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enter Santiago from the northwest. Early on July 1 Lawton was in position, Chaffee's brigade on the right, Ludlow's on the left, and Miles's in the centre. conflict opened at 6 A.M., and became general. The naturally strong position of the enemy was rendered doubly so by stone block-houses and forts. After two hours' fighting Bates's brigade was ordered from the rear to the support of Lawton, and the battle continued. It was in these assaults that the 71st Regiment of New York Volunteers participated. The Spaniards fought with great obstinacy, but were slowly and surely driven from their intrenchments and forced to retire. After Lawton had become well engaged, Grimes's battery from the heights of El Pozo opened fire on the San Juan block-houses very effectively. The Spanish replied with field-pieces and smokeless powder. They soon had our range, while their smokeless powder made it difficult to determine their exact locality.

San Juan Hill, the scene of a severe rapid approach, and would probably soon engagement between the American and Spanish troops near El Caney, while the American army was on its march towards Santiago. After the engagement at LAS GUASIMAS (q. v.), the time up to June The 30 was spent in concentrating the Ameri- soon can troops and making preparations for farther advance. To the northeast of Santiago was the village of El Caney, and on the same side, some 2 to 3 miles from it, were the San Juan hills and block houses. It was decided to attack and carry these positions without further delay. There were but four light batteries, of four guns each, in the army, and Lawton's division, assisted by Capron's battery, was ordered to move out that day --June 30-and make an attack early in the morning of July 1 towards El Caney. Then, after carrying El Caney, he was to move by the road of that name towards Santiago, and take a position on the extreme right of the line. Grimes's battery, of the 2d, attached to Kent's division, had orders the same afternoon to prepare the way next morning for the advance of Kent's and Wheeler's divisions on the San Juan hills, the attack of which was to be delayed by the infantry till Law. ton's guns were heard at El Caney.

The troops of Wheeler's and Kent's divisions, which had up to this time been partially concealed, were ordered to deploy--Wheeler to the right, towards Lawton, and Kent to the left. We here quote General Shafter:

About this time news was brought that the Spanish General Pando, with rein- "In the mean time Kent's division, with forcements of 8,000 men, was making the exception of two regiments of Haw

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kins's brigade, being thus uncovered, moved rapidly to the front from the forks previously mentioned in the road, utilizing both trails, but more especially the one to the left, and, crossing the creek, formed for attack in the front of San Juan Hill. During this formation the 2d Brigade suffered severely. While personally superintending this movement, its gallant commander, Colonel Wikoff, was killed. The command of the brigade then devolved upon Lieutenant-Colonel Worth, 13th Infantry, who was soon severely wounded, and next upon Lieutenant-Colonel Liscum, 24th Infantry, who, five minutes later, also fell under the terrible fire of the enemy, and the command of the brigade then devolved upon LieutenantColonel Ewers, 9th Infantry.


along the crest of which the enemy was strongly posted. Nothing daunted, these gallant men pushed on to drive the enemy from his chosen position, both divisions losing heavily. In this assault Colonel Hamilton, Lieutenants Smith and Shipp were killed, and Colonel Carroll, Lieutenants Thayer and Myer, all in the cavalry, were wounded."

The battle of July 1, called the battle of El Caney, was over, with the Americans strongly holding all they had gained during the day. The losses were very heavy, and the reputed coming of General Pando made it necessary at once to continue the struggle the next day, and gain a decided victory before the Spanish could be strengthened. The troops had advanced and carried certain positions, but the en

my was evidently in stronger ones, and it was necessary to drive him out at once. During the afternoon of July 1 the two remaining batteries were brought up and placed in position near Grimes, and directed to play on the enemy's trenches. General Duffield's brigade, composed of the

'While the formation just described was taking place, General Kent took measures to hurry forward his rear brigade. The 10th and 2d Infantry were ordered to follow Wikoff's brigade, while the 21st was sent on the right-hand road to support the 1st Brigade, under General Hawkins, who had crossed the stream and 33d and 34th Michigan and a Massachuformed on the right of the division. The 2d and 10th Infantry, Col. E. P. Pearson commanding, moved forward in good order on the left of the division, passed over a green knoll, and drove the enemy back towards his trenches.

setts regiment, was ordered to assault Aguadores, a small outpost. During the afternoon and night of July 1 the American lines were rearranged and strengthened, and on the morning of the 2d the enemy himself opened the battle by mak"After completing their formation un- ing a fierce assault. But while Kent and der a destructive fire, and advancing a Wheeler remained behind their works reshort distance, both divisions found in pelling numerous assaults, Lawton adtheir front a wide bottom, in which had vanced his lines and gained strong and been placed a barbed-wire entanglement, commanding positions on the right. On and beyond which there was a high hill, the morning of July 3 the fighting was

renewed, but the enemy soon gave way until I ordered a charge, and the men and the firing ceased. See SPAIN, WAR rushed the block-house and rifle-pits on


The Roosevelt Reports.-The following are the two reports by Lieut.-Col. Theodore Roosevelt, detailing the gallantry of the "Rough Riders" in the San Juan Hill fight, which were not made public till Dec. 22, 1898. The first report is as follows:

the hill to the right of our advance. They did the work in fine shape, although suffering severely. The guidons of Troops E and G were first planted on the summit, though the first men up were some of A and B troopers, who were with me. We then opened fire on the intrenchments on a hill to our left, which some of the

Col. Leonard Wood, commanding 2d Cav- other regiments were assailing, and which alry Brigade.

they carried a few minutes later.

SIR,-On July 1 the regiment, with Meanwhile we were under a heavy fire myself in command, was moved out by from the intrenchments along the hills your orders directly following the 1st to our front, from where they also shelled Brigade. Before leaving the camping with a piece of field artillery until some ground several of our men were wounded of our marksmen silenced it. When the by shrapnel. After crossing the river at men got their wind we charged again the ford, we were moved along and up and carried the second line of intrenchthe right bank under fire, and were held ments with a rush. Swinging to the left, in reserve at a sunk road. Here we lost we then drove the Spaniards over the a good many men, including Captain brow of the chain of hills fronting on O'Neill killed and Lieutenant Haskell Santiago. By this time the regiments wounded. We then received your order were much mixed, and we were under a to advance and support the regular cav- very heavy fire both of shrapnel and from alry in the attack on the intrenchments rifles, from the batteries, intrenchments, and block-houses on the hills to the left. and forts immediately in front of the The regiment was deployed on both sides city. On the extreme front I was myself of the road and moved forward until we in command, with fragments of the six came to the rearmost lines of the reg- cavalry regiments and the two batteries ulars. We continued to move forward under me. The Spaniards made one or

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The guerillas in trees not only fired at our troops, but seemed to devote themselves especially to shooting at the surgeons, the hospital assistants with Red Cross bandages on their arms, the wounded who were being carried in litters, and the burying parties. Many of these guerillas were dressed in green uniforms. We sent out a detail of sharp-shooters among those in our rear and also along the line where they had been shooting the wounded, and killed thirteen.

two efforts to retake the line, but were of cool head, great executive ability, and promptly driven back. Both General literally dauntless courage. Sumner and you sent me word to hold the line at all hazards, and that night we dug a line of intrenchments across our front, using the captured Spanish intrenching tools. We had nothing to eat except what we captured from the Spaniards, but their dinners had fortunately been cooked, and we ate them with relish, having been fighting all day. We had no blankets or coats, and lay by the trenches all night. The Spaniards attacked us once in the night, and at dawn they opened a heavy artillery and rifle fire. Very great assistance was rendered us by Lieutenant Parker's Gatling battery at critical moments. He fought his guns at the extreme front of the firing-line in a way that repeatedly called forth the cheers of my men. One of the Spanish batteries which was used against us was directly in front of the hospital, so that the Red Cross flag flew over the battery, saving it from our fire for a considerable period. The Spanish Mauser bullets made clean wounds, but they also used a copper- them admirably. At the end of the batjacketed or brass-jacketed bullet which exploded, making very bad wounds indeed.

Since then we have continued to hold together. The food has been short, and until to-day we could not get our blank ets, coats, or shelter-tents, while the men lay all day under the fire of the Spanish batteries, intrenchments, and guerillas in trees, and worked all night in the trenches, never even taking off their shoes; but they are in excellent spirits, and ready and anxious to carry out any orders they receive. At the end of the first day the eight troops were commanded, two by captains, three by first lieutenants, two by second lieutenants and one by the sergeant whom you made acting lieutenant.

We went into the fight about 490 strong; eighty-six were killed or wounded, and there are half a dozen missing. The great heat prostrated nearly forty men, some of them among the best in the regiment. Besides Captain O'Neill and Lieutenant Haskell, Lieutenants Leahy, Devereaux, and Case were wounded. All behaved with great gallantry. As for Captain O'Neill, his loss is one of the severest that could have befallen the regiment. He was a man

To attempt to give a list of the men who showed signal valor would necessitate sending in an almost complete roster of the regiment. Many of the cases which I mention stand merely as examples of the rest, not as exceptions. Captain Jenkins acted as major, and showed such conspicuous gallantry and efficiency that I earnestly hope he may be promoted to major as soon as a vacancy occurs. Captains Lewellen, Muller, and Luna led their troops throughout the charges, handling

tle Lieutenants Kane, Greenwood, and Goodrich were in charge of their troops, immediately under my eye, and I wish particularly to commend their conduct throughout. Corporals Waller and Fortescue, and Trooper McKinley, of Troop E; Corporal Rhoades, of Troop D; Troopers Albertson, Winter, McGregor, and Ray Clark, of Troop F; Troopers Bugbe, Jackson, and Waller, of Troop A; Trumpeter McDonald, of Troop L.; Sergeant Hughes, of Troop B, and Trooper Geieren, of Troop G, all continued to fight after being wounded, some very severely; most of them fought until the end of the day. Trooper Oliver B. Norton, of Troop B, who with his brother was by my side all throughout the charging, was killed while fighting with marked gallantry. Sergeant Ferguson, Corporal Lee, and Troopers Bell and Carroll, of Troop K, Sergeant Dame, of Troop E; Troopers Goodwin, Campbell, and Dudley Dean, Trumpeter Foster, of Troop B, and Troopers Greenwold and Bardehan, of Troop A, are all worthy of special mention for coolness and gallantry. They all merit promotion when the time comes. But the most conspicuous gallantry was shown by Trooper Rowland.



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