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its external form by Aristotle

The antagonism between these forms described

The destruction of these schools by Stoicism and Epicureanism

Departure of Philosophy from Religion in Christian Europe
The Scholastics, or the Religious School of Philosophy, described
Its dependence upon the Pagan systems explained
Development of Material Ontology in Nominalism and Realism
Improvement in the philosophical position of the human mind described.
Development of Spiritual Ontology by the Mystics as Religious Philosophy. 49
Preparation for a psychological development of Philosophy in the Sixteenth

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and in its external form by Locke.

The theories of Spinoza and Malebranche, the disciples of Descartes
Preparation by the Sceptics for the introduction of Eclecticism
Development of Eclecticism in its Mystical form . .
Establishment of Eclectical Philosophy in its Intellectual form by Leibnitz
The system of Eclectical Philosophy by Emanuel Kant described

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Completion of the philosophical development

Why Philosophy has not been realized as legitimate Science

The destruction of Philosophy by the establishment of Materialism, under

the name of "Positive Philosophy," by Auguste Comte
Why a new ground for Philosophy is now demanded

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Why the subsistence of an Opposite to the Infinite is necessitated
Posit of the Finite-Death Itself- The Spirit of Evil

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Conception of the realization of Definite Absolute Individuality
Why this must first be realized in a Natural Condition
Definition of a Natural Condition

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The realization of Spiritual Consciousness in an Absolute Sphere
Conception of the formation of the Divine Sphere in God.
Christianity a representation of these Absolute Phenomena
Necessity for a Third Person in God

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The manner in which these Phenomenal Laws come into the consciousness
of God as Material for Creation

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The destructive character of its natural representatives considered
How these are destructive in Ontological Philosophy.

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Unitarianism and Transcendentalism

Division of Unitarianism into Pantheism and Naturalism.

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Pantheism into Spiritualism and Materialism
Naturalism into Transcendentalism and Moralism
Comparison of Transcendentalism and Unitarianism
The destructive character of these forms of Naturalism
The natural law of Unity as it operates in the Church .
The antagonism between Philosophy and the Church accounted for

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Conception of these through the application of the Law of Tri-Personality. 151

Importance of Analogy as a Philosophical Form.

Definition of Correspondence, and division into three spheres
Correspondences of the Fancy, which are destructive.

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Those which arise in the natural consciousness and previous experience

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in the fact of Opposition in Creation

in the unreal character of the Natural .

in its development under the law of Contrariety
The Law of Tri-Personality, the Universal Law of Correspondence which
includes the laws of Opposition, Attraction, and Marriage
THE LAW OF OPPOSITION, — the ground of this law.
Illustration of this law by the principles of Truth and Good.
The ground of our conception of Truth and Good
The relationship between Truth and Good described
How this is represented in the Human Constitution
How this is represented in all Individual Manifestations

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Construction of the Universe in Spiritual, Ethereal, and Material Spheres. 184

Conception of the principles of the Material Universe .

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