Imagens da página

131 Minchin, J. G. C. Our public schools, their influence on English history. 474 p. O. Sonnenschein, 6/.

Charterhouse, Eton, Harrow, Merchant Taylor, Rugby, St. Paul's, Westminster,

132 Harrow. Williams, J. F. Harrow. 202 p. il. O. Bell, 3/6 net. (Handbooks to the great public schools.)

133 Stonyhurst. Gruggen, George, and Keating, Joseph. Stonyhurst, its past history and life in the present. 292 p. O. Paul, 7/6.

"No public school in England can boast of a more romantic history than the Jesuit college of Stonyhurst. A complete handbook in convenient form." Athenæum. 134 Winchester. Warner, R. T. Winchester. 234 p. il. O. Bell, 3/6 net. (Handbooks to the great} public schools.)

Winchester is the oldest of the English public schools.


135 Adams, H. B. Educational extension in the U. S. (In U. S.-Educacation, Comm'r of. Report, 1899–1900. I : 275-379.)


Describes some of the informal educational agencies, newspapers, lecture courses university extension, summer schools, libraries, museums, and art galleries.


136 Boone, R. G. A standard course of study for elementary schools in cities. (In N. E. A. Proc. p. 303-20.)


22: 1-9.)

Suggestion vs. prescription in courses of study. (Educ. Sept.

Traces the growth of flexibility in the curriculum.

138 Dewey, John. The situation as regards the course of study. (In N. E. A. Proc. p. 332-48.)

Also in Educ. rev. June.

139 Schwab, J. C. The Yale curriculum, 1701-1901. (Educ. rev. June. 22: 1-17.)

The evolution of the undergraduate academical course of study.

[blocks in formation]

140 Briggs, L. B. R. Some old-fashioned doubts about new-fashioned education; Some aspects of grammar-school training. (In his School, college, and character. Houghton, $1. p. 43-64; 91-126.)

One of the keenest arguments in print against the elective system, especially outside the college.

141 Corbin, John. Is the elective system elective? (Forum July. 31: 599-608.)

Takes his cue from Prof. Münsterberg and Dean Briggs, but his argument is neither strong nor convincing as against the merit of the elective system per se. If it is not elective it can surely be made so, if that is desirable.

142 Dexter, E. G. Freedom in the high school course. (Jour. of ped. Dec. 14: 97-108.)

With four years of English, three of mathematics, and a certain amount of history and science required, the balance of the high school course may safely be made elective

143 Hanus, P. H.

sci. mo. April.

Two contemporary problems in education. (Pop. 58: 585-94.)

Elective system and articulation in secondary education.

144 Phillips, D. E. The elective system in American education. (Ped.

sem. June. 8 206–39.

Part I. In colleges and universities.

Part 2. In secondary schools.

A valuable study based upon actual facts as they exist to-day, and recording distinct tendency toward greater freedom of choice in education.

145 Tetlow, John. Elective studies in high schools. (Educ. rev. Jan. 21: 39-48.)

An objection to the "elective system," when the first word and not the last is emphasized.

The School rev. for Feb., is devoted almost entirely to papers on elective work, its problems and limitations.

375.3 Sociology and economics in the curriculum

146 Hill, E. E. The teaching of social sciences in secondary schools. (Educ. Apr. 21: 497-502.)

Not about methods, but a statement as to the amount of such studies taught.

147 Vincent, G. E. Social science and the curriculum. (In N. E. A. Proc. p. 124-31.)

Argument: as education is a socializing process, there should be a social philosophy unifying the whole curriculum and making it a single potent agency for civic and moral advancement.

148 Ward, L. F. Sociology at the Paris exposition of 1900. (In U. S.— Education, Comm'r of. Report, 1899-1900. 2: 1451-1593.)

Chiefly devoted to the reports on the teaching of the social sciences in different countries that were submitted to the International Congress for instruction in the social sciences.

375.34 Legal education

149 Ashley, C. D. Legal education and preparation therefor.

13 p. O.

Paper by the Dean of the New York university law school, read before the Section of legal education of the American bar association, at Denver, Aug., 1901. 150 Finch, F. M. Legal education. (Amer. law rev. July-Aug. 35: 481-94.)

375.5 Science in the curriculum

151 Gager, C. S. Errors in science teaching. 73 p. S. Bardeen, .50 152 Kimmins, C. W. Science teaching in schools. (In Roberts. Educ. in the nineteenth century. Macmillan, $1. p. 121-39.)

153 Pritchett, H. S. Education for government scientific work. (Educ. rev. Feb. 21: 109-17.)

Also in Assoc. of colleges, etc., of the middle states, etc. Proceedings. p. 53-62. 154 Science in secondary schools. (Jour. of ped. Jan. 13: 195-210.)

A discussion at the Ohio conference of collegiate and secondary instructors. Place in curriculum, methods and disciplinary value compared with the humanities.

155 School science; a journal of science teaching in secondary schools edited by C. E. Linebarger. Chicago, $2 per year.

A monthly journal begun in March, 1901. Prints brief articles on methods in special branches and accounts of laboratory experiments.

375.51 Mathematics in the curriculum

156 Baker, A. L. Education vs. instruction in mathematics. (Jour. of ped. Sept.

14: 46-59.)

157 Branford, Benchara. Measurement and simple surveying; an experiment in the teaching of elementary geometry. (Jour. of educ.

May. p. 331-36.)


For the first two parts of this suggestive article see same journal, 1900. p. 124 and 263. 158 Hurst, G. H. J. Mathematics and physics in public schools. (Nature Feb. 14. 63: 370-71.)

A plea for a change in the order of teaching the various parts of mathematics in
English high schools.

159 Yocum, A. D.

traction. 92 p.

An inquiry into the teaching of addition and sub-
Avil printing Co., 1001 Chestnut St., Philadelphia.

375.54 Chemistry in the curriculum

160 Long, J. H. Some points in the early history and present condition of the teaching of chemistry in the medical schools of the U. S. (Science Sept. 6. 14 360-72.)

161 Newell, L. C. More profitable high-school chemistry. (School rev. May. 9: 286-97.)

375.57 Biological sciences

162 Howell, W. H. Biology as an element in college training. (Science Jan. 11. 13:49-57.)

163 Lloyd, F. E., and Bigelow, M. A. Course in biology in the Horace Mann school. (Teachers coll. rec. Jan. 2:1-59.)

P. 4-30. Outline syllabus of course in zoology, illustrating by the crayfish, given in the first high-school year.

p. 30-59, Similar syllabus for elementary botany.

164 Ganong, W. F. Suggestions for an attempt to secure a standard college entrance option in botany. (Science Apr. 19. 13:611-16.)

375.6 Technical and industrial education

165 Johnson, J. B. Two kinds of education for engineers; an address to the engineering students, Univ. of Wis. Oct. 11, 1901. 16 p. O.

Emphasizes the cultural, as of equal importance with the technical, preparation.

166 Magnus, Philip. Industrial education in England. (In Roberts. Educ. in the nineteenth century. Macmillan, $1. p. 140-70.) 167 Rawson, S. G. The nation, the apprentice, and the polytechnic. (Contemp. rev. Oct. 80: 584-98.)

The students, equipment, and system of British technical schools are compared, to their disadvantage, with similar conditions abroad.

168 Schoenhof, Jacob. Higher technical training. (Forum July. 31: 561-75.)

The experience of foreign countries as to the direct bearing of industrial and polytechnic education on success in commerce and manufactures.

169 Society for the promotion of engineering education. Proceedings of the ninth annual meeting held in Buffalo, June 29-July 2, 1901. 348 p. O. Eng. news co., $2.

Prints in full about twenty papers on as many phases of the subjects. This is the most important annual publication in its field, and a sine qua non to everyone who wishes to follow engineering education.

170 U. S.-Industrial commission. General and industrial education. (In U. S.-Industrial com. Report, 73+259 p. in vol. 15.)

Treats largely of educational conditions in the south and of negro education; 259 pages of varied testimony is digested in 73 pages, but the conclusions and recommendations of the commission are reserved for its final report, in which volume (19) however, educational subjects get very slight and incidental mention; no summing up of any value.

375.61 Medicine

171 Bibliography of literature upon medical pedagogy and curriculums published in 1899 to Mar., 1900. (In Amer. acad. of medicine. Bull. Feb. 5: 236-38.)

172 Association of American medical colleges. Papers and proceedings at St. Paul meeting June 3, 1901. (In Amer. Acad. of medicine. Bull. Aug. 5490-568.)

Seven papers, all dealing with some phase of medical education.

173 Councilman, W. T.

Harvard's opportunity in medicine. (Harv. grad.

mag. Mar. 9: 339-48.)

Suggestions as to the organization and conduct of the Harvard medical school.

174 Lee, F. S. Preparation for the study of medicine.

Mar. 3:93-105.)

(Col. univ. quar.

175 Medical colleges in the U. S. (In Amer. acad. of medicine. Bull. June. 5 349-486.)

An alphabetical list by states of all U. S. medical colleges, giving synopsis of state laws relating to practice, tuition, number of students, and examinations made by state boards.

176 Porter, W. T. The teaching of physiology. (Nature Feb. 28. 63: 427-31.)

Reprinted from Philadelphia medical journal.

375.63 Agriculture

177 Bogen, B. D. Courses of studies in agriculture. (Educ. Oct. 22: 89-94.)

Gives detailed syllabus by weeks and months for a one-year practical course.

178 Butterfield, K. L. A significant factor in agricultural education. (Educ. rev. Mar. 21: 301-06.)

The work of the grange and of farmers' institutes.

*179 Teaching of agriculture in elementary and higher schools in the West Indies. (In Great Britain-Board of education. Special reports on educational subjects. 4: 797-834.)

Deals with the British West Indies only.

375.65 Commercial education

180 Hooper, Frederick, and Graham, James. Commercial education at home and abroad; à comprehensive handbook providing materials for a scheme of commercial education for the United Kingdom, including suggested curricula for all grades of educational institutions. 267 p. D. Macmillan, $1.50.

"Minute and accurate information on existing commercial methods, together with many valuable suggestions and feasible schemes for the foundation of commercial schools." Educ. rev. (Lond.)

181 James, E. T. Relation of the college and university to higher commercial education. (In Amer. econ. assoc. Publications Feb. 14465.)

182 Whitfield, E. E. Commercial education in theory and practice. 324 p. O. Methuen, 5/.

"Presents an intelligent, discriminating, yet very comprehensive knowledge of the whole subject." Educ. times.

See also the papers read at the Department of business education of the N. E. A. and printed in the annual volume.

375.7 Art education

183 Hine, W. E. Art teaching in preparatory schools. (In Great Britain - Board of education. Special reports on educ. subjects. 6: 279-97. See also N. E. A. Proc. p. 683-703 for other papers read in the Art department.

375.78 Music

184 Curwen, J. S. School music abroad: reports on visits to foreign schools, 1882-1901. 140 p. S. Scribner, $1.

See also the papers printed in the N. E. A. Proceedings under the Department of Music education, the current files of The school music monthly, Keokuk, Iowa, and of Music.

375.8 Rhetoric, etc.

185 Baker, G. P. Intercollegiate debating. (In Assoc. of colleges, etc., of the middle states, etc. Proc. 14: 102-17.)

186 Lee, D. C. Oratory in colleges. (In Assoc. of colleges, etc., of the middle states, etc. 14: 117-27.)

375.82 English language and literature

187 Abbott, Allan. English in secondary schools. (School rev. June. 9: 388-402.)

An attempt to determine a good working basis of method from the extensive literature of this subject in the past ten years.

188 Bates, Arlo. Talks on writing English: Second series. 259 p. D. Houghton, $1.30.

Discusses the more delicate features of composition and thus supplements his earlier volume of the same title.

189 Buck, Gertrude. Recent tendencies in the teaching of English composition. (Educ. rev. Nov. 22:371-82.)

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