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lord viscount Strangford be then brought in for the reading the same a second time should custody to the bar of this House.

be forthwith sent to the said Philip lord vis. On which day the House proceeded to take count Strangford. into consideration what further becomes the On the next day, April 23rd, the messenger justice and dignity of this House respecting who served lord Strangford with a copy of the Jord viscount Strangford according to the bill, and also with the order for the second resolution of Saturday last.

reading of the same, was called in, and exaResolved, by the lords spiritual and tem- mined touching the service of the copy of the poral in parliament assembled, nemine dissen- said bill and order, pursuant to the said order tiente, that the lord viscount Strangford ought for that purpose. to be disabled from sitting in parliament,

or Then the bill was read a second time, and making any proxy; and that the judges be the clerk-assistant to the House of Peers was directed to prepare a bill for that purpose. called in and examined; and the original letter

Lord viscount Strangford was brought to sent to this House by the Lords, together with the bar, and the lord chancellor acquainted the said engrossed bill, was shown to him at him with the resolutions of the House re- the bar, and he declared that he was present specting his conduct, and he was then, by in the House of Peers when lord Strangford order of the House, discharged from the cus- acknowledged that he wrote the said letter. tody of the gentleman usher.

The said messenger also said, that there On Wednesday, the 14th, lord Carysfort, was a cause depending in the House of Lords, presented to the House a bill, for disabling wherein Gustavus Hume, esq. was plaintiff, Philip lord viscount Strangford, from sitting and William Burton, esq. was defendant, in parliament or making any proxy therein, which was ordered to be heard on Wednesday and also from sitting and voting on the trial the 28th of January last, and that George of any peer.

Rochfort, esq. is the father of the said GusThe said bill was read the first time, and it tavus Hume. was ordered that it should be read a second The letter was read. time on the following Saturday the 17th, that On the next day the bill was committed, Jord Strangford should have a copy of the bill, several amendments were made to it, and the and that notice should be given to him of the bill so amended was read a third time and said second reading; accordingly on Saturday passed. the 17th, the bill was read a second time. On the 26th it was returned to the Lords, James Corry being by order called in and who on the following day agreed to the Comsworn at the bar, he proved the service of a mons' amendments. copy of the said bill on lord viscount Strang- And on May 14th, the act received the royal ford, and that his lordship had notice that the assent. said bill was to be read a second time on that It is stat. 23 & 24, Geo. 3, cap. 59, and reday.

cites, that, whereas a certain cause of great On Tuesday, the 20th, the bill was com- moment was depending in the House of mitted and reported, with some amendments Lords, between Gustavus Hume, esq. and which had been made to it in the committee, William Burton, esq., which was appointed and which were agreed to by the House. to be heard on Wednesday, the 28th day of

On Wednesday the 21st, the bill was read | January, 1784; and whereas George Rocha third time and passed. And a message fort, esq. is father to the said Gustavus Hume, was sent to the House of Commons by two esq.; and whereas lord viscount Strangford, of the masters in chancery, to carry down pending the said cause, sent to the said

the said bill, and desire their concurrence George Rochfort, a letter all in his own handthereto; and also that the original letter writing, bearing, date the 10th day of . from lord viscount Strangford to George January; [Here the letter is set forth.] * Rochfort, esq. dated 10th January, together And whereas it hath been resolved by the

with an attested copy of the minutes of lords spiritual and temporal in parliament aswhat passed in this House on the 24th of sembled, nemine dissentiente, that it apMarch last, the 8th, 10th, 12th, 14th, and peared to the said House, that the said lord 17th April last, be carried down to the House viscount Strangford in writing and sending of of Commons, and delivered with the said the said letter of the 10th of January, directed bill, as containing the grounds and evidence to the said George Rochfort, esq., hath acted upon which the Lords have proceeded in criminally and corruptly; and whereas it was passing the said bill.'

also resolved, by the Lords spiritual and temOn the following day the Loris gave leave poral in parliament assembled, nemine disto their clerk-assistant to attend the House of sentiente, that the lord viscount Strangford Commons on the morrow, to be examined if ought to be disabled from sitting in parlianecessary upon the bill.

ment, or making any proxy, and that the On the same day, April 22nd, in the House judges be directed to prepare a bill for that of Commons the bill was read a first time, purpose : and ordered to be read a second time on the It then proceeds to enact, that from and morrow, and also it was ordered that a copy after the passing of this act, lord Strangford of the said ingrossed bill, and also the order shall be, and is hereby disabled from sitting

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and voting, in this or any future parliament,* | Printed Rolls of Parliament, vol. 5, p. 514.-⚫ and from making a proxy or proxies to act; or vote for him in the same, and also from sit❝ting and voting on the trial of any peer.'

In the Rolls of Parliament is a history of degradation by act of parliament, in the time of Edward 4th, from the peerage. The statute by which this was operated is exhibited in the printed Rolls of Parl. vol. 6, p. 173.

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Rotulus Parliamenti Summoniti apud
Westm', xxix die Aprilis, Anno Regni
Regis Edwardi Quarti Tertio, & usque, in
Annum Quartum continuati.

Resumptio. On the 21st day of January, 1464-5, for dyvers causes, and considerations concernyng the honour and prosperite of 'the kyng our soverayne lord, and also the common wele, defence and welfare of this reame, and of his subgettes of the same, hit is ordeyned, enacte and stablished, by th' 'avis and assent of the lords spuelx and temporelx, and of the commons, in this pre'sent parlement assembled, and by auctorite of the same; that the kyng, fro the fest of the purification of oure lady, the yere of oure 'Lord MCCCCLXIII, have, take, seise, hold and joy, all honours, castelles, lordships, townes, towneships, maners, londes, tenementes, wastes, forestes, chaces, rentes, annuitees,

' and commoditees of Shires, which he had the 'th day of Marche the first yere of his reigne, by reason of his coroune of Englond,

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Rotul. Parl. XVII, Edw. iv, memb. 16. Degradatio Georgii Neveli de nomine duc.' Wher afore this tyme, the kyng oure soverayne lord, for the gret zeell and love he bare to John Nevell, late named marquies Mounttague, and oder considerations hym moved, erecte and made George Nevell, the eldest son of the seid marques, to be duke of Bedford; and at that tyme, for the gret love his seid highnesse bare to the seid John Nevell, purposed and intended to have guyffen to the seid George, for sustenta-reversions, fermes, services, issues, profittes tion of the same dignite, sufficiaunt liffelode : and for the grett offences, unkyndnese, and mysbehavyngs that the seid John Nevell hath doon and commytted to his seid high-his duchie of Cornewaill, principalte of Wales, nes as is openly knowen, he hath no cause ' and erledome of Chestre, or eny of theym; to departe any liffelode to the seid George. ' or that he had, or apperteyned or belonged And for so moch, as it is openly knowen that to hym, the said 1111th day of Marche, or eny the same George hath not, nor by enherit- tyme after, afore the seid fest, by reason of aunce mey have, eny lyffelode to support the 'his duchie of Lancastr', or by the forfeiture seid name, estate and dignite, or eny name of Henry the vite, late in dede and not in of estate; and ofte tymes it is sen', that when right kyng of Englond, in Englond, Irlond, eny lord is called to high estate, and have not 'Wales, and marches therof, Guysnes and liffelode conveniently to support the same Caleis, and marches therof, and passed from dignite, it induces gret poverte, indigens, and hym, the seid 1111th day of Marche, or eny causes oftymes grete extortion, embracere, tyme after, and afore the seid fest, by his lres and mayntenaunce to be had, to the grete patentes to eny persone or persones, in fee trouble of all such contres wher such estate symple,' fee taille, terme of lyfe, or terme of shall hape to be inhabitet. Wherfore theyeres. And that the kyng have and joy kyng by the advyse and assent of his lordes spirituell and temporell, and the comons, in this present parliament assembled, and by the auctorite of the same, ordened, establisith, and enactith, that fro hens forth, the same erection and makyng of duke, and all the names of dignite guyffen to the seid George, or to the seid John Nevell his fader, be from hens forth voyd and of no effecte: and that the same George and his heires, from hens forth be no dukes, nor marques, erle nor baron,force nor effecte.' nor be reputet nor taken for no dukes, nor marques, erle nor baron, for no erection or creation afor made; bot of that name of duke and marques, erle and baron, in hym and his heirez cesse and be voide, and of non effecte; the seid erection or creation notwithstondyng.

The four following statutes throw some light on the business.

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'every of the premisses, in like estate and condition, as he had theym the seid th day of Marche, or after. And also that all yeftes, grauntes and releses, made by the kyng the seid 11th day of Marche, or eny time after, afore the seid fest, to eny persone or persones, of eny of the premisses, in fee symple, fee taille, terme of lyfe or terme of yeres, under eny of his seales, be from the seid fest of the purification voide, and of noo

But from the operation of this enactment of resumption are very many exceptions,* the detailed descriptions of which occupy upwards of thirty three folio pages of the printed Rolls of Parliament, among them is the following: That this acte extend not 'to eny graunte or grauntes afore this tyme made to eny lord not attainted, of eny rent For annuite, for the sustentation of his name and estate; nor to noon office nor offices,

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See in the case of the earl of Macclesfield, ante vol. xvi, pp. 1401, 1402, the protests entered against negativing the motion, That the said earl shall never sit in parliament, ⚫ nor come within the verge of the Court.'

* Some of these exceptions seem to be made merely by the king's warrant under his signet, without any special concurrence of the other branches of the legislature.

which were office or offices the seid 11th day of Marche or afore, and nedeth actuell 'exercise, graunted the seid 11th day of Marche or after, to eny persone or persones for terine of his lyfe or their lyfes, with fees, wages and profittes, to the same office or 'offices afore the seid 11th day of Marche 'due and accustumed.'

And in the Parliament, which met on the 3d of June, 1467, Edw. 4. passed a like act of Resumption with some exceptions (see Rot. Parl. 7 & 8, Edw. 4, mem. 2).-(Printed Rolls Parliament, vol. 5, p. 572).

In this statute the exception corresponding to that which I have above transcribed is expressed as follows, viz.

Provided, that this acte, nor nothyng conteyned therin, extend to eny graunte or grauntes afore this tyme made to eny lord not attaynted, of eny rent or annuite in or for his creation, supportation, or sustentation of his name, honour and estate. Nor to 'eny graunte made to eny persone or persones, of eny office or offices, which were office or offices the seid 1111th day of Marche or afore, and nedeth actuell excercise, other than the seid offices of sergeaunt of armes, graunted 'the seid 11th day of Marche or after, to eny 'persone or persones, for terme of his lyfe or their lyfes, with fees, wages and profittes, to the same office or offices due and accus'tumed.'-(See Rot. Parl. 7 and 8 Edw. 4, mem. 8; vol. 5, p. 573).

Rotul. Parliament. xiv. Edw. iv. Mem. 16.
Pro duce Glouc'.

The kyng oure sovereigne lord, consideryng the grete and horible treasons and other offenses doon to his highnes, by John Nevile late marquys Mountague, entended by the auctorite of this present parlement, to have atteynted and disabled the said late marquys and his heires for ever, accordyng to his demerites, which to doo the same, oure sovereigne lord, at the humble request and prayer, as well of his right dere brother Richard duc of Gloucestr', and other lordes of his blode, as of other of his lordes, spareth and will no ferther in that behalf procede: Nevertheles the same our sovereigne lord, remembryng the grete and laudable service, that his seid right dere brother Richard duc of Gloucestr' hath dyvers tymes doon to his highnes, by th' advis and assent of the lordes spirituels and temporelx, and commens, in this present parlement assembled, and by th' auctorite of the same, ordeyneth, establissheth and enacteth, this present xx day of Februarie, that his said brother have, hold, possede and enyoie, to him and his heires of his body laufully begoten, also long as there be any heire mayle begoten of the body of the said marquys, the honours, castelx, lordships and maners of Midelham, and Shirefhoton, with all their membres and appurtenaunces, the lordships and maners of Estlillyng, Elvyngton, Skir


penbek, Yaresthorp, Raskell, Houke, Scoreby, Wilberfosse, Stanfordbrig, Hundburton, Knapton, Rise in Holdernes, Sutton upon Derwent, Shirborn in Hertfordhith, Appiton in Ridale, Sutton in Galtresse, and Thorlesthorp, Carleton with Coverdale in Coverdale, West Witton, Wodhall, Ketilwell in Craven, Newbigyng, Thoratby with Bisshopesdale, Burton, Baynbrig with the vale of Wynsladale, Braith by, Carleton in Clevelond, Little Crakehall, waite, Aykescarth, Crakehall, Busseby, FaceBowes, Newforest, Arkelgarthdale, Hopes, otherwise called Esthope, Westhope, Multon, Forset, Gillyng, Salkeld, Soureby, Langwathby, Scotby and Carlaton, with all the appurtenauncez; the barony of Worton, fre chace in Wynsladale, ten pound of rent, goyng oute yerely of the castell and maner of Wilton, the toll of Bowes, Leanyng, Difford and Smeton, the wapentakes or baillewykes of Langbergh, Hang, Halikeld and Gillyng; the advousons of the chirches of Moremonketon, Walkyngton and Elvyngton, and of a chaunterrie in the chirch of Appilton, a mille in Richemond, and the issues and profittes of a ferme called Litterme, the half of the soile and wod of Snape, called the Westwode, all homages, rentes, called Castelward, knyght's fees, rentes and services of free tenauntez, to the castell, honour and lordship of Richemond, or to any parcell therof belongyng, perteynyng, or owyng to perteyne; the which honours, castelx, lordships, maners, londes, tenementes, and all other the premisses, late were Richard Nevile late erle of Warwyk, or any other persones or persone to the use of the same erle. Also the kyng oure said sovereigne lord, by the assent and auctorite beforesaid, ordeyneth and enactcth, that his said brother have, hold, possede and envoie, to hymn and his said heires, also long as there be any heire male begoten of the said body of the said late marquys, all other londes, telementes, rentes, revercions, services and heriditaments whatsoever, the which also were the said late erle's, or any other persone or persones to the use of the said erle, in Shirefhoton, Midelham, Estlillyng, Elvyngton, Skirpenbek, Yaresthorp, Raskell, Houke, Scoreby, Wylberfosse, Stanfordbrig, Hundburton, Knapton, Rise in Holdernes, Sutton upon Derwent, Shirburn in Hertfordlith, Appilton Ridall, Sutton in Galtresse, Moremonkton, Walkyngton, Elvyngton, Catton, Towthorp, Brian Askham, Wedirby, Teneryngton, Westlillyng, Riton, Bugthorp, Towthorp uppon the Wold, Wynsladale, Worton, Carleton, Westwitton, Wodhall, Ketilwell in Craven, Newbigyng, Thoralby, Bisshopesdale Burton, Baynbryg, Braithwait, Aykescarth, Crakehall, Busby, Faceby, Carleton in Clevelond, Litle Crakehall, Bowes, Newe Forest, Arkelgarth-dale, Hopes, Multon, Forset, Gillyng, Wilton, Walden, Kerperby, Lyrtyngton, Barnyngham, Stanhowkeld, Bolton, Fegherby, Sowthcouton, Coldconyngstone, Hilderivell, Rand, Neuton, Herlesey, Salkyld, Penreth, Soureby, Lang

wathby, Scotby and Carlaton, with their appurtenaunces, and with knyghten fees, advousons of chirches, abbeys, priories, hospitals, chapels, and other benefices of the chirche whatsoever, chaseis, warennez, fraunchesies, liberties, privileges, feyres, merketts, and all other profittes whatsoever, to the said maners and other the premysses belongyng or apperteynyng: Saving to all the kyng's liege people and their heires not atteynted, other then the heires male of the body of the said late marquys begoten, and Isabell late his wyf, and other then oure said sovereigne lord and his heires, and the lordes of whome any of the premysses be holdyn and their heires, as for any ward of any part of the same, by reason of the nonnage of the heires males of the body of the said marques begoten, and the heires of Richard late erle of Salesbury, and the feoffes of the same erle, and the feoffes of Richard late erle of Warwyk, and the feoffes to the use of the said Richard late erle of Salesbury, and the feoffes to the use of the said Richard late erle of Warwyk, and their heires and assignes, and the heires and assignes of every of theym, in and of the premisses and every part therof, such right, title and interesse, as they had or shuld have had if this acte had never been made. Also it is ordeyned by the said auctorite, that if the said issue male of the body of the said John Nevill knyght begoten or comyng, dye withoute issue mayle of their bodies Comyng, lyfyng the said duc; that then the said duc to have and enyoie all the premisses for terme of his lyfe.-Printed Rolls Parl. vol. 6, p. 124, 125.

Rotul. Parliament. xiv Edw. IV. Memb. 17.
Pro duce Claren'.

The kyng oure sovereigne lord, consideryng the grete and horrible treasons and other offenses doon to his highnes, by John Nevile late marquys Mountague, entended by th' auctorite of this present parlement, to have atteynted and disabled the said marquys and his heires for ever, accordyng to his demerites, which to doo the same, oure sovereigne lord, at the humble request and prayer, as well of his right dere brother George duc of Clarence, and other lordes of his blode, as of other his lordes, spareth, and woll no ferther in that behalf procede: Nevertheles the same oure sovereigne lord, remembryng the grete and laudable service, that his said right dere brother George duc of Clarence hath dyvers tymes doon to his highnes, by th' advice and assent of the lordes spirituelx and temporels, and the commens, in this present parlement assembled, and by th' auctorite of the same, ordeyneth, establissheth and enacteth, this present xx1111 day of Februarie, that his said brother have, hold, possede and enyoie, to hym and his heires of his body laufully begoten, also long as there be any heire mayle begoten of the bodye of the said marquys, the lordship and manere of Claveryng, with the membres and appurtenaunces of the

same in the counte of Essex, the mansion or mease called the Herber, and 11 meases therto annexed, with th' appurtenaunces in the cite of London; the which lordship, maner, mansion and meases, late were Richard Nevile late erle of Warwyk, or any other persones or persone to th' use of the said erle : Savyng to all the kyng's liege people and their heires not atteynted, other then the heires male of the body of the said late marquys begoten, and Isabell late his wyfe, and other then our said sovereigne lord and his heires, and the lordes of whome any of the be holden and their heires, as for any warde premysses of any part of the same, by reason of the nonnage of the heires males of the body of the said marques begoten, and the heires of Richard late erle of Salesbury, and the feoffes of the same erle, and the feoffes of Richard late erle of Warwyk, and the feoffes to th use of the said Richard late erle of Salisbury, and the feoffes to th' use of the said Richard late erle of Warwyk, and their heires and assignes, and the heires and assignes of every of theym, in and of the premysses and every part therof, such right, title and interesse, as they had or shuld have had if this acte had never be made. Also it is ordeyned by the said auctorite, that if the said issue male of the body of the said John Nevile knyght begoten or comyng, dye withoute issue male of their bodies comyng, lyfyng the said duc; that then the said duc to have and enyoie all the premisses for terme of his lyfe.-Printed Rolls Parl. vol. 6, p. 125.

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Dr. Henry says, In a parliament that was then (1467) sitting at Westminster, an act passed empowering the king to resume the 'estates he had given away (with some exceptions) since his accession to the throne. This act (it is said) was chiefly intended 'against the Neviles, who had obtained 'grants of several forfeited estates, as a re'ward for their services in raising the king to the throne. The king immediately resumed two manors which he had granted to the archbishop of York, but abstained from the 'further execution of the act for some time.'

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It is not necessary here to enter into the particulars of Edward's resumptions of two manors from John, archbishop of York, and the subsequent re-grant of them to him. The account of the conduct of this archbishop as related by the historians, though not so prominent as that of Warwick, yet contains matter of curiosity.

It is not immaterial to notice what is said in the two acts of resumption, concerning grants made to any lord, not attainted, of any rent or annuity in or for his creation, supportation, or sustentation of his name, &c. and the manifest allusion to it in the act of degradation; the following is a short account of the relationship in which the most conspicuous persons of the Nevile family of this period, stood to each other.-Richard, eldest son of Ralph Nevile earl of Westmorland, by

his sccond wife Joan daughter of John of Bedford, was, as we have seen, the person Gaunt, married Alice, daughter and heir of degraded. Thomas de Montacute, earl of Salisbury. 4. The fourth son was George, archbishop This Richard (4th May, 20 Hen. 6, A.D. of York. 14.12,) was created earl of Salisbury. In 1460 Sir Henry Nevile, who was slain at Edgehe was beheaded at Wakefield. Among other cotefield, 1469, during his father's life-time, children he had four sons of whom-i. The was first cousin to Richard, the famous earí eldest was Richard, the famous earl of of Warwick, being the only son of George Warwick, who was so created 1447, and suc- Nevile, lord Latimer, who was the third son ceeded as earl of Salisbury, 1461; he was of Ralph Nevile, earl of Westmorland, and killed at Barnet.

his second wife Joan, mentioned above : this. 2. The second son was sir Thomas, who Henry had issue Richard, who succeeded his was slain with his father at Wakefield, De- grandfather as lord Latimer. cember 31st, 1460.

From the conspicuous share which the Ne3. The third son was John, the person villes had in the transactions of Edward the mentioned in the statute of degradation 4th's reign, copious mention is made of them printed above, who was created earl of by the historians; but I do not, either in Northumberland, 4 Edw. 4, and marquis of Stowe or in Hume, find any mention of the Montague, in 1470, in which year he was degradation of the duke of Bedford. Habingslain a little before the battle of Barnet. His ton, in his life of Henry the 4th, so far as I son George, who succeeded as marquis of have observed, does not at all notice this duke Montague in 1470, and was created duke of of Bedford.


570. The Trials of George Gordon, Esq., commonly called

Lord George GORDON,* for a Libel on the Judges and the Administration of the Law ; of THOMAS WILKINS for printing the said Libel; and of the said GEORGE GORDON, Esq. for a Libel on the Queen of France and the French Ambassador. Tried in the Court of King's Bench, Guildhall, before the Hon. FRANCIS BULLER, Esq., one of the

, Justices of his Majesty's Court of King's Bench, on Wednesday the 6th of June : 27 George III. A. D. 1787.


then shortly about to cause to be transported Of Hilary Term, in the twenty-seventh year be transported by the laws of this realm, to

divers felons and other offenders, liable to of king George the third.

a certain place in parts beyond the seas, London, Pepper Arden, esq. attorney general said, in the parish of St. Mary le Bow, in the London, BE it remembered, that Richard called Botany Bay, to wit at London aforeto wit. of our present sovereign lord the king, who ward of Cheap : and the said attorney general for our said present sovereign lord the king of our said lord the king, for our said lord prosecutes in this behalf, in his proper person the king, further gives the court here to undercomes into the court of our said present stand and be informed, that before and at sovereign lord the king, before the king the time of the writing, printing, and pubhimself, at Westminster, on Tuesday next lishing of the false, wicked, malicious, scanafter the octave of St. Hilary in this same dalous, and seditious libel' hereinafter next term, and for our said lord the king giveth mentioned, divers persons had been and were the court here to understand and be informed, confined in divers of his said majesty's gaols that before and at the time of the writing, within this kingdom, under sentence of death printing, and publishing of the false, wicked, or transportation, for divers crimes by the malicious, scandalous, and seditious libel, laws and statutes of this realm punishable hereinafter next mentioned, it was believed with death or transportation; and that and understood by and amongst his said George Gordon, late of London aforesaid majesty's subjects, that his said majesty was esq. (commonly called lord George Gordon),

well knowing the several premises aforesaid, See his trial for high treason ante vol. 21, but being a wicked, malicious, seditious, and P. 485.

ill-disposed person, and being greatly disaf+ Taken in short hand by Joseph Gurney. fected to our said present sovereigu lord the

« AnteriorContinuar »