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Rome should ever dominate America as she dominates Italy or Spain or Ireland, we might find her rule as fatal an incubus as those hapless countries have found it. Who could bear to think of a United States of America as priest-ridden as the United States of Colombia? Why would not a paramount papal influence blight North America as it has blighted South America? We are sending missionaries to the Roman Catholics in Chili. Still more need is there that we seek to ply Romanists around us with a simple gospel. Patriotism and self-defence, and love of civil and religious liberty, and the interests of popular education, and care for personal freedom and the right of private judgment all the rights and dignities of manhood and citizenship-demand that we do our best and utmost to bring the truth as it is in Jesus to bear upon the masses of those in our own land who are now adherents of Rome.

THE GOSPEL IN SAINT SULPICE. Not long ago, in Paris, the writer attended the Sunday vesper service in the well-known old parish church of Saint Sulpice. The attraction to a Protestant stranger was of course the service, the music being famous for its rare excellence, and the organ one of the three or four largest and finest on the continent. We hardly expected to hear anything in the shape of a sermon, and were somewhat surprised when the preacher mounted the pulpit-a man of middle age and pleasant and benign appearance. He took for his text the parable of the prodigal son, and discoursed on it for half an hour in a most admirable and delightful manner. He set forth the misery of sin, the forlornness of separation from the Father's household, and the blessedness of repentance and confession and amendment and return to God, the fullness of the divine mercy and the sweetness of divine welcome, the joy of pardon and reconciliation, and above all the redeeming love of Jesus, whom he named in almost every sentence, and glorified as the only Saviour from beginning to end. There was not a word of saint or virgin; not a

word of penance or indulgence or human merit or sacramental grace; not a sentence which any evangelical preacher might not have gladly uttered in his own pulpit. The whole sermon was such a delightful surprise that, unable to find the preacher after the service, we ventured to send him a note expressing grateful pleasure that a gospel so pure, so tender, so devoted to the exaltation of the Lord Jesus, was preached to the habitual attendants of Saint Sulpice. A day or two after an answer came, of which the following is a translation:

REVEREND SIR:-I thank you for the favor with which you judge my discourse. Your indulgence exaggerates my feeble talents; but the fact is that I have made of Jesus the passion of my life, and it is my sole ambition to make him known in his truth and to make him loved for his goodness. You also, reverend sir, have consecrated to him your life, under another flag yet as the same adored Master. Go to him always with a true conscience, a generous heart, a devoted life; and, as I hope for myself, you will be happy one day that you have believed in him, that you have served him, that you have loved him.

I am, reverend sir, your devoted servant and your brother in Christ.

Would that such preachers and such preaching might be found in all the pulpits of the vast Romish communion, where there is too much reason to fear they are all too rare! There would then be small need of that missionary work among Romanists which for lack of this we feel it necessary to press with all our might.


The Standing Committee on Home Missions would respectfully recommend to the General Assembly the adoption of the fol lowing paper. Instead of reciting the encouraging facts and achievements set forth in the report of the Board, we urge our ministers and people as far as possible to secure a copy of the same and give it careful and earnest attention. No words of ours could improve on that presentation of this cause, its capacities and the duties of

our people in regard thereto. We therefore Board and the Assemblies of the past. We submit the following:

1. Thanksgiving.-We thank God for a full year of prosperity-for 1465 missionaries in the field, doing 1155 years of work, gathering 175 new churches, receiving 10,812 members on profession of faith and 7040 members by certificate from other churches, and supplying about 138,890 people of their congregations with the word of life; 215 teachers have cared for 83 schools scattered throughout this country. The work in every form and in every direction is prospering abundantly.

2. Regrets. We have nothing to regret in the features of the year except our failure to reach the sum of money which was set as our standard by the last General Assembly. We sincerely mourn the death of the Rev. Timothy Hill, D.D., one of our oldest and most faithful superintendents. Death has dealt hardly with our missionary list this year. Fourteen missionaries rest from their labors, and their works do follow them. Two teachers are among the list of the deceased, and from our Women's Executive Committee the beloved Mrs. Haines.

3. Wants. The wants of our people were never so large as at the present time. In the older states, help is needed for old churches, new railroad centres, new suburbs of large cities, new fields growing in population, and new workers are needed to meet the immense and increasing tide of immigration. West of the Mississippi river, Texas needs 12 men for new work; the Indian Territory 16; Iowa 20; Idaho, Utah and Arizona 27; the Pacific coast 45; Missouri, Nebraska and Kansas 45 men, and other states and territories in proportion. Not less than 200 men are needed now.

Our school work never was so widespread. It is enlarging and strengthening among the Mormons, the Mexicans and the Indians. It is capable of indefinite extension. The field which is opening in the South seems to us to have no bounds whatever.

4. Funds. With reference to the money to be raised for the year to come, we reaffirm with more emphasis than ever all that has been said by the Committee, the

especially charge the eldership of the Presbyterian Church to see to it that in each congregation an earnest effort is made in the name of the session for an increase of contributions to this Board. Not less than $800,000 will be needed to meet the most urgent demands of this work for the coming year. We repeat therefore our urgent admonition to pastors and ministers generally, as those charged by the Head of the church with submitting his claims to the people, to do their share to secure this increase of funds and to meet these golden opportunities. To this end we urge them to present the substance of the annual report of the Board, with their own comments thereon, to their several congregations.

5. Missionary Conventions.-We would urge upon the attention of the synodical home missionary committees the holding of conventions, according to the wants of their several sections, for the discussion of this great subject, the dissemination of information and the warming up of the hearts of the people toward this cause.

In many churches it is found useful to devote one of the monthly concerts to home missions, and have private members of the church to present brief papers on different phases of the question.

To still further promote wide dissemination of information among our people, we recommend that a committee of thirteen ruling elders-Warner Van Norden, William Strong, Hon. R. N. Willson, George Junkin, E. R. Perkins, William Howard Neff, Thomas Kane, S. M. Breckenridge, W. W. Spence, W. E. Dodge, William A. Wheelock, W. L. Skidmore and Archibald McClure-be appointed as a central committee with power to fill vacancies, or to add to their number, whose duty it shall be to inform the church on this subject of home missions, to arouse the eldership and the people to the necessity for greatly-increased effort in behalf of this cause, and the imperative need of larger contributions, that thus this whole sum of $800,000 should be secured, and to report to the next General Assembly. The matter of the expenses of

this committee is referred to the Board of Home Missions.

6. Sustentation.-Several of the synods, such as New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, have organized sustentation systems, by which they care for their own home mission work. We strongly commend this to other synods where it is feasible. Some presbyteries in synods which are as yet without a sustentation system are doing the same work in their own bounds, and we think many more presbyteries can also do so, and thus relieve the Board from mission work within their territory.

7. Reducing applications.-The action of the Board, recorded on page 15 of their report, in urging churches to strive to reduce their requests is approved. It does seem as if any church ought to be able to make a clear case of special misfortunes as to hard times and large removals, if it does not show growth toward self-support. Presbyteries are urged to make special inquiry as to such churches as continue year after year asking the same amount of aid.

8. Women's work. We highly commend the efficiency and thoroughness with which the woman's executive committee under the Board has organized the sympathy and effort of the women, the children and the Sabbath-schools of our church. We bid them "God speed" in their work, and rejoice in their prosperity. Their magazine is a remarkably successful and interesting monthly visitor, and we urge upon our people its still wider circulation.

The experience of secular schools, Sabbath-schools and business enterprises shows that wise superintendence secures both efficiency and economy. We believe the largeness and complexity of the school work may call for the appointment of a special superintendent of that department, who can unify the system and preach as occasion may require. We refer this subject to the Board for special consideration.

9. Distribution of resources.-As to the proportion of money to be used in the various forms of work (school work and church work) conducted by the Board, we refer that to the Board itself without in

structions. So many special providences of an open door and the money to enter it have been granted us by our good Lord, that we believe it best for the Board to follow his leading day by day. Our church is under profound obligation to the faithful and judicious men and women who gave their unpaid time and talent, thought and brain power to the oversight and management of this great scheme of evangelization, and they have our thanks and our prayers, and we unhesitatingly confide to their care the management of this work for the year

to come.

In the distribution of their resources, let them consider the question of numbers of population, the condition of the people and the prospect of growth in each several case. All restrictions are hereby removed, and the Board is bidden to go anywhere in this broad land, in accord with the presbyteries on the ground, wherever they find the most hopeful openings to make the best use of all the money they can possibly get.

10. Officers and members. During the past year the Rev. W. C. Roberts, D.D., the corresponding secretary, was called to another field of labor, and his resignation was accepted by the Board with regret. In this regret we sincerely unite, and wish him all success in his new field of labor.



The Rev. William Irvin, D.D., elected by the Board as his successor. earnestly commend him to the confidence and co-operation of the church throughout all our bounds. The Rev. Jonathan F. Stearns, D.D., long a member of the Board, also resigned during the year, and in his place the Board elected the Rev. Thomas A. Nelson. Their action in this election is hereby approved.

The term of office of the following persons expires with this Assembly. They are hereby recommended for re-election:

Ministers-The Rev. Wilson Phraner, D.D., the Rev. Thomas A. Nelson.

Laymen-Robert Lenox Kennedy, John Taylor Johnston and John E. Parsons. All of which is respectfully submitted. GEORGE P. HAYS, Chairman.





Sometimes fault is found with the Board for sending ministers where they are not needed, and with presbyteries for organizing churches with few members in sparse communities. But this church is an example of the wisdom of the Board and Presbytery in selecting and maintaining fields of this character. I came here at the bidding of Presbytery without an invitation from the field. Indeed, there was no field to invite me. People were few, the village small, members none, and railroads far away; but it was a good place to hold, and from which to keep an eye on the needs of surrounding counties. Eight months afterward I organized the church with nine members. The first year my receipts from this town were $2. Then came years of drought and discouragement, and I was often asked why I had buried myself in this wilderness, and sometimes invited to greener pastures. But we and the Board held on, and now after eight years we have a self-sustaining church of sixty-nine members, that has a large influence in the community, and are helping to place ministers and churches in the adjacent counties; and although the church pays the whole of the minister's salary, it yet spares one-fourth of his Sabbath services for missionary work elsewhere. Nor have we had a mushroom growth. We had to win every inch of the way. Members did not eagerly flock to our church. Evangelists, who do so much to increase the membership of city churches, did not come out into the wilderness. Trained elders and deacons and trustees in churches east did not settle here. We did the best we could with the material we had, instead of sighing for the efficient workers who would not come, and we now have no need to be ashamed of the pillars we have hewn. There is harmony of feeling and unity of plan and purpose and work, so that there is good prospect of efficient work in Christ's vineyard hereafter.

Therefore, I think my labor and the church's money have not been thrown away, and the Board, instead of being criticised for its improvident use of funds and unwise enlargement, should be com

mended by the church for its foresight and faith, and be supplied with funds that will enable it to continue such work.

I cannot say "good-by" as one of your missionaries without making grateful acknowledgment of your uniform kindness. For fourteen years and one month I have served you on various fields.

I have had the privilege of speaking with Drs. Kendall and Roberts each only once, but in all my correspondence I have had only words of cheer and encouragement, even when you were faithfully "cutting down," and when I knew the Board were bearing a load of debt and anxiety almost greater than their strength; and now if I prefer to lean upon my congregation for my whole salary, it is not because I have ever had cause to complain of the Board.

We are sorry to hear of sickness in the Nuyaka Indian school. Mrs. Moore writes as follows:

For a month we have had one case of malarial fever and dysentery after another, each week hoping for a change for the better, but each time, after a few hours or possibly a day or two of seemingly perfect health, suddenly a new case breaks out. Three successive Fridays I have been compelled to send to Red Fork for a physician-thirty-five miles. Every doctor we have ever had said he saw no local cause for our sickness, and so says the present one. This malarial fever is prevalent all through the country. We are having frequent heavy rains after nearly two years of drought; and as the fevers came simultaneously, in different localities, after the rains, they seem to be the cause. Whatever the cause, the fact remains that in spite of care the sickness keeps coming. I do not like to take the responsibility of closing early and beginning earlier another year, without hearing from you; but if I cannot get a physician, and there should be another case this week before the trustees meet, we shall feel compelled to do so.



With this quarter (ending with May) will close ten years of unbroken ministerial labors in this city. Considering the immense pressure

and combination of work in the church, the school, the Home Mission Committee of the Presbytery, and official connection with the other important local boards, to say nothing about continued discussion in the papers and correspondence, that I am now above ground at all must be due not only to the general mercy of the Lord, but to his special mercy in hardening my frame into iron by hard labor in a hard country farm in boyhood and youth. It now takes on an average three hours a day five days in the week to attend to correspondence. Still, during ten years, by the grace of the Lord I have been disabled for service only one Sabbath.

But I see it is unwise to try to keep up this high rate of speed, without prolonged rest, although my general health is first rate. And the deaths and disabilities among the members of our Presbytery the past ten years bring me warning which I think I ought to heed, and get ready for the still greater demands of the future by getting down to a lower and less nervous altitude for six or eight months.

I expect to start for Galesburg, Illinois, next Tuesday, where I expect to take absolute rest during June, July and August. On the 1st of September I wish to begin, in a private way, the work of raising the money we need for this corner. I will also accept appointments by the Board, if it is desired, to address synodical meetings on behalf of the Utah work during a part of the fall, if that be the Lord's will.

As I look back over the past ten years, the thing that impresses me most is the abundant ground for thanksgiving to the Lord for his grace and help to myself and my Christian coworkers in this difficult but interesting field. The continued peace and harmony in this church, where there are so many workers with strong individuality; the steady, wholesome growth of the church from 48 to 123 members (after dismissing 103 to go elsewhere), and in the face of great obstacles; the steady growth also in moral and spiritual power; the steady growth of the school from 105 to 315 pupils, involving three enlargements of the school building from an empty treasury, which enlargements were due mainly to the self-sacrifice, generosity and energy of Professor Coyner;

the constant supply of new and efficient workers to fill important vacant places; and the pleasant harmony and close fraternal union now existing in all our ranks in both church and school, when there are so many opportunities for strife and division-surely all this is a clear and most impressive indication of the presence and guiding hand of the Lord, in answer to continued earnest prayer.

As I look back, I am glad that I did not yield to importunities to go to other inviting fields. The most moving appeal was from President Bartlett, who urged me to take a professorship in Dartmouth College. But I am now satisfied, more than satisfied, that I was induced to hold on here and continue to participate in this "good fight of faith."

My faith in the great commercial, educational and religious future of this city is unbounded-so much so that I shrink from being absent so many months, when there is so much important work to do. But you know that sometimes the best way to push forward work is to take a good rest. You may depend upon it, the remarkable growth and prosperity of Denver and Omaha are going to be repeated here and on a still broader scale during the next ten years; hence my great anxiety to get our buildings here in better condition, so as to be ready to meet the demands which are even now pressing upon us, so that we are like an oak planted in a flower-pot. In closing, I wish to put on record here my grateful appreciation of the fraternal kindness manifested toward me by you all during our ten years of official relation.

The work in church and school has gone steadily forward, without special anxiety to record, during the past three months. The attendance upon all our services has been larger than I have ever known it at this season of the year.



I am the only Presbyterian in this part of Oregon. We have no preacher at this time. I can safely say that there is a space of 75 miles here that has had no preaching since I came here one year ago. There have been two ministers of an

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