Abbildungen der Seite

to a relation of his wife's: it was there that he was comprised in the ordinance of the 24th of July; he was arrested on the 5th of August.

An officer of the gendarmerie (M. Jaumard), in whose custody he was placed, was charged to conduct him to Paris.

Before the journey, the marshal gave his word of honour to the officer not to make any attempt to escape. This officer had formerly served under the orders of the marshal, and he thought fit to rely on the word of his former general. He had no reason to repent of his confidence.

Between Moulieur and Aurillac, marshal Ney and his conductor stopped in a village to take some refreshment and repose. After the repast, a public functionary of the neighbourhood came to inform the officer of gendarmerie, that at some distance thence he would find on the road persons posted, who had formed a plan to carry off the marshal. The latter was in the same room where this communication took place; some words that he heard gave him an easy insight into the subject of the conversation; he advanced and said to the officer, "captain, I shall merely remind you that I have given you my word of honour to go with you to Paris; if, contrary to my expectation and to all probability, an attempt is made to carry me off, I shall demand arms of you to oppose it, and to fulfil to the end the sacred promise which I have made to you."

The travellers continued their journey, and no attempt was made to carry off the marshal.

Arrived within four leagues of Paris, marshal Ney found in an inn his lady, who had come to meet him in a hired chaise. They had a conversation together of two hours, at the end of which the marshal told the captain that he was ready to go on: some tears flowed from his eyes. "Do not be surprised," said he to the officer, "if I have not been able to restrain my tears. It is not for myself I weep, but for the fate of my children; when my children are concerned I am no longer master of my sorrow."

The marshal and his wife entered the carriage, and the officer of the gendarmerie placed himself in it.


It was thus they arrived at Paris, August 19th. having passed several streets of the capital, the coach arrived at the end of the street de Sevres; the officer of gendarmerie alighted to seek another vehicle, at sixty or eighty paces distant.

The marshal bade adieu to his wife, ascended the second fiacre, and alighted in the military prison of the Abbaye.



Some days after, he was transferred to the Conciergerie; he remained there till the moment when, being brought before the court of Peers, his fate was decided by its decree of December 6, 1915.


[From the European Magazine.]

CHARLES FERDINAND, the father, was one of the most amiable and dignified princes of his time. He was the particular favourite of Frederick the Second. He displayed the greatest valour in the field during the seven years' war, when, by his daringness and skill, he often gained important actions with very small means. His fine figure, his wit, and discreet observance of circumstances, distinguished him above all the German princes of his time.

He succeeded to the government of a country of no great extent, oppressed with court expenditure and debts. He dedicated himself at the same time to the Prussian army; and he took part, also, in the politics of Prussia. His merit, however, as a wise ruler of his own paternal dominions is least known. Here he was inimitable.

It was remarkable, that in his own state he should have refused to indulge his fondness for a numerous and brilliant army: of all the lesser princes he maintained the fewest troops. The care nearest his heart was to lighten in every way the burdens of his people. The expensive opera was abolished, the court establishment placed on the simplest footing, intriguing favourites banished, and order and economy introduced in the right place. The duke inquired minutely into every thing-he was always accessible to the distressed-he had a singular memory, and knew the history of a very great number of his subjects. He willingly conversed with his people: he sought opportunities of allowing the lower orders to communicate with him; all were known to him, but he left every man at full liberty in his operations; for, very different from so many other petty princes, he never attempted to intermeddle in affairs which ought always to be left perfectly free. The state debts were soon honestly discharged, the prosperity of his state increased; the taxes, which rose in all the other states, were (a singular fact in all times) actually diminished in his. His memory is held among all classes of Brunswickers, in

the highest affection. In every village of the country he is thesubject on which the people fondly dwell.

Frederick William, the son of Charles Ferdinand, distinguished himself in two events, in the last of which he fell with glory.

When the dependence of Europe was sealed by the peace of 1809, the duke of Brunswick was on the Bohemian frontiers, in the middle of subjugated Germany. Disdaining, though it was in his power, to remain subject to the enemy, he undertook the passage which seemed hardly possible, through a number of hostile bands, every one of which was superior to his own, till he reached the sea, on which he did not possess a single boat. The adventure became a great achievement, from the prodigious efforts made, and the valour displayed in so many rencounters, the skill in countermarching to escape. the dexterity in obtaining vessels, and the good fortune with which so difficult an undertaking was crowned.

The evening before his death, the duke of Brunswick and lord Wellington were at a ball at Brussels. The duke, whose whole mind was occupied by the awfulness of the crisis, was often absent-he listened and heard a distant cannonading. He communicated the circumstance, and expressed himself afraid of a surprise. Wellington did not entertain any such belief, but thought that it was a salutation on the arrival of the king of Prussia at his army. Brunswick repeated his apprehensions several times. He requested urgently to be permit ted to march out immediately with a corps, by way of guarding against danger. This was conceded, and he was allowed to take with him his Brunswickers and 2000 Saxons. He immediately began his march, a considerable time before midnight, allowed his troops to rest and march by turns, and advanced four German miles. He fell in all at once with a very large army of French destined to fall on Wellington. He had the good fortune to transmit immediate intelligence to Wellington, who availed himself of the precious hours. The devoted valour with which the duke and his warriors for eight long hours occupied the French, to allow time for the assembling together of the army-the obstinacy with which he threw himself with his small and wearied band in the way of the hostile army-the loss of nearly three thousand men on the part of the Brunswickers-the two severe wounds which the duke allowed to be bound up, and the three slighter wounds which he disregarded-his never leaving the fight, but advancing always again to the front, and though enfeebled at last from loss of blood, his calling out perpetually to his people to

fight for their country, till a new wound laid his breast open, and stretched him on the field:-these circumstances will always constitute one of the proudest subjects of history.Honour to the sacred ashes of the son of Henry the Lion.

In the character of the duke, the military inclination predominated. The number of troops which he maintained and seemed to wish to continue, was much too great for a country of a quarter of a million of inhabitants; though in this new and unexpected danger the circumstance has been particularly useful. From the ardent disposition of the duke, his precipitate zeal, and his want of proper knowledge of civil affairs, he allowed himself at first to be influenced by persons whose measures, if they had not at length been put a stop to, were in a fair way of depriving him of the love of his subjects. When the duke found his mistake, he listened to wiser counsel, and things were every day taking a better train, when he was called to act a part in the late events.

A Translation of a Greek Inscription, erected to the honour of Crato, 150 years before Christ.

[From the Monthly Magazine.]

In the time of Statyrus, the priest, and Nicoletes, president of the games, and priest of king Eumenes, an order made by the society of the artists of Bacchus, in Ionia and the Hellespont, and those under the protection of Bacchus,

Whereas Crato, the son Zotychus, a beneficent musician, hath formerly made it his whole study and care to promote the common advantage of the society, and being deservedly honoured for his benefactions, still distinguishes himself by his benevolence and friendship to the artists, striving in all things to advance their interest; it hath pleased the society of the artists of Bacchus to join in commendation of Crato, the son of Zotychus, a beneficent musician, because he constantly preserves the same generous disposition to all the artists; and, besides the honours already conferred upon him, to appoint also the proclamation of a crown, as the law prescribes, which the president of the games, and priest of king Eumenes shall perform upon the festival of king Eumenes, whenever the procession shall pass by, and the rights of coronation are celebrated; and likewise, that the declaration of the crown be made on the same day by the magistrates, at their feast, after the libation; and that, at the shows and procession, a tripod

and censer be placed in the theatre, near the statue of Crató, and that the president of the games, and priest of king Eumenes, for the time being, constantly every year take care of the incense.

An Order of the Society of Artists.

Whereas Crato, the son of Zotychus, a Chalcedonian musician, continues his benevolence and generosity to the society of artists, and both by words and deeds is continually promoting their interest; and having been formerly chosen priest, showed the greatest care in performing all the sacrifices with reverence to the gods and kings, and well and honourably with regard to his fellow-artists, sparing no expense nor pains; and being since made president of the games, hath faithfully discharged that office, and by observing the laws, left an example ever memorable to those who come after him. To the end, therefore, that the society of artists may at all times testify their honour to those who are of their society, it has pleased the society of artists to crown Crato, the Chalcedonian, the son of Zotychus, so long as he shall live; and that, in the common-feast of the fellow-artists, and in the theatre, the crier shall make the following proclamation:-The society of artists crowns Crato, the son of Zotychus, the Chalcedonian, as the law prescribes, for the benevolent disposition he continues to express towards his fellow-artists; and that the magistrates, who are annually chosen, take care this proclamation of the crown be accordingly made; and, to manifest the gratitude of the society of artists for ever to all others, that this decree be inscribed on a stone pillar, and set up near the temple of Bacchus, in the most conspicuous place; and his statue, at full length, be placed in the temple of Bacchus, with this inscription-The society of artists crowns Crato, the Chalcedonian, the son of Zotychus, for his goodness and benevolence towards them.

An Order of the Artists in the Isthmus and Nemea.

Whereas Crato, the son of Zotychus, a general musi cian of Pergamus, hath formerly done many great services, as well in particular to those with whom he was conversant, &c.


[From the Monthly Magazine.]

THIS celebrated poet lived towards the close of the fourteenth century. He was the author of three hundred tales

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