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no matter how degraded they were nor how unworthy, even if they smote him and spat in his face while he was in the very act of paying their ransom. Again, your committee, to guard against the possible contagiousness of the indifference, impatience or despair of those who regard this work as hopeless or unnecessary, wishes to emphasize a factor that ought to enter into all estimates of its progress, and that is, it is a peculiar work. Two hundred and fifty years of bondage have left the freedmen a poor, ignorant, immoral, unthrifty, broken-spirited people, with a religion made up of a mixture of emotion and superstition, dashed with a little hospitality and general good will, still retaining beneath all this wreckage the undercurrent of true manhood and soul-longing for something better, which no amount of oppression can entirely check. Looked at from the cold standpoint of statistics, the work indeed seems to move slowly; but taking into consideration this peculiar factor of previous condition, it seems by no means so hopeless nor the progress so slow. Elevating races that have been free and living under the best influences for centuries is a vastly different thing from uplifting those who have been enslaved by men and devils and under the most soul-destroying influences for centuries. Christian teachers are agreed with the old heathen philosophers that "the descent to hell is easy," that it is like going over Niagara, while the ascent to heaven is hard and slow; and yet impatience and short-sightedness would lead some to drop this work and leave the freedmen to "wrestle with the problem alone." Because they cannot stem the current faster than they were dragged down by it, and have not been able in less than one generation to overcome the degrading influences of many generations, and because they have not been able in twenty years to overtake and keep pace with those whose ancestors have been free from time im

memorial, there are a few, and, thank God, only a few, who would utterly forsake them. But the problem cannot be got rid of by dropping it. It is, like all other questions of right and wrong, irrepressible, and the only way to get rid of its annoyance is to go at its solution with might and main, by doing the work indicated by the leadings of an all-wise Providence. Thank God, the church as a whole is right on this subject, and the good work goes on and will go on under his direction and control to a glorious completion, for somehow or other it is wound up with God's one comprehensive attribute of righteousness; and when a work gets

in that condition, nothing can stop it. It is gaining friends everywhere. North and South Christians are laying it on their hearts and consciences. May the day be near at hand when every Christian shall be a contributor to it, when not only the whole Presbytery of Pittsburgh, but the whole Presbyterian Church, and not only they, but the whole Christian Church in the United States, shall be faithfully pushing onward this work which God has entrusted to their care.

Rev. D. A. Gibbs writes from the low country near Charleston:

Here in the jungles and amid the riceswamps of South Carolina, I sit to pen you a few lines. I have gone the rounds of this part of the work. The wants of my people are great. Not preaching; they have about enough of that, if only it could be of a different sort. Teaching, teaching, is what is needed here. I inquired about the common free schools of the county. Was told they had a little one some time last fall. The children are growing up in ignorance, poverty and shame. Oh, sir, what an amount of work needs to be done! So much has been done, so much been given, and yet, sir, the work has only been begun. I never, until now visiting this lower country, knew the real condition of my people. Dear brother Payne, I've wept to-day as I never wept before. Alexander wept because there was no more domain for him to destroy. I weep cause, like poor Mordecai at the king's gate, I cannot bear to see the destruction of my people. This is the most healthy point on the work. The other two churches are located right in the mouth of death, so far as a deadly fever is concerned.


Since this was written this brother has been compelled to leave even this "healthy" point, because smitten by the fever. But the people are compelled to remain, although dying physically and spiritually.

FROM NORTH CAROLINA. A faithful elder, who teaches a parochial school part of the year, writes from Pollocksville, N. C.:

I am so glad to know that you are well pleased with my undertaking. I have a great struggle to keep the few members together, and I have found it hard work defraying the ex

penses of our ministers when they visit us. Sometimes I had to borrow the money. [The minister drives out from Newbern, fourteen miles; and all this poor congregation is expected to pay for his services is his horse hire.-H. N. P.]


The people would do something for themselves, but they are not able. Times are very hard; yes, harder than I can describe. The people are numerous, and work is scarce. last chopping that I could get to do, I was paid thirty cents in money and the rest in honey. I am above no honest employment, and do all that I can, but I have not seen one week of perfect health this year.

I hope you will come some Sunday and preach for us. When may I expect you? We have had preaching two times this year. [The Newbern church has been vacant since March 1, and has just secured a new minister.-H. N. P.] .

My Sabbath-school is increasing in numbers, and also in interest. I hope you will favor our summer school, as there are so many children here that do not attend school during winter on account of not having proper clothing. The white people here have promised help, and the county officers favor it. I had contracted such a debt that when I received my money from the Board I had to pay most of it out. I have a small patch of very nice cotton, and a very nice garden. Do not think that a man as poor as I am is above honest labor. I was in great need when I wrote to

and I have pressing needs now. I wish that I could see you. Will you come, dear brother? I am almost discouraged sometimes. Please pray for me.

Yours sincerely,


OUR MISSIONARY SCHOOLS. Ingleside Seminary, one of our youngest but most promising schools, is at Amelia Court-House, Va. It receives pupils of both sexes, but the boarding department is for girls only. A beautiful Christian home life is there taught and exemplified, the influence of which reaches into the homes of the people.

Miss A. C. Carpenter, of Erie, Pa., the efficient principal of the school, writes:

We have organized two new societies—one a mothers' missionary and sewing society, the

other for the girls. The mothers' is conducted on this plan: We meet once a week and sew on work we prepare, or on work sent to us ready prepared, knitting and sewing.

I allow the women six cents an hour for work. A price is set upon the articles made, and when they have earned sufficient they take for pay an article of which we have furnished the material. In this way we can make them feel that they are helping themselves. We can also draw in those we could not otherwise reach. We always have reading, singing, talking and praying. I am surprised at the number who attend and the interest they manifest. Every third meeting we work for those who cannot come, and who are destitute.

The girls' society is something the same. If they need help, we give it; if not, we give to those who do; and we teach them to sew and to knit. The girls are now piecing a quilt at each third meeting, to send to some school needing aid. I thought of the school in the Indian Territory. I want to teach them to help others in need, that they may partake of the missionary spirit while young.


A young lady at Pottstown, Pa., is in the habit of sending the Presbyterian and Faith and Works, after reading them, to one of our colored catechists, and the following letter from him to her shows how he appreciates them and may suggest to others to do likewise. Do not throw your religious papers away after reading them, but send them regularly to some of our colored missionaries, who will be very thankful for them. We will give the names to any who desire to do so.

It is with pleasure I seat myself to write you. I received your kind and welcome letter. Glad indeed to hear from you. I am pleased to say to you that I receive the Presbyterian every week from you, and you have no idea the pleasure it gives me to read that good paper. To be without it is almost like losing one out of the family. I do not see how I could get along without it. It tells me all about the church I so dearly love. It makes my soul happy when I read of so many souls being received into the Church of God. I trust that God will bless you and give you heaven for

your reward. Any good reading you send to me will be acceptable. I would have written you before now, but I lost your address and was thinking to write to the House of Publication to return my thanks. After I have read it I always give it to some one who can read, and you have no idea of the good it has done my church. I hope to write you again soon. I ask your prayers on my work. I will write you of my work next time.


Early in the first session of the first Congress under our present Constitution, held in New York in 1789, the question of domestic slavery came up on a resolution to impose an impost-tax on every slave brought into the country. The discussion on this subject was very warm and excited; and while these Congressional debates were fresh in the minds of the people, the venerable Dr. Benjamin Franklin, as president of the Pennsylvania Society for promoting the Abolition of Slavery and the Relief of Free Negroes, in an address to the public said:

The unhappy man who has long been treated as a brute animal too frequently sinks beneath the common standard of the human species. The galling chains that bind his body do also fetter his intellectual faculties, and impair the social affections of his heart. Accustomed to move like a mere machine, by the will of a master, reflection is suspended; he has not the power of choice; and reason and conscience have but little influence over his conduct, because he is chiefly governed by the passion of fear. He is poor and friendless; perhaps worn out by extreme labor and disease. Under such circumstances, freedom may often prove a misfortune to himself and prejudicial to society.

Dr. Franklin felt then the danger of degraded illiteracy in the country, and hence he goes on in his address to say:

Attention to emancipated black people, it is therefore to be hoped, will become a branch of our national police; but as far as we contribute to promote this emancipation, so far that atten

tion is evidently a serious duty incumbent on us, and which we mean to discharge to the best of our judgment and abilities.

To instruct, to advise, to qualify those who have been restored to freedom for the exercise and enjoyment of civil liberty; to promote in them habits of industry; to furnish them with employment suited to their age, sex, talents, and other circumstances; and to procure their children an education calculated for their future situation in life,-these are the great outlines of the annexed plan, which we have adopted, and which we conceive will essentially promote the public good and the happiness of these our hitherto too much neglected fellow creatures.

When Dr. Franklin issued this address

(1789), there were 697,897 slaves in the country, and comparatively few freedmen, though he doubtless hoped, through the efforts made for emancipation at that time, that there would be many more during his day. If, however, it was essential to "the public good" to qualify the few who were in the country then "for the exercise and enjoyment of civil liberty," what is demanded for the public good now that there are seven millions of them invested with the rights of citizenship, and among them over a million of voters? If it was important to procure for the children of the few freedmen of Franklin's day "an education calculated for their future situation in life," what is the importance now of procuring an education for over two millions of them, most of whom have no school privileges whatever?

The Board of Missions for Freedmen is

endeavoring to carry out essentially the plan set forth in the address from which we quote, the concluding words of which are especially applicable to its circumstances at this time, and which we cordially adopt:

A plan so extensive cannot be carried into execution without considerable pecuniary resources beyond the present ordinary funds of the society. We hope much from the generosity of enlightened and benevolent freemen, and will gratefully receive any donations or subscriptions for this purpose which may be made to our treasurer.


The responses to the recommendation of the General Assembly to hold simultaneous meetings during the second week of November in the interest of foreign missions are most gratifying. In many of the presbyteries the churches, as we go to press, are just upon the eve of this movement. In some of the churches missionary services began on the first Sabbath of November, and during this the first week, meetings are being held here and there with great interest, particularly in the Presbytery of Philadelphia North. During the second week of November the whole Synod of New Jersey will take up the work. Through the efforts of a very efficient committee, seventy centres have been selected in that synod for union meetings, and the committee have hope that services of some kind may be held in every church in the synod during the week. Here and there in different parts of the church both in the East and in the West there is a hearty response to this movement. Plans are being laid for special missionary services to be held in some of the leading churches of New York and Brooklyn and Philadel phia. These will be held mainly in December and January. Will not other large cities follow this example, and during the same months arrange plans for either union services or special presentations of the subject of foreign missions in the different pulpits?

A great foreign missionary work has been undertaken for this centennial year of the church and semi-centennial of the Board. If the effort to raise a million dollars is to be successful, as it certainly may be and ought to be, it can only be by a united ef fort, well organized at every point, and breathed upon and inspired and vitalized by the Spirit of God in answer to prayer. Such a baptism is the object of the simultaneous meetings.

Let it be remembered that December is the proper month, the very best month, for

a united and universal effort by the Sunday-schools in response to the Assembly's recommendation for a Christmas offering of $75,000. If there be not time to obtain the jugs and barrels, waive all that and make the effort without them. It is no more than just and fair that those schools which are taking hold so nobly shall be supported by every other school, that the phalanx shall be solid and complete. Thus a keynote will be struck in the Christmas offering of this centennial year which shall be worthy of a following by the children and the youth through all the new century of our church history.

It is an inspiring thought that we are now sounding the bugle note for the three generations who will live and die ere another Centennial shall come.

The churches during the month of November are praying specially for foreign missions. What in particular are they asking? If they are seeking for a great enlargement of the work, a great increase of gifts, a broader and deeper consecration of the means God has placed in their power, will it not be wise to rise up and immediately begin to answer those petitions by actually doing the things for which prayer is offered? Sabbath-school children are keen observers, and are always quick and responsive in undertaking what their leaders advise. Only let the word go forth and the $75,000 will be raised. And if the children thus begin the work the million will come.

Mr. William Duncan, to whose remarkable work among the degraded savages of Metlakahtla, in British Columbia, frequent reference has been made in our columns, has solved the difficulties of his situation by actually removing his colony over the lines into Alaska.

Without stopping to discuss the merits of his controversy with the Church Missionary

Society and the Dominion Government, it is enough to say that when he appeared in the United States a year ago with his petition to our Government and to the churches for encouragement and aid in his enterprise, few regarded the scheme as at all feasible. The expense involved in transporting a thousand Indians seemed an insurmountable barrier. The loss involved in forsaking a settlement which had been furnished with all the appliances of civilization in schools. and churches, saw-mills, canning factories, blacksmith shops, flour-mills, etc., enough to stagger the faith and the purpose of any but the most intrepid.


But the simple fact now is that Mr. Duncan and his colony are in Alaska. By what means this has been accomplished we cannot say. We hope that wisdom will be given to this remarkable leader, and that whatever errors there may have been in his ecclesiastical theories may be corrected as a result of experience and severe trial. Above all, may the time be distant when the rush of American enterprise shall elbow this Indian colony out of its possessions, as has been done in so many instances under that American flag to whose protection the exiles have fled.

the name of influential men of different religious bodies, but should be under their positive control. Above all, it should not add another to the various calls for church collections. Its very raison d'etre lies in the fact that the demands of the missionary work are greater than the churches as such can meet or will be likely to meet.

One great evil of the times is the tendency to divide and divert the collections of the churches from those great enterprises which they have taken under their own responsible direction. To support the medical missionaries when fully prepared is all that they can undertake.

But there are many persons outside of the churches, and some perhaps within their membership, who are not greatly interested in the spiritual aspects of missions, but are thorough believers in their medical work. Upon the support of such individual friends should a medical missionary society rely. And doubtless, if its methods were transparently commendable and its resources were known to be undiminished by expensive collecting agencies, it would win favor and support, and become eminently useful. F. F. ELLINWOOD.

NEW YORK, November 8, 1887.

The acknowledged demand for a great enlargement of medical work in foreign mission fields is giving rise to the establishment of numerous medical missionary trainingschools in various parts of the country. The danger is that there will be too many, and that the organizations under which they will proceed will be crude and irresponsible.

If something like the Edinburgh Medical Missionary Society could be reproduced in this country, it would in our opinion be very desirable. It should be raised as far as possible above all one-man management and all suspicion of place-seeking and personal aggrandizement. It should be undenominational. It should not claim to represent the missionary boards, as probably no one of them would invest it with any such authority.

It should not be carried onward merely in

The success of Rev. A. P. Happer, D.D., in obtaining endowments for a missionary college in Canton, China, has been quite remarkable. After securing something over $100,000 he has sailed for Canton, to make arrangements for the opening of the institution in February next. The board of trustees, of which Rev. Robert R. Booth, D.D., is chairman, have very properly chosen Dr. Happer as president of the college. It is expected that two missionaries now on the field will be chosen as professors, and that from the first the institution will take a high position.

Dr. Happer is encouraged to believe that the Chinese Sabbath-schools in this country, which now number over three thousand pupils, will select a goodly number of their brightest and most devoted youth, and send them to the Canton college and there sup

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