Abbildungen der Seite

who are plundering." The marauders re- voort.
treated in haste, carrying away with them
a quantity of silver-plate. Three of the
guards fought lustily, but were overpower-
ed and carried away prisoners. When they
were exchanged the generous and grateful
Schuyler gave each of them a farm in
Saratoga county.

It stood as a sort of barrier against hostile tribes of the Six Nations. The little garrison had been reinforced by the regiment of Col. Marinus Willett, and was well provisioned. Burgoyne had sent Colonel St. Leger with Canadians, Tories, and Indians, by way of Lake Ontario, to penetrate the Mohawk Valley and made his way to Albany, there to meet the general. St. Leger appeared before Fort Schuyler on Aug. 3. The Tories in his train were commanded by Colonels Johnson, Claus, and Butler, and the Indians by Brant. On receiving news that General Herkimer was coming to the aid of the garrison with the Tryon county militia a larger portion within the fort made a sortie. They fell upon the camp of Johnson's "Greens" so suddenly and furiously that they were dispersed in great confusion, Sir John not having time to put on his coat. Papers, clothing, stores, and other spoils of his camp sufficient to fill twenty wagons fell into the hands of the Americans. A part of the "Greens" who had gone to oppose Schuyler, FORT. On the site of the the advance of Herkimer, approaching at

General Schuyler was one of the New York State Senators; one of the principal contributors to the code of laws adopted by that State; and United States Senator from 1789 to 1791, and again in 1797. He was an earnest advocate of internal improvements for the development of the resources of the country, and he is justly called the "father of the canal system of the United States." He was a man of large wealth. He owned a fine mansion in the then southern suburbs of Albany, and a plain one on his large estate at Saratoga. The latter, with its mills and other property, valued at $50,000, was destroyed by the British at the time of Burgoyne's invasion. He died in Albany, N. Y., Nov. 18, 1804.


village of Rome, Oneida co., N. Y., General Stan


that moment, St. Leger continued the siege. Colowix built a fort which renel Willett stealthily left ceived his name. After the fort at night with a the Revolutionary War message to Schuyler, then began it was named Fort near the mouth of the Schuyler. In the RevoluMohawk, asking for retion it was on the westlief. Schuyler called for ern borders of civilization. There was a a volunteer leader. General Arnold resmall garrison there in the summer of sponded, and beat up for recruits. The 1777, commanded by Col. Peter Ganse- next day 800 strong men were following


Arnold up the Mohawk Valley. At Fort Dayton he pardoned a young Tory prisoner condemned to death, on condition that he should go into the camp of St. Leger's savages with a friendly Oneida Indian, represent the approaching Americans as exceedingly numerous, and so frighten away the Indians. It was done. The Tory had several shots fired through his clothing. Almost breathless, he and the Oneida entered the camp, and told of a terrible fight they had just had with the Americans, who were as numerous as the leaves on the trees. The alarmed Indians immediately fled as fast as their legs could carry them towards the western wilds, followed by the Canadians and Tories pell-mell in a race towards Oswego. So ended the siege, and so did Burgoyne receive a paralyzing blow.

While the British retained possession of the Western frontier posts in 1784 it was difficult to fix by treaty the Indian boundaries and open the Western lands to settlers. But a treaty made at Fort Schuyler by commissioners of the United States and the chiefs and warriors of the Six Nations gave some facilities in that direction. By this treaty the Mohawks, Onondagas, Cayugas, and Senecas who had adhered to the British during the war, consented to a peace and a release of prisoners. At the same time they ceded all their territory west of Pennsylvania.

Schwab, CHARLES M., manufacturer; born in Williamsburg, Pa., April 18, 1862; graduated at St. Francis College, Loretto, Pa., in 1880; secured employment as stakedriver in the engineering corps of the Edgar Thompson Steel Works; was made superintendent of that plant in 1881, and served in that capacity till 1887, when he was appointed superintendent of the Homestead Steel Works. In 1897 he became president of the Carnegie Steel Company, Limited, and in 1901-03 was president of the United States Steel Corporation, which purchased the Carnegie Steel Company, the Federal Steel Company, and other large steel interests. He founded an industrial school in Homestead, Pa.; built a Catholic church in Loretto, Pa., at a cost of $150,000, and a public-school at Weatherly, Pa.; and is noted otherwise as a public benefactor. See TRUSTS.

Schwab, JOHN CHRISTOPHER, educator; born in New York in 1865; graduated at Yale College in 1886, and studied in German universities in 1887-89; was appointed Professor of Political Economy at Yale College in 1898. He is the author of History of New York Property Tax; Revolutionary History of Fort Number Eight; and magazine articles on the History of the Confederate States.

Schwan, THEODORE, military officer; born in Germany, July 9, 1841; joined the United States army in 1857; served creditably during the Civil War; was promoted first lieutenant in April, 1864, and received the brevet of major for gallant and meritorious services; was appointed brigadiergeneral of United States volunteers in 1898, and won distinction in the Philippines, where he captured Cavite, Viejo, Novaleta, Rosario, San Cruz, and other places in the province of Cavite. He was promoted brigadier-general United States army, in February, 1901.

Schwatka, FREDERICK, explorer; born in Galena, Ill., Sept. 29, 1849; graduated at the United States Military Academy in 1871, and commissioned second lieutenant in the 3d United States Cavalry. He secured a leave of absence in 1878 and took command of the Sir John Franklin search expedition which sailed from New York on June 19, in the Eothen. In a fifteen months' tour he succeeded in clearing up a great deal of the mystery in connection with that fated expedition. In 1886 he had charge of a special expedition to Alaska, and later made a second exploring tour in that territory. His publications include Along Alaska's Great River; The Franklin Search, under Lieutenant Schwatka; Nimrod of the North; and Children of the Cold. He died in Portland, Ore., Nov. 2, 1892.

Schwenkfelders, a religious sect founded by Hans Kaspar Schwenkfeld in Silesia. In 1734 most of its members, owing to persecution, emigrated and settled in Pennsylvania, where they established several churches and schools. In 1900 they numbered about 1,000.

Scioto Company. Soon after the settlement of Marietta was commenced (see OHIO COMPANY), an association was formed called The Scioto Land Company. The history of that company is involved

great ability the civil code of Sardinia, in 1837. In 1845 Count Sclopis became a corresponding member of the Institute of France, and a foreign member in 1869. He was created minister of justice and ecclesiastical affairs in Piedmont in March, 1848, after having held the office of president of the superior commune of censorship. At the close of 1849 he entered the Piedmontese Senate, of which he was president until that principality was merged into the kingdom of Italy, in 1861, when he held the same office in the Italian Senate. At about that time he became president of the Turin Academy of Sciences; and in 1868 Victor Emanuel bestowed upon him the order of Annunziata, the highest of the kingdom. When, in 1871, Victor Emanuel was asked to appoint an arbitrator for the tribunal, at Geneva, to decide upon the claims growing out of the devastations committed by the cruiser Alabama, he selected Count Selopis, and 'he was chosen by his colleagues president of the tribunal. For his services on that occasion, the United States government presented him a service of silverplate. He died in Turin, March 8, 1878.

in some obscurity. Col. William Duer, of torical lecture before the Turin Academy New York, was an active member. It was of Science, in 1827. This was followed, founded in the East. They, at first, pur- in 1833, by a History of Ancient Legischased lands of the Ohio Company, and lation in Piedmont and the History of appointed Joel Barlow their agent in Italian Legislation. His fame as a jurist Europe to make sales of them. Barlow was enhanced by his drawing up with had been sent to England by the Ohio Company for the same purpose. He distributed proposals in Paris in 1789, and sales were effected to companies and individuals in France. On Feb. 19, 1790, 218 emigrants sailed from Havre to settle on these lands. They arrived at Alexandria, Va., on May 3, crossed over to the Ohio River, and went down to Marietta, where about fifty of them settled, and the remainder went to another point below, opposite the mouth of the Great Kanawha, where they formed a settlement called Gallipolis (town of the French). These emigrants were to be furnished with supplies for a specified time, but the company failed to keep their promises. They suffered much. They failed, also, in getting clear titles to their lands, and the company was charged with swindling operations. The settlers, through the good offices of Peter S. Duponceau, of Philadelphia, obtained a grant from Congress of 25,000 acres opposite the Little Sandy. It was ever afterwards known as "The French Grant." Each inhabitant had 217 acres. The aims of the Scioto Company seem to have been simply land speculation, not founding actual settlements. "It comprised," Dr. Cutter says, some of the first characters in America." They undoubtedly expected to purchase public securities at their then greatly depreciated values, and with them pay for the lands bought of the government; but the adoption of the national Constitution caused a sudden rise in the value of these securities, and blasted the hopes of the company. Colonel Duer, who seems to have been the originator of the scheme, suffered the unjust imputation of being a swindler, because the company did not (for it could not) meet its obligations.

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Sclopis, PAUL FREDERICK DE SALERNO, COUNT, diplomatist; born in Turin, Italy, Jan. 10, 1789; studied law at the University of Turin; took his legal degrees in 1818; and soon rose to eminence as a lawyer and jurist. He was also distinguish ed as an historian, and gave his first his

Scotch-Irish. Many persons distinguished in the annals of the United States were and are of Scotch-Irish descent-a hardy people, formed by an intermixture of Scotch, English, and Irish families, nearly 300 years ago. Queen Elizabeth found her subjects in Ireland so uncontrollable that she determined to try the experiment of transplanting to that island the reformed religion, with some of her English and Scotch subjects. It was a difficult and dangerous experiment, for the Irish regarded it simply in the light of a measure for their complete subjugation. Elizabeth did not meet with much success, but her successor, James I., did. He determined to introduce whole English and Scotch colonies into Ireland, that by so disseminating the reformed faith he might promote the loyalty of the people. These were sent chiefly to the northerly portions of Ireland; first, to


six counties in Ulster, which were divided ized south of the James River for the

into unequal proportions-some of 2,000 acres, some of 1,500, and some of 1,000. These were allotted to different kinds of persons-first, British undertakers, who voluntarily engaged in the enterprise; second, servitors of the crown, consisting of civil and military officers; and, third, natives, whom the King hoped to render loyal subjects. The occupants of the largest portion of lands were bound, within four years, to build a castle and bawn (a walled enclosure for cattle), and to settle on their estates forty-eight ablebodied men, eighteen years old or upward, of English or Scotch descent. The second class were also required to put up suitable buildings, and to plant English or Scotch families on their possessions within two years. These colonists from Scotland and England intermarried with the natives, and from this union sprang the race of law-loving, law-abiding, loyal, enterprising freemen from whom came many of the best settlers in Pennsylvania, Virginia, and North Carolina.

Scotch-Irish Society of America, a society organized in May, 1889, when the first Scotch-Irish congress was held at Columbia, Tenn. It is composed of the people of Scotch-Irish descent, residents of the United States and Canada. Its purpose is declared to be "the preservation of Scotch-Irish history and associations, the increase and diffusion of knowledge regarding the Scotch-Irish people, the keeping alive of the characteristic qualities and sentiments of the race, the promotion of intelligent patriotism, and the development of social intercourse and fraternal feeling." State societies are being formed, and the growth of the organization is expected to be large, as the race is widely extended over the Union, and particularly in the middle South, where such men as Andrew Jackson, John C. Calhoun, and Sam Houston were its types. Membership includes females as well as males.

Continental service. On Aug. 12, 1776, he was appointed colonel, and was distinguished at Trenton and in the battle of Princeton; and just a year later he was promoted to brigadier-general. He was the last officer to leave the field at Monmouth in 1778. He was conspicuous in the storming of Stony Point, under Wayne, in 1779, and the next year was with Lincoln, at Charleston, where he was made prisoner. He was closely confined for a while, to the injury of his health. He was released on his parole near the close of the war, when he was exchanged. In 1785 General Scott settled in Woodford, Ky., and in 1791, as brigadier - general of the Kentucky levies, led an expedition into the Ohio country, and partici pated in the events of St. Clair's defeat. He was afterwards successful in an expedition against the Indians on the Wabash, and commanded a portion of Wayne's troops in the battle of Fallen Timbers in 1794. He was elected governor of Kentucky in 1808, and in 1812 he retired from that office into private life. His education was limited, he was blunt in manners, and was decidedly eccentric. He died Oct. 22, 1820.


Scott, JAMES HUTCHISON, naval officer; born in East Liberty, Pa., Feb. 11, 1868; graduated at the Cadet School of the United States Revenue-cutter Service in 1890. When the American-Spanish War began he was made executive officer of the revenue-cutter Hudson, and distinguished himself at the battle of Cardenas Bay, Cuba, May 11, when the Hudson shielded the disabled torpedo-boat Winslow, and towed her out of danger; was later recommended by President McKinley to receive the thanks of Congress and a medal for bravery during hostilities. See BAGLEY, WORTH.

Scott, JOHN, legislator; born in Alexandria, Pa., July 14, 1824; received a Scott, CHARLES, military officer; born good education; admitted to the bar in in Cumberland county, Va., in 1733; 1846, and practised in Huntingdon; proswas corporal of a Virginia company in the ecuting attorney in 1846-49; member of battle of the Monongahela, where Brad- the legislature in 1862; and United States dock was defeated in 1755. When the Senator in 1869-75. While in the Senate Revolutionary War broke out, he raised he made an address favoring the adoption and commanded the first company organ- of the "enforcement bill" permitting the

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