Abbildungen der Seite

convention in 1860; and governor of Ohio in 1861. He died in Youngstown, O., Nov. 13, 1868.


schools and at Ypsilanti Normal School, in Michigan; admitted to the bar of the Supreme Court of California in 1881; and Todd, CHARLES BURR, author; born in practised there for several years. Redding, Conn., Jan. 9, 1849; received a wrote Prof. Goldwin Smith and His Satelpublic school education; taught school lites in Congress; Protective Tariff Defor several years; was appointed secre- lusion; Pizarro and John Sherman; and tary of the commission to print the early Railroads of Europe and America. records of New York City in 1895. His Todd, THOMAS, jurist; born in King publications include History of the Burr and Queen county, Va., Jan. 23, 1765; Family; History of Redding, Conn.; Life served in the latter part of the Revolution and Letters of Joel Barlow; Story of the with the Continental army; became a City of New York; Story of Washington, lawyer in 1786; was appointed clerk of the National Capital; Lance Cross and the United States court for the district Canoe in the Valley of the Mississippi of Kentucky, and when it became a State (with Rev. W. H. Milburn); A Brief History of New York, etc.

Todd, CHARLES SCOTT, military officer; born near Danville, Ky., Jan. 22, 1791; graduated at William and Mary College in 1809; was a subaltern and judge advocate of Winchester's division of Kentucky volunteers in 1812; made captain of infantry in May, 1813; and was aide to General Harrison in the battle of the THAMES (q. v.). In March, 1815, he was made inspector-general, with the rank of colonel; and in 1817 was secretary of State of Kentucky. In 1820 he was confidential agent to Colombia, and in 1841-45 was United States minister to Russia. He died in Baton Rouge, La., May 17, 1871.

Todd, JOHN, military officer; born in Montgomery county, Pa., in 1750; was adjutant-general to Gen. Andrew Lewis in the action of Point Pleasant, Va., in 1774; accompanied DANIEL BOONE (q. v.) on an exploring tour as far as Bowling Green, Ky., in 1775; settled near Lexington, Ky., in 1776; represented Kentucky county in the Virginia legislature in the same year; was commissioned colonel in 1777; for two years was commandant of the civil government of that county, which subsequently was made the State of Illinois. He was killed while leading his forces against the Indians at the Blue Licks, Ky., Aug. 19, 1782.

in 1799 was made clerk of the court of appeals; became chief-justice of the court in 1806. He was appointed an associate justice of the United States Supreme



Court, Feb. 7, 1826, but died in Frankfort,
Ky., on the same day.

Tohopeka, or Horseshoe Bend, BATTLE
AT. In February, 1814, troops from east
Tennessee were on the march to reinforce
Jackson for the purpose of striking a
finishing blow at the power of the Creek
Indians. About 2,000 of them pressed

Todd, MARION, lawyer; born in Plym- towards the Coosa, and at the same time outh, N. Y.; educated in Eaton Rapids a similar number from west Tennessee

were making their way into Alabama. peninsula, near the river, was a village of Colonel Williams, with 600 regulars, log-huts, where hundreds of canoes were reached Fort Strother on Feb. 6. Other moored, so that the garrison might have troops soon joined them, and the Choctaw the means of escape if hard pushed. They Indians openly espoused the cause of the had an ample supply of food for a long United States. At the close of February, siege. They were about 1,200 in number,

[blocks in formation]

Jackson found himself at the head of one-fourth being women and
5,000 men. Supplies were gathered, and
at the middle of March the troops were
ready to move. Meanwhile the Creeks,
from experience, had such premonitions
of disaster that they concentrated their
forces at the bend of the Tallapoosa River,
in the northeast part of Tallapoosa county,
Ala., at a place called Tohopeka, or Horse-
shoe Bend, a peninsula containing about
100 acres of land. White men from Pen-
sacola and half-bloods hostile to the United
States aided them in building a strong
breastwork of logs across the neck of the
peninsula. They pierced it with two rows
of port-holes, arranged in such a manner
as to expose the assailants to a cross-fire
from within. Back of this was a mass of
logs and brush; and at the foot of the

children. There the Indians determined to defend themselves to the last extremity.

To this stronghold Jackson marched, sending his stores down the Coosa in flatboats; and on the morning of March 27 he halted within a few miles of the breastworks at Tohopeka. His spies soon informed him of the position of the Indians. He sent General Coffee, with all the mounted men and friendly Indians, to cross the river two miles below and take position opposite the village at the foot of the peninsula. Then he pressed forward and planted two cannon within 80 yards of the breastworks on the neck, and opened fire upon them. As the small balls were buried in the logs and earth the Indians sent up a shout of derision and defied their

Toledo, a city and county seat of Lucas county, O., near the junction of the Maumee River and Maumee Bay. Its early name was the Miami of the Lakes, which in time gave way to that of the Lady of the Lakes. Long before the whites settled here the place was a noted fishing resort of the Miami Indians. Subsequently it became a trading-post. It was not till after the victory of General Wayne at Fallen Timbers that it was possible for the whites to settle here. Population (1900) 131,822.

assailants. Coffee, with some Cherokees, they had no heart to make a stand any. swam across the river and seized the boats, where else. with which quite a body of troops were enabled to cross at once. These burned the Indian village and approached the enemy in their rear, but were too few to dislodge the Indians. Meanwhile Jackson had been vainly battering the works on the neck with cannon-balls, and he proceeded to storm them. In the face of a tempest of bullets they pressed forward. The leader of the storming-party (Maj. L. P. Montgomery) leaped upon the breastworks and called upon his men to follow. He was shot dead, when Ensign Sam Houston (afterwards conqueror and President of Texas, United States Senator, etc.), who was wounded in the thigh by a barbed arrow, leaped down among the Indians and called upon his companions to follow. They did so, and fought like tigers. Their dexterous use of the bayonet caused the Indians to break their line and flee in wild confusion to the woods that covered the peninsula.

Toledo War, a contest regarding the boundary-line between the State of Ohio and the Territory of Michigan in 1835-37. Owing to both the State and the Terri tory taking possession of a disputed sec tion of land, each appealed to President Jackson for a settlement of the difficulty. He, however, refused to interfere, whereupon the governor of Ohio called out the State militia and the governor of MichiBelieving torture awaited every cap- gan Territory took possession of Toledo. tive, not one of them would suffer himself Just as matters were assuming a threatto be taken or ask for quarter. Some ening phase, Congress decided to admit attempted to escape by swimming across Michigan into the Union as a State, June the river, but were shot by Tennessee 15, 1836, on conditions regarding the sharp-shooters. Others secreted themselves boundary-line which were formally acin thickets, and were driven out and cepted. slain; and a considerable number took refuge under the river bluffs, where they were covered by a part of the breastworks and felled trees. To the latter Jackson sent a messenger, telling them their lives should be spared if they would surrender. He was fired upon. A cannon brought to bear upon the stronghold effected little. Then the general called for volunteers to storm it, and wounded Ensign Houston was the first to step out. Nothing could be effected until the torch was applied; and as the Indians rushed out from the flames they were shot down without mercy. The carnage continued until late in the evening; and when it ended 557 Creek warriors lay dead on the peninsula. Of 1,000 who went into the battle in the morning, not more than 200 were alive, The General Assembly of Maryland, and many of these were severely wounded. convened at St. Mary's, April 2, 1649, Jackson lost thirty-two killed and ninety- after enacting severe punishments for uine wounded. The Cherokees lost eighteen the crime of blasphemy, and declarKilled and thirty-six wounded. This blow ing that certain penalties should be broke the proud spirit of the Creeks, and inflicted upon any one who should call

Toleration Acts. At a General Court of Elections, held at Portsmouth, beginning May 19, 1647, for "the colonie and province of Providence," after adopting many acts and orders concerning the government and for the punishment of crimes, it was decreed that "These are the laws that concern all men, and these are the penalties for the transgression thereof, which by common consent are ratified and established throughout the whole colony; and otherwise than thus, what is herein forbidden, all men may walk as their consciences persuade them, every one in the name of his God." This act of toleration was so broad and absolute that it would include Christian, Jew, Mohammedan, Parsee, Buddhist, or pagan.

memory over 5,000 compositions, including the most difficult selections from Beethoven, Chopin, Thalberg, Bach, and Gottschalk.

Tomahawk, originally a North American Indian war-club, more generally applied to the war-hatchet which the Indians made of stone. After the Europeans had formed alliances with the Indians, the former introduced a new form of tomahawk which combined the features of an implement of warfare with a tobacco-pipe, the handle forming the stem.

another a sectarian name of reproach, known his wants by inarticulate sounds. adopted the declaration that "whereas His performances on the piano were the enforcing of conscience in matters of wonderful and he could reproduce from religion hath frequently fallen out to be of dangerous consequence in those commonwealths where it has been practised, and for the more quiet and peaceable government of this province, and the better to preserve mutual love and unity among the inhabitants, . . ... no person or persons whatsoever within this province, or the islands, posts, harbors, creeks, or havens thereunto belonging, professing to believe in Jesus Christ, shall from henceforth be anyways troubled or molested or discountenanced for or in respect of his or her religion, nor in the free exercise thereof, within the province or the islands thereunto belonging, nor any way compelled to the belief or exercise of any other religion against his or her conscience." This was an outgrowth of English statutes. On Oct. 27, 1645, the English House of Commons ordered "that the inhabitants of the Bermudas, and of all other American plantations now or hereafter planted, should, without molestation or trouble, have and enjoy the liberty of conscience in matters of God's worship." In 1647 Parliament passed another act, allowing all persons to meet for religious duties and ordinances in a fit place, provided the public peace was not disturbed. The Maryland toleration act (1649) was the joint work of Roman Catholics and Protestants. The General Assembly at that time was composed of eight Roman Catholics and sixteen Protestants-three councillors, and five burgesses were Roman Catholics, and the governor (William Stone), six councillors, and nine burgesses were Protestants. The act did not establish absolute toleration, as did the act of Rhode Island passed two years before, for it applied only to orthodox Christians, so-called, who accepted the doctrine of the Trinity.

Tomes, ROBERT, physician; born in New York City, March 27, 1817; graduated at Washington (now Trinity) College in 1835; studied medicine in Philadelphia and later at the University of Edinburgh; returned to the United States and practised in New York for a few years, and was then appointed surgeon on a vessel for the Pacific Mail Steamboat Company, and made trips between Panama and San Francisco. He was United States consul at Rheims, France, in 1865-67. He contributed largely to journals and magazines; and was author of Panama in 1855; The American in Japan; The Battles of America by Sea and Land; The War with the South: A History of the Great American Rebellion, etc. He died in Brooklyn, N. Y., Aug. 28, 1882.

To-mo-chi-chi, Creek chief; born in Georgia about 1642; met Oglethorpe in Savannah in friendly conference early in 1733. He was then ninety-one years old, of commanding person and grave demeanor, and though for some reason he had been banished from the Lower Creeks, he had great influence throughout the confederacy as a brave chief and wise sachem. Mary Musgrave, the half-breed wife of a South Carolina trader, acted as interpret


He pledged his unwavering friendTom, popularly known as BLIND TOM, ship for the English, and he kept his musician; born blind, and of negro slave word. A satisfactory treaty was made, parents, near Columbus, Ga., May 25, by which the English obtained sovereign1849. During infancy he gave no sign of ty over the domain between the Savannah intelligence excepting when he heard a and Altamaha rivers, and westward as sound; was afterwards precocious in learn- far as the extent of their tide waters. ing words, but while he could repeat whole Oglethorpe distributed presents among the conversations that he had heard, words friendly Indians. In the spring of 1734 had no meaning to him, and he made To-mo-chi-chi went with Oglethorpe to

England. He was accompanied by his Tonikan Indians, a stock of North

wife, their adopted son and nephew, and five chiefs. They were cordially received in England, and were objects of great curiosity, for Indians had not been seen in that country since Peter Schuyler was there with Mohawks in Queen Anne's reign. They were taken in coaches, each drawn by six horses, to have an interview with the King, arrayed in brilliant English costume-the Creek monarch and his queen in scarlet and gold. He made a speech to King George and gave him a bunch of eagle's feathers, to which a gracious reply was made assuring the Indians of English protection. They remained four months in England, during which time a brother of the Indian queen died of small-pox. The company were conveyed to the place of embarkation in the royal coaches, with presents valued at $2,000; and the Prince of Wales gave To-mo-chi-chi's heir a gold watch, with an injunction to call upon Jesus Christ every morning when he looked at it. They reached Savannah late in December, 1734. To-mo-chi-chi died Oct. 5, 1739. At his funeral minute-guns were fired at the battery at Savannah, and musketry was discharged. He was buried in the centre of the town, and Oglethorpe ordered a "pyramid of stone" to be erected over his grave. The funeral was attended by the magistrates and people of Savannah and a train of Indians.

Tompkins, DANIEL D., statesman; born in Fox Meadows (now Scarsdale), N. Y., June 21, 1774; graduated at Columbia College in 1795; admitted to the bar in 1797; governor of New York in 1807-16; elected Vice-President of the United States in 1816 and 1820. Prior to retiring from the governorship of New York he sent a message dated Jan. 17, 1817, urging that a day be set for declaring the abolition of slavery in that State. Acting upon his wish the legislature set July 4, 1827. He died on Staten Island, N. Y., June 11, 1825.

Toms River, a village and county seat of Ocean county, N. J.; founded in early colonial days; formerly contained large salt works; was a retreat for privateers in the Revolutionary War; and was burned by the British, March 24, 1782.

American Indians belonging politically to the Chicasa Confederacy. About 1700 there were three tribes living respectively in Avoyelles parish, La., at Tonica Bluffs, on the Mississippi River, and near the junction of the Yazoo and Mississippi rivers. The second of these tribes was noted for its friendship with the French colonists, and all of them were skilful warriors. The Tonikans now living are located on the old Avoyelles reservation, near Marksville, La.

Tonti, HENRI, CHEVALIER DE, explorer; born in Gaeta, Italy, about 1650; son of Lorenzo Tonti; inventor of the Tontine system of association; entered the French army in his youth, and in the French naval service he lost a hand. In 1678 he accompanied La Salle to Canada, and assisted him in his Western explorations, building a fort on the site of Peoria, Ill., in 1680. He descended the Mississippi to its mouth with La Salle in 1682. In 1684 he went to the mouth of the Mississippi to meet La Salle, and attempted a settlement of Europeans in Arkansas. In 1685 he incited a force of Western Indians to attack the Senecas. Again he went down to the Gulf to meet La Salle, and was again disappointed; and in 1699 he went down to meet Iberville, and remained in the Gulf region, dying in Fort St. Louis, Mobile, in September, 1704.

Toombs, ROBERT, legislator; born in Washington, Wilkes co., Ga., July 2, 1810; graduated at Union College, Schenectady, N. Y., in 1828; studied law at the University of Virginia; practised until elected to Congress in 1845; was a captain under General Scott in the Creek War; was several years a member of the Georgia legislature; and remained in Congress until 1853, when he became United States Senator. He was re-elected in 1859. In the Senate, on Jan. 7, 1861, following a patriotic speech by Senator Crittenden, of Kentucky, he said: "The abolitionists have for long years been sowing dragons' teeth, and they have finally got a crop of armed men. The Union, sir, is dissolved. That is a fixed fact lying in the way of this discussion, and men may as well hear it. One of your confederates (South Carolina) has already wisely, bravely, boldly, met the public danger

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