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A motion to recommit a conference report is not in order, for the reason that making a report has the effect of dissolving the committee; also for the reason that such reports are not subject to the rules governing ordinary proceedings, the only question in order being on agreeing to the report.― Congressional Record, 2, 49, p. 880.

On the consideration of conference reports an amendment proposed to a Senate amendment must be germane thereto.— Journal, 2, 50, p. 667.

Amendments reported by a conference committee are in order, though not germane to the original measure, provided they are germane to the amendment which is the subject of disagreement.-Cong. Record, Aug. 3, 1886, 1, 49, p. 7932.

Although the Senate had amended a bill of the House by striking out all after the enacting clause, and inserting a dif ferent proposition in some respects yet having the same object in view, the question presented was not whether the provisions excepted to in the conference report were germane to the original House bill, but whether they were germane to the Senate amendment. In the opinion of the Chair they were clearly germane; for though different from the provisions contained in such amendment, they related directly to the same subjects, and under the common parliamentary law and practice might be made, by way of amendment, a substantially different proposition from that originally passed by the House.-Ibid., p. 7932.

A conference report is not subject to the point of order that it must be first considered in Committee of the Whole, even though it recommends legislation not previously considered by the House, which, if presented as an original proposition, would be subject to that point. The unbroken practice of the House has been to consider conference reports as presenting questions of the highest privilege, and as possessing peculiar qualities, such, for instance, as not being amendable or divis ible, and which can not be laid on the table as other proposi tions. The main object of committing a proposition to the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union is to afford the widest latitude for amendment and debate, and as a conference report could not be amended in the House it could not be sent to the Committee of the Whole for that purpose,

but in all respects must be treated as an entirety, and adopted or rejected by a single vote.-Speaker Carlisle, Journal, 1, 49, p. 2515.

The point being made that a conference report contained matter not the subject of difference between the two Houses, and the question being submitted to the House by the Speaker, the House refused to receive it.-Journal 1, 42, pp. 190, 191.

A conference report can not be laid on the table.-Journal, 2, 42, p. 1129. Nor is it in order to demand the reading of the engrossed bill at length upon presentation of a conference report.-Journal, 1, 44, p. 1423.

It is not for the Chair to determine whether the submission of a paper purporting to be a detailed statement of the effect of a conference report is sufficient compliance with the rule. The House may, if it desires, receive the report without any detailed statement whatever.-Congressional Record, 2, 49, p. 2437.

A conference report may be presented pending a motion to adjourn or to fix the day to which the House shall adjourn, and its consideration having been entered upon takes precedence over the motion to fix day.-Congressional Record, 2, 50, p. 678.

But if the question of consideration is demanded against the conference report when presented, pending such question the motion to fix the day and the motion to adjourn are in order and respectively take precedence.-Journal, 2, 50, p. 207.

A conference report may be presented pending a motion to adjourn, subject, however, to the right of the House to refuse to consider it; and pending the consideration of such report a motion to adjourn is in order.-Congressional Record, 1, 51, p. 7880.

The jurisdiction of a committee of conference is confined to matters in dispute between the two Houses, and such committee has no authority to report as an amendment a provision which is neither germane to the text of the bill nor to the amendment which is the subject of disagreement.-Journal, 2, 52, pp. 137–139.


Conferees may be instructed by the House, but this course is not usual until they have made their first report, such instruc

tions being only in order when the subject of the conference is before the House.

A report by a conference committee, making recommendations contrary to instructions of the House, is not for that reason out of order; the proposition reported being still within the control of the House.-Journal, 1, 49, pp. 2458, 2459.

Pending the consideration of the report of a conference committee it is in order to instruct the conferees on the part of the House respecting any matter in dispute between the Houses.-Congressional Record, 1, 49, p. 74041. But where the House has taken action on the matter reported, as by insisting on its disagreement asking a further conference and appointing conferees, the subject is no longer before the House and it is then too late to move an instruction to the conferees.— Ibid., p. 7405.

It was held not in order to move to instruct conferees to insist on a proposed amendment inconsistent with the text upon which both Houses have agreed.-Congressional Record, 2, 51, pp. 3610, 3611.


By the act of May 12, 1876 (Sess. Laws, 1, 44, p. 54), it is provided:

That hereafter, whenever any deceased Senator or Member of the House of Representatives shall be actually interred in the Congressional Cemetery, so called, it shall be the duty of the Sergeant-at-Arms of the Senate, in the case of a Senator, and of the Sergeant-at-Arms of the House of Representatives, in the case of a Member of the House, to have a monument erected, of granite, with suitable inscriptions, and the cost of the same shall be a charge upon and paid out either from the contingent funds of the Senate or the House of Representatives, to whichever the deceased may have belonged, and any existing omissions of monuments or inscriptions, as aforesaid, are hereby directed and authorized to be supplied in like manner; and all laws upon the subject of monuments in the Congressional Cemetery are hereby repealed.


A Congressional directory shall be compiled at each session of Congress, under the direction of the Joint Committee on Printing, and the first edition for each session shall be ready for distribution within one week after the commencement thereof.-R. S., secs. 77 and 3801.

It shall be lawful for the Public Printer, under the direction of the Joint Committee of the Senate and House of Representatives on Printing, to print for sale, at a price sufficient to reimburse the expenses of such printing, the current Congressional Directory and the current numbers of the Congressional Record. The money derived from such sales shall be paid into the Treasury monthly to the credit of the appropriation for public printing, and no sale shall be made on credit. -Stats. at L., Vol. 22, p. 642.


(For table of volumes see Appendix.)

The Congressional Record contains a stenographic report, made by the official reporters of debates, of the daily proceedings of the two Houses of Congress.

It is the successor to the Congressional Globe, the publication under the present title commencing March 4, 1873. The edition for each session is denominated a "volume," though each consists of a number of separate volumes styled "parts," the pages being numbered consecutively from the beginning to the end of a session without respect to separate bound parts. In the two libraries of the House of Representatives these so-called parts have been, for the sake of convenience, serially numbered, each as a separate volume, Vol. 1, Part 1, being numbered Vol. 1; Vol. 1, Part 2 being numbered Vol. 2, and so on down; the entire series at the close of the Fiftysecond Congress amounting to 132 such volumes.

Rules for the publication of the Congressional Record, adopted by the Joint Committee on Printing on May 5, 1886, first session Forty-ninth Congress:

First. When copy is taken out for revision by Senators, Representatives, or Delegates it should be returned to the Government Printing Office not later than 12 o'clock midnight, in order to insure its publication in the Record on the morning following; and if said copy is not furnished at the time specified, the Public Printer is authorized to withhold it from the Record for one day, and in no case will a speech be printed in the Record on the day after its delivery if the copy be furnished later than 12 o'clock midnight.

Second. The copy of speeches containing large tabular statements to be published in the Record should be in the hands of the Public Printer not later than 6 o'clock p. m. on the day prior to their publication.

Third. Proofs of "leaves to print" and advance speeches will not be furnished on the night of the day on which the copy is received, but will be sent on the following day, should it be possible to do so without causing delay to the publication of the regular proceedings of Congress.

Fourth. Corrections in speeches for the bound edition of the Record should be sent to the Public Printer within four days after the delivery of the speech to be corrected, as it is then stereotyped.

Fifth. If copy or proofs have not been returned within the time above mentioned, the Public Printer will insert the words “Mr. withholds

his remarks for revision, and they will appear hereafter," and proceed with the printing of the Record.

Sixth. The Public Printer is not authorized to insert any maps or diagrams in the Record without the approval of the Joint Committee on Printing. All requests for such approval should be referred to the Joint Committee on Printing, and may be submitted to the chairman of the Committee on Printing on the part of the Senate or of the House, in whichever the speech illustrated may have been delivered, and no maps or diagrams shall be inserted that exceed in size a page of the Record.

Seventh. The Public Printer will arrange the contents of the Record as follows: First, the Senate proceedings; second, the House proceedings; third, the speeches withheld for revision: Provided, That should the copy of the regular proceedings, either in the Senate or in the House, be delayed, the Public Printer is authorized to at once begin the make-up, on the first page, with either Senate or House proceedings or with such speeches as are on file, giving precedence to those first received, in their order.

No person shall be employed as a reporter for the House of Representatives without the approval of the Speaker.-R. S.,

sec. 54.

On the 3d March, 1873, the following preamble and resolution were agreed to, viz:

Whereas the present contract for publication of the debates expires with this session; and whereas the sundry civil appropriation bill, about to become a law, provides that until a new contract be made the debates shall be printed by the Congressional Printer, but makes no provision for reporting, leaving each House to adopt such arrangements on that subject as it may deem best: Therefore,

Resolved, That the report of the House proceedings and debates shall be furnished to the Congressional Printer by the present corps of Globe reporters, who shall hereafter, until otherwise ordered, be officers of the House, under the direction of the Speaker, who shall receive the same compensation now allowed to the official reporters of committees.-Journal, 3, 42, pp. 582, 583.

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