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Just at the time that they were making out the application from this church to the Board, there came a financial crisis among the rich cattle-men. There are three large firms residing here, with cattle in the Panhandle and the Indian Territory, and they have all gone down and the national bank with them. While these men did not have much to do with the churches, and gave very little for their support, yet their bankruptcy has affected everything and everybody, directly or indirectly. And this coming right after two very droughty years has caused great depression. While these things may not affect the future, they do affect the present. The moral to be drawn from this is, the Board must not cut down the application much, for the people here are not able to do more than they pledged. Western Texas is going through the experience of Kansas ten or twelve years ago; this country will live through and come out all right.


[blocks in formation]

Rev. B. T. Balcar, Bohemian 1st,
Rev. W. P. Craig, Sioux Falls,

Rev. J. H. Baldwin, Galesburgh and Colgate,
Rev. W. H. Niles, Nelson and Henrietta,
Rev. J. H. Reynard, Aurora,

Rev. F. M. Hickok, Hansen and West Blue,
Rev. W. P. Teitsworth, Hardy and station,
Rev. A. Patterson, Clontibret,
Rev. H. M. Goodell, Wahoo,

Rev. J. Wittenberger, Meridian German,
Rev. C. Brouillette, Ohiowa, Tobias and Bower,
Rev. John Martin, Hartington, Coleridge and St.

Rev. G. B. McComb, Apple Creek and station,
Rev. W. W. Harsha, Bellevue and La Platte,
Rev. J. R. Brown, Emerson,

Rev. J. G. Schiable, Omaha, 1st German,
Rev. H. R. Lewis, Golden City, Shiloh, Grace, Madi-
son and Stockton,

Rev. E. McNair, Lathrop,

Rev. C. P. Taylor, Peotone and Fairview, Rev. J. H. Byers, Cedar Point, Clement and Walton,

Rev. J. H. Hunter, Effingham, Lancaster and

Rev. H. P. Wilson, Clifton and vicinity,
Rev. W. H. Wieman, Irving,

Rev. W. R. Scott, Burrton and vicinity,
Rev. G. E. Bicknell, Lakin and Hartlaud,
Rev. J. P. Fulton, Crisfield, Freeport, Danville
and vicinity,

Rev. G. B. Sproule, Plainville and Shiloh,
Rev. R. Cochran, Mt. Pleasant, Poheta and Gyp-
sum City,

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A CREDIBLE WITNESS. Dr. Meade C. Williams is pastor of the Presbyterian church at Princeton, Ill. Within his Presbytery of Rock River is located our Board's Geneseo Collegiate Institute, the first institution to whose aid the Board committed itself by definite vote. Of the thrift and usefulness of the institution we have spoken more than once, and shall have need to speak again in this issue, for the notable facts developing in its history are very interesting. Now, however, we are telling only one of them. Dr. Williams is a trustee of the institute, and thus has the means of understanding exactly what claim it has upon Christian sympathy and support. Just before the preparation of this paragraph the writer of it has had the pleasure of endorsing to the treasurer of this Board of Aid a draft for three thousand dollars, the proceeds of which are to be forwarded at once to the treasurer of the Geneseo Institute, as a gift of Dr. Williams toward the endowment of the chair of the principal. The gift is made under conditions which expressly exalt to the first place the Christian character of the school. Those conditions, however, are the very same which the Board emphasizes, and which the managers of the institute heartily adopt, and with manifest spiritual results.

Here, now, is an electric light turned on this Board's western work and the soundness of the principles on which it is conducted. There is not in the state of Illinois a man whose testimony on this subject of Christian education could command higher regard for intelligence and prudence than does that of the donor of this generous gift. If any to whom our work seems far off are asking, Is it safe to put money into these new enterprises of our College Board? we refer them to the act of this Presbyterian pastor, who is on the ground and knows the facts.

The reader, however, may be claiming to

catch some light, electric or otherwise, upon another point, namely, that schools that can get such help near at hand need no help from a distance. That is true. The general region around Geneseo, though it never would have had the courage to start the school except by the aid of this church Board, is able to build up that property, and is doing it, as this issue abundantly shows. You will find no canvasser from Geneseo, Ill., in New York or New Jersey. Northern Illinois both helps itself and helps. the remoter places. Alas for our Board's showing of gifts to the frontier colleges if the Illinois giving were left out!


When our article of last month was written, it was doubtful whether Rev. Alexander Scott, who had been invited to take the principalship of Sumner Academy, would accept the post. He has since accepted, and he is on the ground. Our last word from the academy is written by himself. His brethren in the Philadelphia presbyteries, some of whom gave him very warm commendation, and his long career as classical teacher in West Philadelphia, may decide what weight is to be allowed to his judgment. He says:

I believe there is no place on the Pacific coast where a Presbyterian academy would have a wider field of usefulness. . . . The first thing to be done is the removal of the debt. If this is not done at an early date, . . . the school will pass into other hands. . . If I had $3100 to-day, I believe I could secure $3000 toward the completion of the building, and have the carpenters and other workmen on the building and in it in less than a month. . . If I had the means, I would remove the debt myself.

In another letter he says:

If I had a million to-day, I know of no better place on the coast where I could found a

Presbyterian college, and where a better work could be done for the church and the world.

He wishes he could see some of the "rich and benevolent" among his "Philadelphia friends," since "talking is so much better than writing."

But one thing is evident, whether it be talked or written-that for Mr. Scott to do the good work which he sees within his reach will employ all his manly and Christian powers. To secure to him the chance of that work, and thus to the church and to Christ the whole outcome of it, will cost some Christian whom God has blessed with means just one act of large-minded givingin itself a delight which makes him perpetual partner to all the issues. Among those issues Mr. Scott foresees "a Lafayette or a Princeton on the Pacific coast." That may well be, but the tenth or the hundredth part of any such result would pay good spiritual interest on the gift now besought.


A typical illustration of the yearly working of this Board is furnished by this academy of the Presbytery of Southern Dakota. It was incorporated April, 1886, and by September of that year its very handsome brick building was ready for occupancy. Its roll in its first year reached to seventy-two, music pupils included. A letter received just as these lines are written, September 29, says that its second year has opened with three times as many students as it opened with at first, and of higher grade. The whole enterprise gives signs of competency, energy and good management. There are three good reasons why that community should have help beyond that which is given by the appropriation of the Board.

1. The Board's appropriation for the academy's first and only year was materially less than the community reasonably hoped for when they gave their money for building the school. They put about $6000 into their property, and the Board gave aid to the amount of $417, the best it could do with its scanty means and wide work; but not as much as was deserved in the first year of so

spirited an effort of a young community in a denominational interest. The result was, of necessity, a deficit of some hundreds of dollars at the year's end.

2. It has been impossible for the community to pay, in full, for their building. They have done well to meet, at once, two-thirds of its cost; but a debt of $3000 remains.

3. Western academies, that bring in students from the surrounding country, must have boarding accommodations. And Scotland Academy already sees its urgent need of a second modest building, on which the trustees propose to lay out about $2000.

Thus, with $3000 and $2000 added to their present outlay, the Scotland community would have a school property free of debt and adequate to their needs, having cost $11,000. For that lacking $5000, however, the Board believes that community should look in good measure to itself. For we wish both askers and givers to know that it is no part of our policy to teach the localities which serve themselves with school buildings that they are to expect the denomination to supply the half, or anything like the half, of their building fund. The localities must, in all ordinary cases, maintain the good rule thus far observed, of supplying by far the most of it. But good friends that love the cause should keep the struggling localities in good heart. That stimulus of help has been a chief creator of our half a million of new property. Some liberal help these Scotland Presbyterians deserve and need. Their load stops near the top of the hill. With kind shoulders to the wheel, they will bring it into the barn. If their present debt, with its yearly tax of interest, were wiped out, they would be sure to find their way to the needed boarding-hall. Here then, as at Carthage, Mo., mentioned a month ago, is a fine spot for that large-hearted exercise described by our contributor (see May number), who proposed to help "some western educational enterprise," and "to watch its progress."

The Rev. Harlan P. Carson, president of the board of trustees and pastor of the Scotland Presbyterian Church, to whose zeal and energy the academy largely owes its ex



istence, has been commissioned by the Board of Aid to make such canvass for centennial gifts to his institution as was described in our careful article of last month. His field consists of the northern presbyteries of New Jersey, as Dr. Reaser's does of the southern. We feel safe in having this delicate branch of our work represented by such men, whose standing owes nothing to our certificate, and whose wisdom and courtesy will gain favor

to our cause.

Mr. Carson is expected to reach his field about the close of October.


In a nation that provides secular education at the public expense, can it be the duty of Christian people to provide distinctively Christian schools and colleges? As many as say, Yes, to that question must be ready to see one thing more-the Christian schools must be endowed. Where secular education can be had for nothing, many Christians even will not prefer the Christian school at the cost of a large school bill, and parents that have no Christian leanings will be sure to avoid that outlay. Yet the children of indifferent or unbelieving parents are those upon whom the Christian school does its most needed and decisive work. Just as an irreligious teacher is the most formidable antagonist of home religion, a religious teacher creates the most hopeful

offset to the influence of a godless home. Indeed, the religious teacher has one chief element of power which the infidel teacher entirely lacks the co-operating grace of God. Accordingly there has not been and never will be an American agency more admirable and interesting in its historical working than that of those thoroughlyfurnished and enthusiastic Christian teachers who have been intent on making Christian students. But the next thing to the personal exercise of such a power is the privilege of widening its scope. Whoever endowed the chair which Mark Hopkins filled served as a sort of providence, embracing and enlarging the personality of the teacher. One of our own new teachers,


needing bread, may be compelled to make his teaching costly, and so may teach a few. Then let some good man or woman arrange that, while the teacher is at that work, he shall never lack for bread, and so enable him to put his personal impress of faith and learning on many, and these on many more, till they count up into scores and hundreds, and still keep counting on so long as that teacher can have a successor and the land furnishes children. Into what a fellowship does such a giver introduce himself! He joins hands with his teacher, whom he sustains; he joins hands with the Holy Ghost, who uses and blesses his teaching; he joins hands with every scholar that accepts inspiration through such a channel and applies it to his life-long work.

Mr. Lowell tells a thrilling little story about Ezra Cornell, who became the founder of Cornell University. George William Curtis was sitting in front of Mr. Cornell in a convention, where one of the speakers made. a Latin quotation. Mr. Cornell leaned forward and asked for a translation of it, which Mr. Curtis gave him. Mr. Cornell thanked him, and added, "If I can help it, no young man shall grow up in New York hereafter without the chance, at least, of knowing what a Latin quotation is when he hears it."


The above finds pertinent illustration in the case of this most promising institution. In the matter of grounds and buildings it is rapidly coming into admirable shape. Its original building, containing ample recitation rooms, chapel, music room, etc., seems likely to stand for generations. The fine mansion, with its seven or eight acres, lately given to the trustees for a young ladies' boarding hall, seems likely to last as long. A recent legacy of ten thousand dollars provides for a similar hall for the young men. Such gifts are plainly of the highest value. The school could not do its work without them; but they yield no revenue. They more than treble the amount of property with which the school began, but only in

directly and in small measure do they add to income. Accordingly, while the schedule of the Geneseo property has been running up so finely, the receipts of the excellent principal, who has made the school deserve these gifts, have been actually running down. That is, this Board, in the exercise of that compulsory economy by which alone it keeps out of debt, cut down its last year's appropriation to that academy from $1500 to what proved to be less than $700; and to the amount of that reduction the principal would have gone without his salary if the trustees had not made it up by borrowing or subscription. Either of those alternatives is bad. The energetic friends of the school, understanding the emergency, mean to meet it, namely, by endowment, for high tuition fees are not to be thought of, and the Board cannot help always.

The endowing work is already begun. One most interesting item of real estate, not named above, is, in effect, a partial endowment of the principal's chair. It is the excellent house which Mrs. Susan Harding, of Monmouth, Ill., has given for his residence. House rent is thus ensured. Thereupon is added the liberal gift of Dr. Williams, elsewhere described. These beginnings are actually made, and most generous pledges have been received of some similar giving to follow. We make this recital with great joy. Geneseo, our first-born institution, is likely to prove an example to all the flock. Less than five years old, it is within a stride of such establishment as promises its perpetuity and indefinite aggrandizement.

It enjoys, to be sure, some special advantages. It is in a region which, when once encouraged to begin such an enterprise, is competent to build it up. Northern Illinois, as we have elsewhere said, does not go abroad to beg her school property.

In addition to that, this school affords so happy an illustration of the wise co-operation of Christians in behalf of their local Christian school as reflects the greatest honor on the minds and hearts of all con

cerned. A very large part of the money that has gone into the Geneseo property has come from other than Presbyterian givers. In particular, Mr. Charles Atkinson, of Moline, whose noble legacy of $10,000 is soon to build the young men's dormitory, was a Congregationalist. Other men of that communion are among the most devoted friends and helpers of the school; but they see the desirableness of denominational control, and heartily consent to have it in our hands so long as we administer it without littleness.

Thus favored and hopeful, this young academy makes its most becoming appeal to its own region (and with great emphasis to the Presbyterian part of it) for the prompt completion of the endowment of the principal's chair. The Presbytery of Rock River, under whose care the academy is, has by recent vote committed itself to the purpose of furnishing $5000 toward such endowment. This Board has commissioned the canvassers of the institution, Rev. J. M. Linn, pastor of the Geneseo Presbyterian Church, and Rev. N. W. Thornton, principal of the institute, to solicit for further endowment gifts in such parts of northern Illinois as are not here excepted. The exception covers the Presbytery of Peoria, which has been previously assigned to another institution, and the counties of Winnebago, Lake, Cook and De Witt. The Presbytery of Bloomington, excepting the county last named, is included in the Geneseo field. Now let this part of the middle West set to the East a stirring example. We are begging liberal men and women in New York and New Jersey to send their money away to Nebraska and Dakota in order to put our young schools on their feet. Here now, in Illinois, the East and the West, the means and the need, touch each other. Let the competent field about Geneseo make up its centennial endowment, and complete in that fine school one object lesson of the ideal working of the Presby terian Board of Aid.

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