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the people of these Territories for admission as States, I was actuated principally by an earnest desire to afford to the wisdom and patriotism of Congress the opportunity of avoiding occasions of bitter and angry dissensions among the people of the United States.

Under the Constitution every State has the right of establishing and from time to time altering its municipal laws and domestic institutions independently of every other State and the general government, subject only to the prohibitions and guarantees expressly set forth in the Constitution of the United States. The subjects thus left exclusively to the respective States were not designed or expected to become topics of national agitation. Still, as under the Constitution Congress has power to make all needful rules and regulations respecting the Territories of the United States, every new acquisition of territory has led to discussions on the question whether the system of involuntary servitude which prevails in many of the States should or should not be prohibited in that Territory. The periods of excitement from this cause which have heretofore occurred have been safely passed, but during the interval, of whatever length which may elapse before the admission of the Territories ceded by Mexico as States, it appears probable that similar excitement will prevail to an undue extent.

Under these circumstances, I thought, and still think, that it was my duty to endeavor to put it in the power of Congress, by the admission of California and New Mexico as States, to remove all occasions for the unnecessary agitation of the public mind.

It is understood that the people of the western part of California have formed a plan of a State constitution, and will soon submit the same to the judgment of Congress, and apply for admission as a State. This course on their part, though in accordance with, was not adopted exclusively in consequence of any expression of my wishes, inasmuch as measures tending to this end had been promoted by the officers sent there by my predecessor, and were already in active progress of execution before any communication from me reached California. If the proposed con

stitution shall, when submitted to Congress, be found to be in compliance with the requisitions of the Constitution of the United States, I earnestly recommend that it may receive the sanction of Congress.

The part of California not included in the proposed State of that name is believed to be uninhabited, except in a settlement of our countrymen in the vicinity of Salt Lake.

A claim has been advanced by the State of Texas to a very large portion of the most populous district of the Territory commonly designated by the name of New Mexico. If the people of New Mexico had formed a plan of a State government for that Territory as ceded by the treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo, and had been admitted by Congress as a State, our Constitution would have afforded the means of obtaining an adjustment of the question of boundary with Texas by a judicial decision. At present, however, no judicial tribunal has the power of deciding that question, and it remains for Congress to devise some mode for its adjustment. Meanwhile I submit to Congress the question whether it would be expedient before such adjustment to establish a Territorial government, which, by including the district so claimed, would practically decide the question adversely to the State of Texas, or by excluding it would decide it in her favor. In my opinion such a course would not be expedient, especially as the people of this Territory still enjoy the benefit and protection of their municipal laws originally derived from Mexico, and have a mili tary force stationed there to protect them against the Indians. It is undoubtedly true that the property, lives, liberties, and religion of the people of New Mexico are better protected than they ever were before the treaty of cession.

Should Congress, when California shall present herself for incorporation into the Union, annex a condition to her admission as a State affecting her domestic institutions contrary to the wishes of her people, and even compel her temporarily to comply with it, yet the State could change her constitution at any time after admission when to her it should seem expedient. Any attempt to deny to the people of the State the right of self

necessary controversy which can either endanger it or impair its strength, the chief element of which is to be found in the regard and affection of the people for each other.

Tazewell, LITTLETON WALLER, legislator; born in Williamsburg, Va., Dec. 17, 1774; graduated at William and Mary College in 1792; admitted to the bar in

government in a matter which peculiarly spire fidelity and devotion to it, and affects themselves will infallibly be re- admonish us cautiously to avoid any garded by them as an invasion of their rights, and, upon the principles laid down in our own Declaration of Independence, they will certainly be sustained by the great mass of the American people. To assert that they are a conquered people and must as a State submit to the will of their conquerors in this regard will meet with no cordial response among American freemen. Great numbers of 1796; member of Congress in 1800-2; them are native citizens of the United States, not inferior to the rest of our countrymen in intelligence and patriotism, and no language of menace to restrain them in the exercise of an undoubted right, substantially guaranteed to them by the treaty of cession itself, shall ever be uttered by me or encouraged and sustained by persons acting under my authority. It is to be expected that in the residue of the territory ceded to us by Mexico the people residing there will at the time of their incorporation into the Union as a State settle all questions of domestic policy to suit themselves.

No material inconvenience will result from the want for a short period of a government established by Congress over the part of the territory which lies eastward of the new State of California; and the reasons for my opinion that New Mexico will at no very distant period ask for admission into the Union are founded on unofficial information which, I suppose, is common to all who have cared to make inquiries on that subject.

member of the commission to treat with Spain for the purchase of Florida in 1819; member of the United States Senate in 1824-33; and was chosen governor of Vir ginia in 1834. In 1840 he was the candidate for the Vice-Presidency on the ticket with James G. Birney. He died in Norfolk, Va., March 6, 1860.

Tea. The tea-plant, which played such a conspicuous part in American history just previous to the Revolutionary War, was brought to Europe by the Dutch East India Company, and first appeared in Holland. It was nearly 100 years before the exports were very large or its use became extensive in England and in the English American colonies. As early as 1770 the cultivation of the teaplant was undertaken in Georgia, and from time to time the attempt has been renewed. The imports of tea into the United States in the year ending June 30, 1904, aggregated 112,898,016 lbs., valued at $18,229,310.

Tea in Politics. Among other articles imported into the colonies upon which a Seeing, then, that the question which duty was laid, in 1767, was tea, the furnow excites such painful sensations in the nishing of which, for England and her country will in the end certainly be set- colonies, was a monopoly of the East tled by the silent effect of causes inde- India Company. In consequence of the pendent of the action of Congress, I again violent manifestation of opposition to submit to your wisdom the policy recom- this method of taxation, and especially mended in my annual message of await- of the serious effects upon British trade ing the salutary operation of those causes, by the operations of the non-importation believing that we shall thus avoid the league, Lord North, then prime minister, creation of geographical parties, and se- offered a bill in Parliament, in the spring cure the harmony of feeling so necessary of 1770, for the repeal of the duties upon to the beneficial action of our political every article enumerated, excepting tea. system. Connected, as the Union is, with He thought, unwisely, that tea, being a the remembrance of past happiness, the luxury, the colonists would not object to sense of present blessings, and the hope paying the very small duty imposed upon of future peace and prosperity, every dic- it, and he retained that simply as a standtate of wisdom, every feeling of duty, and ing assertion of the right of Parliament every emotion of patriotism tend to in- to tax the colonists. It was a fatal


The bill became a law April Six of Snyder's school mates bore the 2, 1770. The minister mistook the charac- coffin, and nearly 500 school-boys led the ter and temper of the Americans. It was procession. The bells of Boston were not the petty amount of duties imposed, tolled; so, also, were those of the neighfor none of this species of taxation was boring towns. burdensome; it was the principle involved, By smuggling, non-importation, and nonwhich lay at the foundation of their liber- consumption agreements, the tax on tea, ties. They regarded the imposition of ever retained for the purpose of vindicating so small a duty upon one article as much the authority of Parliament, was virtua violation of their sacred rights as if ally nullified at the opening of 1773. Then a heavy duty on tea was imposed. The a new thought upon taxation occurred ministry would not yield the point, and to Lord North. The East India Company a series of troubles followed. Merchants severely felt the effects of these causes, in Boston, New York, Philadelphia, An- and requested the government to take off napolis, and other places agreed not to the duty of 3d. a pound on their tea levied import tea, and there were combinations in America. Already 17,000,000 lbs. had against its use in various places. Before accumulated in their warehouses in EngNorth introduced his repeal bill into Par- land, and they offered to allow the gov liament the mistresses of 300 families in ernment to retain 6d. upon the pound Boston subscribed to a league, Feb. 9, as an exportation tariff if they would 1770, binding themselves not to drink any take off the 3d. duty. Here was an optea until the revenue act should be re- portunity for conciliation; but the minpealed. Three days afterwards (Feb. 12) istry, deluded by false views of national the young maidens followed the example honor, would not accede to the proposiof the matrons, and multitudes signed tion, but stupidly favored the East India the following document: "We, the daugh- Company, and utterly neglected the printers of those patriots who have, and do ciples and feelings of the Americans. They now, appear for the public interest, and proposed a bill for the exportation of tea in that principally regard their posterity to America on their own account, without -as such, do with pleasure engage with paying export duty, and it passed May them in denying ourselves the drinking 10, 1773. Agents and consignees were of foreign tea, in hopes to frustrate a appointed in the several colonies to replan which tends to deprive a whole com- ceive the tea, and the ministry congratu munity of all that is valuable in life.” lated themselves with outwitting the paViolators of the non-importation agree- triots. This movement perfected the nulments were sometimes handled roughly. lification of the tea tax, for universal A Boston merchant, Theophilus Lillie, of Tory tendencies, continued to sell tea openly, which excited popular indignation. A company of half-grown boys placed an effigy near his door with a finger upon it, pointing towards his store. While a man was attempting to remove it, he was pelted with dirt and stones. Running into the store, he seized a gun, and discharged its contents among the crowd. A boy named Snyder was killed, and a lad named Samuel Gore was wounded. The affair produced intense excitement, not only in Boston, but throughout the colonies. The funeral of Snyder was a most impressive pageant. His coffin, inscribed 'Innocence itself is not safe," These consignees were all friends of Govwas borne to Liberty Tree, where an immense concourse were assembled, who thence followed the remains to the grave.

opposition to its use was manifested.

Those who accepted the office of consignees of the tea cargoes of the East India Company were held in equal disrepute with the stamp-distributers. They were requested to refrain from receiving the proscribed article. The request of a public meeting in Philadelphia, Oct. 2, 1773, that Messrs. Wharton should not act, was complied with, and their answer was received with shouts of applause. Another firm refused, and they were greeted with groans and hisses. A public meeting in Boston (Nov. 5) appointed a committee to wait upon the consignees in that town and request them to resign.

ernor Hutchinson-two of them were his sons and a third his nephew. They had been summoned to attend a meeting of the

Sons of Liberty (under Liberty Tree) and destruction of the tea in Boston. An1esign their appointments. They contemptuously refused to comply; now, in the presence of the town committee, they so equivocated that the meeting voted their answer "unsatisfactory and daringly affrontive." Another committee was appointed for the same purpose at a meeting on the 18th, when the consignees replied: "It is out of our power to comply with the request of the town." The meeting broke up with ominous silence. The consignees became alarmed and asked leave to resign their appointments into the hands of the governor and council. The prayer was refused, and the consignees fled to the protection of the castle. At a meeting held first in Faneuil Hall and then in the South Meeting-house (Nov. 29), a letter was received from the consignees, offering to store the tea until they could write to England and receive instructions. The offer was rejected with disdain. The sheriff then read a proclamation from the governor, ordering the meeting to disperse. It was received with hisses. Then the meeting ordered that two tea vessels hourly expected at Boston should be moored at Griffin's Wharf. At the demand of a popular meeting in New York (Nov. 25) the appointed consignees there declined to act, whereupon Governor Tryon issued an order for the cargo of any tea-ship that might arrive to be deposited in the barracks.

other, driven by stress of weather to the West Indies, did not arrive at New York for several months afterwards. When it arrived (April 21, 1774) at Sandy Hook the pilots, under instructions from the city committee, refused to bring her up, and a committee of vigilance soon took possession of her. When the captain was brought to town he was ordered to take back his ship and cargo. The consignees refused to interfere; and meanwhile another ship, commanded by a New York captain, was allowed to enter the harbor, on the assurance that she had no tea on board. A report soon spread that she had tea on board, and the captain was compelled to acknowledge that he had eighteen chests, belonging to private parties, and not to the East India Company. The indignant people poured the tea into the harbor, and the captain of the East India tea-ship-with grand parade, a band of music playing “God save the King," the city bells ringing, and colors flying from liberty-poles-was escorted from the custom-house to a pilot-boat, which took him to his vessel at the Hook, when, under the direction of the vigilance committee, the vessel was started for England. A teaship (the Dartmouth) arrived at Boston late in November, 1773, and was ordered by a town-meeting (Nov. 29) to be moored at Griffin's Wharf. It was voted by the same meeting that the owner be directed When news reached America that tea- not to enter the tea-ship at his peril"; ships were loading for colonial ports, the and the captain was warned not to suffer patriots took measures for preventing the any of the tea to be landed. Two other unloading of their cargoes here. The tea-ships that arrived there were served Philadelphians moved first in the matter. in the same way, and suffered outrage. A At a public meeting held Oct. 2, 1773, in fourth tea-vessel, bound for Boston, was eight resolutions the people protested wrecked on Cape Cod, and a few chests of against taxation by Parliament, and de- her tea, saved, were placed in the castle nounced as "an enemy to his country" by the governor's orders. About twenty whoever should "aid or abet in unloading, chests brought in another vessel, on prireceiving, or vending the tea." A town- vate account, were seized and cast into meeting was held in Boston (Nov. 5), at the water. In Charleston a cargo was which John Hancock presided, which landed, but, being stored in damp cellars, adopted the Philadelphia resolutions, with was spoiled. See BOSTON TEA PARTY. a supplement concerning remissness in ob- Technology, INSTITUTES OF, a notewor serving non-importation and non-consump- thy feature of the educational progress tion agreements, but insisting upon a in the United States in recent years is strict compliance with them in the future. the great attention that is being paid A tea-vessel. bound for Philadelphia, was stopped (Dec. 25) 4 miles below that city, information having been received of the

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to the education of the young in technical lines. The institutes of technology are institutions wholly distinct from the agri

cultural and mechanical colleges that northern branch of the upper Wabash), have been established in the various among the Delawares and Miamis. There States and Territories under provisions throughout 1809 the Prophet attracted of two acts of Congress. The latter, large numbers of Indians, when military while providing special instruction in exercises were interspersed with religious agriculture, also give courses to a mummeries and warlike sports. These limited extent in manual training. Tech- military exercises, and an alleged secret nical institutes also differ from what are intercourse of the brothers with the known as manual training-schools, the British traders and agents, had drawn latter affording instruction in a few branches of industry dependent on hand work. The usual course in the purely technical institutions includes civil, mechanical, and electrical engineering, foundry work, modelmaking, wood and metal turning, and mechanical drawing, in addition to the French and German languages, chemistry, and other necessities for a professional technical career. At the end of the schoolyear 1902 there were in the United States forty-three institutes of technology, having a total of 1,434 professors and instructors; 18,990 students in all departments; 12 fellowships; 1,193 scholarships; 494,981 bound volumes, and 140,312 pamphlets in their libraries; scientific apparatus valued at $3,510,219; grounds and buildings valued at $24,001,683; productive funds aggregating $14,454,783; and total income, $4,796,613.


In 1905 much of an extraordinary demand for graduates of the leading institutes of technology was directly traceable to the remarkable development of the manufacturing interests of the country.

Tecumseh, an Indian warrior, chief of the Shawnees; born in Old Piqua, near Springfield, O., about 1768; was one of the boldest and most active of the braves who opposed Wayne (1794-95), and was at the treaty of Greenville. As early as 1804 he had begun the execution of a scheme, in connection with his brother, "The Prophet," for confederating the Western Indians for the purpose of exterminating the white people. He made use of the popularity of his brother as a prophet or medicine-man, whose influence had been very great over large portions of the Delawares, Shawnees, Wyandottes, Miamis, Ottawas, Pottawattomies, Kickapoos, Winnebagoes, and Chippewas. It was among the more remote tribes that a greater part of his converts were obtained. In the summer of 1808 the Prophet removed his village to Tippecanoe Creek (a


upon the Prophet and his brother the suspicions of Harrison, the governor of the Indian Territory and superintendent of Indian affairs. With consummate duplicity, the Prophet, visiting Harrison at Vincennes, allayed his suspicions by assuming to be a warm friend of peace, his sole object being to reform the Indians and to put a stop to their use of whiskey. Not long afterwards, a treaty made with several tribes by Harrison was denounced by Tecumseh, and serious threats were made by him. Harrison invited the brothers to an interview at Vincennes (August, 1810), when the latter appeared with many followers and showed so much hostility that the governor ordered him and his people to quit the neighborhood.

Tecumseh went among the Seminoles in Florida, the Creeks in Alabama and Georgia, and tribes in Missouri in the

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