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waite upon her into the towne, and so to her lodginge, gevinge their daylie attendance there till time shall serve for her transportacion, the same to be taken with the first proper season that by the said lord admirall shalbe thought meete and convenient.

Item, it is ordeined that at her grace's arrival at Dover, the duke of Suffolke, and lord warden of the cinque ports, with such other lords as be appointed to waite upon them, and the duches of Suffolke, with such other ladies as be appointed to wait upon her, shall receive her at her landinge, and soe convay her to the castle, where her lodginge shalbe prepared; and, gevinge their continuall attendance upon her duringe her grace's aboode there, shall, at her grace's departure from thence, conducte her to Canterbury, and soe further till her meatinge with the kinges highnes.

Item, it is appoynted that beyond Canterbury, in such place as shalbe convenient, the archbishop of Canterbury, certeine other bishops and gentlemen assigned to keepe her company, shall meete her grace, and so with the reste convay her to her lodginge in Canterbury, and in like maner to attend upon her untill her meetinge with the kinges highnes.

Item, it is appoynted that she shalbe eftsones mett on the downes beyond Rochester by the duke of Norfolk and certeine other lords and gentlemen appoynted to keepe him company, who, after due reverence and salutacions made, shall in semblable maner waite upon her untill she shall come to the king's majesties presence.

Item, it is ordeined that on this side Derteford, the earle of Rutland, appoynted to be her grace's lord chamberlain, sir Thomas Dennys, chauncellor, sir Edward Bainton, vice-chamberlain, sir John Dudley, master of

trumpets, and a double-drum that was never seen in England before; and so her grace entered into Calais, at whose entering there was 150 rounds of ordnance let out of the said ships, which made such a smoke that not one of her train could see the other. The soldiers in the king's livery, of the retinue of Calais, the mayor of Calais, with his brethren, with the commons of Calais, the merchants of the king's staple, stood in order, forming a line through which she passed to her lodging; and so the mayor and his brethren came to her lodging, and gave her fifty sovereigns of gold, and the mayor of the staple gave her sixty sovereigns of gold; and on the morrow after she had a cannon shot, jousting, and all other royalty that could be devised in the king's garrison royal, and kept open household there, during the time that she did there remain, which was twenty days, and had daily the best pastimes that could be devised."-Miss Strickland's Queens of England, vol. iv. p. 332.


her horse, and all others appoynted to be of her grace's counsell, with all the reste of the gentlemen, yomen, and gromes which shalbe her ordinary servants, and also the lady Margaret Douglas, the duches of Richmond, and other noble women, ladies and gentlewomen, which shalbe her graces ordinary waitors, to the number, in all, of ladies and gentlewomen 30tie, shal eftsones meete her, and, doeinge her due reverence, shalbe presented by the archbishop of Canterbury, and the dukes of Norfolk and Suffolk, and other the most noble personages beinge in company with her, and her owne traine and household, and soe in good order waite upon her till she shall approach towards the king's majesties presence; at which time all the yomen and meane sorte shall avoide, and the counsell, ladies, and gentlewomen only remaine in traine with her.

Item, it is determined that on the hill (blank) there shall be pitched the king's majesties rich pavilion, and certain others for other noble personages, to retire themselves into after they shalbe presented to his highnes; and, also, that there shalbe prepared wine, fruite, and spice, in maner of a banket, to be redie sett upon the tables in the said pavilion. And, byfore such time as the king's majestie shall meete with her, it is appoynted that all the servinge men shall departe from the traine, and on ether side range themselves aloofe in the field, none remaining neere her but only such as shalbe thought meete and appointed to waite on her person; and all the reste of the gentlemen to ride also in two wide ranges on either side, that his majestie may only have such afore and after him as shalbe so assigned; and, to th’intente every man may the better knowe how to ensue this order, and to use himselfe at this time, it is appointed that certeine gentlemen shalbe assigned to ride about and cause all men of all sorts to followe such directions as shalbe prescribed unto them.

And it is in like maner ordeined, that the duke of Norfolk, being earle marshall of England, shall cause a good nomber of persons, with tipped staves, to be put in order to keepe the streets and waies betweene the townes ende and the gate at Greenwiche; the way whereunto shalbe to passe aboute the park, and so through the towne to the doore directly against the west ende and the late Friers church, and so to the greate gate on the water side at Greenewich aforesaid. And, therefore it is to be remembered that the said doore leadinge out of the lane where the stables be, into the church of the late Friers, and all other straite places, be enlarged, and that the streete

be graveled, paved, made cleane, and put in as good order as may be. And likewise, that there be stronge barres made alonge the Thames side, that by presse of people noe man be put in danger of drowninge; the chardge of which things to be done at Greenewich be committed to Needham, the king's master carpenter: provided that every lord and gentleman alight out of the waye without the said gate leadinge to the Friers, and so goe on foote to the court, and only the king's majestie, the queene, and the ladies to ride into the court.

Item, it is appointed that when the king's majestie shalbe in his pavilion, the vice-chamberlein, taking with him the guarde, shall repaire to Greenewich, and bestow the said guard in such place of the house as shalbe meete for the keepeinge of good order, and the avoidinge of all servingmen and others, which pressinge in and havinge no necessary business to doe in the household should be great anoyance in the same.

Item, it is appointed that when the king's majestie shall departe from his pavillion towards Greenewich, all the gentlemen not beinge specially and by name, in a booke to be made for that purpose, assigned to ride before his grace, shall stande on the heathe in two ranges, sufferinge his grace and all the traine to passe wholly, or any of them or any of their bandes move from thence; and then at the sounde of a trumpett, or some other warninge given, every man to departe to his lodginge.

Item, it is appointed that the maior of London, with all the aldermen and crafts, shall (be) upon the Thames in barges well apparelled, and furnished with as manye kinds of musicke as they cann gett, to congratulate to this her grace's arrival; but non of them shall in anywise sett forthe on lande. And it is thought meete that the king's marshall, or some other, appointe to every bardge the place where they shall lye, for the better shewe and order thereof accordingly.

Item, that the chiefe officers of the household furnishe the halle, the porters in good arraye to be at the gates, and all others that shall be in the house to be putt in honest apparell and order.

The names of the Noblemen and others of the Queenes trayne that attendid uppon her Grace to Calays.

(MS. Harl. 296, f. 169, contemporary; copy in MS. Cotton. Vitell. C. xi. f. 220 b.)

The erle of Oversteyn, and vij. persons.

The yong erle of Nueuare and Roussenbergh, with xiij. persons.
Sir John Dulzike, the electour of Saxes marshall, with x. persons.

The stewarde Hoghsteyn, with v. persons.

Osliger, the chauncelour, with vj. persons.
Two brethren called Palant, with x. persons.
Tennagel, the maistre d'hostell, with vij. persons.
Sir John Buren, with vj. persons.

Hantzeler, capteyn of Myllen, with vij. persons.

xxvij. gentilmen besides, every of them iij. or iiij. servants. viij. pages, whereof one is an erles sone.

Divers officers besides.

Maistress Gilmyn, with v. persons.

The ladie Keteler, with vj. persons.

The wydowe of the lord of Wyssem, with vj. persons.

The wyfe of the elder Palant, lorde of Bredebent, with vj. persons.
Five yong gentil women, of the whiche one is a baron's daughter.
Three other gentil women as servauntes.

The number of gentilmen, whereof two erles
Pages, whereof one is an erles sone
Officers and servauntes

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xxxviij. viij. Ciiijxxij.


The nomber of the ladyes and gentil women

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The hole nomber.


A list of the "rewardes," or presents of plate, given on this occasion to the ambassadors of Saxony and Juliers, and the several members of their suites, is preserved in MS. Cotton. App. xxvIII. ff. 104-108.

A booke containing the names of them which should receive the Ladie Anne Cleave, and waite on the Kinge Henry VIII.

(MS. Harl. 296, f. 171; also in MS. Cotton, Vitellius, C. xI. f. 222.)

For my Lord Admirall to attend upon him these were
appointed, vizt. :

[blocks in formation]

To attend my Lord of Suffolke for the mettynge the Lady Anne at

The duke of Suffolke.

My lord Cobham.

The bishop of Chechester.

The master of the rolles.§
The kinges attorney.||
Sir William Finche.


Sir Thomas Willoughby.

Sir Edward Wotton.

Sir Edward Boughton.
Sir Henry Isle.

Sir Thomas Neville.
William Roper.

Perhaps an error for Gregory Cromwell, the writer of the letter noticed in p. 167. + In Miss Wood's Collection of Letters, iii. 142, is one from Mary lady Kingston, to lady Lisle, thewife of the deputy of Calais, desiring her "to be good lady unto my poor son, Harry Jerningham, the bearer," on this occasion, and particularly to helpe him to procure a horse, if he met with any difficulty.

Richard Sampson.

§ Thomas Cromwell.

Christopher Hales.

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