passages of his dialogue. Some among them denote a glance or a gesture on the part of the person speaking:

Ariel. . . . The king's son have I landed by himself;

Whom I left cooling of the air with sighs

In an odd angle of the isle, and sitting,

His arms in this sad knot [Mimickingly folding his own arms across his breast].— Temp., i. 2.


Whom I, with this obedient steel, three inches of it,

Can lay to bed for ever; whiles you, doing thus [Making a thrust, expressive of stabbing],

To the perpetual wink for aye might put

This ancient morsel, this Sir Prudence.-Ibid., ii. 1.

Gobbo.... Lord, worshipped might he be! What a beard hast thou got! [Laying his hand on the back of LAUNCELOT's head, as the lad kneels beside him; and mistaking its shock of hair for a beard].-Mer. of V., ii. 2.


Didst perceive it?

[Aside] They're here with me [Making the sign vulgarly used for stigmatising a deceived husband] already; whispering, rounding, "Sicilia is a so-forth."-W. T., i. 2. Leontes. I thought of her, even in these looks I made [Gazing upon Perdita, his unknown daughter].-Ibid., v. I.

Faulconbridge. . . . But, mother, I am not Sir Robert's son;

I have disclaim'd Sir Robert and my land;

Legitimation, name, and all is gone:

Then, good my mother, let me know my father

Some proper man, I hope: who was it, mother [Throwing his arm round her, and dropping his voice to a winning tone].-John, i. 1.

King Richard. I weep for joy, to stand upon my kingdom once again.

Dear earth, I do salute thee with my hand,

Though rebels wound thee with their horses' hoofs:

As a long parted mother with her child,

Plays fondly with her tears and smiles, in meeting;

So, weeping, smiling, greet I thee, my earth,

And do thee favour with my royal hands [Laying his hand as in caressing benediction on the earth].-R. II., iii. 2.

Aumerle. Some honest Christian trust me with a gage:

That Norfolk lies, here do I throw down this [Throwing down a hood: which, Holinshed records, was borrowed from a by-stander].--Ibid., iv. 1.

Falstaff. . . . Oh, it is much that a lie with a slight oath, and a jest with a sad brow [this shows that Falstaff occasionally enhanced some of his jokes by uttering them with a grave face and a quiet dry manner; though we may be sure that others he delivered with a loud laugh, and all, with a twinkle of his eye that spoke volumes in archness and roguery of meaning: and it is pleasant to have this indication from Shakespeare's own hand of his Falstaft's manner], will do with a fellow that never had the ache in his shoulders! Oh, you shall see him laugh till his face be like a wet cloak ill laid up!-2 H. IV., v. 1.

Pistol. Sir John, thy tender lambkin now is king;

Harry the Fifth's the man. I speak the truth:

When Pistol lies, do this [making a contemptuous gesture indicative of insult; usually performed by placing the thumb between the fore and middle finger]; and fig me, like the bragging Spaniard.-Ibid., v. 3.

Williams. Sir, know you this glove [Showing the glove he has received overnight from the king]?

Fluellen. Know the glove! I know the glove is a glove.

Williams. I know this [Pointing to the glove worn in FLUELLEN'S cap]; and thus I challenge it [Strikes FLUELLEN].-H. V., iv. S.

King Henry. Give me thy glove, soldier [Pointing to the glove worn by WILLIAMS, and given to him by the king overnight]: look here is the fellow of it [Producing his own other glove that he had retained when he gave one to WILLIAMS].-Ibid., iv. 8.

Suffolk. Look on my George [Showing the insignia of the order, which he wears beneath his disguise]. I am a gentleman: rate me at what thou wilt, thou shalt be paid.-2 H. VI., iv. 1.

Warwick. . . . There's thy reward [Giving the messenger a gratuity], be gone.3 H. VI., iii. 3.

Clarence. Father of Warwick, know you what this means? [Taking the red rose out of his hat, and flinging it at WARWICK.] Look here, I throw my infamy at thee.Ibid., v. 1.


This shoulder was ordain'd so thick, to heave;

And heave it shall some weight, or break my back:

Work thou [Pointing to his own head] the way, and that [Pointing to his own hand] shall execute.-Ibid., v. 7.

Menenius. Take my cap [Flinging up his cap], Jupiter, and I thank thee. Hoo! Marcius coming home!-Coriol., ii. 1.

Third Citizen. He said he had wounds, which he could show in private; and with his hat, thus waving it in scorn [Mimicking the action described], “I would be consul," says he "aged custom, but by your voices, will not so permit me; your voices therefore": when we granted that, here was [Making a gesture of waving off scornfully], "I thank you for your voices-thank you-your most sweet voices: now you have left your voices, I have no farther with you.' -Was not this mockery?—Coriol., ii. 3. Volumnia. I pr'ythee now, my son, go to them, with this bonnet [Pointing to her son's bonnet] in thy hand; and thus far having stretched it [Stretching out her arm as if with a cap held off in salutation], here be with them [Making continuous signs of courteous inclination of the body and head], thy knee bussing the stones (for in such business action is eloquence, and the eyes of the ignorant more learned than the ears), waving thy head, which often, thus [Still continuing her prompted gestures], correcting thy stout heart, now humble as the ripest mulberry that will not hold the handling.— Ibid., iii. 2.

Samson. Nay, as they dare. I will bite my thumb at them; which is a disgrace to them, if they bear it [Bites his thumb at ABRAHAM and BALTHASAR, as they enter this was a contemptuous gesture, made by putting the thumb-nail into the mouth, and letting it slip from the teeth with a jerk and a slight noise; which was considered a desperate insult, and an excellent mode of beginning a quarrel].—R. & Jul., i. 1. Gregory Aside to SAMSON]. Say-better: here comes one of my master's kinsmen [Looking towards the quarter whence TYBALT approaches].—Ibid., i. 1.

Timon.... Nothing I'll bear from thee

But nakedness, thou detestable town!

Take thou that too [Successively throwing portions of his dress back in the direction of Athens, towards which he looks as he goes], with multiplying bans.-Timon, iv. 1. Timon. Away, thou tedious rogue. I am sorry I shall lose a stone by thee [Throwing a stone at APEMANTUS].-Ibid., iv. 3.


Remember thee! Ay, thou poor ghost, while memory holds a seat in this distracted globe [Putting his hand to his head].-Hamlet, i. 5.

Hamlet... That you, at such times seeing me, never shall, with arms encumber'd thus, or this head-shake [Making the gestures described], or by pronouncing.—Ibid., i. 5. Voltimand. . . . With an entreaty, herein farther shown [Giving a paper], that it might please you to.—Ibid., ii. 2.

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Polonius. I have a daughter-have, while she is mime-who, in her duty and obedience, mark, hath given me this [Producing HAMLET's letter to OPHELIA].— Ibid., ii. 2.

Polonius. Take this from this [Pointing to his head and to his shoulder] if this be otherwise.-Ibid., ii. 2.

Polonius. Ophelia, walk you here. . . . Read on this book [Giving her a prayer-book]; that show of such an exercise may colour your loneliness.-Ibid., iii. 1.

Laertes. . . . Adieu, my lord: I have a speech of fire, that fain would blaze, but that this folly douts it [Passing his hand across his moistened eyes].—Ibid., iv. 7.

King. Stay; give me to drink. Hamlet, this pearl is thine [Pretending to place a pearl in the cup, and dropping a poisonous drug therein]; here's to thy health [Drinking from another cup].—Ibid., v. 2.


Approach, thou beacon to this under globe,

That by thy comfortable beams I may

Peruse this letter [Drawing forth a letter, and attempting to read it by the still imperfect light of coming dawn].-Lear, ii. 2.

Lear.... Off, off, you lendings! come, unbutton here [Tearing off his clothes}.— Ibid., iii. 4.

Goneril. . . . Wear this [Giving EDMUND, a favour], spare speech;

Decline your head [Bending over EDMUND, and kissing him, while affecting to whisper with him this kiss, if it durst speak, would stretch thy spirits up.-Ibid., iv. 2.

Regan.... If you do find him, pray you, give him this [Placing some ring or token in OSWALD'S care, to convey to EDMUND].-Ibid., iv. 5.

Edmund. Come hither, captain; hark. Take thou this note [Giving the paper that contains the warrant for the execution of LEAR and CORDELIA]; go.-Ibid., v. 3. Othello. . . . I cannot speak enough of this content;

It stops me here; it is too much of joy :

And this, and this [Giving DESDEMONA repeated kisses], the greatest discords be, That e'er our hearts shall make !-Oth., ii. 1.

Othello... Look here, Iago; all my fond love thus do I blow to heaven [Making sign of discarding from his heart its passion of grief and affection]: 'tis gone.Ibid., iii. 3.

Othello. . . . Now, by yond' marble heaven, in the due reverence of a sacred vow, I here engage my words.

Iago. Do not rise yet.

Witness, you ever-burning lights above,
You elements that clip us round about,—
Witness that here Iago doth give up

The execution of his wit, hands, heart,

To wrong'd Othello's service.-Ibid., iii. 3.

[Kneeling. [Kneeling also.

Cassio.... And, by this hand, she falls me thus about my neck [Throwing his arm over IAGO's shoulder]—

Othello. Crying "O dear Cassio!" as it were, his gesture imports it.—Ibid., iv. 1. Lodovico. The duke and senators of Venice greet you. [Giving OTHELLO a packet. Othello. I kiss the instrument of their pleasures [Taking the packet with an air of deference, opening it, and beginning to read it].-Ibid., iv. 1.

Othello. Devil!

Desdemona. I have not deserv'd this.

[Striking DESDEMONA.

Lodovico. My lord, this would not be believ'd in Venice,
Though I should swear I saw it: 'tis very much.


What, strike his wife ?—Ibid., iv. 1.

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Othello. We have done our course; there's money for your pains [Throws a purse towards EMILIA]: I pray you, turn the key, and keep our counsel.-Ibid., iv. 2. Desdemona. Here I kneel [Kneeling]: if e'er my will did trespass 'gainst his love comfort forswear me !-Ibid., iv. 2.


Iras. There's a palm [Holding forth her hand] presages chastity, if nothing else.— Ant. & C., i. 2.

Second Messenger. In Sicyon: her length of sickness, with what else more serious importeth thee to know, this bears [Presenting a letter].—Ibid., i. 2.

Cæsar. Sit.

Antony. Sit, sir.

Cæsar. Nay, then― [Taking his seat].—Ibid., ii. 2.

Cæsar's words have been differently interpreted here, by other commentators, but we believe them to be an indication that he gives way to Antony's request that he will be seated, and that they are tantamount to—'Nay, then, if you will have it so, I consent.'


Let me request you off: our graver business

Frowns at this levity. Gentle lords, let's part;

You see, we have burnt our cheeks: strong Enobarbe
Is weaker than the wine; and mine own tongue

Splits what it speaks [Pronouncing thickly and inarticulately]: the wild disguise hath almost antick'd us all.-Ant. & C., ii. 7.

Enobarbus. Hoo! says 'a. There's my cap [Flinging up his cap].—Ibid., ii. 7.

Charmian. . . . Now boast thee, death, in thy possession lies a lass unparallel'd. Downy windows, close [Closing CLEOPATRA's eyelids]; and golden Phoebus never he beheld of eyes again so royal! Your crown's awry; I'll mend it [Adjusts the diadem upon CLEOPATRA's head], and then play.—Ibid., v. 2.

Iachimo. . . . Come off, come off [Detaching the bracelet from IMOGEN's arm]; as slippery, as the Gordian knot was hard! "Tis mine.-Cym., ii. 2.

Imogen. . . . Give colour to my pale cheek with thy blood [Laying her face upon the breast of the corse which she believes to be that of her husband, that we the horrider may seem to those which chance to find us. O my lord, my lord!-Ibid., iv. 2. Cerimon. Your master will be dead ere you return;

There's nothing can be minister'd to nature

That can recover him. Give this to the 'pothecary [Giving the servant a prescription to be made up; for the behoof of the servant himself, who may be supposed to have received some bruise or injury during the shipwreck in which his master has been injured past help], and tell me how it works.-Per., iii. 2.


Now I know you better,

When we with tears parted Pentapolis,

The king my father gave you such a ring [Pointing to the ring upon PERICLES' finger]. Pericles. This, this: no more, you gods!—Ibid., v. 3.

Others denote look or gesture in the person addressed :

Celia. And a chain, that you once wore, about his neck.

As You L., iii. 2.

[blocks in formation]

Change you colour?—

Heaven shield, you mean it not! daughter, and mother,

So strive upon your pulse. What! pale again?...

But tell me then, 'tis so; for, look, thy cheeks

Confess it th' one to th' other; and thine

See it so grossly shown in thy behaviours,


That in their kind they speak it.—All's W., i. 3.

Olivia. God comfort thee! Why dost thou smile so, and kiss thy hand so oft?—

Tw. N., iii. 4.

Leontes. . What! look upon my brother: both your pardons,

That e'er I put between your holy looks

My ill suspicion.-W. T., v. 3.

Those few subtly introduced words serve to show that Hermione keeps her face sensitively averted from Polixenes, until her husband thus penitently avows his former unworthy misconstructions.


What dost thou mean by shaking of thy head?

Why dost thou look so sadly on my son?

What means that hand upon that breast of thine?
Why holds thine eye that lamentable rheum,

Like a proud river peering o'er his bounds?

Be these sad signs confirmers of thy words?-John, iii. 1.

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