Abbildungen der Seite

Marriott, Moore, Mounts, Parker, Pond, Richards, Saltzgaber, Strong, Sullivan, Tyler, Van Cleaf, Wilkins of Fulton, and Wilkins of Tuscarawas--26.

Those who voted in the negative were

Messrs. Entrekin, Hitchcock, and Sinks-3.

So the bill passed. The title was agreed to.

H. B. No. 292: To provide for refunding the State debt of Ohio-was read the third time, and further consideration postponed until 3 o'clock p.m.

The following bills were introduced and read the first time:

S. B. No 309-Mr. Harper: To authorize the commissioners of Knox county to transfer funds from the tax on dogs to the Knox County Agricultural Society.

S B. No. 310-Mr. Kirby of Hamilton: To authorize the county commissioners of Hamilton county to levy a tax for the opening, grading and completing of an avenue known as Glenway west.

On motion of Mr. Hartshorn, the Senate took a recess.


By leave of the Senate, Mr. Hitchcock withdrew his motion to refer H. B. No. 292 to a select committee of one.

Mr. Hitchcock moved to refer said bill (H. B. No. 292) to a select committee of one, with instructions to amend as follows: In section 2, lines 2 and 4, strike out the words " Which was agreed to.



The President appointed Mr. Hitchcock such committee, who reported the bill back, amended as instructed.

Mr. Hitchcock moved to refer said bill (H. B No. 292) to a select committee of one, with instructions to amend as follows:

In section 3, line 2, strike out the words "or certificates."

Which was agreed to.

The President appointed Mr. Hitchcock such committee, who reported the bill back, amended as instructed.

The question then being "Shall the bill pass?" the yeas and nays were ordered taken, and resulted, yeas 25, nays none, as follows:

Those who voted in the affirmative were

Messrs. Beebe, Beer, Carlisle, Carran, Cline, Eggleston, Fleischmann, Harper, Hartshorn, Horr, Hollingsworth, Kelly, Kirby of Hamilton, Kirby of Wyandot, Moore, Mounts, Parker, Perkins. Richards, Saltzgaber, Sinks, Strong, Sullivan, Tyler, and Van Clea:-25.

So the bill passed. The title was agreed to.

Bills were read the second time, and referred as follows:

S. B No. 297: To amend sections 3033, 3034. 3035, 3036, 3307, 3038, 3039, 3046, 3071, 3075, 3078, 3081 and 3082 of the Revised Statutes of Ohio. To committee on Military Affairs.

S. B. No. 298: To authorize certain incorporated villages to construct machine shops, and to issue bonds therefor.

Said bill was ordered to be engrossed and read the third time to-mor


Mr. Strong submitted the following report:

The joint committee on Enrollment have examined, and found correctly enrolled, the following bills and joint resolutions :

H. J. R. No. 90: Relating to loaning battle-flags and standards to the Mexican Veteran War Association.

H. B. No. 51: To authorize the trustees of Poland township, Mahoning county, Ohio, to purchase the necessary grounds for a cemetery. H. B. No. 526: To authorize the board of education of Napoleon, Henry county, Ohio, to issue bonds for the red mpt on of other bonds.

H. B. No. 644: Reimbursing the sinking fund for moneys temporarily transferred to the general revenue and asylum funds.

H. B. No. 547: Making appropriation for the support of common schools.

H. J. R. No. 73: Relating to paying taxes on Virginia military lands.




Mr. President:

The Speaker of the House of Representaves has, in the presence of the House signed the following bill:

H. B No. 550: To provide for the i sue and payment of bonds by the county commissioners of Scioto county, Ohio, to meet and provide for a deficiency in the county current fund.


D. J. EDWARDS, Clerk.

The President of the Senate, in the presence of the Senate, signed said bill.


Mr. President:

The House of Representatives has indefinitely postponed the following bill:

S. B No. 125: To amend sections 709 and 710 of the Revised Statutes of Ohio. (R. S., pp. 332, 333.)


Mr. Tyler submitted the following report:

D. J. EDWARds, Clerk.

The committee on Finance, to whom was referred S. B. No. 294: To authorize the village of Ashland, Ashland county, Ohio, to borrow money to build a town hall-having had the same under consideration, report it back, and recommend its passage.

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Said bill was ordered to be engrossed, and read the third time to mor


Mr. Beer moved to reconsider the vote by which S. B. No. 274 was indefinitely postponed.

Which was agreed to.

On motion of Mr. Richards, said bill was referred to the committee on Jud ei ry.

Mr. Van Cleaf moved to reconsider the vote by Which S. B. No. 278

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O which motion the yeas and nays were demanded, taken, and resueves 16 mays 14, as ollows:

This who vod in the afli matize were—

Msors Bee. Br, Carr u, Cine, Egleston, Entrekin, Fleischmann, Ja k-on, Ky. K by o' Wy indot. Marioff, O'lgan S.1 zgier, Tyler, Vo. Cat, and Wilkins of Tasar wa-16.

Ts who voted in the re- tive wer› —

Mr. Cara 1, Cr, mer, Torer, Hot horn. I cheo k. Hollings. wp th, Krby of Hent, Moore, Parker, Perkins, Poni, Richards, Si: ks, and Suliven--11.

So the motion wag erd to.

Mr. Wickins moved o bill upon the table.

On which mothnt eye sad nays were deaa dd, taken, and resn't d T'f s 17, nass 11, as folows:

Those who vot din ta: fi mative were

MA -rs. Br, Care, Cline, E.g'os n, E'ok'n, Feldmann, IIır. por II yr, Jelson, K by, Kirby of Wyo got, Mirot, O`i gan, Dal.zgab, dyr, Vip C.ed, a „d W.kins of Ta era vas―.7.


was voted in the negative war -

M s Car, la, C eam er. Hetsaori Hithe ok, Ilingsworth, Kirby of Hmon, More, Parker,, P mi, Richards, Sinks, S rong, and Sdivan-14

Sotre mot on was agreed to.

On m'tion of Mr. Cara, the Senate adjurred.

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The House of Representatives has passed the following bill, in which the con urrence of the Senate is requested:

H. B. No. 698-House Judiciary Committee: To amend section 3470 of the Revised Statutes of Ohio.


Said bill was read the first time.

D. J. EDWARD3, Clerk.

Mr. Pond demanded a call of the Senate.

Le ve of absence was asked and granted Messrs. Carran and Fleisch


A call was then had, and the following Senators answer-d to their


Messrs. Bache, B, Carlisle. Cline, Creamer. Egglestor, II irper, Hitchcrck Horr, Hol ng-worth, Jack-on, K-lv. Kirby of II milton, Kirby of Wyn do', Mrriot, Moore, Mounts, O'Hag n, P rk r, Perkins, PIlard. Pond. R chuds, Sd zz.ber, S1 ks, Strong, Silivan, Tyler, Van Clef and Wikas of Tus r was-30.

Oa metin of Mr. Pod, further pr ceedings under the call were disIered wish.

M Pd moved that the constitutional rule requiring bil to he read on three different days le dispensed with, that said bill II. B. No. (93 may be rea: the second time by its t'the.

Og wife, moon the y a-a. d nays we to takon, ad res ed-ya 29, as follows:

nee who voted in the affirmative wer`-

M Is Bebe, B er, Ca'l sie, Cli e Cram", Eggleston Hryer. Hi'chcock I rr. Hot 128 for h. Ja ks), Ky K by f Hom on, Ki by of Wyan, lot, Marniet More Moun's, OH 'gen, Par Pkins, Po a.d, Pid, Ricards, Si, Stong, Salvan Tyl r. a. Van Cleat-28. Shem to ws are to, a da bad was read theend Ame ard to th committ Jadeiov.

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S B. No. 30: To amend sections 1260, 126, 1262 and 1263 of the ReVise St.fu es.

To en mies or Fees nd Saries,

S. B. No. 301: Frtarief of Thomas Myers, late treasurer of Amda towns, Firfield County, Ohio.

To a dec. committee of three, cous sting of Messrs. Carlisi›, Beer, ard Be b.

S. B. No. 22: To autho ize erti town-hies to purchase cert in real estate for raiboad purposes, to e istrut machine shops, and to is-ue bonds there or, and to authorize aditional axation to meet the principal

and inter st on s..d bonds

To corm tee on Railro ds, Turn ik s, and Telegraph.

S B. No. 303: To amend section 4176 of the Ravi-ed Statutcs.

To committee on Ditches and Drain-.

SBN 30: To provide for furnishing a series of read rs for the use of the common se' ools of the State.

To committee on S hools.

S. B. No. 305: T› amend section 6302 of the Revised Statutes.
To con mittee on Judiciary.

S. B. No. 206: Supplementary to the act, relating to cities of the first class having a population exceeding 150,(0) inhabitants, pas-ed May 4, 1869.

To a select committee of three, consisting of Messrs. Eggleston, Fleischmann, and Kirby of Hamilton.

S. B. No 307: To regulate the charges for sleeping and palace cars or coaches within the State of Ohio.

To committee on Municipal Corporations.

S. B. No. 305: To authorize the issue of bonds to supply certain de

ficiencies in cities of the first grade of the first class, and for other purposes.

To committee on Municipal Corporations.

Mr. Van Cleaf submitted the following report:

The committee on Revision has examined, and found correctly engrossed, S. B. No. 294 and S. B. No. 298.




S. B. No. 294: To authorize the village of Ashland, Ashland county, Ohio, to borrow money to build a town hall-was read the third time. The question being "Shall the bill pass?" the yeas and nays were ordered, taken, and resulted-yeas 29, nays none, as follows: Those who voted in the affirmative were

Messrs. Beebe, Beer, Carlisle, Cline, Eggleston, Harper, Hartshorn, Hitchcock, Horr, Hollingsworth, Jackson, Kelly, Kirby of Hamilton, Kirby of Wyandot, Marriott, Moore, Mounts, O'Hasan, Parker. Perkins, Pond. Richards, Saltzgaber, Sinks, Strong, Sullivan, Tyler, Van Cleaf, and Wilkins of Tuscar was-29.

So the bill passed. The title was agreed to.

S. B. No. 298: To authorize certain incorporated villages to construct machine shops, and to issue bonds therefor-was read the third time. The question being "Shall the bill pass?" the yeas and nays were ordered, taken, and resulted-yeas 25, nays 1, as follows:

Those who voted in the affirmative were

Messrs. Beebe, Beer, Carlisle, Cline. Creamer, Eggleston, Harper, Hartshorn, Horr. Hollingsworth, Jackson, K-lly, Kirby of Hamilton, Kirby of Wyandot, Marriott, Moore, Mounts, O'Hagan, Parker, Perkins, Saltzgaber, Sinks, Sullivan, Tyler, and Wilkins of Tuscarawas-25.

Mr. Hitchcock voted in the negative.

So the bill passed The title was agreed to.

The following bills were introduced, and read the first time:

S. B No. 311-Mr. Pond: More effectually to provide against the evils resulting from the traffic in intoxicating liquors.

S. B. No. 312-Mr. Van Cleaf: To amend section 715 of the Revised St.tutes.

Mr. Pond submitted the following report:

The committee on Judiciary, to whom was referred H. B. No. 553: To amend section 6836 of the Revised Statutes-having had the same under consideration, report it back, and recommend its passage.

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Said bill was ordered to be read the third time on next Wednesday. Mr. Pond submitted the following report:

The committee on Judiciary, to whom was referred H. B No. 698: To amend section 3470 of the Revised Statutes of Ohio-having had the same under consideration, report it back, and recommend its passage.

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