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in which the emperor had reached the inn, that in case of necessity he might be regarded, insulted, or murdered for him.

Napoleon, who now pretended to be an Austrian colonel, dressed himself in the uniform of general Koller, with the order of Theresa, wore my camp cap, and cast over his shoulders general Schuwaloff's mantle. After the allies had thus equipped him, the carriages drove up, and we were obliged to march to them through the other rooms of the inn in a certain order, which had been previously tried in our own chamber. The procession was headed by general Drouet: then came as emperor general Schuwaloff's adjutant; upon this general Koller, the emperor, general Schuwaloff, and lastly myself, to whom the honour of forming the rear guard was assigned. The remainder of the imperial suite united themselves with us as we passed by, and thus we walked through the gaping multitade, who vainly endeavoured to distinguish their tyrant amongst us. Schuwaloff's adjutant, major Olewieff, placed himself in Napoleon's carriage, and the latter sat beside general Koller in his caleche. A few gens d'armes who had arrived from Aix scattered the rabble, and the procession now proceeded happily forwards. Whenever we appeared, we still found people who saluted their former ruler with "Vive le Roi!"* and some terins of abuse against himself; but nothing like violence was attempted. Still however he was constantly in alarm. He not only remained in general Koller's caleche, but even begged he would allow the servant to smoke who sat before, and asked the general himself if he could sing! in order that he might dissipate, through such familiar conduct, any suspicion in the places where we stopped, that the emperor sat with him in the carriage. As the general could not sing, Napoleon begged him to whistle; and with this singular music we made our entry into every place; whilst the empe ror, fumigated with the incense of the tobacco-pipe, pressed himself into the corner of the caleche and pretended to be fast asleep. On the open road he renewed the conversation. He spoke freely of a plan which he till now had entertained, of deposing the present king of Naples and restoring the legitimate dynasty; of indemnifying the king of Sardinia for that island in Italy, and obtaining Sardinia as a future establishment for himself. This, however, he said he no longer wished for; to him every thing which could happen in the political world would be perfectly indifferent, and he felt himself extremely happy in anticipating the solitary and tranquil life he should lead in Porto Ferrajo, in full enjoyment of the sciences, Yes!

* Long live the king.

the throne of Europe might now be boldly offered him, for he should reject it. He added, "Je n'ai jamais estime les hommes, et les ai toujours traites comme ils le meritent; mais cependant les procedes des Français envers moi sont d'une si grande ingratitude que je suis entierement degoute de l'ambition de vouloir gouverner."*

In Maximin he breakfasted with us, and having learnt that the sub-prefect of Aix was there, he ordered him into his presence, and received him with these words: "Vous devez rougir de me voir en uniforme Autrichien, que j'ai du prendre pour me mettre a l'abri des Provenceaux. J'arrivais avec pleine confiance au milieu de vous, tandis que j'aurai pu ammener avec moi 6000 hommes de ma garde, et je ne trouve qu'un tas d'enrages, qui mettent ma vie en danger. C'est une mechante race que les Provenceaux, qui ont commis toutes sortes d'horreurs et de crimes dans la revolution, et qui sont touts prets a recommencer: mais quand il s'agit de se battre avec courage, alors ces sont de laches: jamais la Provence ne m'a fournit un seul regiment, dont j'aurais pu etre content. Mais tout-autant qu'ils paraissent aujourdhui contre moi, ils le seront peut-etre demain contre Louis XVIII; ils croyent qu'ils n'auront plus rien a payer, et quand ils verront que les contributions ne changeront que de nom, ils seront tout aussi enclins a la revolution que dans l'anne 1790.-Vous n'avez donc pas pu contenir cette populace!"t

The prefect, who did not know if, and in what manner, he should excuse himself in our presence, only said, "Je suis tout confus, sire!" The emperor then asked him if the droits reunis were already taken off, and if the levee en masse would have encountered many difficulties here? The prefect assured him this could have been still less effected since he had not been able to bring together one half of the conscrip

I have never esteemed mankind, aud I have always treated then as they deserve. But the conduct of the French towards me is so full of ingratitude, that I am wholly disgusted with the ambition of governing.

You ought to blush at seeing me in an Austrian uniform, which I have been obliged to assume to protect me against the Provengals. I came among you with full confidence, while I might have brought with me 6000 men of my guard; and I find only a frantic rabble who put my life in danger. They are a wicked race, these Provençals; they have committed all sorts of horrors and crimes in the revolution, and are now quite ready to begin again: but when there is question of fighting with courage, then they are paltroons. Never has Provence furnished me with a single regiment that I had reason to be satisfied with. But just as they appear against me to-day, they will be perhaps to-morrow against Louis XVIII. They think they will have no more taxes to pay, but when they will find that the contributions will only have changed their name, they will be as prone to revolution as in the year 1790.-You have not then been able to res strain this populace!

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tion. Napoleon now renewed his abuse of the Provençals in the most inconsiderate manner, and dismissed the prefect.

To us he again spoke of Louis XVIII, and said he would never effect any thing with the French nation if he treated them with too much forbearance. He would from necessity be obliged to lay large imposts upon them, and hence cause himself to be immediately hated. He likewise told us that "eighteen years before he had marched through this place with some thousand men, to liberate two royalists who were to have been executed for wearing the white cockade. In spite, however, of the fury of the populace with which he had had to contend, he fortunately saved them, and to-day (he continued) would that man be murdered by this same populace who should refuse to wear a white cockade-so contradictory and vacillating are they in every thing they do." Having learnt that two squadrons of Austrian hussars were stationed at Luc, an order was sent at his request to the commanders, to await our arrival there, in order to escort the emperor to Frejus. This tranquillized him extremely. Still however he retained his rigid incognito, and was quite rejoiced at general Koller's being taken for the emperor in a conversation he held with a French officer, a native of Corsica. Koller was obliged to put various questions to him, which Napoleon whispered in his ear, and which led the officer to conclude it must be the emperor who spoke with him, since no Austrian general could have such an intimate knowledge of Corsica. As Napoleon observed this, he begged the general would on no account undeceive him. Shortly after mid-day we reached a country house in the neighbourhood of Luc, belonging to the legislator Charles, where the princess Pauline Borghese, the emperor's sister, was residing. We understood she was exceedingly shocked at seeing her brother in his disguise; but immediately determined upon accompanying him to Elba. Upon receiving intelligence a few days before of the recent extraordinary events, she would at first on no account credit them; and at last convinced of their truth, she inquired, "Mais en ce cas mon frere est mort?"* Being assured that on the contrary he had signed his abdication, that he had obtained a pension for himself, and was already on his way to Elba, she exclaimed, "Comment, il a pu survivre a tout cela? C'est la la plus mauvaise des nouvelles que vous venez de me donner."† She then sank down in hysteric fits, which were much more

But in that case my brother is dead?

↑ How, he has been able to survive all that? This is the worst part of the news you have given me.

severe than usual. Her interview with her brother to-day had also much injured her; but notwithstanding this, she set off the same evening for Nuits, from whence she had but two miles to travel on the following day to Frejus. Previous to her departure she sent us an invitation to wait upon her. We were presented by general Bertrand. She conversed with us with that grace so peculiar to her, and said she hoped to have the pleasure of seeing us again the next day in Frejus..

We left this on the morning of the 27th, and arrived at Frejus early. The Austrian troops who had escorted us hither remained here, and did the duty of the place till the emperor's departure. From the moment Napoleon saw himself in safety from the Austrian escort, he again resumed his uniform, and sat in his own carriage. In Luc he likewise found his other carriage which had gone on before from Briare, and had arrived here a day before us. They had passed through Avignon on Sunday the 24th of April, and had only saved themselves from the danger of being maltreated by the mob, and seeing the carriage plundered, by taking from the latter, as well as their own clothes, every mark of the imperial eagle and name, sticking up a multitude of white cockades and lilies, scattering handsful of money among the populace, and crying, "Vive le Roi! Vive Louis XVHI! a bas l'empereur! a bas Nicholas!"* They had likewise found means of communicating this scene to their master, so that he was already informed of what awaited him prior to his arrival in Avignon.

In Luc several persons in the Emperor's service quitted him, and it was probably one of these who in the night of the 28th stole a chest, containing 60,000 francs, from the maitre d'hotel, with which the expenses of the journey were to be discharged.

In Frejus we found colonel Campbell, who had brought round from Marseilles the Undaunted, an English frigate, commanded by captain Usher, for the purpose of escorting our distinguished companion, and securing his ship from any attack. In pursuance of the treaty this latter was to have been a corvette, and it was now discovered that the French government had only sent a brig, (L'Inconstant) which was to receive their deposed ruler, and remain his property. A French frigate in addition was destined as escort. Napoleon was extremely displeased at receiving a brig instead of a corvette, and we not unwillingly saw that he had formed the determination of shipping himself on board of the English frigate, and

* Long live the king! long live Louis XVHI! down with the emperor! down with Nicholas!

making no use of the brig. He said, "Si le gouvernement eut scu ce qu'il se doit a lui meme et a celui qui a ete son chef, il lui aurait envoye un batiment a trois ponts, et non pas un vieux Brick pourri, a bord duquel il serait au dessous de ma dignite de monter."* The captain of the French frigate, offended at the emperor's disdain, sailed with his ship and the brig back again to Toulon, and the emperor now invited us commissaries, count Klamm, and captain Usher to dinner. Here again he was all the emperor. He conversed for the most part with captain Usher, and as the latter understood but little French, Campbell was obliged to officiate as interpreter. He told us with singular frankness, the plans he had still contemplated of aggrandizing France at our expense; how he intended to have made Hamburgh a second Antwerp, and to have remodelled the harbour of Cuxhaven, in a similar manner to that of Cherbourg, &c. He even communicated to us what was hitherto completely unknown; the Elbe had precisely the same depth with the Scheldt, and like this was completely adapted for laying a road at its embouchure. He had already prepared a project for introducing into his empire a particular conscription for his marine, in the same manner as for his land forces. Had it not been for the misfortunes he had encountered by land, every means had stood at his command for the execution of this great plan, and within two years, with such enormous powers at his command, he could not have failed in reducing England, for against her alone had all his previous efforts been directed. He could now speak of these plans, since his present situation rendered the execution of them totally impossible. In his zeal he became so animated that he spoke of his fleet in Toulon, Brest, and Antwerp; of his army in Hamburgh; of his mortars lying at Hieres with which he could cast bombs above three thousand paces; and of all as if they were yet his own.

After dinner he took leave of general Schuwaloff and me, thanked us for the personal services we had rendered him, and in general terms spoke of the French government with indignation and contempt. To general Koller in particular he complained of the wrongs he had experienced. They had left him only a single service of silver plate, only six dozen of shirts; had retained, contrary to the agreement, the remainder of his plate and linen; had acted precisely in the same manner with regard to a quantity of furniture, which he had purchas

If the government had known what was due to itself and to him who has been its chief, it would have sent him a three-decker, and not a rotten old brig. on board of which it would be beneath my dignity to go.

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