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The 6. of June landyd lord William of Devonshere, ser John Both, and dyvers esquiers and gentlemen.

The 7. of June landyd the earle of Northumbarland, with many esquiers and gentlemen.

The 9. of June landyd the lorde Mongoy,a and ser John Wyngfylde, and other esquiers and gentlemen.

The same day kynge Henry the Seventh and qwene Elisabethe his wyfe, with many lords, ladyes, knights, esquiers, gentlemen and yemen, met with the duke of Burgoyneb at owr lady of Saint Petar's without Calays. Saint Petar's churche was richely hanged with arras, and ther they all dyned, for the churche was partyd with hangings into dyvers offices, and when they had dyned and comunyd ther was a rich banqwete, and after the duke of Burgoyne dauncyd with the ladyes of England, and then toke leave of the kynge and qwene, and rode that nyght to Gravenynge, for he would not come within the towne of Caleys.

The 16. day of June the kynge, the qwene, and all the lords and ladyes, landyd at Dover from Calleys.

Speres of Caleys, 18.

archars on horsbake, 18.

vyntoners of Caleys, 12. sowldiars at Sd. the day, 73. sowldiars at vjd. the day, 138. day watche men, 4.

portars, 12.

scowrars in the morninge, 4. sergeaunts with typstaves, 6. constables of Calleis, 18. The whole yer's wages of the sowldiars of Caleys and of the castle of the same, the towre of Rysbancke, the castles of Hames and Gwysnes, and the wages of the tresorar of the towne of Caleys for his whole companye,―

First the lorde lyvetenaunt of the towne and marches of Caleys, for his retinue the whole yere 5635 li. iij s. iiij d. starlinge table. The lievetenaunt of the castle of Caleys for his retinew the whole yere 591 pound, xvj s. viij d.

The lievetenaunt of the towre of Ruysbancke for his company the hole yere come [to] 206 pound, x s.



The archduke Philip. See the Appendix.

The tresorar of Caleys towne for his company the whole yere comithe to 1912 pound starlyng table.

The lievetenaunt of the castle of Guysnes for his retinew the whole yere xj hundred xlviij pound, xviij s. iiij d.

The lievetenaunt of the castle of Hames his retinew the whole yere 426 pound v s.

The some of the whole yeres wages of all these places and parcels before writen come to 9920 pound, xiij s. iiij d. starlynge


1505. The 16. of January the xxj. of Henry the Seventh, the kynge of Castle and duke of Burgoyne, with his wyfe the kynge of Spayn's dowghtar, landyd at Falmowthe in England agaynst theyr wills, beinge wethar-dryven. He had kepte ser Edmond a Poole erle of Suffolke in his land, but before he departyd from hens, he was fayne to send for hym, and cawse hyme here to be delyvered.b

Edmond a Poole late erle of Suffolke was browght owt of the

a Philip and Jane, the heiress of Castille. The port at which they landed was Weymouth, not Falmouth. They were entertained by sir Thomas Trenchard, at his mansion of Wolveton in Dorsetshire; and he is traditionally said to have summoned to assist in their entertainment his kinsman John Russell, who had been in Spain, and was qualified to act as an interpreter. This was the means of Russell's introduction at Court, where he became lord privy seal, earl of Bedford, and the founder of the fortunes of that family. (See Wiffen's Memoirs of the Russells, vol. i. p. 181.) Portraits of the king and queen of Castille, which have been preserved in the Trenchard family, are engraved in Hutchins's Dorsetshire, 1813, vol. iii. p. 22. A white china bowl, on a foot bound with silver, still at Wolveton, is also said to have been left by them. Their subsequent entertainment at court will be seen in Hall, and the other Chronicles.

b This was in pursuance of a treaty made between Henry and Philip at Windsor, 9 Feb. 1505-6, and to be seen in Rymer; one of the articles of which was that neither sovereign should harbour any rebel subjects of the other. It has been suggested that the surrender of Edmund de la Pole was effected by some threat or dread of detention intimated to the king of Castille when in England. See the conversation stated by Hall to have taken place between the two kings on the subject. The duke (not earl) of Suffolk was nephew to king Edward the Fourth, being the son of the princess Elizabeth of York and John duke of Suffolk.

duke of Burgoyn's lande to Calleys the xvj. of Marche [1505-6], and was convayd over to Dovar on the xxiiij. day of Marche by ser Henry Wiette knight and ser John Wilshere knight and comptrowler of the towne and marches of Calleys, and lx sowldiars of Calleys all in harneys; where he was receyved by ser Thomas Lovell and othar, and conveyed to the towre of London.a

1508. Ser Richard Carow knight, lievetenaunt of the castle of Caleys, browght owt of England, by the kyng's comaundement, the lord marques Dorset and the lord William of Devonshire the erle of Devonshire's sone and heyre, whiche were bothe of kynne to the late qwene Elizabethe and of hir blode. They had bene in the towre of London a greate season. They were kepte prisoners in the castle of Caleys as longe as kynge Henry the Seventhe lyved, and shulde have bene put to deathe, yf he had lyved longar. They wer browght in to the castle of Caleys the xviij. of Octobar the xxiij. of Henry the Seventhe [1508].

The xxvij. of October there came out of England the bysshope of Wynchestar lorde prevye seale, the erle of Surrey lorde treasurar, and the lord of Saint John's, with doctor Weston, all ambassadors; they landyd at Temperlto in Pecardye, and the ij of November, there came to Caleys out of Flaunders from the duke of Burgoyne the erle of Fynes, the lorde of Barowe, and the presydent of Flaunders, with dyvers othar of the contrye, and with them met ser Richard Carew, livetenaunt of the castle of Calleys, and syr John Wilshere comptrowlar of Caleis, and Waltar Culpepar undar-marshall of Caleys, and all the speres and archars on horsbacke and dyvars sowldiars all in harnes, for thes strangars feared the Frenche men; but beinge browght in savetie to Caleys, there the lords on bothe partyes concludyd the mariage betwixt the duke of Burgoyne and the lady Mary dowghtar to kynge

a "And in the end of the moneth of March syr Edmond de la Pool was conveyed through the citie unto the Towre, and there left as prysoner." (Fabyan.) He was beheaded in April 1513.

b See a note in the Appendix.

e Richard Fox.

Henry the Seventhe, where on seynt Thomas day the Apostle was great triumphe made in Calles.

[1508.] The 23. of Henry the Seventh, the 9. of July, beinge relyke sonday, there was sene at Calleys an innumerable swarme of whit buttarflyes cominge out of the north-este and flyenge south-estewarde, so thicke as flakes of snowe, that men beinge a shutynge in Saint Petar's filde without the towne of Calleys cowld not se the towne at fowre of the cloke in the aftarnone, they flewe so highe and so thicke.

1509, the 24. of Awgust, the 1. of Henry the Eighth, ther came a grete swarme of bees, and light on the bole undar the wetharcoke of S. Nicholas steple in Caleys, at xi. of the cloke, and sat tyll iij. in the aftarnone.

[1510.] In the 2. yere of Henry the Eighth, the lorde Da[r]cie went out of England by the kyng's apoyntment into Portingall,b with 1500 men of warre, and landyd at Skalis malis, but he gate litle worshipe there, and therefore dyvars of his men lefte hym there, aud went othar wayes into other contries, and some came home ragged and torne.

a The documents relating to this treaty will be found in Rymer, vol. xiii. pp. 171, 175 -189. "The duke of Burgoyne" is elsewhere called the Prince of Castille, and was afterwards the emperor Charles V. The Ambassadors of Maximilian his grandfather proceeded from Calais to England; and "The Solempnities and Triumphes" performed on the ratification of the treaty were described in a tract printed by Richard Pynson, the substance of which was communicated by Sir Henry Ellis in 1814 to the Society of Antiquaries, and printed in the Archæologia, vol. xviii. pp. 33—39; and the tract itself, though imperfect, was reprinted for the Roxburghe club at the expense of John Dent, esq. in 1818. See further notices respecting the failure of this alliance in Ellis's Original Letters, 1st Series, vol. i. p. 113.

b"This yere was the lord Darcy sent into Spaine to aide the kynge of Spayne agaynst the Mores, but peace was made before his aryvynge, and so returned." Fabyan, under 3 Hen. VIII. See also in Hall a fuller narrative than the above.

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1511. The 3. yere of Henry the Eighth, in the monethe of Julij lorde Ponyngs a went out of England into Geldarland with 1500 men of warre. He toke shipinge at Sandwiche; and in Gilderland he conquered a little towne or twayne, and a castle or twayne, and then he went to the siege of Fenlawe, for ther lay a siege or he cam; he continuyd with his company till aftar all-halewen tyde, and there they were almoste betrayed by the lorde amerall of all the easte, for he went ofte into the towne of Fenlawe, and had promysed the capitayne to deseyve them all, but the kyng of England sent for them to come home into. England; and then lady Margaret duches of Savoye, aunte to the yonge duke of Burgoyne, gaffe to all Englishe men coates of whit and grene, red and yelowe; the white and grene for the kynge of England's liverye, the red and yelowe for the duke of Burgoyne's lyvery, and thes iiij colours were medeled togethar. And [at] ser Edward Poynings' departure, the yonge duke made dyvars gentlemen of England knights, as ser John Skott, ser John Norton, ser John Fogge, and ser James Derelle ;e for our kynge sent the lorde Poynings, chefe capitayne, withe thes xv hundred men, for to helpe the duke of Burgoyne agayne the duke of Gilder. They all came backe to Calleys, and so ovar to England, the xxv. of November. Ser Frauncis Cheny, ser John Dicky, ser John Norton, ser John Scott, ser John Fogge, and ser James Darell were the chefe of that army.

1512. The 4. of Henry the Eighth, the 2. of June, the lorde marques Dorset, as chefe capitayne, and the lords John, Edward, Sir Edward Poynings, K.G. For a fuller account of this expedition, the reader may again be referred to Hall. b Venloo.

So in MS. but qu. coste.

d Charles, afterwards the emperor Charles V.

! Read Digby.

e Instead of Darell, Hall gives the name of Thomas Lind. Hall mentions beside, the lord Clinton son-in-law to lord Poynings, sir Matthew Browne, John Warton (an error for Norton), Richard Whethrill, (read Whetehill)

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