Abbildungen der Seite

Mr. More presented the petition of B. S. Bashore, and 98 other citizens of Da ke county, for the enactment of a law to prevent the killing and destruc ion of quail.

Which was referred to the committee on Fish Cultur› and Game.

Mr Pond presented the menor al of Th mas Shap and 56 other citi zens of Clarke cuity, asking for p sag of SB N 257.


W ich was refer ed o the committee on Fish Cu'ture and Game.
Bils were red the sec dt me, ant refords fllows:


S. B. N. 29. : To am nd section 4711 of the R vid Satutes of Ohio. To commute on Jad'eiary.

SB No. 292: To amend section 1435 of the Revised Satu'es of Oliɔ. To committee on Judiciary.

SB No. 293: To provide ages, the evils resalting from the traflic

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› con mi'tee on Sai tiry Lows and Regulations,

SB No. 291: To cat i riz t e village of Ashland, Ashland county, Ohio, to borrow mo ey to bu id a town hall.

To committee on Fu ancë.

H. B. No.85: Test li han agricultural exp riment station.

To en mi tre en Agriculture.

II. B. N. 55 ›: To mends ct on 6836 of the Rvise 1 Statutes.

To committ-e on Judic ary.

M. V. Clef sut mat de flowing report:

The committee on Reviin his examin d, and found corr etly en grossed, S. B. Nɔ. 282, S. B. No. 287, §. B. N. 97, a .d S.b. for U. B. No. 292.


II. B. No. 220: To prevent deficiencies in the S.ate offices-was read the thud time.

O mo ion of Mr. Hitchcock, said b 11 was lil upon the table.


H. B. No. 2 8: To amend section 5394 of the Revised Statutes-was read the third tim».

Mr Richards moved to lay said bill upon the table.

Which was disagreed to.

Mr. Wilkins of Tu-carawas demanded a call of the Senate.

A call of the Senate was had, and the following Senators answered to ther names:

Me-srs Beebe, Carlisle, Carran, Cline, Creamer, Eggleston. Harper, Hartshorn, Hitchcock, Ho r, Jaksen. K lly, Kirby of Hamilton, Kirby of Wyandot, Marriott, Moor, Mounts, O'Hagan, Puker Perkins, P rd, Richa ds. Saltzgabr, Strong, Sull van, Tyler, Van Cleaf, Wilkins of Fulton, and Wilkins of Tuscarawa―29.

Mr. Eggle-ton a-ked and obtained leave of absence for Mr. Beer. On motion of Mr. Wilkins of Tuscarawas, all further proceedings under the call were dispensed with.

The question then being "Shall the bill pass?" the yeas and nays were ordered, taken. ant resulted-yeas 18, nays 11, as follows: Those who voted in the affirmative were

Messrs. Beebe, Carlisle, Carran, Eggleston, Fleischmann, Harper, Hartshorn, Kirby of Wyandot, Marriott, Moore, O'Hagan, Pond, Richards, Sul

livan, Tyler, Van Cleaf, Wilkins of Fulton, and Wilkins of Tuscarawas18

Those who voted in the regative were

Mrs Cline, Creamer, I tel ecck, Horr, Jackson, Kelly, Mounts, Parker, Perkins, Sitzg ber, and Strong-11.

Sothebul was lost.

HB. No. 519: "oauthor ze the trustees of Paland township, Mahoning county, Ohio, to purcha e the necessary ground for a cemetery-was

reat the third time.

The question being "Shall the bill pas?" the yeas and nays were ordnd take, and resulted-r as 27, 1 ays none, as follows:

Teose who voted in the flinative were

Msis. Ble, Car sle Cline Crn.e", Eggleston Fleischmann, II r per, Hartston Hi cheek, Horr, Kliv, Kube of Innit n, Kirby of Wyandot, Moore, Moun s. O Hagan, Piker, Pkin, Pod. R chirds, Sitzzer, Song, Sulliv: n, Tyler, Van Cef, Wi kins of Fulton, and Wilkins 1 Tu-car.was-27.


So the bill P Sscu. The title was agreed to.

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Tie House of Representatives hes con cuned ir Serate amendments to II JR. No. 73: Concerning Virginia military lards in certain counties in Ohio.


D. J. EDWAD3, Clerk.


Mr. Pesident:

The House of Representatives has corcurred in the report of the committee of conference in matters of ciflerence be ween the two Houses on S. J. R. No. 50: To admit the children of David S. Devor into the Soldiers' and Sailors' Orphans' Home.


D. J. IDWALD3, Clerk.


Mr. Fresident:

The House of Representatives has concurred in the adeption of the following joint resolution:

S. J. R. No. 64: Relative to admitting Frank Gilmore into Athens Asylum for Insane-with the following amendments, in which the concurrence of the Senate is requested:

In line 8, after the word "insane," add the word "therefore."


D. J. EDWARDS, Clerk.

The question being on concurring in House amendments, the yeas and nays were ordered, taken, and resulted-yeas 26, nays none, as follows: Those who voted in the affirmative were

Messrs. Beebe, Carlisle, Curran, Cline, Creamer, Eggleston. Fleischmann, Harper, Hartshorn, Hitchcock, Horr, Kelly. Kirby of Hamilton, Kirby of Wyandot, Moore, O'Hagan, Perkins, Pond. Richards, Saltzgaber, Strong, Sullivan, Tyler, Van Cleaf, Wilkins of Fulton, and of Tuscarawa-26.

So said amendments were concurred in.


Mr. President:

The House of Representatives has concurred in the passage of the following bill:

S. B. No. 289: To authorize certain municipal corporations to construct machine shops, and issue bonds therefor.


D. J. EDWARDS, Clerk.

H. B. Ho. 520: To provide an additional sum to complete and further improve fair grounds for the use of county agricultural as ociationswas read the third time.

Mr. Kirby of Hamilton moved to refer said bill (H. B. No. 520) to a select committee of one, with instructions to amend as follows:

Strike out" $15,000," in line 7, and insert "$10,000" in lieu thereof. Which was agreed to.

The President appointed Mr. Kirby said committee, who reported the bill back, amended as instructed.

The question then being "Shall the bill pass?" the yeas and nays were ordered, taken, and resulted-yeas 29, nays 1, as follows:

Those who voted in the affirmative were

Messrs Beebe, Carlisle, Carran, Cline. Creamer, Eggleston, Fleischmann, Harper, Hartshorn, Hitchcock, Horr, Jackson, Kelly, Kirby of Hamilton, Kirby of Wyandot, Marriott, Moore, Mounts, O'Hagan, Perkins, Pond, Richards, Saltzgaber, Strong, Sullivan, Tyler, Van Cleaf, Wilkins of Fulton, and Wilkins of Tuscarawas-29.

Mr. Parker voted in the negative.

So the bill passed. The title was agreed to.


Mr. President:

The House of Representatives has adopted the following joint resolution, in which the concurrence of the Senate is requested :

H. J. R. No. 90-Mr. Sawyer: Providing for loaning battle-flags and standards to the Mexican War Veteran Association of Cincinnati, Ohio. D. J. EDWARDS, Clerk.


The question being on the adoption of said resolution, the yeas and nay's were ordered, taken, and resulted-yeas 27, nays none, as follows: Those who voted in the affirmative were

Messrs. Beebe, Carlisle, Carran, Cline, Creamer, Eggleston, Fleisch

mann, Harper, Hartshorn, Hitchoock, Horr, Kelly, Kirby of Hamilton, Kirby of Wyandot, Moore, Mounts, O'Hagan, Parker, Perkins, Richards, Saltzgaber, Strong, Sullivan, Tyler, Van Cleaf, Wilkins of Fulton, and Wilkins of Tuscarawas-27.

So the resolution was adopted.

H. B. No. 526: To authorize the board of education of Napoleon, Henry county, to issue bonds for the redemption of other bonds-was read the third time.

The question being "Shall the bill pass?" the yeas and nays were ordered, taken, and resulted-yeas 26, nays none, as follows: Those who voted in the affirmative were

Messrs. Beebe, Carlisle, Creamer, Eggleston, Entrekin, Fleischmann, Harper, Hartshorn, Hitchcock, Horr, Kelly, Kirby of Hamilton, Kirby of Wyandot, Marriott, Moore, Mounts, O'Hagan, Parker, Perkins, Richards, Saltzgaber, Strong, Sullivan, Van Cleaf, Wilkins of Fulton, and Wilkins of Tuscarawas-26.

So the bill passed. The title was agreed to.

H. B. No. 550: To provide for the issue and payment of bonds by the commissioners of Scioto county, Ohio, to meet and provide for a deficiency in the county current fund-was read the third time.

The question being "Shall the bill pass?" the yeas and nays were ordered, taken, and resulted-yeas 29, nays 1, as follows:

Those who voted in the affirmative were

Messrs. Beebe, Carlisle, Carran, Cline, Creamer, Eggleston, Entrekin, Fleischmann, Harper, Hartshorn, Horr, Kelly, Kirby of Hamilton, Kirby of Wyandot, Marriott, Moore, Mounts, O'Hagan, Parker, Perkins, Pond, Richards, Saltzgaber, Strong, Sullivan, Tyler, Van Cleaf, Wilkins of Fulton, and Wilkins of Tuscarawas-29.

Mr. Hitchcock voted in the negative.

So the bill passed. The title was agreed to.

H. B. No. 644: Reimbursing the sinking fund for moneys temporarily transferred to the general revenue and asylum funds-was read the third time.

The question being "Shall the bill pass ?" the yeas and nays were ordered, taken, and resulted-yeas 28, nays none, as follows:

Those who voted in the affirmative were

Messrs. Beebe, Carlisle, Carran, Cline, Creamer, Eggleston, Entrekin, Fleischmann, Harper, Hartshorn, Hitchcock, Horr, Kelly, Kirby of Hamilton, Kirby of Wyandot, Moore, Mounts, O'Hagan, Perkins, Pond, Richards, Saltzgaber, Strong, Sullivan, Tyler, Van Cleaf, Wilkins of Fulton, and Wilkins of Tuscarawas-28.

So the bill passed. The title was agreed to.

S. B. No. 67: Regulating the manufacture and sale of butter and cheese-was read the third time, and further consideration postponed until 3 o'clock p.m.

Mr. Carlisle moved that the Senate take a recess.

Which was disagreed to.

S. B. No. 273: Supplementary to the Revised Statutes of Ohio, title 2, chapter 1, and to provide for the creation and regulation of safe deposit and trust companies-was read the third time.

On motion of Mr. Carran, the Senate took a recess.


The pending question being SB N. 273

Mr. Pod moved to re er said bil (S. B. No. 27?) to a select com. mittee of one, wi h instructions to amend as follows:

Strike out all after the word "upon," in line 17, down to the word "such" in line 25.

Also strike out all after the word "from," in line 26, down to the word "c_rporation," in line 27.

Aleo, strike out the words "courts or any," at the beginning of line. 30.

Mr. Carran moved to refer said bill to the committee on Judiciary.
Which was agreed to.

S. B No. 67: Regulating the manufacture and sale of butter and cheese-being the special order for this tour, was tak n up.

Mr. Sullivan moved to meter said bill (SB No 67) to a select com. mittee of one, with instructions to ameid as fo lows:

In 1 ne 2, a ver the word "butter." strike o t the word "on."

And after the word on," in said line, in ert the word "oleomar. ge ine."

Wuch was disagreed to.

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The que tron being Shall the bill pass?" the yeas and nays were ordered. aken, and result d-year 21, nays 8, as follows:

Those who voted in the affirmative were

Messrs. Bebe, Beer, Carlisle, Carian, Cline, Eggleston, Hartshorn, II tcheck. Horr, Jac son. Kelly, Mounes, P rkins Pond Richards Saltzgabe, S.nks, Strong, Tyler, Wilkius of Fulton, and Wilkins of Tus.ara. Wa -21.

Those who voted in the negative were—

Messrs. Creamer Harper, Kirby of Hamilton, Marriott, Moore, O'Hagan, Sullivan, and V.n Cleat-8.

So the bill passed. The title was agreed to.

S. B. N. 277: To authorize and empower the village council of the incorporated village of Coshocton, in the county of Coshocton, Onto to tran-ier certain money from the police fund and right of way fund to the building fund and light fund in said village-was read the third time.

The question being "Shall the bill pass?" the yeas and nays were ordered, taken, and resulted-yeas 30, nays none, as follows:

Those who voted in the aflirmative were

Messrs. Beebe, Beer, Carlisl, Carran, Cline, Creamer, Eggleston, Fleischmann, Harper, Hartshorn, Hitchcock, Horr, Jackson, Kelly, Marriott, Mo e, Mounts, O'Higan. Park r, Perkins Pond, Richard, Sa tzg her, Sinks. Strong, Sulivan, Tyler, Van Cleaf, Wilkins of Fulton, an 1 Wilkins o Tuscarawas - ―30.

So the bill passed. The title was agreed to.

S. B. N. 282: To amend section 651 of the Revised Statutes-was read the third time.

Mr. Harper moved to refer said bill (S. B. No. 282) to a select commi tee of one, with instructions to amend as follows:

Strike out the word "four" in line 10.

Which was agreed to.

The President appointed Mr. Harper such committee, who reported the bill back amended as instructed.

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