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nation, it said, for your share you shall have ment of this kingdom) "sleeps obedience. the right of petitioning. This being the case, But if we look at the distinct abilities of the the Bill of Rights" (meaning the said last two Houses," (meaning the two Houses of mentioned act of parliament)" is more pro- Parliament of this kingdom) “ the difference perly a Bill of Wrongs and of insult. As to will appear so great, as to show the inconwhat is called the Convention Parliament, sistency of placing power where there can be it" (meaning the said convention of Lords no certainty of the judgment to use it. spiritual and temporal, and Commons, herein- Wretched as the state of representation is in before mentioned) " was a thing that made England," (meaning the state of representaitself, and then made the authority by which tion of the Commons of this kingdom) “ it it acted. A few persons got together, and is manhood, compared with what is called called themselves by that name; several of the House of Lords;" (meaning the Lords them had never been elected, and none of spiritual and temporal, in parliament assemthem for the purpose From the time of bled)" and so little is this nick-named House" William," (meaning the said king William (meaning the House of Lords) "regarded, the Third)" a species of government arose that the people scarcely inquire at any time issuing out of this coalition Bill of Rights;", what it is doing. It" (meaning the said (meaning the said act, intituled, An Act de- House of Lords) appears also to be most claring the Rights and Liberties of the Sub- under influence, and the farthest removed ject, and settling the Succession of the Crown) from the general interest of the nation." and more so since the corruption intro- And in another part thereof, according to the duced at the Hanover succession," (meaning tenor and effect following, viz. "Having thus the succession of the heirs of the princess glanced at some of the defects of the two Sophia, electress and duchess dowager of Houses of Parliament," (meaning the ParliaHanover, to the crown and dignity of this ment of this kingdom) " I proceed to what is kingdom)" by the agency of Walpole, that" called the crown," (meaning the crown of (meaning the said species of government) this kingdom) "upon which I shall be very "can be described by no other name than a concise. It" (meaning the crown of this despotic legislation. Though the parts may kingdom) "signifies a nominal office of a embarrass each other, the whole has no million sterling a year, the business of which bounds; and the only right it acknowledges consists in receiving the money. Whether out of itself, is the right of petitioning. the person" (meaning the king of this realm) Where then is the constitution either that" be wise or foolish, sane or insane, a native gives or that restrains power. It is not because a part of the government" (meaning the government of this kingdom)" is elective, that makes it less a despotism. If the persons so elected possess afterwards, as a parliament, unlimited powers, election, in this case, becomes separated from representation, and the candidates are candidates for despotism." And in another part thereof, according to the tenor and effect following, (that is to say)" The attention of the government of England (for I rather choose to call it by this name than the English government) appears, since its political connexion with Germany, to have been so completely engrossed and absorbed by foreign affairs, and, the means of raising taxes, that it seems to exist for no other purposes. Domestic concerns are neglected; and with respect to regular law, there is scarcely such a thing." And in another part thereof, according to the tenor and effect following, (that is to say) "With respect to the two Houses of which the English Parliament" (meaning the Parliament of this kingdom)" is composed, they appear to be effectually influenced into one, and, as a legislature, to have no temper of its own. The minister," (meaning the mi-; nister employed by the king of this realm, in the administration of the government thereof)" whoever he at any time may be, touches it" (meaning the two Houses of Parliament of this kingdom) "as with an opium wand, and it" (meaning the two Houses of Parlia-,

or a foreigner, matters not; every ministry” (meaning the ministry employed by the king of this realm in the administration of the government thereof) "acts upon the same idea that Mr. Burke writes, namely, that the people" (meaning the subjects of this kingdoni) " must be hoodwinked and held in superstitious ignorance by some bugbear or other; and what is called the crown" (meaning the crown of this kingdom)" answers this purpose, and therefore it answers all the purposes to be expected from it. This is more than can be said of the other two branches. The hazard to which this office" (meaning, amongst others, the office of king of this realm) " is exposed in all countries," (meaning, amongst others, this kingdom)" is not from any thing that can happen to the man," (meaning the king) "but from what may happen to the nation," (meaning, amongst others, this kingdom)" the danger of coming to its senses." And in another part thereof, according to the tenor and effect following, (that is to say) " I happened to be in England at the celebration of the centenary of the revolution of 1688. The characters of William and Mary" (meaning the said late king William and queen Mary)" have always appeared to me detestable; the one" (meaning the said late king William)" seeking to destroy his uncle, and the other" (meaning the said queen Mary)" her father, to get possession of power themselves. Yet as the nation was disposed to think something of that

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event, I felt hurt at seeing it ascribe the Rights, and the happy constitution and

gowhole reputation of it to a man” (meaning vernment of this kingdom, as by law estabthe said late king William the third)“ who lished, and to bring the constitution, legislahad undertaken it as a job, and who, besides tion, and government, of this kingdom into what he otherwise got, charged six hundred hatred and contempt with his majesty's subthousand pounds for the expense of the little jects; and to stir up and excite discontents fleet that brought him from Holland. George and seditions among his majesty's subjects. the First” (meaning George the First, late And to fulfil, perfect, and bring to effect his king of Great Britain, &c.) “ acted the game said wicket, malicious, and seditious intenclose-fisted part as William” (meaning the tions, on the said sixteenth day of February, said king William the Third) “ had done, and in the thirty-second year aforesaid, at London bought the duchy of Bremen with the money aforesaid, in the parish and ward aforesaid, he got from England, two hundred and fifty he, the said Thomas Paine, wickedly, mali. thousand pounds over and above his pay as ciously, and seditiously, did write and publish, king; and having thus purchased it at the and cause and procure to be written and pubexpense of England, added it to his Hano- lished, a certain other false, scandalous, maverian dominions for his own private profit. licious and seditious libel, in which, amongst In fact, every nation that does not govern other things, are contained certain false, scanitself is governed as a job. England has been dalous, malicious, and seditious matters, of the prey of jobs ever since the revolution.” and concerning the character of the said late And in another part thereof, according to the sovereign lord king William the Third, and tenor and cffect following that is to say) the said revolution and the said Parliament, “ The fraud, hypocrisy, and imposition of and the laws and statutes of this realm, and governments” (meaning amongst others, the the happy constitution and government government of this kingdom)“ are now be thereof, as by law established, according gianing to be too well understood to promise to the tenor and effect following (that is them any long career. The farce of mo- to say) “ The history of the Edwards narchy and aristocracy in all countries is and the Henries,” (meaning Edwards and following that of chivalry, and Mr. Burke is Henries, heretofore kings of England) “ and dressing for the funeral. Let it, then, pass up to the commencement of the Stuarts," quietly to the tomb of all other follies, and meaning Stuarts, heretofore kings of Engthe mourners be comforted. The time is not land) “ exhibits as many instances of tyranny very distant when England will laugh at it as could be acted within the limits to which self for sending to Holland, Hanover, Zell, or the nation” (meaning England).“ had reBrunswick, for men” (meaning the kings of stricted it. The Stuarts” (meaning Stuarts, these realms, born out of the same, who have heretofore king of England) . endeavoured acceded to the crown thereof at and since the to pass those limits, and their fate is well revolution) “ at the expense of a million a known. In all those instances we see nothing year, who understood neither her laws, her of a constitution, but only of restrictions on language, nor her interest, and whose capa- assumed power. After this, another Williain,” cities would scarcely have fitted them for the (meaning the said late king William the office of a parish constable. If government Third)“ descended from the same stock, and could be trusted to such hands, it must be claiming from the same origin, gained pos some easy and simple thing indeed, and ma- session;" (meaning possession of the crown terials fit for all the purposes may be found of England)" and of the two evils, James in every town and village in England." In and William,” (meaning James the Second, contempt of our said lord the king and his heretofore king of England, and the said laws, to the evil example of all others in the king William the Third) “ the nation” (meanlike case oftending, and against the peace of ing England) “ preferred what it thought the our said lord the king, his crown and dignity. least, since from circumstances it must take And the said attorney-general of our said lord The act called the Bill of Rights" the king, for our said lord the king, further (meaning, the said statute, declaring the gives the court here to understand and be rights and liberties of the subject, commonly informed, that the said Thomas Paine being called the Bill of Rights) comes here into a wicked, seditious, and ill-disposed, person, view. What is it” (meaning the said last and wickedly, seditiously, and maliciously mentioned statute)" but a bargain which the intending to scandalize, traduce, and vility, parts of the government made with each the character of the said late sovereign lord, other to divide powers, profits, and priviking William the Third, and the said late leges ?" (Meaning that the said last-menhappy. revolution, and the Parliament of tioned statute was a bargain which the parts England, by whose means the same was of government in England made with each established, commonly called the Convention other to divide powers, profits, and privileges) Parliament; and the laws and statutes of "You shall have so much, and I will have. this realm limiting and establishing the suc- the rest. And with respect to the nation" cession to the crown of this kingdom, and the meaning England)." it said, for your share statute declaring the rights and liberties of you shall have the right of petitioning. This the subject, commonly called the Bill of being the case, the Bill of Rights” (meaning VOL. XXII.

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the said last-mentioned statute) « is more subjects ; arid to fulfil, perfect, and bring to properly a Bill of Wrongs and of insult. As effect bis said wicked, malicious, and seditious to what is called the Convention Parliament,” intentions, on the said sixteenth day of Fe(meaning the aforesaid parliament of Eng-bruary, in the thirty-second year aforesaid, land commonly called the Convention Parlia- at London aforesaid, in the parish and ward ment) "it" (meaning the aforesaid parliament aforesaid, he, the said Thomas Paine, wickof England commonly called the Convention edly, maliciously and seditiously, did print and Parliament)“ was a thing that made itself, and publish, and cause and procure to be printed then made the authority by which it acted. and published a certain other false, scanA few persons got together, and called them- dalous, malicious, and seditious libel, in which, selves by that name. Several of them had amongst other things, are contained certain never been elected, and none of them for the false, scandalous, malicious, and seditious, purpose. From the time of William,” (mean matters, of and concerning the character of ing the said King William the Third) the said late soverein lord king William the species of government” (meaning government Third, and the said revolution, and the said of England) arose, issuing out of this parliament, and the laws and statutes of this coalition Bill of Rights;”. (meaning the said realm, and the happy constitution and gostatute, declaring the rights and liberties of vernment thereof, as by law established, the subject) “and more so since the cor- according to the tenor and effect following, ruption introduced at the Hanover succes. (that is to say) “ The history of the Edwards sion,” (meaning the succession of the heirs and the Henries,” (meaning Edwards and Henof the princess Sophia, electress and duchess ries heretofore kings of England)" and up to dowager of Hanover, to the crown and the commencement of the Stuarts,” (meaning dignity of this kingdom) “ by the agency Stuarts, heretofore kings of England) “ eso of Walpole, that” (meaning the said species hibits as many instances of tyaanny as could of government) can be described by no be acted within the limits to which the other name than a despotic legislation. nation” (meaning England) “ had restricted Though the parts may embarrass each other, it. The Stuarts” (meaning Stuarts, heretofore the whole has no bounds; and the only riglit kings of England) “ endeavoured to pass it acknowledges out of itself, is the right of those limits, and their fate is well known. -petitioning. Where then is the constitution In all those instances we see nothing of a either that gives or that restrains power? It constitution, but only of restrictions on asis not because a part of the government” | sumed power. After this, another William,” (meaning the government of this kingdom) (meaning the said late king William the Third) is elective, that makes it less a despotism. If i descended from the same stock, and claim. the persons so elected possess afterwards, as ing from the same origin, gained possession;" a parliament, unlimited powers, election, in (meaning possession of the crown of England) this case, becomes separated from represen- « and of the two evils, James and William, tation, and the candidates are candidates for (meaning James the Second, heretofore king despotism.". In contempt of our said lord of England, and the said king William the the king and his laws, to the evil example of Third)“ the nation” (meaning England) “preall others in the like case offending, and ferred what it thought least, since from ciragainst the peace of our said lord the king, cumstances it must take one. The act called his crown and dignity. And the said attorney- the Bill of Rights” (meaning the said statute, general of our said lord the king, for our said declaring the rights and liberties of the Iord the king, further gives the court here to subject, commonly called the Bill of Rights) understand and be informed, that the said “comes here into view. What is it” (meaning Thomas Paine being a wicked, seditious, and the said late-mentioned statute) “ but a barill.disposed person, and wickedly, seditiously, gain which the parts of the government made and maliciously intending to scandalize, with each other to divide powers, profits, and traduce, and vilify the character of the said privileges?” (meaning that the said last-menlate sovereign lord king William the Third, tioned statute was a bargain which the parts of

and the said late bappy revolution, and the the government in England made with each * Parliament of England by whose means the other to divide powers, profits, and privileges) same was established, commonly called the “ You shall have so much, and I will have the Convention Parliament; and the laws and rest. And with respect to the nation,” (meaning statutes of this realm, limiting and establish- England) “ it said, for your share you shall ing the succession to the crown of this kings have the right of petitioning:- This being dom; and the statute declaring the rights and the case, the Bill of Rights” (meaning the liberties of the subject, commonly called the said last-mentioned statute)" is more properly Bill of Rights; and the happy constitution a Bill of Wrongs and of insult. As to what is and government of this kingdom as by law called the convention parliament,". (meaning established; and to bring the constitution, the aforesaid parliament of England) “ it? legislation, and government of this kingdom (meaning the aforesaid parliament of Enginto hatred and contempt with his majesty's land, commudly called the Convention Parsubjects ;--and to suir up and excile discon. liament) “ was a thing that made itself, tents and seditions among his majesty's and then made the authority by which it

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acted; a few persons got together and called | thereof, and of and concerning the king and themselves by that name; several of them the two Houses of Parliament of this kinghad never been elected, and none of them dom, according to the tenor and effect followfor the purpose. From the time of William” | ing, viz. “ Having thus glanced at some of (meaning the said king William the Third)/ the defects of the two Houses of Parliament," “a species of government” (meaning the meaning the parliament of this kingdom) government of England)“ arose, issuing out “ I proceed to what is called the crown," of this coalition Bill of Rights;” (meaning (meaning the crown of this kingdom,)“ upon the said statute declaring the rights and which I shall be very concise. It” (meaning liberties of the subject) “ and more so since the crown of this kingdom)“ signifies a nomithe corruption introduced at the Hanover nal office of a million sterling a year, the succession” (meaning the succession of the business of which consists in receiving the heirs of the princess Sophia, electress, and money; whether the person” (meaning the duchess dowager of Hanover to the crown king of this realm) “ be wise or foolish, sane and dignity of this kingdom)“ by the agency or insane, a native or a foreigner, matters not; of Walpole: “ that” (meaning the said every ministry” (meaning the ministry emspecies of government) can be described ployed by the king of this realm in the admiby no other name than a despotic legislation : | Distration of the government thereof) “ acts though the parts may embarrass each other, upon the same idea that Mr. Burke writes, the whole has no bounds; and the only right namely, that the people” (meaning the subit acknowledges, out of itself, is the right jects of this kingdom)“ must be hoodwinked of petitioning.-Where then is the constitu- and held in superstitious ignorance by some tion either that gives, or that restrains power? bugbear or other; and what is called the It is not because a part of the government” crown” (meaning the crown of this kingdom) (meaning the government of this kingdom) “ answers this purpose, and therefore it is elective that makes it less a despotism, answers all the purposes to be expected from if the persons so elected possess afterwards, it: this is more than can be said of the other as a parliament, unlimited powers. Election two branches. The hazard to which this in this case becomes separated from repre- office” (meaning, amongst others, the office of sentation, and the canditates are candidates king of this realm)" is exposed in all counfor despotism.” In contempt of our said tries” (meaning, amongst others, this kinglord the king and his laws, to the evil example dom)“ is not from any thing that can happen of all others in the like case offending, and to the man,” (meaning the king) 6 but from against the peace of our said lord the king, what may happen to the nation,” (meaning, his crown, and dignity. And the said at- amongst others this kingdom)“ the danger torney-general of our said lord the king, of its coming to its senses." In contempt for our said lord the king, further gives of our said lord the king, and his laws, the court here to understand and be in to the evil example of all others in the formed, that the said Thomas Paine being like case offending, and against the peace of a wicked, malicious, seditious, and ill dis- our said lord the king, his crown, and dignity. posed person, and being greatly disaffected And the said attorney-general of cur said lord

' to our said present sovereign lord the king, the king, for our lord the king, further gives and wickedly, maliciously, and seditiously in- the court here to understand and be informed, tending, devising, and contriving to traduce that the said Thomas Paine, being a wicked, and vilify our sovereign lord the king, and the malicious, seditious, and ill-disposed person, two Houses of Parliament of this kingdom, and being greatly disaffected to our said preand the constitution and government of this sent sovereign lord the king, and wickedly, kingdom, and the administration of the go- maliciously, and seditiously intending, devisvernment thereof, and to stir up and excite ing, and contriving to traduce and vility our discontents and seditions amongst bis Majesty's sovereign lord the king, and the two Houses of subjects, and to alienate and withdraw the Parliament of this kingdom, and the constituaffection, fidelity, and allegiance of his said tion and government of this kingdom, and the majesty's subjects from his said majesty; and administration of the government thereof, to fulil, perfect, and bring to effect

, his said and to stir up and excite discontents and wicked, malicious, and seditious intentions, seditions amongst his majesty's subjects, and on the said sixteenth day of February, in the to alienate and withdraw the affection, fidethirty-second year aforesaid, at London afore- lity, and allegiance of his said majesty's subsaid," in the parish and ward aforesaid, he, jects from his said majesty; and to fulfil, the said Thomas Paine, wickedly, seditiously, perfect, and bring to effect his said wicked, and maliciously did write and publish, and malicious, and seditious intentions, on the cause to be written and published, a certain said sixteenth day of February, in the thirtyother false, scandalous, malicious, and sedi-second year aforesaid, at London aforesaid, in tious libel; in which 'libel, amongst other the parish and ward aforesaid, he, the said things, are contained certain false, scandalous, Thomas Paine, wickedly, seditiously, and malicious, and seditious matters, of and con- maliciously did print and publish, and cause cerning the crown of this kingdom, and the to be printed and published, a certain other ķing's administration of the government false, scandalous, malicious, and seditious

libel; in which libel, amongst other things, | majesty's subjects, and to alienate and withare contained certain false, scandalous, mali- draw the affection, fidelity, and allegiance of cious and seditious matters, of and concerning his majesty's subjects from his said present the crown of this kingdom, and the king's majesty; and to fulfil, perfect, and bring to administration of the government thereof, effect his said wicked, inalicious and seditious and of and concerning the king and the two intentions, on the said sixteenth day of FeHouses of Parliament of this kingdom, accord-bruary, in the thirty-second year of the reign ing to the tenor and effect following, viz. of our lord the now king, at London aforesa “ Having thus glanced at some of the defects in the parish and ward' aforesaid, wickedly, of the two Houses of Parliament,” (meaning maliciously, and seditiously, did write and of the parliament of this kingdom)“ I proceed publish, and cause to be written and published, to what is called the crown,” (meaning the a certain other false, wicked, malicious, scancrown of this kingdom) “ upon which I shall dalous, and seditious libel; in which same be very concise. "Il” (meaning the crown of libel, amongst other things, are contained this kingdom)“ signifies a nominal office of a certain false, wicked, malicious, scandalous, million sterling a year, the business of which and seditious matters, of and concerning the consists in receiving the money; whether the said king William and queen Mary, and the person” (meaning the king of this realm)“ be said king George the first, and the said Revowise or foolish, sane or insane, a native or a lution, according to the tenor and effect folforeigner, inatters not, every ministry” (mean- lowing, that is to say, “ I happened to be in ing the ministry employed by the king of this England at the celebration of the centenary of realm in the administration of the govern- the Revolution of 1688.” (meaning the said ment thereof)“ acts upon the same idea that Revolution) “ The characters of William and Mr. Burke writes, namely, that the people" Mary” (meaning the said late king William (meaning the subjects of this kingdom) and queen Mary) « have always appeared to

must be hoodwinked and held in supersti- me detestable; the one” (meaning the said tious ignorance by some bugbear or other, king William) “ seeking to destroy his uncle, and what is called the crown" (meaning the and the other” (meaning the said queen Mary) crown of this kingdom)“ answers this purpose “ her father, to get possession of power themand therefore it answers all the purposes to selves; yet, as the nation was disposed to be expected from it: this is more than can think something of that event, I felt hurt at be said of the other two branches. The seeing it ascribe the whole reputation of it to hazard to which this office” (meaning amongst a man” (meaning the said late king William others, the office of king of this realm) " is the Third) “ who had undertaken it as a job; exposed in all countries” (meaning, amongst and who, besides what he otherwise got, others, this kingdom)“ is not from any thing charged six hundred thousand pounds for the that can happen to the man,”. (meaning the expense of the little fleet that brought him king) “ but from what may happen to the from Holland. George the First” (meaning nation” (meaning, amongst others, this king-George the First, late king of Great Britain, dom)“ the danger of its coming to its senses." &c.) « acted the same close-fisted part as In contempt of our said lord the king and his William” (meaning the said king William the laws, to the evil example of all others in the Third) “ had done, and bought the duchy of like case offending, and against the peace of Bremen with the money he got from England, our said lord the king, his crown, and dignity. two hundred and fifty thousand pounds over And the said attorney-general of our said lord and above his pay as king; and having thus the king, for our said lord the king, further purchased it at the expense of England, added giveth the court here to understand and be it to his Hanoverian dominions for his own informed, that the said Thomas Paine, being private protit: in fact, every nation that does a wicked, malicious, seditious, and ill disposed not govern itself is governed as a job: Engperson, and being greatly disaffected to our land has been the prey of jobs ever since the said lord the king, and the constitution and Revolution” (meaning the aforesaid Revolugovernment of this kingdom, and wickedly tion). In contempt of our said lord the king maliciously, and seditiously intending, de- and'his laws, to the evil and pernicious examvising, and contriving to asperse, defame, and ple of all others in the like case offending, vilify the characters of the late sovereign lord and against the peace of our said lord the and lady William and Mary, herctofore king king, his crown and dignity. And the said and queen of England, and of George the attorney-general of our said lord the king, for First, heretofore king of Great Britain, &c.; our said lord the king, further gives the Court and to asperse, defame, and vilify, the happy here to understand and be informed, that the Revolution, providentially effected under the said Thomas Paine, being a wicked, maliwise and prudent conduct of the said king cious, seditious, and ill-disposed person, and William and queen Mary, and to bring the said being greatly disaffected to our said lord the Revolution and the characters of the said king king, and the constitution and government of William and queen Mary, and king George this kingdom, and wickedly, maliciously, and the First, into hatred and contempt with the seditiously intending, devising, and contriving subjects of this realm, and to stir up and to asperse, defame, and vilify the characters excite discontents and seditions among his of the late sovereigo lord and lady William


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