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They sometimes call you by that bad name, but I didn't know that you called yourself so,' laughing most enchantingly.

'No, but the devil is with me; don't you see him bowing to you? I've brought him to see you, as you are one of his servants one of his best and prettiest ones, too. She serves you well,' (turning to the supposed devil.) 'She has turned the heads of all the young men for many a year, so that they wont listen to the good things parson Jones has to say to them.'

'Psha! Charles.'

'Why, it's so. And she is just the cleverest coquette that ever was; a half a dozen bewitched after her all the time; having offers every week and rejecting them all-but in that way that they all come back again. She has the very witchery of the devil about her, and so I've brought you to see her.'

'What do you mean, Charles?

'I mean as I say; and that can't be said of you, Katy, always.'

Katy had so uniform a habit of good-nature, that she had no idea of being angry; and besides, her vanity was gratified by the acknowledgement of her power of fascination. People never like to be called fools; but they are not apt to be so much troubled by the charge of being wicked, provided there come with it a sufficient tribute to their wisdom.

Another of the fair ones whom he honored with a call, did not give him quite so welcome a reception. Fanny Gilmore had been at a particular age for a long time; but as she had a pretty face, and was rather witty, she was very agreeable, though she was guilty of a vast deal of gossip and slander, often of no very mild type. She occasioned considerable mischief in this way, and was therefore not to be passed by in the attentions of the prime mover of all mischief. In introducing him to her, Charles remarked that she was a very important personage in his ranks — for you know, Mr. Devil,' said he, that any one that can, every once in a while, set whole neighborhoods by the ears, does you a very essential service.' And he went on with more of the same, till Miss Fanny's face became so suffused, at first with blushes, and at length with the flush of rage, that her wrinkles were all obliterated. She called out for her testy brother to turn Charles out of the house. He, however, did not wait for this, but made off at once, saying, The devil and I never stay where our company is not wanted; so don't you slander us so much as to report either of us as among your suitors, Fanny.'

Charles called, too, on a family of seven maiden sisters, who had been kept from matrimony (which they nevertheless denied) by just having too much of the same qualities that distinguished Miss Fanny. This,' said he, is the temple of slander, and these are the priestesses that minister at her altars.' His call here was

a short one, for he said, as he came out, 'the devil himself could not stand such a female chorus.'

Towards night, the devil became less indulgent to his victim, and though most of the time they seemed to be on pretty good terms, Charles would every now and then appear as if he was suffering from the most horrible terror. He had one of his paroxysms of fear as he passed parson Jones's house, and he ran in trembling, and said to the parson, Show me, quick, quick, the the text that says, resist the devil and he will flee from you,' for there's a legion after me!'

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It was just at night that I visited him as a patient. He had by that time become so extremely wild and was so much exhausted, that he had a very haggard and frightful appearance. He sat at the window. Doctor,' said he, 'see that devil see him! see

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him! how he chases the sheep up that hill! I hope he 'll enter them. No! no! There he comes!' and in an instant this naturally noble and fearless man was crouching at the farther side of the room the most marked picture of affright I ever saw. In a moment more, however, he was perfectly composed, and cracked his jokes with the utmost familiarity with the devil, for whom he had provided, with an air of exquisite politeness, the great arm-chair of his good grandmother. He introduced me to the prince of the infernal court of hell, as he styled him, and guided my hand actually to the spot where he saw the hand of the devil. In doing this, he said, with a most unearthly mixture of laugh and grin, My friend, the doctor, is none of your quacks; he caters for you most scientifically.'

When I called to see my patient the next Monday, I found that he had been running about the house all night, chased, as he thought, by this devil, accompanied sometimes by a whole troop of other devils. While in his visions he saw cats, rats, birds, &c. as is usual in this disease, the original vision predominated over all the rest. At one time his terror amounted to agony. He imagined that a multitude of devils were pursuing him, with their feet shod with skulls. There they come! there they come!don't you hear that clatter, clatter,' he would say to his attendants, and then struggle, with desperation, to make his escape. He was continually calling for his wife, who was absent on a visit a few miles distant, and insisted upon it that she could drive these devils off. I determined to make use of this impression, as I had known some cases of delirium tremens to be cured suddenly in a singular manner. I called to mind one case particularly, of a patient who, after chasing rats, devils, &c., for two days and nights, called all the family together to prayers. took down the great family bible, read most vociferously two or three long chapters, and then said, Mr. A., will you pray?' I gave him the wink, and we kneeled down. When the prayer


was done, the patient arose a sane man. With this case in my mind, I sent for Charles's wife, taking care to see her myself before she reached home, to give her instructions how to proceed. She was a woman of commanding appearance and of great firmness of mind, so that she was well calculated to carry through the exorcising part that she was now to act. He was in the midst of one of his fits of terror when he saw her approach the house. In the twinkling of an eye, his countenance was lit up with the brightness of hope. Jane, come! come!' cried he, drive away this devil that 's tormenting me. As you love me, do, do !' Begone! begone!' said she, with a tone of unshaken and confident firmness, and with a look and attitude of the most stern command.

There he goes-he's gone! he's gone! cried he, running with joy to her embrace.


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Oh, he 's gone!' His visions did not MEDICUS.



Он, a stern leader art thou, on the path
Of life, Ambition! dark thy trampling feet,
And strict the eager grasp that hurries on
Thy hapless votary, while o'er his form,
Gloomy and chill, thy back-cast shadow falls!

'Tis sweet, from such sad guidance newly 'scaped,
Far from the scoffing strife, the evil eye

Of rivals, and the mean servilities

That wait on bright success and sicken us

Of Fortune- far away to stray alone

On Mercy's simple errand. Prove the bliss,

To-day, keen youth! Unbend thine eager gaze!

All passionate aims and subtilties forget!

Off with thy weary mask of cold, cold smiles,

And be a boy again! Give thy young heart

A holiday, and let it marshall thee

Straight to the poor man's door. Hast entered in?
Hast bowed thy gracious head and entered in?
Ah, was it not a light and happy step,

That took thee, without thought of self, or aught
But pure good-will, that humble threshold o'er?
Wilt tarry with this wretched folk awhile,
And comfort them? Never, alack! can they
Requite thee. Wilt thou still keep holiday
With open hand and doing of good deeds,
Expecting naught again? Oh, thou art wise!
Gentle and wise! Thy golden deeds reward
Themselves. Lo! thou art calling smiles to lips
Whose few smiles know no prompter but the heart,
And tears of joy to eyes, where other tears
Have made their home! The sufferer relieved,
Murmurs plain thanks, and names thee piously

On that cheered hearth, where prayer had died with hope.

Oh, from such brimming bliss, be not lured back
To the self-seeker's vain and hungry joys-
His shining idols and his tyrant gods!
Foul are the uncouth ways they drive him o'er !
Rescue thy fair hand from their bruising gripe!
Nor Mammon's sordid touch, nor the hot haste
Of strenuous idleness, endure and where
Yon waving crimson flouts the saddened sky,
And Glory beckons, shun his blood-drenched steps -
Deaf to his trump, blind to his charming gaze!
The amorous arm, that clings about thy neck,
Untwine, fair youth, and flee the languid kiss!
Oh, breathe no more the cold and sick-sweet air
Of syren Pleasure! All the False of life
Abjure! Forth! forth! and on the mountains, boy,
Beautiful be thy joy-betiding feet!

There, on great Nature's love-fraught bosom leaning,
Cool thou thy throbbing head and warm thy heart!
Into the Heaven of Her blue-beaming eye
Look child-like up, receive a mother's kiss,
And learn true love, and loving truth, of Her.





October 13. I have spent the day in visiting ancient Rome. Setting out early in the morning, with two companions, we went first to the forum. It is astonishing how this ground has been filled up with earth: the arc of Septimus Severus, which stands near the Capitoline hill, is at least half buried; and in order that it may be seen, the ground has been carried away for a space of several feet around it, so that it appears to stand in a cellar. The surface of the ancient forum being nearly twenty feet lower than at present. In order, therefore, to bring the whole of these ancient monuments to light, it has been necessary to make large excavations in every part of the forum, which now resembles more a brick-kiln than anything else, being full of great pits dug in the sand. Along the north side is a shady avenue; but, upon the field itself, there is no sign of vegetation. A few columns, standing here and there, of vast size and exquisite proportions, indicate the site of the ancient temples. The place is pointed out where the temple of Concord was; but there are now no remains of it. Indeed, of all the temples which surround the forum, I do not think anything more remains than thirty or forty columns. But the whole ground about it is covered with ruins. On the right hand of the sacred way, are the ruins of the palace of the emperor Domitian, on the left of the temple of Augustus and Faustina, consisting of a beautiful portico, with some portion of the ancient wall; farther on, are three immense arches, a part of the temple of Remus ; and passing through the triumphal arch of Titus, you have still on the left the extensive remains of the temple of Venus and Rome, consisting principally of broken walls; part of the cella remains, however, with a richly fretted semi-dome, that was probably inlaid at one time, with plates of bronze and silver. We then wound round a hill near the Coliseum, and went to the church of St. Pietro in vinculis a small building, interesting chiefly for twenty marble Doric columns, (taken from the baths of Dioclesian) and the famous statue of Moses, by Michelangelo. This represents the patriarch sitting and holding the tables in his right hand and resting them on his knee. His robes are long, flowing and graceful; the countenance, which is turned to the left slightly, is full of fire and energy; the head and face bear strongly the Jewish traits; the statue is colossal; the arms and legs, which are partly bare, are very fine, and the whole is filled with dignity and inspires awe. In the same church are preserved the chains with which St. Peter was bound in Jerusalem and at Rome; but we were not

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