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Aug. 25, 1744

BOUT 53 Years ago, I was at the Hague with William Ellys, Efq; eldeft Son of Sir William Eliys. That Gentleman had, in the Lungs, an incurable Ulcer; he was attended by four Physicians, who had no Hopes of his Recovery but expected his Death every Day. A Friend of mine having told me fome very extraordinary Cures performed by Dr Vincent d'Ereffart, I had him fent to me; and prevailed on him to leave me three Doles of his moft excellent Remedies, weighing about three or four Grains each Dofe. These Mr Ellys took in the Night, at proper Intervals of Time.

2. The next Morning his four Physicians being come together Dr Tetard who led them, having felt his Pulfe, faid, 'This is ftrange, he is in a manner without Fever; & meme il a des Forces. Mr Ellys had taken fome Gelly of Harts-horn, in which the Yolk of an Egg was diffolved; and he being ftrengthened by the Medicine, which he had taken, and probably stooping a little, vomited in my prefence from his Lungs, by blowing gently without reaching at all, a Matter much of the fame Colour with that Gelly: And I thought it was the Gelly itself. But afterwards I found it to be part of the Matter gathered in his Lungs.

3. After his Decease his Body being opened, in my prefence, by Dr Silveftre, the Phyficians were fatisfied concerning the Caufe of his Death. There was found in the Lungs a vaft Number of petrified Scales like Fishes Scales, fome about the Bignefs of the Nail of ones little Finger; which did cut the Subftance of the Lungs and of their Veffels, an innu. merable Number of Ways. I defired that the Afpera Arteria or Wind-pipe might be laid open; and in it we found abundance of purulent and fluid Matter of the Colour aforefaid; which the Patient had been continually breathing to and fro, from the Lungs into the Wind-pipe, and from the Wind-pipe into the Lungs again.

4. From this remarkable Matter of fact, I concluded, That in any Cafe of an Ulcer in the Lungs, the purulent and fufficiently liquid Matter contained in them might, in confequence of its own Fluidity and Weight, be blown in an instant out of the Body, by only inverting the Patient with his Head lower than the Lungs, and bidding him to blow a little while, and to cough easily. Thus the more the Lungs are placed perpendicular ly over the Wind-pipe, the better. But it may be proper then to incline the Body all manner of ways, that the different Veffels of the Lungs may empty themselves into the Wind-pipe.

5. I have acquainted many Doctors and Apothecaries and other Perfons with this whole Matter, but could not hitherto prevail on any One to make this harmless, moft eafy and moft promifing Experiment: tho' fome of them might perhaps have faved their own Lives by it, or that of others with great Honour and Profit to themselves.

6. At laft, in the Month of April 1744, one Thomas Godfry about 23 Years old, of a pretty strong Conftitution, being then a Servant in the House where I live at Maddersfield in Worcestershire, and having got a most dangerous Pleurify and Fever, and been long attended without Suc cefs, I perfuaded his Mother, about three Weeks after the Beginning of his Sickness, to try whether he could eafe his Lungs, by following my Direcions. His Fever and continual Sweating had undermined him fo that he



had then no Strength to speak or breathe, and could hardly fo much as whisper. And being in his Bed which was but low, he was made to ftoop, in the Night April 18, with his Mouth close near the Floor, and immediately he vomited and blew from his Lungs a very great quantity of corrupt Matter, fome of it very thick and ftinking; and fo continued now and then to cough and spit, and bring from his Lungs in all about half a Pint, or more, with fo fudden an Alteration, that the next Morning he could fpeak pretty plainly. And then he rose from his Bed, and went to fit in the Kitchen near the Fire. He had then also a Blister upon his Back. The 19th at feven in the Afternoon he stoopt again and vomited a quantity of fresh Matter which his Ulcer had produced, and a little Blood among it. He continued to vomit now and then as before from his Lungs, fpitting and coughing much by Intervals, and growing better till the 20th at Noon, when he walked above a quarter of an Hour in the Garden without being tired; having alfo recovered his Appetite. He would have walked longer; but I obliged him to give over for fome Hours. And in two or three Days he thought himself quite recovered. (Thanks be to God.) On the 23d I did read the Book lately published by his Lordship the Bifhop of Cloyne, concerning Tar-Water. And on the 25th of April, Godfry begun to take a Pint of Tar-Water both Morning and Evening; tho' he found then himself as well as he ever was. But the fole ufe of Tar-Water, without vomitting could never make such a Cure fo quickly. Godfry found that Tar Water diffused fenfibly a cherishing Heat thro' all the Fibres of his Body. The Lungs feem to require fome Length of Time, to grow again and fill up fo great a Cavity. And here, befides the Ufe of Tar-Water, our Vulnerary Herbs of Switzerland, or the HotWaters of Brißol, &c. may prove very beneficial. And indeed Godfrey, beginning too foon to leave off drinking of Tar-water, was glad or chofe to return to it again for a while. Anatomy will difcover whether the remaining found Part of the Lungs be fufficient, alone, to fupply their Function: And likewife, will fhew by what means the Cavity of the Ulcer ceases to be filled again with a liquid Matter. On the 3d of May, Godfry running long after a Horfe took a great Cold; but he felt no harm from it, feeming now to be proof againft Pleurifies.

7. I am forry that this whole Theory becomes public fo late. For as I hope now that in confequence of this Account many Lives will hereafter be faved, both in thefe Kingdoms and in other Countries; fo perhaps, by the fame means, many Lives of all Ranks might have been faved in Times paft: Tho' fometimes the Difeafe may prove incurable.

8. Left the Patient should be too much terrified, he may be let to beJieve that he vomits only from the Stomach. And by frequent early Trials, he may vomit the corrupt Matter as foon as it gathers, or gathers again and again, in the Lungs. But when frefh Blood is vomited from the Lungs, it may perhaps be improper to empty them of the extravafated Blood, before the Breach of the Veffel from which it issues be healed.

I cannot but defire fome of thofe Perfons, who may recover of fo dangerous a Difeafe, by following Godfry's Example, and taking the Bristol, or Tar-water, or any other proper Remedy to repair their Lungs and to perfect their Cure; (which even Nature alone may often do ;) That they may, fend you an authentic Account of their Cafe, or procure it otherwife to be published, for the Benefit of Mankind.

Sir, Yours &c. N. FACIO DUILLIER.

*An Hiftorical Obfervation upon a Paffage in SALMON'S Review of the History of England.


R Salmon in the Introduction to his Review of the Hiftory of Eng-. land, p. 3. fays," As to the nineteen Kings before the "Conqueft, who fucceeded Egbert, the firft fole Monarch of England, "twelve of them came to the Crown by lineal Succeffon, and Proxi"mity of Blood." And then he mentions Athelstan, as the first Exception to this general Rule: Whereas the lineal Succeffion was broke in upon by Ethelred the 1ft, who fucceeded his Brother Ethelbert, notwithstanding Ethelbert left two Sons, Adhelm and Ethelward*, alive at his Decease, who were certainly both of them nearer to the Crown in lineal Succeffion, and Proximity of Blood, (whereon Mr Salmon in other Cafes lays fo great Stress) than their Uncle Ethelred.--If Mr Salmon fhould urge that Ethelred fucceded by Virtue of Ethelwulph's Will, he will then deftroy his own favorite Argument of an indefeafible Right in the next Heir according to lineal Succeffion; for if that Right my be fet afide by Will, he would do well to show why it may not be done likewife by Act of Parliament.

Ethelred left feveral Children †, but Alfred the Great fucceded to the Crown, by Virtue of Ethelwulph's Will, notwithstanding the Sons of both his elder Brothers were then alive; fo that it fhould feem as if fria hereditary Right was but little regarded during the Infancy of the English Monarchy, how facred foever it may have become fince.

After the Deaths of Ethelbert, Ethelred, and Alfred, who fucceded one another by Virtue of their Father Ethelwulph's Will, the Succeffion continued in Alfred's Line, tho' the youngest, and notwithstanding his two elder Brothers both left Children, who were certainly nearer in Blood than those of Alfred, and were no ways affected by Ethelwulph's Will.-How Mr Salmon makes it out that the Defcendants of Alfred, who were only a younger Branch of the Family, came to the Crown (as he afferts) by Proximity of Blood, while the elder Branch fubfifted, I cannot conceive. For even admitting that Ethelwulph had a Right to leave the Crown by Will to each of his own Sons fucceffively, as he actually did, yet why did it not revert into the eldest Branch after Aifred's Death, which it ought to have done according to fria bereditary Right? Mr Salmon therefore would do well to folve this Difficulty, or elfe his Affertion, mentioned above, will fall to the Ground. B. A.

* Vid. Rapin's Hift. of Eng. Vol. I. p. 88. Fol. Edit.. Ibid p. 90.

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THE duration of the punishment of the wicked in a future ftate, is a point of fo much moment, that, I am apt to think no-body will be difpleas'd to meet with a fhort review of it in your Magazine.

However vifionary and extravagant the hypothefes of annihilation, and restoration, may appear to perfons of confideration; the very thought of them is fo agreeable to the wishes and inclinations of fome people, that they are apt to embrace it without much reflection about it. It is


enough for them to hear that a learned man or two have writ againft the eternity of hell-torments. The reft they take for granted: they queftion not but it must be io as they fay; for, that the doctrin of a milerable eternity always feem'd to them abfurd and incredible.There is, indeed, little hope of prevailing on fuch perfons as thefe to read any thing on the other fide: but, then, it is fit they should, fome way or other,' hear (and your Magazine will, perhaps, be the beft means of spreading the intelligence) that the point is far from being fo clear and certain as they feem'd to imagin; and that therefore it concerns them not too haftily to take for granted what has never yet been prov'd; nor to talk and act as if helltorments were not everlasting, till they are very fure that they are in the right.

It may not be amifs, therefore, to let fuch perfons fee that Origen, Burnet, Whifton, and fome less Names are but of little weight against the general fentiments of mankind; and that, when examin'd by the balance of reafon, they will be found exceeding light.

In order to this, I have (herewith) fent you an abftract of what has been advanc'd on this head by the judicious Mr. HoRBERY, in an essay he has lately publish'd, entitled, An enquiry into the fcripture-doctrin, concerning the duration of future punishment."

Not to recapitulate what has been faid by former writers on this fub ject (a clear, and concife account of which may be feen in the CYCLO PEDIAwhat was further neceffary I have digefted into Articles, by way of Supplement to that incomparable work; but, if you think it may be more agreeable and inftructive in another form, I perfuade my-felf (from the apparent regard you have for the public) you will be fo good as to new-model it in fuch manner as may best answer the good end for which it was intended.


P.S. The Articles of ANNIHILATION, RESTORATION, and HADES, will complete the Subject, as handled by Mr Horbery. If this pleases, the rest are at your service.

-You may, allo, if it interfere not with your views (by way of apology for my peculiarities, and as a token of my regard for the worthy proprietors of that wonderful performance) prefix to the above-mentioned extract, the enclosed plan and fpecimen of a supplement to the Cyclopedia: which I am willing to hope may start fome useful hints for the furtherance and improvement of fo delirable a work: especially as what further communications of this nature, you may hereafter receive from your numerous correfpondents, may ftrike-out new lights; and ferve, at leaft, as fo-many rough draughts, that may cafily be wrought-up (with fymmetry) into the body of the grand design, or at least fur nish inltructive entertainments to your Readers.

In Answer to the Foregoing:

THE ingenious Author is defired, for feveral Reafons, to accept a Publica tion of his accurate Performance, in this fecondary Pamphlet, which, it is hoped, may anfwer his good Delign, as notice of it will be fufficiently fpread in the Magazine, and we willingly take the hint to print it in Folio, that it may be placed more advantageoufly in the Cyclopædia, by thole who have that Work.


The following is added from the Cyclopædia, Article Hell (beginning Parag. 25) that the Readers who have not that Work, may better underfland the fupplemental Article on the annexed Folio Sheet. HELL-torments, As to the eternity of them. We have Origen, at the head of those who deny it; it being the doctrine of that writer, that not only men, but devils themselves, after a fuitable course of punishment, anfwerable to their respective crimes, fhall be pardoned and reftored to heaven. Aug. de Civit. Dei, L. XXI. c. 17.-The chief principle Origen went upon was this, that all punishments are emendatory; applied only as painful medicines, for the recovery of the patient's health. Other objections infifted on by modern authors, are the difproportion between temporary crimes,and eternal punishments. 26 The feripture phrafes for eternity, as is obferved by archbishop Tillotfon, do not always import an infinite duration: Thus, in the Old Teltament, for ever, often fignifies only a long time; particularly till the end of the Jewish difpenfation: Thus in the epiftle of Jude, ver. 7. the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah are faid to be fet forth for an example, fuffering the vengeance of eternal fire; that is, of a fire that was not extinguished till thofe cities were utterly confumed.-So one generation is faid to come, &c. but the earth endureth for ever.


M. le Clerc notes, that there is no Hebrew word which properly expreffes eternity: 7 holam, only imports a time whofe beginning or end is not known; and is used in a more or less extensive sense, according to the thing treated of.


Thus, when God fays, concerning the Jewish laws, that they must be obferved lebolam 717, for ever; we are to understand as long a fpace as he fhould think fit; or a space whofe end was unknown to the Jews before the coming of the Meffiah,-All'general laws, and fuch as do not regard particular occafions, are made for ever, whether it be expreffed in those laws or not: which yet is not to be understood in fuck à manner, as if the fovereign power could no way change them.


Archbishop Tillotson, however, argues very ftrenuously, that where bell-torments are fpoke of, the words are to be understood in the strict fenfe of infinite duration; and what he effeems a peremptory decifion of the point is, that the duration of the punishment of the wicked, is in the very fame fentence expreffed by the very fame word which is ufed for the duration of the happiness of the righteous which all agree to be eternal. Thefe, fpeaking of the wicked, fhall go away, s xoxo, into eternal punishments; but the righteous, is (w o, into life eternal,


The fame great author attempts to reconcile this eternity with the divine Juftice, which had not been fatisfactorily done before.-Some had urged that all fin is infinite, in refpect of the object it is committed against, viz. God; and therefore deferves punishment: But, that crimes fhould be heightened by the quality of the object, to fuch degree, is abfurd; fince the evil and demerit of all fin muft then be equal, inafmuch as none can be more than infinite; and confequently there can be no foundation for degrees of punishment in the next life. Add, that for the fame reafon as the leaft fin against God is infinite, in refpect of its object; the leaft punishment inflicted by God may be faid to be infinite, because of its author; and thus all punishments from, as well as fins against God, would be equal.


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