Imagens da página

Capulet, 386
Cara, 398

Caraguata, 387

Caravan, 79, 229, 230, 233, 316

Carbine, 77

Cardinal Puff, 150, 151

Carlotta, 153, 153, 226, 226, 473

Carlo, 147, 231, 314

Carlos, 67, 231, 238

Cassandar, 146, 235

Cast-off, 154, 396

Catamaran, 66, 146, 227, 307
Catchfly, 465, 466

Catherina, 75, 76, 150, 155, 225,

226, 232, 306, 391

Cato, 68

Cattonian, 63, 152
Caution, 71, 476, 477

Centurion, 151, 152
Cerberus, 308, 473, 474
Cestercian, 310
Chaldean Princess, 65
Champagne, 149, 150, 239
Chance, 67, 228, 310
Changeling, 229, 310

Chantilly, 75, 145, 306, 391, 392,

Charlatan, 386

Charles XII., 159, 160, 234, 237,

Charley, 75, 76, 309, 467, 472
Chartist, 65

Chasseur, 235, 236, 237, 308, 308,
313, 313, 475, 475, 477, 478
Cheroot, 232

Chilson, 316, 316, 316, 466
Chit-chat, 392

Chivalry, 319

Christinetta, 66, 158

Chymist, 66, 68, 396, 396, 470
Cigar, 65

Claret, 74

Clarion, 153, 399, 466, 468, 472,

473, 473, 474

Cleanthes, 65, 152, 153, 316, 316
Clematis, 67, 71, 226, 227, 240,

Clementina, 234

Clem-o'-the-Clough, 391, 472
Clinker, 73, 74, 74, 74

Clints, sister to, 315

Clone, 73, 74, 74

Clydesdale, 309

Clytha Lass, 145

Cognac, 317, 317, 391

Cognovit, 470

Colchicum, 75, 76, 312, 392, 393,

399, 400, 475
Collinas, 305, 472

Collington Lass, 145, 315
Colonel, 67, 147, 156, 240
Columbine, 315, 395
Columella, 77, 157, 158
Colverstown, 470

Combat, 229, 230, 230, 233, 233,

235, 237, 308, 314, 317

Comet, 227, 227
Comptroller, 77
Cona, 229, 229

Confederate, 70, 235, 236
Confusionée, 68, 68, 147, 147,
148, 150, 238, 308

brother to, 387,

387, 388, 395, 473
Constance, 146, 227, 228

Constantine, 310, 310, 469, 469
Contest, 311

Cornet, the, 78, 157
Cornuto, 75, 76, 159, 467
Coronation, 316, 467
Corsair, 234, 238, 238, 310, 311,
399, 468

Countess, 228, 465

Cracksman, 65, 317, 317, 466,

Crazy-boy, 79, 157
Creeper, 385

Creeping Ceres, 308, 308, 387
Creeping Jenny, 227

Cripple, the, 76, 153, 387, 471
Crockery, 152

Cromaboo, 74

Cross-buttock, 68

Crucifix, 72

Cruiskeen, 159, 306, 467, 468, 472

Cupid, 388

Curate, 232, 388, 470
Currency, 72, 466, 475
Currier, the, 77, 156, 156, 235,
237, 238, 239, 239, 308, 316
Cutty Sask, 228

Dædalus, 77, 80, 154, 154, 154
Dahlia, 240, 240, 314, 388, 396,

Dame Durden, 385, 385
Dandy, 389, 389

Daniel, 229, 229, 312, 312
Daphne, 309

Darkness, 78, 146, 153, 229

Dean, the, 66, 75, 75, 155, 155

229, 392, 392
Deceiver, 227, 227
Deception, 67, 159

Decision, 79, 236, 476

De Clifford, 149, 158, 159, 239

Defence, 391
Defendant, 397

Defy, 150, 236

Denham, 470, 470

Devonshire, 317

Devonshire Lass, 65

Dewdrop, 316, 395, 396

Dey of Algiers, 236, 238, 238,
397, 474

Diana, 229, 229, 229, 312, 36,

386, 386, 465
Diderot, 474, 477
Diploma, 72, 397

Diplomatist, 478, 478
Disagreeable, 154
Discipline, 312

Discovery, 277, 228, 388, 388
Diver, the, 151, 153, 228
Diversion, 153, 234

Doctor, the, 76, 148, 149, 159,
228, 309, 469

Dr. Caius, 152, 159, 160, 318,
390, 390

Dr. Oliver, 150, 318
Domino, 79, 235

Donald Caird, 151, 153, 158,

225, 310

Donation, 154, 155

Doncaster, 235, 236, 238, 307,

307, 317, 317, 317, 398

Drama, the, 80, 146, 235, 240,
313, 314

Dreadnought, 66, 68, 77, 150,
237, 313, 468

Drogheda, 67, 68, 77, 77, 147,

156, 233, 240, 240

Dromedary, 76, 77, 146, 155,

156, 470, 471

Duenna, the, 76, 227, 239, 391,

Dunstan, 311, 311, 313

Duvernay, 232

Eagle, 229

Easingwold, 149, 228, 310, 310,

390, 390, 390

Eden, 317

Egotist, 67
Eleanor, 76

Elegance, 67
Elite, 398, 476
Elphine, 477

Emetic, 79

Emma, 307

Enterprise, brother to, 67, 80,
235, 239

E. O., 396, 397, 399, 477
Epirus, 238, 238, 306, 319
Ermengardis, 151, 320

Ernest, 311
Escort, 397

Euclid, 79, 238, 238
Evelyn, 394, 476
Evergreen, 387, 387
Executrix, 475

Exit, 66, 67, 78

Exorable, 305, 308

Exquisite, 229, 229, 312

Exterminator, 389

Extravagance, 239

Fair Louisa, 76, 148, 149

Fairy, 387, 395, 473

Fairy Queen, 74
Faith, 158

Fat Jack, 227, 232, 395
Fearneley, 316

-, brother to, 315

Fearnought, 72, 237

Feather, 236, 238, 398, 475, 477

Felo-de-se, 235, 236

Fenella, 149, 309

[blocks in formation]

Jane, 390

Jane Anne, 388

Jane Thornton, 232

Janus, 79, 150, 398, 399, 474, 478
Jeffy, 70, 78, 157, 397, 400
Jemmy Jumps, 394, 472
Jenny Jones, 66, 78, 80, 229,
232, 234, 234, 306, 308, 308,
316, 316, 396, 473, 474
Jessica, 157, 399, 477

Jewess, 317, 391, 393, 394
Jim Crow, 66, 76, 77, 231, 307,
307, 385

Joannina, 235, 308, 313, 389,

389, 399, 477, 478
Johannes, 76, 77
Johannah, 312

Johnny-boy, 471

Judy Calaghan, 306, 309
Juggler, 396

Juniper, 67, 68

Jupiter, 154, 155, 231
Just Come, 465

Juvenile, 145, 229, 230, 307,

319, 392, 392, 392

Kaiser, 471

Kate, 225, 307

Kate Kearney, 71, 73, 307, 388
Kathleen, 390, 390, 468, 470
Kedge, 318

Kensington, 67, 68, 155, 156, 231
Kildare, 240

King Cole, 145, 148, 228, 232,

311, 391, 399, 472
King of Kelton, 73
King Lear, 390, 390, 469, 470
Kingston Robin, 318, 394, 395
Kirkdale, 158, 306
Kitty, 232

Kitty Cockle, 233

Knight, the, 155, 155, 229, 316,
316, 467, 467, 473, 473

L'Amitié, 75

La Beguine, 158

La Bellezza, 69
Lady Abbess, 148
Lady Bird, 307

Lady Blessington, 149, 391
Lady Chester, 239
Lady Crainshaw, 390, 468, 469
Lady Georgiana, 307, 308, 308,

308, 314, 315, 385
Lady Grove, 76, 148, 306, 306,

Lady of the Lake, 229, 229
Lady Liverpool, 151, 152
Lady Paulet, 399, 389
Lady Sneerwell, 79, 306, 311,


La Femme Sage, 72, 320, 320
La Gitina, 68, 319, 398, 476
Lallah Rookh, 72, 148, 150, 312,


Lama, 80

Lamplighter, 309
Lampoon, 318, 394
Lampos, 397, 400

Lanercost, 152, 225, 236

-, sister to, 152, 153
Landlord, 240
Langolee, 397, 398, 474, 477.

478, 478

Lanner, 310, 310, 390, 390, 469
Lansquenet, 385, 385

La Sage Femme, 76, 149, 150,
310, 318, 394, 471

Latona, 71

Launchaway, 71

Launcelot, 70, 158, 318, 394

Lazy Bess, 465
Leamington Lass, 467

Leporello, 467, 468
Lightning, 74, 225
Lillie, 149, 227

Limerick, 396, 399, 475
Limner, 387, 388

Little Peter, 150, 239, 391
Little Philip, 75, 75, 76, 159
Little Queen, 234
Little Thought-on, 232
Little Tommy, 395
Little Western, 226, 233

Little Wonder, 70, 78

Little Willie, 228

Logic, 226

Long Hannah, 65

Lop, 467

Lord de Rossington, 75

Lord Mayor, the, 316, 391, 472
Louisa, 385, 388, 392

Lucretia, 227, 308, 309, 315, 385,

393, 394, 466

Lucy, 80, 385, 399

Lugwardine, 66, 230

Lumley, 397

Luther, 229, 229, 312, 312

Lyster, 71, 72, 396, 396, 470

Macaroon, 471

Macready, 230

Mad Moll, 232

Madame St. Clair, 310

Magic, 233, 234

Maid, the, 75, 76, 148, 315,

Maid Marian, 227, 309, 309, 388,

Maid-of-all-Work, 65

Maid of the Mill, 67, 228

Maid of Kent, 71

Maid of Monton, 149, 159, 159,
160, 306

Maid of Ipswich, 386, 386, 400,
476, 476

Maid of the Wood, 234

Maid of Wigan, 149

Malton, 226, 307

Mango, 228

Marchioness, 236

March First, 66, 67, 71, 71, 317,

317, 391, 393, 394, 466
March Wind, 71

Marialva, 386, 386, 400, 475

Maria Monk, 152, 153, 225, 225,

316, 316, 472

Martha Lynn, 148, 310

Maroon, 77, 158, 160, 318, 319,

320, 320

Marlow Lass, 227
Martyrdom, 390, 469

Marmaduke, 75, 148, 311, 312
Martinette, 229, 229
Martyrdom, 309, 469
Mary Anne, 158

Mary Wood, 66, 66, 145, 309
Master Eady, 229
Master Teddy, 147
May-boy, 65, 73, 74, 74
May First, 71, 147, 147
Mazeppa, 472

Mazurka, 315, 316, 395
Meerut, 311, 468
Memnon Junior, 471
Mendizabel, 235, 238, 239
Menalippe, 70, 71, 157, 158, 398,
476, 478

Merle, sister to, 157
Merryman, 154

Merry Lass, 145, 307, 387, 387,

Mermaid, 227, 315, 395, 395
Merven, 399

Messmate, 76, 315, 395, 471
Messene, 157, 157, 396, 477
Mickle Fun, 152
Mickleton Maid, 159, 160, 234,
235, 320, 394, 467
Middleham, 152, 153
Milksop, 68

Millepede, 315, 471

Minaret, 67

Minnow, 67

Minx, 313, 313, 389, 477

Mischief, 76, 391, 391
Miss Annie, 77

Miss Anne, 385

Miss Cyclops, 465

Miss Emma, 465

Miss Fitz, 391

Miss Fidget, 232, 388

Miss Gray, 77, 77

Miss Hawke, 157

Miss Heathcote, 158, 237, 309,

476, 477, 478

Miss Kitty Cockle, 69, 145, 155,

225, 226, 392, 467, 472
Miss Le Gros, 151, 471
Miss Lydia, 151, 320
Miss Margaret, 149, 231, 231
Miss Matilda, 70, 72, 77, 231
Miss Nick, 310

Miss Romer, 156

Miss Tatt, 149

Mistake, 396, 386, 400, 475
Mobarek, 400

Modesty, 148, 149, 159, 306,
390, 390, 468, 472

Mogul, 232, 232, 311

Moleskin, 158, 160, 231
Molineux, 320

Monops, 70, 393

Montezuma, 313, 313, 317, 317,


Montreal, 79, 157, 312, 465
Moonbeam, 318

Moor, the, 65, 231, 309, 317,

391, 393, 466

Morning Star, the, 228, 310,

Morrison, 229, 229

Mosque, 157, 397, 475

Mounteagle, 154, 465, 466

Mountain Sylph, 237, 318,

Mulciber, 229, 316, 467, 468

Muleteer, 67

Muley Moloch, 65

Muley Ishmael, 70, 397

Munchausen, 71, 72, 72, 156,

226, 226, 232, 396

Mungo Park, 392, 393, 399,

400, 474, 476, 478, 478
Mus, 234, 236, 237, 38, 240,
314, 393, 396
Myrtle, 149, 398, 400, 477

Naamah, 305, 309
Narcissus, 66, 155

Naworth, 160, 160, 237, 238,

313, 313, 467

Nell, 155, 315, 315, 385, 389,

389, 389, 395

Neptune, 318

Newbold, 228, 228

Nicholas, 79, 80, 156, 236, 238,

238, 240, 400, 400, 475, 476,
477, 478, 478

Nightshade, 148

No-go, 230

Nominee, 72, 147, 314, 388

Nongifted, 236, 392

Nonsuch, 76

Nonsense, 240

Northenden, 75, 159, 306, 465,


Normandy, 386, 386

Normanby, 386

Norman, 467

Nubian, 74, 76, 149, 238, 238,
Nun, 389

Obelisk, 68, 77
Ochiltree, 388, 389
Odious, 154, 398
Eolian, 157
Olive Branch, 156
Olympic, 65, 228

Opera, 390, 390, 469, 469, 469
Orange-boy, 388, 470

Orelia, 159, 235, 306, 318, 318

Oroonoko, 240
Oswald, 390, 397

Outcast, 68

Paddy, 240, 240, 240, 240, 387,


Paddy Wack, 234

Pagan, 394, 471

Paganini, 80

Palamon, 69

Panacea, 319

Parazade, 65

Passport, 65, 147, 148, 148, 317,

317, 393, 394
Pathfinder, 70
Patrick, 317

Patriot, 468, 468, 469, 469, 470

Patty, 156

Pegleg, 388

Pelerine, 148, 237, 316
Percy, 148

Pergamus, 147, 148, 226, 226,

233, 308, 308, 393, 394
Perfidious, 67, 68

Perseus, 78, 79, 397, 399, 400,
474, 476

Pestonjee Bomanjee, 69, 72, 78,

238, 240
Perdita, 399

Petito, 72, 399

Peterel, 77, 77, 146, 155, 230,
312, 312

Petty Larceny, 232,386, 467, 467
Phamy, 28

Physician, 387, 387
Piannet, 239

Piccotee, 308, 313, 473

Pickwick, 147, 155, 160, 230,
235, 237, 238, 240, 240, 240,
393, 398, 473, 474, 475, 478
sister to, 400, 468,

Pic-nic, 155

Pilot, 308, 308, 315, 385, 389
Plenary, 72

Ploughboy, 145

Plover, the, 311, 387, 467
Pluto, 67, 235, 240, 313, 314
Pocahontas, 72, 237

Pocket Hercules, 147, 233, 235
Poet, the, 69, 146, 154, 307
Polhymnia, 395, 395

Polydorus, 152, 318, 319, 320,

471, 471

Polly, 154, 154

Portrait, 75, 305, 311

Potentate, the, 74, 75, 235, 237,

390, 390, 469

Powick, 312, 470

Priamus, 160

Primus, 470

Prince Albert, 149, 150, 306
Prince George, 313

Princess, 305

Prince Nicholas, 315

Prizeflower, brother to, 400
Professor, sister to, 67, 71, 71
Protector, 308
Protection, 476

Protégée, 145, 234, 385, 385
Provost, 152, 318, 320
Prudence, 69, 228, 228, 391,
392, 472
Puffin, 315

Pulcherima, 71
Put, 239

Pyramid, 152, 228, 228, 310,

Quack, sister to, 150, 154, 154
Queen, the, 68

Queen of Spain, 470

Queen Bee, 151, 319, 320, 471,

Query, 227, 395, 472
Quid, 75, 76

Quilt Arnold, 68, 394
Quintel, 77, 77
Quo Minus, 78

Rabbit-catcher, 75
Radical, 394
Rally, 76

Ralph, 475

Ramadan, 475

Recorder, 306

Red Rose, 77, 156, 312, 312,

Red Wing, 151

Reel of Bogie, 228, 310
Rejected, the, 309, 310

Remedy, 151, 151, 158, 159,


Remnant, 153, 158, 476
Resolution, 151, 153, 225, 225,
225, 471

Retriever, 159, 230, 238
Rex, 234, 309

Rhodanthe, 148, 148, 158
Richard Roe, 66, 146, 470
Ringleader, 67, 67, 314
Robin, 77, 77, 80
Rodosto, 474, 476, 477, 478
Romp, 309, 395

Rory O'More, 65, 317, 466
Rosablanca, 238, 320, 468
Rose Bradwardine, 147, 229
230, 466, 473

Rose of Maclor, 150, 306
Rosemary, 317

Rosetta, brother to, 307
Roscius, 474, 475, 478
Rough Robin, 227
Royal Oak, 150

Ruby, 66, 77, 77, 78, 80, 80,

146, 156, 230, 466
Ruler, 69, 72, 80, 399, 474
Russell Frost, 75

Ruthless, 398

Safeguard, 399, 477
Sailor, 154, 389, 396
Sailor Boy, 73

Salamanca, 390, 469, 470
Salute, 74

Sal Volatile, 150, 153, 154,
154, 236, 238, 308, 313, 313
Sam Weller, 145, 155, 155, 226,
227, 227, 305, 315, 385, 389, 465
Sampson, 150, 159, 160, 225,
231, 319, 320
Saracena, 80

Sarah, 317, 317, 391
Satirist, 317, 318, 320
Saul, 149, 306, 309, 386, 472
Science, 153, 154, 230, 306, 395,
395, 473

Scroggins, 398, 474, 477, 478
Sculptor, 67

Scurryman, 145

Scutari, 70, 78, 79, 80, 397, 474

Scylla, 147, 153

Secander, 74, 148, 149, 160

Sepoy, 237, 475

Septimus, 305

Sergeant Botherum, 385

Shadow, the, 76, 319, 391, 394,


Shah, 159, 160

Shakspeare, 154

Shall-I-be-soon-enough, 465
Shark, 238, 398, 476, 478
Sherbet, 235

Shooting Lass, 73

Shuffler, 67, 70, 72, 147, 147,

Silistria, 154, 154, 238, 398, 399,
474, 477

Silstron, 65, 394

Simoon, 318, 320, 477

Single Peeper, 145, 227, 468
Single Weeper, 154

Sir Felix, 73, 147, 230, 307,

307, 466, 466, 466

Sir Giles Overreach, 230
Sir George, 392, 472
Sir Harry, 307
Sir Hercules, 469
Sir Mark, 69

Sir Ralph, own sister to, 155,
311, 311, 392, 472
Sir Thomas, 305

Slang, 77, 77, 156, 230, 240, 314,
388, 396, 470

Slender, 396

Sleight-of-Hand, 159, 318

Sluggard, 312

Smasher, 226, 233, 307

Smidlie Lilly, 305

Smollett, 152, 318, 471

Snaffle, 71, 240, 313, 314

Snipe, 389

Snoozer, 158, 160

Solomon Bennett, 69, 232, 233,


Sophocles, 70

[blocks in formation]

Vermilion, 75, 76, 231, 231, 316,

Vertumnus, 309, 356, 395, 395,
398, 398

Victoria, 154, 155, 230, 307, 465
Viola, 69, 69, 76, 227, 309, 315,

392, 392
Violante, 389

Volusia, 146

Wahab, 396, 397, 399, 400
Walker, 307

Wardan, 78, 150, 153, 232, 235,
236, 308

Waterdine, 146, 387, 388
Wee Willie, 229, 235, 237
Welfare, 72, 234, 237
Wellington, 315

Wenderton, 231, 396
Whalebone, 387, 337, 396

White Stockings, 231, 465, 466
Wilderness, 71, 71, 80, 147, 156,

235, 393, 399, 476

Willesden, 238, 238, 314, 392,

Wings, 75, 154, 232, 233, 309
Wirrestrew, 149, 159, 160, 306
Woldsman, 390

Wonder, 314

Woodbine, 66, 66, 155, 155, 228
Woodman, brother to, 77
Worcestershire, 227

Yaratilda, 475

Yeovenney, 388

Young Harry, 145, 232, 307
Young Hesperus, 389

Young-un, the, 151, 152, 160,


Young Quo Minus, 157, 475,

Young Sweetbriar, 315

Young Tamworth, 315, 385,
385, 389, 396

Zeno, 395

Zephyr, 71, 72

Zethus, 153, 316, 316

Zillah, 388, 388

Zohrab, 151, 152, 235, 237, 239,

467, 468, 472

Zulieka, 77, 470

Zulima, 74, 74, 158, 467, 472

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