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Resolved, That there shall be no publica

tion of the Debates in book form on and after the first day of October next.

On the question of ordering the resolution to a second reading there were twenty-seven yeas-less than a majority of a


Mr. J. N. PURVIANCE. I am satisfied the resolution is not understood by the Convention. The resolution proposes that there shal be no publication

The PRESIDENT. It is not debatable. The Convention has decided the question. Mr. J. N. PURVIANCE. I call for the yeas and nays.

SEVERAL DELEGATES. It is too late. The PRESIDENT. The Convention having decided the question before the yeas and nays were called for, the Chair thinks the call is not now in order. The resolution can be offered again.

Mr. J. N. PURVIANCE. I hope the Chair will withdraw his decision, because I am satisfied that the resolution was not understood.

The PRESIDENT. The Chair will withdraw his decision, and the resolution will be read again for the information of the Convention.

The CLERK read the resolution. Mr. J. N. PURVIANCE. I offered that resolution

Bowman, Boyd, Buckalew, Calvin, Carter, Corbett, Curry, Dallas, Darlington, Dodd, Dunning, Edwards, Ewing, Gibson, Guthrie. Hanna, Harvey, Howard, Hunsicker, Kaine, Knight, Lilly, MacVeagh, M'Camant, M'Clean, Minor, Parsons, Patton, Pughe, Reed, Andrew, Runk, Russell, Sharpe, Smith, H. G., Smith, Henry, W., Stanton, Stewart, Wetherill, J. M., White, David N., White, Harry, White, J. W. F., Woodward, Worrell, Wright and Walker, President-52. So the question was determined in the negative.

ABSENT. Messrs. Addicks, Baker, Bigler, Black, Charles A., Bullitt, Campbell, Carey, Cassidy, Church, Clark, Collins, Corson, Craig, Cronmiller, Curtin, Cuyler, Elliott, Ellis, Fell, Finney, Fulton, Gilpin, Green, Hall, Hazzard, Hemphill, Heverin, Horton, Lamberton, Landis, Lawrence, Lear Littleton, MMurry, Mann, Mantor, Metzger, Mitchell, Mott, Newlin, Niles, Palmer, H. W., Patterson, D. W., Patterson, T. H. B., Porter, Purman, Read, John R., Reynolds, Rooke, Ross, Simpson, Smith, Wm. H., Temple, Turrell, Van Reed, and Wherry -56.


Mr. FELL. I am instructed by the delegates at large, to whom was referred the

Mr. HUNSICKER. I object to any de- duty of filling the vacancy in this body


Mr. PRESIDENT. It is not debatable. The question is on ordering the resolution to a second reading.

occasioned by the death of Hon. Wm. M. Meredith, to submit a report.

The report was read as follows:
The undersigned, members at large of

Mr. J. N. PURVIANCE. On that I call the Convention who were voted for by a for the yeas and nays.

The yeas and nays were ordered. Mr. FELL. Before proceeding to the call of the roll, I rise to a question of privilege.

The PRESIDENT. The pending question must first be disposed of.

The question being taken by yeas and nays resulted as follows:


Messrs. Achenbach, Andrews, Baer, Baily, (Perry,) Bailey, (Huntingdon,) Bannan, Barclay, Black, J. S., Brodhead, Broomall, Brown, Cochran, Davis, De France, Funck, Hay, Long, MacConnell, M'Culloch, Palmer, G. W., Purviance, John N., Purviance, Samuel A., Struthers, and Wetherill, John Price-24.


Messrs. Ainey, Alricks, Armstrong, Bardsley, Bartholomew, Beebe, Biddle,

majority of the same voters who voted for and elected the late Hon. Wm. M.

Meredith, do hereby fill the vacancy occasioned by his death by the appointment of the Hon. Morton M'Michael, a citizen of the city of Philadelphia, to be a mem

ber of this Convention.







Mr. M'MICHAEL appeared at the bar of the House, and the oath of office having

been administered to him by the President,

to his stat in the convention. SUPMISSION OF THE CONSTITUTION.

The resolution was read the second time and considered.

Mr. MACVEAGH. I learn from the delo

Mr. MACVEAGH. I offer the following gate from the city of Philadelphia (Mr.


Resolved, That a committee of seven be appointed to report for the consideration of the Convention a time and method for the submission of the Constitution, when completed, to a vote of the people of the Commonwealth.

On the question of proceeding to the second reading and consideration of the resolution,

The yons and nays were required by Mr. Newlin and Mr. Jos. Bailey, and were as follows, viz:


Messrs. Achenbach, Addicks, Alricks,
Andrews, Armstrong, Baer, Bailey,
(Huntingdon,) Baker, Beebe, Black, J.
S., Broomall, Buckalew, Calvin, Carey,
Collins, Curry, Dallas, Davis, Dodd,
Dunning, Edwards, Ewing, Fulton, Gib-
son, Hanna, Howard, Hunsieker, Kaine,
Landis, Lawrence, Lilly, Littleton, Long,
MacConnell, MacVeagh, Minor, Palmer,
G. W., Purviance, John N., Runk,
Sharpe, Smith, II. G., Stanton, 'Stewart,
Turrell, Wetherill, J. M., White, David
N., White, J. W. F., Woodward, Worrel,
and Walker, President—59.


Messrs. Ainoy, Bailey, (Perry,) Barelay, Bardsley, Bartholomew, Bowman, Boyd, Brodhead, Brown, Cochran, Corbett, Curtin, Darlington, De France, Fell, Guthrie, Harvey, Hay, M'Clean, Newlin, Patton, Pughe, Reed, Andrew, Rooke, Smith, Henry W., Struthers, Wetherill, Jno. Price, White, Harry, and Wright


So th resolution was ordered to a second reading.

ABSENT. — Messrs. Bannan, Biddle,
Bigler, Black, Charles A., Bullitt, Camp-
bell, Carter, Cassidy, Church, Clark, Cor-
son, Craig, Cronmiller, Cuyler, Elliott,
Ellis, Finney, Funck, Gilpin, Green,
Hail, Hazzard, Hemphill, Heverin, Hor-
ton, Knight, Lamberton, Lear, M'Camant,
M Culiocit, a Michael, M'Murray, Mann,
Mantor, Metzger, Mitchell, Mott, Niles,
Palmer, H. W., Parsons, Patterson, D.
W., Patterson, T. H. B., Porter, Purinan,
Purviance, Sam'l A., Read, John R.,
Ross, Russell,
Smith, Wm. II., Temple, Van Reed and

J. Price Wetherill) that he furnished to the Convention before its adjournment, a plan for the holding of this election, which was referred to the Committee on Suffrage, Election and Representation. The object in offering this resolution was to have a committee to which could be referred the various plans of different members for this election, to have those plans properly digested, and a report made for the action of the Convention as a body, in order, if possible, to prevent amendments being offered of various plans which may be favorites with different members of the body. If the Committee on Suffrage, Election and Representation is to be the receptacle for those plans in case others are to be offered, there is no object in the creation of a special committee; and a plan having already been submitted, and having been referred to that committee, it has occurred to me, since the resolution was offered, that it might be as well to allow that committee to report a plan for the election as to constitute a new committee for the purpose. If that committee is here, and is willing to enter upon this work so as to have it out of our way and a digested report ready for our action when the Constitution is com

pleted, then every object of this resolu

tion is answered.

Mr. LILLY. Probably it is not my place to speak for the committee, but the Committee on Suffrage, Election and Representation have had this subject under consideration, and it was postponed on account of the adjournment. I presumo we shall soon have another meeting, and then probably the subject will be taken up and acted on.

Mr. HARRY WHITE. I think it is en

tirely proper that a resolution of this kind should be passed. Certainly it should be considered by the Convention. I was going to suggest, however, that probably it was a day or two premature; and in order to allow members to converse on the subject and exchange views, and inasmuch as all the delegates are not here, I propose to make a motion to postpone the further consideration of the resolution until to-morrow.

The PRESIDENT. The question is on the motion of the gentleman from Indi


days. That is my motive in offering the
present resolution.

Mr. MACVEAGH. The delegate from Columbia (Mr Buckalew) and the delegute from Lycoming (Mr. Armstrong) Mr. HARRY WHITE. Mr. President; 1 suggest that that motion be changed to a rise to obtain information for myself and motion to postpone for the present. That doubtless for the whole Convention in will be entirely acceptable to me, and we regard to the action of the Committee on shall get rid of the difficulty. Revision and Adjustment. I should be Mr. HARRY WHITE. Very well; I will very glad to know what is the status of modify it in that way. that committee's work, whether there is

The PRESIDENT. That motion is before any report ready, or if not, how soon we the Convention.

may expect one, for the action of this

Mr. MACVEAGH. I trust it will be Convention depends, as I understand, adopted.

To motion to postpone was agreed to, Mr. AINEY. I offer the following resolution:

Resolved, That the Committe on Suffrage, Election and Representation be and are hereby instructed to prepare and report an ordinance for the submission of she new or amended Constitution to a Noto of the people on the- day ofnext, which ordinance shall, with the other necessary provisions, contain a proviso that but one ticket shall be voted on So much of the Constitution as shall be


submitted as a whole, which ticket shall be headed "New or amended Constitution," and under this shall be printed consecutively the numerical designation of each section of each article in such convenient form that voters may readily cross or strike out with pen or pencil any section; and each and every section so marked shall be deemed, taken and held to be a vote against such section, and each remaining section not so marked out shall be deemed, taken and held to be a vote in favor of the same.


I offer this resolution simply to bring the thought before the Convention. ask that it lie on the table for the present. The PRESIDENT. The resolution will lie on the table.



very much on the report of that commit-
tee. I should be glad through you, sir,
to ask a member of that committee as to
the position of their work and when they
will be ready to report.

The PRESIDENT. Mr. Knight, I believe,
is the only member of the committee

Mr. KNIGHT. Mr. President: The committee had several meetings previous to the adjournment of the Convention and they agreed to meet during the recess at Cape May, but they never did. Messrs. Clark, H. W. Palmer and Church may have had a meeting in the interior

I have not

heard from them on the subject. Mr. D.
of the State somewhere.
W. Patterson, one of the members of the
committee, is here.

Mr. DARLINGTON. Mr. President: I

should be glad to know whether the com-
mittee themselves desire to have their
be willing to give it to them; if they do
number increased. If they do, I should
not, I should like to hear before we act

on the resolution?

Mr. LILLY. I had considerable conver

sation with members of the Committee
on Revision and Adjustment before the
adjournment, and I understood from both
Mr. Clark and Mr. H. W. Palmer, that
their work was in a very forward condi-
tion; but, as the gentleman from Colum-
bia said, the Convention was very unfor-
tunate in not having a quorum of the

Mr. BUCKALEW. I offer the following committee here to-day, and we are not resolution:

Resolved, That four members be added by appointment of the Chair to the Comnittee on Revision and Adjustment. The resolution was ordered to a second reading, and was read the second time. Mr. BUCKALEW. This committee consists of five members only at present, and It happens at this moment that only one of the five is present in the Convention. By adding four new members, we could get a quorum of the committee together at once, and commence this afternoon or evening and have a report within a few

likely to have a quorum of that commit-
tee for some time. I understand the
courts are in session in the western part
of the State, where Mr. Clark resides, and
he cannot be here for some days.

Mr. DARLINGTON. Let us hear from
the members of the committee them-

Mr. LILLY. Mr. Church is absent, I presume from the same cause, and so is Mr. Palmer. To my mind it is important that we should go on, and in order to do so the committee ought to be able soon to report.

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The PRESIDENT. The question is on the resolution.

The resolution was agreed to.


Mr. BRODHEAD. Mr. President: I offer the following resolution:

Resolved, That on and after to-morrow the daily sessions of this Convention shall

be from ten A. M. till three P. M.

On the question of ordering the resolution to a second reading, a division was called for, which resulted ayes thirty-four, nays thirty-four.

So the question was determined in the negative.

WITHDRAWAL OF A RESIGNATION. Mr. COLLINS. Mr. President: Previous to the adjournment of the Convention my health was so much impaired that I was compelled to ask the privilege of resigning my seat as a member of this Convention. The Convention, however, did me the honor to lay the resignation on the table. My health has improved considerably since, and I now ask the unanimous consent of the body to withdraw that resignation.

The PRESIDENT. The gentleman from Fayette desires leave to withdraw his letter of resignation. Shall he have leave? ["Yes." "Yes."]

Leave was unanimously granted, and the resignation was withdrawn.


# Mr. J. N. PURVIANCE. I offer the following resolution:

Resolved, That the sessions of this Convention hereafter, until otherwise ordered, shall be from nine and a half o'clock A. M. to one P. M., and from three to seven o'clock P. M., on all days of the week excepting Sundays.

On the question of proceeding to the second reading and consideration of the resolution, a division was called for. Mr. J. N. PURVIANCE.

yeas and nays.

I ask for the

Mr. D. N. WHITE. I second the call. The yeas and nays wore taken with the following result:


Messrs. Addicks, Baer, Baily, (Perry,) Bailey, (Huntingdon,) Bardsley, Beebe, Bowman, Carey, Carter, Corson, Davis, De France, Edwards, Fulton, Hay, Lawrence, Long, M'Culloch, Metzger, Newlin, Palmer, G. W., Parsons, Pughe, Purviance, John N., Purviance, Samuel A., Smith, H. G., Smith, Win. H., Struthers, Temple, White, David N., White, J. W. F., and Wright-32.


Messrs. Achenbach, Ainey, Armstrong, Baker, Bannan, Barclay, Biddle, Boyd, Brodhead, Broomall, Brown, Buckalew, Cochran, Collins, Corbett, Curtin, Dallas, Darlington, Dunning, Ewing, Fell, Funck, Gibson, Guthrie, Hanna, Harvey, Howard, Hunsicker, Kaine, Knight, Landis, Lilly, Littleton, MacConnell, MacVeagh, M'Camant, M'Clean, M'Michael, Minor, Patton, Read, John R., Reed, Andrew, Rooke, Runk, Russell, Sharpe, Smith, Henry W., Stanton, Stewart, Turrell, Van Reed, Wetherill, J. M., Wetherill, Jno. Price, White, Harry, Woodward and Walker, President.

So the Convention refused to read the

resolution a second time.

ABSENT.-Messrs. Alricks, Andrews, Bartholomew, Bigler, Black, Charles A., Black, J. S., Bullitt, Calvin, Campbell, Cassidy, Church, Clark, Craig, Cronmiller, Curry, Cuyler, Dodd, Elliott, Ellis, Finney, Gilpin, Green, Hall, Hazzard, Hemphill, Heverin, Horton Lamberton, Lear, M'Murray, Mann, Mantor, Mitchell, Mott, Niles, Palmer, H. W., Patterson, D. W., Patterson, T. H. B., Porter, Purman, Reynolds, Ross, Simpson, Wherry and Worrell-45.


Mr. KAINE. I ask leave to make a statement.

The PRESIDENT. Shall the gentleman have leave?

Leave was granted.

Mr. KAINE. On the 22d day of January last an article relative to the times of holding the elections of this Commonwealth was ordered to be transcribed for third reading. On the next day-the 23d day of January-it was finally passed on third reading. This does not seem to have been understood by the Convention generally. The article was not referred to the Committee on Revision and Adjustment. It must necessarily go there, and therefore I offer the following resolution:

Resolved, That the action of the Convention on the 22d day of January last, ordering the article fixing the time for holding the elections of this Commonwealth to be transcribed for third reading, and the passage of the same on the 23d day of January, on third realing, be and the same is hereby rescinded, and the said article as it passed second reading be referred to the Committee on Revision and Adjustment.

The resolution was read the second time and considered.

ABSENT.-Messrs. Andrews, Black, Charles A., Cassidy, Church, Clark, Craig,

The resolution was agreed to, ayes sixty- Crommiller, Cuyler, Davis, Dunning, Elone, noes not counted.


Mr. AINEY. I offer the following resolution:

Resolved, That on and after to-morrow the daily sessions of this Convention shall be from half-past nine o'clock A. M. to three o'clock P. M.

On the question of proceeding to the second reading and consideration of the resolution, Messrs. Ainey and Darlington called for the yeas and nays

Mr. D. N. WHITE. I ask for information, what are the hours of meeting now? The PRESIDENT: From ten A. M. to one P. M., and from three to six P. M.

Mr. MAČVEAGH. I rise to a question of order. Has not that resolution been negatived? Was it not included in Mr. Purviance's resolution?

The PRESIDENT: In part only. That The resolution proposed two sessions. yeas and nays have been ordered, and the Clerk will call the roll, on proceeding to the second reading and consideration of the delegate from Lehigh (Mr. Ainey.) The question was taken by the yeas and nays with the following result:


Messrs. Ainey, Alricks, Armstrong, Baer, Baker, Bartholomew, Biddle, Bigler, Black, J. S., Boyd, Brodhead, Broomall, Bullitt, Calvin, Carey, Corbett, Corson, Curry, Curtin, Dallas, Darlington, Finney, Funk, Gibson, Guthrie, Harvey, Hunsicker, Knight, Lilly, M'Clean, M'Culloch, M'Michael, Minor, Newlin, Palmer, G. W., Pugh, Read, John R. Runk, Sharpe, Smith, Henry W., Smith, Win. II., Stewart, Van Reed, Wetherill, J. M. and Woodward-45.


Messrs. Achenbach, Addicks, Baily, (Porry,) Bailey, (Huntingdon,) Bannan, Barday, Bardsley, Beebe, Bowman, Brown, Buckalew, Campbell, Carter, Cochran, Collins, De France, Dodd, Edwards, Ewing, Fell, Hanna, Hay, Howard, Kaine, Landis, Lawrence, Littleton, Long, MacConnell, MacVeagh, Metzger, Parsons, Patterson, D. W., Patton, Purviance, John N., Purviance, Sam'l A., Reed, Andrew, Rooke, Russell, Stanton, Struthers, Turrell, Wetherill, Jno. Price, White, David N., White, Harry, White, J. W. F., Wright and Walker, President--48.

So the Convention refused to order the resolution to a second reading.

liott, Ellis, Fulton, Gilpin, Green, Hall, Hazzard, Hemphill, Heverin, Horton, Lamberton, Lear, M'Camant, M'Murray, Mann, Mantor, Mitchell, Mott, Niles, Palmer, H. W., Patterson, T. H. B., Porter, Purman, Reynolds, Ross, Simpson, Smith, H. G., Temple, Wherry and Worrell-40.


Mr. ANDREW REED. I move that the Convention now proceed to the consideration of the article on the Legislature.

The PRESIDENT. There are some reports yet to be made.

Mr. ANDREW REED. Then I withdraw the motion for the present.

The PRESIDENT. Resolutions are yet in order.

[blocks in formation]

The PRESIDENT. What action will the Convention take on this resolution?

Mr. MACVEAGH. I move that it lie on the table.

SEVERAL DELEGATES. Lot it proceed to second reading.

The PRESIDENT. Is the motion to lay on the table withdrawn.

Mr. MACVEAGH. I do not withdraw it, for the simple reason that there is one article which has never passed second reading, the article on the Legislature, which the gentleman from Millin (Mr. A. Reed) suggested a moment ago should be taken up, and I think that ought to be passed through second reading before we go to the third reading of the other articles. We have not met that question for some time, and I hope we shall meet it I trust, therefore, that the gentleman will withdraw his resolution until we can get through with the article on the Legislature on second reading.


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